Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Complicated ❯ Introductions ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho...damn.
Chapter One
Sakura Harata was not your normal Japanese girl. At first glance one may mistake her for a tourist from America. In fact her mother was American. Her name was Leigh Jameson and she was an American model. She had been visiting in Japan for a photo shoot when she had met Sakura's father, Hatori Harata. They had instantly fallen in love and gotten married on the spur of the moment. Leigh's schedule was a very hectic one and it almost tore the marriage apart. However Sakura changed all that. Leigh found herself pregnant not even a year after they had gotten married and had retired from her modeling career to become a stay at home mom. It was because of this that Leigh and Hatori's marriage survived.
Sakura was the mirror image of her mother. She had knee length honey blond hair that she kept pulled back in a half ponytail and tied with a small red bow. Her bangs hung delicately over her striking prussian blue eyes that sparkled with cerulean and swirled with silver gray. Her face was soft and heart shaped but her expression was always cruel and calculating. Her milky white skin had a natural tanned tone and looked silky to the touch. She stood at a full height of five foot eight and most of that was her legs, they seemed to go on for miles, especially in her red school uniform which consisted of a short red skirt, white button up shirt and tight red jacket. If anyone wore that uniform well it was Sakura Harata.
Sakura mostly kept to herself, she was the third smartest person in all of Meiou Academy, next only to her own classmates Yuu Kaito and the infamous Suuichi Minamino. She was a bit of a loner, choosing to spend her time reading rather than participating in any school activities, however much she was pressured to do so.
All three of them had their fields of expertise. Kaito was a genius in Literature and writing and Suuichi seemed to excel at math and science. Sakura's specialty was History and Technology. She knew almost everything there was to know about the past and surprisingly enough, the future. The technological advancements she made had given the school a very prestigious reputation.
Many seemed to have the notion that Meiou Academy was made to shovel out geniuses. It was perhaps only a small coincidence though as no one else in the school could even hope to measure up to their levels of intelligence. It was really quite sad.
Sakura had learned early on that beauty was not everything. She was often teased as a small girl for not fitting in. Many times she had come home with bruises and small scrapes because of the other children throwing rocks at her from behind trees and bushes, calling her freak and things of that nature. She had schooled herself at keeping her emotions inside, letting them all out in her martial arts training.
Her mother had vehemently disagreed that sending her five-year-old daughter off to be trained by some master was not a good idea but she had eventually given in to Hatori's demands and Sakura spent two and a half years in the mountains, training with her Master, a psychic by the name of Kurino.
It had not taken long for her Master to figure out that Sakura was no ordinary human. She had unknowingly tapped into her spirit energy not two months into her intense training. Kurino knew he would not be able to handle this child alone; she was only five years old and already harnessing her spirit energy. And so they traveled to the temple of the psychic Genkai. Under the combined training of Kurino and Genkai, Sakura had successfully completed her training in a little over two years time.
Genkai had taken on the task of teaching Sakura to harness and control her spirit energy while Kurino trained her in the physical capacity, teaching her the sacred art of kimoguri. By Sakura's seventh birthday she had already defeated her master in battle, signaling the completion of her training with Kurino. It was a tearful and heartfelt goodbye when Kurino left, however Sakura's training was not yet over.
Genkai did not feel that Sakura had fully taped into her true power and was determined to bring it out. She was not expecting the result she got. In the midst of an intense training session Genkai had gotten fed up with Sakura's lack of emotion in battle and had fired her spirit wave directly at the defenseless Sakura. In the desperation Sakura had released her entire store of Spirit energy, hoping to stop the blast however that move instated a remarkable chain of events. Instead of releasing her spirit energy at the approaching blast, Sakura released it on herself, not fully registering the consequences of such a maneuver.
The immense power that she emitted woke a part of her that had been asleep for many years and her body underwent a drastic change. Her shoulder length honey blond hair had faded into midnight black, reaching down to her ankles. Her piercing prussian eyes turned to indigo, slanting slightly like the eyes of a cat and they glared out mischievously from behind sharp looking onyx bangs. Her face became longer and two razor sharp fangs could vaguely be made out protruding from her mouth. Her ears had elongated, coming to a point at the end and almost resembling the ears of a bat.
