Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Source ❯ Chapter 2 So Close to Freedom ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2 So Close To Freedom

Vera woke up the next morning to rocks flying at her window. She ignored them, but they just kept coming. So she crept over to her window, and opened the window and looked down, it was Yusuke.

"Wanna walk to school with me this morning?" he yelled up. She forced out a happy, but tired expression.

"sure…" she says, while nodding and closing her window. She quickly got out of her pj's, and put on her uniform. The uniform had a short red skirt, and a rose red blouse. She worn red socks that went past her knee. And she wore black dress shoes. She pulled her hair, and braided it. Her hair was a dark brown, it had natural highlighted of dark red. She had a few pieces of bangs that were a natural dark red. Her hair reached the middle of her back. She used a red ribbon that she had found in the art room at her school to tie the braid. She tied it into a bow. She looked at her complication in the mirror. Her eyes were a bright green, it wasn't that ordinary of a color, but before her mother died and her father became a raging lunatic, they always said her eyes were beautiful and that all they had to do was look at them and they'd be happy. But now, from all the coldness, and all the times she was starving and cold, the color became a dull green. And now her bangs mostly covered them.

For some reason, she felt like looking good for Yusuke. She just had the odd feeling though, that something was going to happen. She picked up her book bag and ran down the stairs, totally forgetting about her visual scar marks from last night. Lucky for her, her father was never there in the mornings, he was usually at a bar or something. But she told everyone he worked. So she ran outside and straight over to Yusuke, who, like he always did when he was waiting for her, was leaning against the huge oak tree in her front yard. He stood up straight, and it was as if he was analyzing what her. He looked at her from head to toe. (HEAD AND SHOULDERS KNEE'S AND TOES!! KNEE'S AND TOES!!!!! Sorry…^_^… eyes and ears and mouth and nose! Head, and shoulders knee's and toes! Knee's AND TOES!!!!..... I'll stop now…^_^)

"hey! How'd you sleep?" he asks Vera while patting her on the back. "good… I guess…" she says, noticing that she forgot about the scars from last night.

She flings her hand onto the one on her arm. "hm… what was that?" he asks while trying to pry her hand off of her arm. "nothing!" she says while pulling away.

"what… was up with last night?" he asks while they started to walk. "… I don't wanna talk or really… tell you about it…" she says while looking at the ground. "how come? You usually tell me everything." He says. "because I just can't!!" she says kind of loudly to him. "what's going on, Vera?" he says now looking at her worriedly. "I TOLD YOU!!! I CAN'T TELL YOU!!!" she yells at him. "I just want to help!" he says back at her.

"WELL, YOU CAN'T HELP WITH THIS!" she yells at him why while stopping. She takes her hand off her arm, making it visible to Yusuke what she was hiding. He looks shocked at the scar mark. "Who did this?" he asks angrily and worriedly. "Yusuke… please… just… stay out of this…" she says, then she runs off towards school, leaving Yusuke standing there.

`I think I should keep an eye on her.` Yusuke thought to himself, he headed towards the school, and went straight to the roof. ` she's grown a lot since the last time I saw her…' Yusuke thought to himself while sitting down.

WITH VERA~~~~~~~~

Vera had gotten her stuff out of her locker and was now sitting in her desk, waiting for class to begin. When it did, she was thinking of how all of a sudden, Yusuke was now suddenly hanging with her again. `he's been here for 6 months… and he's just now starting to want to hag out with me again…` "Mrs. Yuna." (you-na)The teacher said while sitting down. "could you ask the janitor if he has any tissue's, for me?" he asks her. "uh… yes sir!" she says while standing up and walking out of the room.

She walks down the hallways, and on her way, passing to hall monitors, and the principle. "Good morning, Vera." He says. "Good morning. He says in return. She walks all over the school, then finally finds him about to go clean the boys bathroom. "excuse me Mr. Anderson, but do you have any tissues?" Vera asks him. "hm…. I think so… there are some in the closet." He says. "thank you." She says while walking off towards the janitors closet.

Once she gets there, she stares at the sign. It had all this writing on it. Like, Bite me Anderson!, and hope you like cleaning the boys bathroom on it. She tries to turn the doorknob, but it just wouldn't turn. "Why won't this thing open! HE always keeps it unlocked!" she says to herself. (OK!!!! Janet Jackson, and Michael Jackson, are not involved in this story! Sorry, I just felt like putting that… I was meaning to say that Yusuke, and Vera, are going to the same school as Kurama… but Vera has no idea, who he is…)

"Excuse me miss, but do you need help?" a soft voice says from behind her.

She turns around to see a handsome red head. He was taller than Vera was; he had beautiful green eyes, and long red hair. He was very charming, and attractive.

