Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Demon Dance ❯ Prisons ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ifurita continued to walk along the empty hallways with Shuiichi/Kurama and Hiei. Skyre had been take elsewhere. Her mind had become dead, refusing to work at all to try to think of a way out of here. All of her thief knowledge and magical spells had flown merrily out of her head to leave her a practical zombie as she was led deeper and deeper into the compound. They were all thrown into the same cell with wards and shields of all types. She slumped against one wall while to other two investigated their unfamiliar surroundings.

"Their wards are flawless. I don't think we'll be getting out of here any time soon," Shuiichi/Kurama. Ifurita raised her head to look at him, abandoning all manners and just staring. He noticed and turned to look at her quizzically.

"What should I call you? Are you Shuiichi or Kurama?" she asked bluntly.

"Well, either one really. Shuiichi is my human name that I took when I took this body when my old one was destroyed. However, my real name is Kurama so you may use that if you wish. What about you? I'm guessing you play at the same thing with multiple names."

"Same for me. Nariko is my human name to hide behind, but really I'm Ifurita, an ice demon." She demonstrated her talent by making an ice sculpture in her hand, forming it into a small penguin. "I already know that your friend's name is Hiei. I was listening to you guys talk in the van on the way here." She sighed, having wrapped her brain around the situation.

Hiei glanced at them from his corner of the cell. "Now that introductions are finished, shouldn't we be working on a way out of here."

"Indeed." Kurama offered a hand to Ifurita. "And I think I have just the plan."


Skyre groaned, cracking open eyes that only wished for the continued oblivion of sleep. The wolf sat up, rubbing at her neck. The wounds on her back had healed, leaving only a new set of scars. She blinked her gold eyes in the dim light of the room. Raising her head to look about lights flared in her face, drawing out a cry of pain as she covered her eyes.

"Well well well. It seems out little berserker has woken up at last." That voice had come from the loud speakers installed in the ceiling.

"Who's there? Who are you?!" she growled, still fighting the blinding lights as she tried to find her harasser.

"Oh come now. You can't have forgotten me have you? It's only been four years after all." A door whirred open, a handful of guards filing in first to point their guns at here when a man followed.

"Camber. I remember you." She moved to her feet, sliding off of the single bed in the middle of the room. It was the only piece of furniture in the room, but then it too vanished, sinking into the floor to leave only a solid, flawless piece of steel flooring.

"I'm glad. That makes things easier." He pulled a remote from his pocket, hitting one of a dozen buttons. The result was overwhelming pain for the youkai, sending her into convulsions on the floor as her cries of torment echoed back into her own ears. Electricity surged through her, leaving fresh pain even before the old could fade. "Remember this too? This is from those collars I made before," he shouted over her screams. "You have one on again but didn't notice." He pushed the button again, letting her slump to the floor with exhaustion as the pain ebbed way.

"I changed them a little bit, making it so the wearer kept their mind. But what is really interesting is the effects that this had on you." He now held a small bottle of clear liquid in front of her eyes, having knelt next to her. She sniffed at it, detecting nothing at all. "I've been dropping this into that river of yours as soon as we noticed that you drank from it almost every night. I've had it put into that water for over three months now. I'm guessing it had to build in your system before the effects took place. This is what made you a berserker after all. It really is rather ingenious. It increased the power of the demon tenfold, making them nearly unstoppable. It increases regeneration. Heightens senses. Really a work of art." He grinned, depositing his prize back into his pocket, rising to return to his former position. "But enough of this. We have some catching up to do." He hit the button again, returning her to that world of agony.


"I'm so tired of being here. Suppressed by all my childhood fears. And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave. Cause your presence still lingers here, and it won't leave me alone," Ifurita continued to sing softly, the distraction being her part of their escape plan. The song echoed down the hall to where the guards were, drawing their attention to the screen.

"Hey man. Look. Those other two are gone," one said, pointing with a stubby finger. His partner swore and snatched up the keys, clunking down the hall to the cell.

"These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real, there's just too much that time cannot erase." She paused as the guards came into view before starting again, ignoring them from her corner of the cage before starting up again, just as softly as before but her song changed to another language, one the guards could never understand as she closed her eyes.

"Hey! Hey you!" they shouted, banging against the bars. She stopped to glance at them before she went back to singing. "Stupid bitch. Open the door Jack. I'm gonna teach her a lesson." The one called Jack hesitated a moment before fumbling with the keys, opening the door with an expected creak of hinges. The one with the bravado stepped in, unknowingly sealing his fate and his demise. Her song finished as she wheeled her gaze to him, eyes a purest white as ice encased him in an instant, killing him without a single drop of blood spilt on the floor.

"Rose whip!" He shattered, pieces of frozen human now scattered haphazardly around the room. Jack screamed and moved to run when a sword protruded out of his chest, having impaled him through the heart. The man gave a last gurgle and fell over dead, a spreading pool of crimson underneath him. Hiei cleaned the blade on his corpse, before turning to the ice youkai and kitsune as they walked out of the prison cell. Ifurita bent down to pick up the keys before nodding to the others. Without a word being said, they sprinted down the hall to find a means of escape.


"That's enough," Camber ordered. The collar was shut off and removed, leaving only a berserker behind. Those red blood eyes, sharp claws, black ears and tail. He had made the perfect killing machine. She stood there, eyes blank and thoughtless, her breathing hollow. Her mind had been so suppressed under the weight of force fed drugs and electrocution that he doubted anything remained. He didn't care either. Camber had hated youkai since he was a child. A pair of wandering youkai his parents had taken in for the night had ripped them apart in their sleep. Camber had walked in as they were finishing, commenting to one another how good they had tasted. He had run and hid under his bed, praying to any god that would listen that he be spared.

"Are you ready my dear?" he purred, starting right at her. There was no response, only obedience. "Find your friends and kill them." Something flickered in those eyes, but not a word was said as she began her hunt on wings of death.