The most striking thing about her transformation however was not to her face but to her body. She had grown to a full height of six foot nine and her body seemed flawless. Long shapely legs, slim hips, narrow waist, voluptuous breasts, snow-white skin, and long black fingernails, all as sharp as a razor. Large black bat stretched out from her back, expanding to a full length of at least five feet each. A large blood red pendant hung from her neck resting just at her cleavage.
The black dress she wore was extremely low cut and left almost nothing to the imagination. The collar was wide and swept up her long neck, flaring out and dipping low in a V shape. The sleeves were long and reached down to a point at her middle finger but a section in the shape of an oval was cut out of the top of each sleeve so that about half of her upper arm was showing. The dress was split at the hip and the underside was a deep blood red, revealing long shapely legs encased in tight gray leggings. Three silver buckles held her black ankle boots on her delicate feet. It was clear to see that this figure was anything but human. Standing in the place of that seven year old girl was now a beautiful demon woman.
The women managed to catch the blast aimed at her and hurl it into the air, away from the training field. She had chuckled at the shocked look on the old psychic's face. She then introduced herself as the demon thief Lady Kayura and had sighed to herself, looking off after the blast she had just sent into orbit. She looked a little disappointed and Genkai had asked her about it.
“You seem upset. It is not an easy feat deflecting a blast like that.” Kayura just sighed and shrugged, kicking a pebble with the pointed toe of her boot.
“I must be getting rusty. Eight years ago I would have sent that blast right back at you.” Sakura had smirked at the old psychic, enjoying the expressions crossing the psychic's features.
“To have that much power and experience you must be very old, may I ask just how old you are, demon thief?” A thoughtful look had crossed Kayura's face.
“Somewhere in the upper thousands, I lost count.” Genkai's eyes had widened slightly, she was in fact a very old demon. Kayura had yawned then, covering her mouth with her hand.
“Well old lady it's been fun, but I'm tired and I need my beauty sleep. See you in a couple of years…” and with that she was gone, shrinking down into the form of seven year old Sakura Harata. Another two months past with no appearances from the mysterious demon thief Kayura and Genkai had decided that Sakura's training with her had come to a close. It was another solemn goodbye as Sakura made her way back to normal life.
She had definitely taken her training with her and the next time a kid had thrown a rock at her she was certain to make sure it never happened again. She had caught the rock, crushing it into small pebbles in the palm of her hand. The children had been so frightened of her that they steered clear from that moment on. Eventually everyone came to admire Sakura for her knowledge of history and technology and she was finally accepted at her school.
Sakura eventually grew into herself. Hitting junior high she began to collect the attention of the boys in her class, which annoyed her to no end. She had absolutely no interest in any human male as they had next to nothing to offer her. None of them could hold a decent conversation with her and she was so obviously superior to them in strength. However, there was one that had caught her attention, although it just so happened that he had caught the attention of every other girl in the school as well. He was the only one that seemed to be as aloof as she was. It was almost perfect.
He had approached her on the first day of school, looking a bit apprehensive. She had noticed him watching her out of the corner of her eye all day and was just waiting for one of them to make a move. A long while ago Sakura had become aware of the waking presence in the back of her mind. Her and Kayura had become allies of the sort, sharing information for odd favors. It had been Kayura who had noticed it first.
`Dove, I think that boy is staring at you.' Dove was the nickname that Kayura used for her, it was pretty and Sakura didn't complain.
`Another hapless admirer.' She could feel Kayura hesitate and it intrigued her.
`No, this one is different, familiar. I feel as if I've met him somewhere before.' Sakura mentally rolled her eyes at the ridiculousness of the statement.
`You couldn't have bat girl he's a human.' Kayura smirked slightly.
`Like you're a human?' Sakura sighed inwardly and gave in to the demons game.
`Touché.' She felt Kayura pulling at her, obviously wanting to trade places.
`I wish to see him with my own eyes…' Sakura and Kayura had spent quite a bit of time mastering their transformations from one body to another. It had become fluid now and Sakura could take possession of Kayura's body, just as Kayura could take position of Sakura's body. Sakura let herself slip into the deep recesses of her subconscious where Kayura normally dwelled as Kayura took control of Sakura's body. Kayura immediately took in a whiff of air, inhaling the scent all around her. She caught a familiar scent buried beneath the air and sought it out. Her eyes came to rest on the lone boy sitting in the corner.
