Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Crushed ❯ Good-bye ( One-Shot )

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You sat in the apartment. The apartment you shared so many memories with. The same apartment that you both confessed how much you loved one another. How much you meant and cared for one another. You looked at the picture of him and you, both smiling. Who would guess that one day this apartment would harbor pain, deceit, and the shedding of tears.

How many times have you told me you love her
as many times as I’ve wanted to tell you the truth
how long have I stood here beside you
I live through you you looked through me ooh,

You knew it was too good to last . You had the perfect relationship with him. The biggest fight you guys had was on whether Sonic was better than Mario. Two classic forever remembered and loved videogame characters. While you where with him, you were never alone. And he promised you that he would never leave you alone. But I guess as time goes on people’s priorities change.

solitude, still with me is only you ooh,
solitude, I can't stay away from you

If there was ever a time in your life where you wanted to curl up into a ball and die, it was now. You never felt so alone, not even in your childhood, were you were completely forgotten. But you weren’t going to go back to your old ways.

how many times have I done this to myself
how long will it take before I see
when will this hole in my heart be mended
who now is left alone but me ooh,

You looked at the scars on your wrists and arm. You looked at the picture again, the sadness deeming control of your body. You grabbed your duffle bag, and filled it with your thing. Leaving a note on why you left.

forever me and forever you ooh,
solitude, only you, only true
everyone leave me stranded forgotten,
abandoned, left behind

You unclasped the locket he gave you. It had a picture of you and him, together. A reminder of how much he loved you. You set it down next to the note on the coffee table, the tears you worked so hard to keep back found there way back and they erupted from your eyes. One after another, one a fresh reminder of your blinding pain. Of how the man you loved with your heart and soul was with someone new.

I can't stay here another night
your secret admirer who could it be
ooh, can't you see all along it was me

You grabbed the phone, and your manager. The phone ringed until he finally answered.

“Hello Murray. I changed my mind. No something came up, I’m fine. I’ll be at the airport in the next 10 minutes” You said an hung up the phone. You set your house keys on the coffee table to and walked out the apartment building.

how can you be so blind as to see right through me and ooh,
solitude, still with me is only you ooh,
solitude, I can't stay away from you ooh,
solitude, forever me and forever you ooh,
solitude, only you, only true

Waited in line for the woman to take your ticket. Sadness, guilt, and jealousy burning your system. Along with questions to what happened between the two of you.

“(Y/N) WAIT” you heard you name shouted. You looked back the carrot top you fell in love with was running, you guessed to stop you from leaving his life. His friends were behind him. Kurama, Yusuke, Hiei. Botan, his sister Shizuru, and that girl that destroyed your relationship with Kazuma, Yukina.

“Wait I’m sorry I can explain please (Y/N)” he said through pants.

“KAZUMA THERE’S NOTHING TO EXPLAIN. YOU CHEATED ON ME, AND I SHOULDA KNOWN BETTER TO THINK THAT I COULD COMPARE TO YUKINA. THAT STUPIDITY ON MY PART OK! AND YOUR HAPPIER WITH HER AND SHE’S HAPPIER WITH YOU. SO JUST BE HAPPY TOGETHER. HAVE ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY OK! I have a plane to catch ok. Just forget about me and everything we had” you said in a whisper. Tears found themselves falling freely again. You turned you back and handed the lady your ticket.

Kazuma grabbed your wrist, but you snatched it back quickly, and entered the plane. He tried to follow you, but was stopped by the stewardess. He watched you walk away from his life forever. He watched the plane leave and he knew that that was the last time you were ever going to see each other.
Kazuma married Yukina. They have three kids together and are planning another one in the spring. He lead a happy life, but you always remained in his heart. Your career as an actress skyrocketed. You got married to a major rock star and have 4 kids with him, you also lead a happy life. Kazuma watched on the news how your life changed, though he wasn’t in it he was happy to see you happy.

You always wondered what happened to Kazuma and the rest of them, but the memory of them always felt as though it was a dream, and not a reality of a painful memory.

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Me: Really didn’t except Kuwabara huh?

Jack: Nope I thought it was Hiei, Kurama, or Yusuke. Hell even Koenma for a reach. But Kuwabara was a shocker.

Me: Come on you have to admit I’m probably the first to make a you/Kuwabara heart break one-shot/song fix. And he’s a great guy, though he’s a little on the slow side and below the scale of average he has a great heart.

Jack: all I ask you is not to make a lemon fix about the two of you (Jack shudders)

Me: Lemon hmmmmm *gets pelts with quarters* OW OW YAY MONEY!