"uh… I… need… tissues… from… the closet… it won't open…" she says, pausing practically after every word. "hm… really?" asks while stepping up to the door, and trying to turn the knob, but not succeeding. "hm… I think its just stuck…" he says. "oh… *sigh*" Kurama looks at her arm and sees the scar. ` that doesn't look like an ordinary scar…` he thinks to himself. "well… I'll get it opened." He says while pulling on the door.

He finally gets it opened. Vera thanks him and goes in. She finds a package of tissues and grabs them. She steps out and closes the door, the red head was gone. `where did he go?` she asked herself mentally.

` I got to get back to class! ` she thinks mentally and practically runs back to her classroom. "I got the tissues!" she says, while walking to the teachers desk and placing them in front of him. "thank you." He says. She walks back to her seat and listens to what he has to teach.


Vera had gotten her stuff, and was about to leave school, when Yusuke and that boy from earlier walked up to her. When she sees Yusuke, she looks at the ground. "hey, wait up!" Yusuke yells at you. "wanna stay over at my house? Or… at Kur--- Suiichi's? Its Friday!" Yusuke asks. "NO!... I mean… I don't think… my dad would allow me…" she says back in response to them. ` he'd most definitely kill me…`

"that's to bad." The red head says. "oh yah, this is Kur--- uh… I mean Suiichi Minamino." Yusuke says smiling sheepishly. "its nice to meet you." Suiichi/Kurama says. (hehe!^_^) "uh…. k--- Suiichi this is Vera Yuna." Yusuke says. "um… its nice to meet you too!" Vera says, forcing out another smile. `it'd be nice if he could see your eyes!" Yusuke whispers to you. "your suddenly being nice to another girl Yusuke?" Kurama/Suiichi asks.

"*put up a fist* what's that supposed to mean?!" he asks angrily. "*sigh*… I've got to go… I guess I'll see you tomorrow Yusuke… and Suiichi!" Vera says while waving goodbye. Vera runs of out of the school as fast as she could. But then she stops. `what am I doing?! I could run away! I could just go with Yusuke! I could stay with him! But… I would be putting him in danger…I'm so close… to the freedom I want… but… will I just run away from it? … but if I do take this chance of freedom… I'd be putting him danger… I don't want him to be hurt…` Vera looks behind her, but she didn't see Yusuke following her. He'd usually follow her home, just to make sure she got back safely.

With Suiichi/Kurama and Yusuke!!&&&

"I since something wrong." Kurama says to Yusuke. "yah… I asked her earlier about what's been going on… bur she ended up… getting mad… then yelling at me… then she told me to stay out of it… then she ran off…" Yusuke says while looking outside for where Vera might of went. "did you happen to see the scar marks on her arm and legs?" Kurama asks, while following him out of the school. "on her leg? I only saw one on her arm!" he says to Kurama while stopping and turning around to face Kurama.

"maybe we should meet here tonight, then we can go check on her." Kurama suggests. "yah… when?" Yusuke asks seeing Vera walk into her house and close the door. "hm… how about around 8 o clock?" "yah… that's good…"


Vera walks into her house, but, she didn't smell the dreadful smell of smoke and alcohol. `but…this isn't good at all… this might mean he's still at the bar… and of he comes home really wasted…. Who knows what he'll do…` she thought. She slowly walked up the stairs to her bedroom.


"WHERE IS TODDLER BREATH!!!!!!!!!!" yells Yusuke aloud after at least 2 hours of sitting around. "I'm sure he'll be here any second now." Says Kurama calmly. "1…2…3!!!! WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!"

Then there was smoke, and the one and only toddler breath was standing before them! *cough* Koenma! *cough* "IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!" Yells Yusuke in Koenma's face. "I can't help it if your impatient!" Koenma back at Yusuke. "well… of course before we start, we need Hiei." Koenma says looking at Kurama. "hn…" they turned towards the window and see Hiei, he was leaning on the wall. "ok… now I can begin…" Koenma says, clearing his throat. "well… get on with it! I don't have all day!" Yusuke says taking a seat on the couch. "well… I need you to find me a girl." He starts off.

&&&&&&&&&&&Chapter2& amp;&&&&&&&&&&&&

ok…. Soooooo……….. how do you like it….. review…. Tell me what you're thinking of it… how should I improve? What should I put in it? Any extra characters…? Anything! Just tell/ask me!

Thank you's!

Animefreak11-thank ya very much! My computer was like that to for awhile…. I almost… DIED!!!

insanityrocks16- sanity so does rock… I mean…. Thank u so very much…. YAH!!!!!!!!! I'm glad u enjoyed it!

Fox Fariy- thank ya very much! I'm glad u enjoyed it!!!! ^_^ hope ya keep read'n and review'n!