His long hair was cherry red and his eyes the deepest emerald green. He had very delicate features; almost feminine looking but there was also an air of masculinity about him. He was sitting to himself reading a book, seemingly completely oblivious to the world around him but Kayura knew better. She could tell this boy was a very calculating individual, calm and strategic, highly intelligent. He reminded her of someone she used to know; the memory brought a twinge of pain to her heart.
`Kayura, is something the matter?' She could easily feel Kayura's discomfort.
`Nothing to worry your pretty little head over Dove, just a memory.' Sakura sighed.
`You're thinking about him aren't you?' Kayura smiled innocently.
`What ever makes you think that?' Sakura's tone was laced with sadness.
`Every time I ask you what the matter is, you say it's just a memory and the only memories you dwell over are the ones of him, your mate.' Kayura had once let it slip about the mate she had back in her demon days. She was the sister of his best friend, which was how they met, through her brother Kuronue. But they had both died, her brother and her mate, and it pained Kayura deeply to think of either one of them.
`No fooling you, is there. I only hurt myself dwelling on them but they are the only things I have left of him. It pains me to think that I have survived and he has not. Tis the way of the world… but that scent, I know that scent…' Sakura could sense the apprehension in Kayura's voice and it sparked a little hope.
`You don't suppose…' If Kayura had managed to hide herself out in living world, why couldn't he? It was improbable, but not impossible.
`I can't, it would hurt too much if…' Kayura shied away, the memory's flooding her mind and causing her hold on Sakura's body to waver. Sakura grew bolder.
`If you don't then I will.' Kayura desperately clutched at her hold on the body but in her weakened state she was no match for Sakura and she resumed control of her body.
`You can't! Oh no, he's coming this way.' Sakura look over to see the object of their distress walking calmly over to her on the other side of the room. He sat down in the desk next to her, glancing up ever so often before turning away. Finally Sakura cleared her throat, causing the red head to raise his eyes to hers.
“Is there something that you wanted?” That came out a little harsher than she had wanted. The boy didn't look fazed as he continued to stare into her prussian orbs. She had to admit it was making her a bit uncomfortable. She felt like she was under intense scrutiny as his eyes steadily bore into hers. Finally he decided to speak.
“Have we met before?” Sakura sighed inwardly and schooled her expression into impassiveness.
“I don't believe so, why do you ask?” The boy's gaze never wavered; it was as if he knew something she didn't.
“You seem oddly familiar for some reason.” Sakura smirked she didn't get that everyday.
“Unexpected, I don't assume there are many girls around here that look like me, and I would think I would have remembered you.” The boy nodded his eyes remaining locked onto hers.
“You would think.” His eyes finally fell away from hers and she let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Against the protests of Kayura, she decided to go out on a limb.
“In fact, you seem a bit familiar yourself. Perhaps we knew each other in a past life.” The corners of his mouth turned in an amused smile. He rose from his chair and tossed her an amused glance.
“Perhaps.” He said and turned to walk back to his desk. She was sure of it now and so was Kayura, if he had caught onto that there was no one else he could be. Sakura fell back and let Kayura take over.
“A life that is not so past, tails.” The boy stopped in his tracks, his entire body tensing at that one little word. There was only one person who ever called him that. He turned slowly to look at the human girl, noticing the fresh tears stinging her now indigo eyes.
“Kayura?” She smiled a watery smile and stood, nodding slightly.
“Kurama. Been a while.” He just stood there, rooted to the spot, staring at her like he had just seen a ghost.
“A lifetime.” He managed out. Kayura smirked and stood from her desk, coming to stand directly in front of him.
“Oh now don't look at me like that, if anyone should be looking like they've seen a ghost it should be me. Aren't you supposed to be dead lover boy?” Kurama seemed to relax, falling from his tense position to one of a bit more confidence. Kayura smiled, that was just like him, weigh the danger and establish the enemy's motives before proceeding.
“So the rumors say.” Kayura leaned back against the desk and crossed her arms, shaking her head with a small smile on her lips.
“I might have known, you were far to clever to be captured by some hapless hunter. Though it puzzles me as to why you are still here? It should not have taken you this long to regain your power, why have you not returned to demon world?” Kurama simply smirked.
“I could ask the same of you. Was there a reason you have come here to living world?” Kayura matched his smirk, noticing the game. Well two could play that game.
“Better scenery. You still haven't answered my question.” Kurama sighed, not really seeing any reason to keep up the ruse he gave in and let her win. If there was anything he learned in all of his years with Kayura it was not to engage her in word games.
“It's complicated. I will explain if you would like but I would rather not do it here. Have you any plans for dinner?” Kayura's smirk widened into a playful smile as she eyed him with a hint of mischief.
“Why, are you asking me out on a date? A little late for that isn't it? I mean aren't we, oh how is it that you humans say, married?” he simply shrugged, not seeing any relevance to her questions.
“Even married couples go on dates, and it was just an invitation to dinner.” Kayura studied him for a moment before hopping off the desk and nodding.
“Alright but you should know, I never kiss on the first date.” Kurama smiled and lightly chuckled causing Kayura to look over at him strangely.
“No that's right, as I recall you take them to bed after the second.” Kayura shook her head, smiling at the memory of their past `dates'.
“Only you darling, only you.” She calmly answered before regressing back and letting Sakura take back her body. She studied the boy in front of her, she could tell that he was human, like her, but there was obviously a demon's soul in him.
“I don't believe we've met, my name in Sakura Harata. Kayura has told me much about you from the old days. But I digress you look nothing like what her mental pictures show you as. I suppose then you are in the same boat as I am, sharing a body with a demon.” His eyes softened as he looked at this girl before him and he smiled warmly.
“Something like that yes. I am Suuichi Minamino, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He reached out his hand and Sakura took it, smiling beside herself.
“I'm sure, I believe Kayura said something about dinner? I don't know about you but I'm starved. There's a new restaurant that opened up just down the street from my house, we could go there if you like.” He simply nodded.
“That would be fine Miss Harata.” She nodded herself and settled her things back into her bag. The sun was getting low in the sky and it would no doubt be getting dark in a few hours. Sakura didn't so much like being out after dark. She was a prime target for rapists and molesters. It wasn't like she couldn't take care of herself, but killing humans was frowned upon.
They made their way out of the school, opting to walk out separately as they seemed to have drawn the attention of most of the student body. They had agreed to meet at the restaurant at six thirty, only a half an hour before sundown. Sakura hurried and changed her clothes, she had gotten home at about five thirty and it would take her about fifteen minuets to get to the restaurant. She sighed, combing through her honey blond tresses. With much input from Kayura, Sakura had decided to go for a less casual approach.
Her top was an asymmetrical shadowy amethyst corset with an almost iridescent shine at every gathering. The transparent over layer came together in a small bow on the left side, falling down in obscure waves. She also wore thin amethyst sleeves over her arms, beginning just below her shoulders and following the path of her arms, billowing out at her wrists that were encased in several silver bracelets. Her tight dark blue jeans hugged her hips sensuously and flowed down her long legs, accentuating her newly developed curves. Beneath her jeans her calves were laced in black ribbon; winding down to her three-inch diamond encrusted heals. She was quite the vision of appeal.
Kayura and Sakura had decided that it would be best if Kayura took over for the night, as it was her mate that she would be talking to. Kayura walked out of her house, locking the door behind her and making her way confidently down the sidewalk. The sun had already begun to set and Kayura quickened her pace, not wanting to attract the attention of any unwanted eyes. Luck did not happen to be with her though as she felt a hand brush up against her ass.
“Oops, guess my hand slipped.” A voice said into her ear. She spun around at lightning speed and decked the guy in the face. He went flying and slid to a halt about ten feet from her, blood pouring out of his nose.
“Oops, guess my fist slipped.” Thugs began piling out from cracks and crevices, about twelve guys surrounded her all with malicious intent. She took a moment too look them all over. They were obviously no match for her but she had taken a lot of time in coordinating this outfit and she really didn't want to get any blood on it. Kayura sighed and crossed her arms.
“Listen, I have a much more important things to be doing right now than playing around with a few mindless thugs so why don't you all just move right along.” The thug she assumed to be the leader smirked and pulled out a knife.
“I don't think so missy. We're gonna have some fun with you.” Kayura sighed again, uncrossing her arms and studying the crowd.
“Can't say I didn't warn you. Hm, twelve of you and one of me. Hardly seems fair, perhaps if I just used one hand.” The lead thug lunged at her with the knife, which she easily dodged. She poised herself, waiting for another attack but it never came. Instead she heard a voice.
“Hey! Didn't your mom ever teach you that it isn't polite to hit girls?” Kayura looked over to see five boys standing just outside the ring of thugs. Three of them were dressed the same, navy blue school uniforms. The tall one with the orange hair and the stupid look wore a version of the same uniform in light blue. The one in the middle though intrigued her. He looked like a street fighter but she could sense an unusual amount of spirit energy coming from him.
Well, that looked like her cue to jet, it was six fifteen and if she didn't get out of there soon she was going to be late. Kayura slid away unnoticed to leave the boys with all the dirty work; she didn't have time for a street fight. She made it to the restaurant just in time to meet Kurama outside the door.
“You look nice, special occasion?” Kayura smiled and linked her arms through his, making their way toward the door.
“We haven't seen each other in sixteen years, I would say so.” They made their way to a table, it was open seating and not very many people knew about the restaurant yet so they had no trouble finding a seat. They chose secluded booth in the far corner so they would not be disturbed. They ordered before they decided to get into the real reason why they had come.
“So, how is it that you came to be in this world?” Kurama sighed and settled himself into a more comfortable position.
“Well you know about the botched robbery, Shunjun of the spirit world defense force had set up the robbery and trapped me. I was mortally wounded and fled to living world; hiding in the unborn child of a human woman I became Suuichi Minamino. My original plan had been to return to demon world after I had regained my strength, however I had not counted on the strong bond I had formed with my human mother.” Kurama paused and began playing with the straw in his drink.
“She fell ill, not to long ago, they say it isn't curable and she will die.” Kayura glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.
“Is it?” He looked up at her and blinked.
“Hm?” Kayura didn't falter.
“Is it curable? Have you tried to cure it yourself?” Kurama sighed and shook his head regretfully.
“Nothing I have can cure her disease. But there is a way that I have learned of just recently. A demon named Hiei came to me yesterday and offered up a proposition. If I comply there may be a way to save my mother.” Kayura's attention peaked.
“What is it?” Kurama regarded her carefully before choosing to speak.
“The forlorn hope.” Kayura's eyes narrowed.
“That is one of the artifacts of darkness. They are hidden away in the deep recesses of spirit worlds vault. It would be very tricky to break into that vault, even for you.” Her expression turned from shocked enthusiasm to calm realization.
“And that is why you have told me this. You wish for me to help you break into this vault and save your human mother. But tell me tails, what's in it for me?” Kurama simply nodded.
“I believe there is a certain item in there that you have been itching to get your hands on for centuries. The starlight swords are stored in the same room as the artifacts of darkness.” Kayura fought to keep her delight at bay and managed a façade of calm reverence.
“Count me in. When exactly is this plan supposed to take place?” Kayura asked, she was going through some calculations in her head and if they wanted this plan to work they were going to have to act quickly.
“We must meet with the other member of the team before we proceed. He is a jucongi so I've been told.” Kayura scoffed.
“Makes sense, I suppose he would be after the Orb of Baast. Filthy soul eaters. When are you meeting him?” Kurama sighed and took a sip of his drink, placing it back on the table he looked up at Kayura.
“Tonight, you are welcome to come along. I don't think they would disagree with your presence. We will need all the help we can get.” Kayura nodded in agreement.
“Yes, you definitely do. If I remember correctly, King Yama should be taking his annual reprieve. It would be an opportune time if any. We should strike tonight, after the celebration; everyone's guard will be down. It'll be easy pickens.” Kayura stated with cool confidence.
“True, however before that, I am a bit curious as to why you are here. In a human body no less.” Kayura sighed and prepared herself for a long story.
“After your supposed death the group disbanded. We all went our separate ways. My way just happened to be here, in hiding. After you had been taken out they had come after the rest of us, slaughtering everyone. I just barely escaped.” Kayura looked fondly out the window at the people walking by, the wind swaying the trees in the breeze, the soft glow of the streetlights illuminating the street bellow. She sighed in admiration.
“I enjoy the peace and solitude this world has to offer, even the people in it. I've gotten to know them, seen what they're capable of and I guess I just realized how amazingly screwed up they all are. I mean, really, really screwed up in a monumental fashion.” Kayura still stared out the window, a small smile on her face. Kurama stared at her in slight bewilderment; he was not quite sure where she was going with this train of thought.
“They have no purpose that unites them so they just drift around blundering through life until they die. Which they know is coming yet every single one of them is surprised when it happens to them. They're incapable of thinking about what they want beyond the moment. They kill each other, which is clearly insane, and yet here's the thing. When it's something that really matters, they fight. I mean, they're lame morons for fighting but they do. They never…they never quit. So I guess I will keep fighting, too.” Kurama smiled knowingly at the girl before him, she used to be so rash and impulsive. It was her reckless attitude that had drawn him to her in the beginning. But as he had gotten to know her he had begun to see the true light of her soul. They had begun the relationship with the feelings of just a short affair and had come out with a life mate.
“You admire them.” Kayura dropped her head, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. She looked over at Kurama with resigned eyes.
“In truth, I think I'm jealous of them. I mean look at them, the couples that walk down the streets, holding hands and kissing each other like there is no tomorrow. And for them…there might not be. They're so fragile, to live everyday as if it's your last, that is truly living. It makes every moment sweeter, more precious than the last. I truly envy them.” Kayura shook her head and let out a nervous laugh.
“And here I go getting all blubbery over a few stupid humans.” Kurama stared fondly at her, a small smile playing across his lips.
“I like you like this.” Kayura chuckled softly to herself and stared down at the table.
“You always did. It annoyed me to no end how you always seemed to love me more when I was at my weakest.” Kurama reached across the table and tilted her chin up so that he could look into her eyes.
“It is when your true colors shine brightest.” He leaned across the table to capture her lips but a small beeping sound stopped him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small communicator that Hiei had given him to signal when they were to meet.
“It's time, meet us in the forest outside the city.” Kurama nodded and the device went blank. He looked up at Kayura who smirked back at him smugly.
“And here I thought you were going to try and kiss me. I thought I told you, I never kiss on the first date.” Kurama matched her smirk.
“But you said it yourself Kayura, we're married.” Kayura's eyes widened at him in disbelief. It was just like him to use her own argument against her. She shook her head and followed him out of the restaurant. They wandered through the streets in silence, surprisingly enough nobody bothered them though they didn't want to push their luck as they wandered into a more dangerous part of town.
Kurama looked over at Kayura who nodded back and they took to the roofs, jumping from rooftop to rooftop at lightning speeds. They eventually made their way into the forest, spotting a lighted area in the middle. They both jumped down from the trees and strode calmly into the clearing to meet the two waiting individuals.
One was a giant, he wore a hungry expression and his skin tone was an almost sickly gray. His hair was a dirty brown and cut short at the top, not very appealing. Neither however were his slanted beady little eyes. He was very muscular, a little overly built for her tastes and he seemed to be busting out of his green tee shirt. He wore simple blue jeans and black shoes. Nothing spectacular. Kayura assumed that this was the jucongi from the look of him. The other was a bit more interesting.
He was very small, only about four foot eight without his hair, which was swept up, like a wild flame. It had a faint bluish tint to it and there was a bright white starburst reaching up from his forehead. His forehead, another intriguing thing there as well, a white bandana was tied securely around his head. Upon careful examination she found it not to be some ordinary bandana, but a ward. Very interesting indeed. His eyes were a deep crimson red, holding a rather bored expression. He was dressed in black from head to toe except for the white scarf covering his neck. She could tell this man was a true fighter. This must have been Hiei, and judging by the ward around his forehead, he must have been a Jaganshi. That would explain how he had found Kurama.
“Whose the broad, I thought you said it was just gonna be Kurama.” The jucongi crossed his arms and looked over at the one she had assumed to be Hiei.
“I don't know who she is but she must have good reason for being here if Kurama brought her, and I would very much like to know what it is.” Kurama sighed and closed his eyes, placing his hands in his pockets.
“I have my reasons, she is an old acquaintance of mine and I believe she may be of some use to us. Is this a problem?” Hiei scoffed.
“As long as she doesn't get in the way, I don't care.” Gouki slowly began to laugh, looking at Kurama.
“So your telling me this, is him? That's very funny Hiei! I heard boogey man stories about Yoko in lockdown, and this red haired princess ain't him! You want me to believe you're the real legend? Your gonna have to get outta that skin!” the giant laughed and raised his hand, flipping Kurama off. Kayura smirked and crossed her arms, leaning back against one of the far trees. Kurama glared dangerously at the jucongi.
“I cannot do that, this is a merger, not a possession. And I can no more separate from my current human biology than you can from your jucongi horns.” The demon swatted his hand in front of himself and pointed an accusing finger at Kurama.
“Convenient excuse! Were about to storm King Yama's most guarded vault, And you can't prove your not some human kid playing pretend! I don't like it!” The giant exclaimed, turning on Hiei in a rage. Hiei only smirked.
“Why don't you settle it then Gouki? If you don't trust his abilities then fight him and see.” Kayura smiled to herself over in her corner. That big oaf had no idea what he was getting himself into.
“That's why I'm running' with you Hiei, you're always keeping it simple.” The demon looked over at Kurama.
“Yep, I'll just have to crush him!” A hint of fear sparked in Gouki's eyes as Kurama began to let out his power.
“It is true, I'm not as strong as before. But, I've also acquired priorities to protect. I'm glad to show you what those new priorities can make me do.” Kurama reached into his hair and produced a single red rose.
“If you care to try.” Gouki didn't seem fazed in the least.
“Huh, we goin' on a date?” Kurama narrowed his eyes and called his favorite weapon.
“Rose Whip!” In the blink of an eye Kurama had landed behind the demon as the surrounding trees crumbled around them. All except for the ones Hiei and Kayura were leaning against. Gouki looked over his shoulder hesitantly.
“Ok Kurama, I was just jokin'. I'm sure you'll be fine to work with for a while.” Kayura smiled and pushed off of the tree, gliding gracefully into the clearing, Gouki glared at the girl.
“This one smells human too. What's the deal Kurama?” He turned to look at the jucongi in mild annoyance.
“As I have already said, she is a prior acquaintance of mine. That should suffice for now.” Gouki crossed his arms and stared suspiciously at Kayura out of the corner of his eye.
“How do we even know if she's gonna be of any use to us? Her spirit energy feels pathetic!” Kayura smirked and expanded her energy as her body began to shift from Sakura into the demon thief Kayura. Her body grew to its full height of six foot nine and her large black bat like wings stretched out from her back, expanding to their full length before folding in around her.
“Unlike Kurama, I have had ample time to research the ways of separating my body from that of my human counterpart. I'm fairly certain you don't want a demonstration.” Gouki raised his hands in front of himself in defense.
“Hey, whatever you say, I can take a hint!” Kayura smirked and faded back down into her human form. Hiei smiled to himself over in his corner.
“Good, I went in search for Kurama and found Lady Kayura as well. An unexpected, but welcome surprise. You do know there are only three artifacts of darkness and there are four of us. What's in this for you?” Kayura regarded the smaller demon with mild appreciation.
“The starlight swords.” Hiei's eyes widened slightly before settling into an approving stare.
“It takes a skilled warrior to handle a weapon like that. I hope you are prepared for them, they don't work for just anybody.” Kayura smirked.
“Well then it is a good thing that I am not just anybody then. I made them after all. And I fully intend on having them back.” Kayura reached into her pocket and pulled out a pocket computer. She pressed a few buttons and a floor plan of the castle popped up in a hologram.
“This is King Yama's Castle.” She pressed another button on the console and a more detailed outline appeared.
“And this is the vault. There are six guards stationed at every entrance and exit. We will need to take them out stealthfully so as not to alert the other guards to our presence. Hiei and I will handle that. In the mean time, Gouki and Kurama will enter here.” Kayura pointed to a door on the map.
“This corridor will lead you directly into the vault. There are two guards stationed on the outside and four on the inside. They should prove nothing more than a minor inconvenience. We won't need to worry about the cameras; by the time they realize we were there we will have already gone. Any questions?” Kayura asked and when she got the affirmative from each one she placed the pocket computer back in her pocket. And with that they were off.
A/N: Well here's the first installment. This story basically follows the entire series from the word go until the end. Please review and let me know if you want to see more. Thanx!
Chapter 02.doc