Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Enma's Torment Theatre ❯ MSTing is a Bang! ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Enma’s Torment Theatre: Season Three
Episode Thirty-Six: MSTing is a Bang!
Story: Beyond the Face of Fear – Chapter One: With a Bang
Story by: kitsunelover
Msted by: Rose and Chrissy

Hey, everyone. Rose again. This fic was chosen specifically for a psychological reason. The link is http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2608051/1/, so everyone can read the whole thing. I think it’s one of our first times doing an AU, unless you count the fact that most fanfiction counts as AU because it originates in the mind of someone who is not the creator of the series.

But I digress. Another chapter for everyone!


It had been three days since the last time Karasu had contacted them, and Hiei, Kurama, Yuusuke, Koenma, Zelgadis, Xellos, Lina, and Kuwabara had used that time to relax, regroup, and explore their prison. Yuusuke had found a pair of pliers for Zelgadis in the base’s equivalent of a broom closet, and Xellos had quickly put them to good use, fixing Zel’s rather disheveled hair. They had also found a supply of clothing in the laundry, which, with some modification, fit them. They had even found a larger area that looked, to Kuwabara, like a large, empty gymnasium.

Today, Hiei had woken feeling restless, and a romp with Kurama hadn’t solved much. Zelgadis had volunteered to cook breakfast, and by the time it was ready he was feeling fidgety.

Finally, he spoke. “It’s not like Karasu to leave us alone.” When Kurama flinched, the fire demon regretted it immediately.

Yuusuke sighed. “Who knows what’s going on. It’s not like the Meikai in general to leave us alone.”

“Maybe Xel hit him with that second shot? We didn’t hear from him after that.” Zelgadis was removing a rather large egg, bacon, and cheese casserole from the oven. He shoved a tray of cinnamon rolls in and set the casserole on a potholder on the table. “Maybe he’s dead?”

Lina was the first to grab the serving spoon. “We wish. It’s not that easy.”

“Nothing ever is,” Koenma agreed morosely.

“We should keep in practice, just in case,” Kuwabara said. “We could spar after breakfast?”

Hiei grinned. “Works for me.”

The others agreed and they quickly finished breakfast.


They paused to rest. Xellas pulled out a cigarette.

She didn't need to rest, really. She could go on like this for days—which was exactly what was happening. The Mazoku Lord was bored out of her skull—that is, the Mazoku equivalent of a skull.

She breathed out a long stream of smoke. "Nice weather we're having," she joked.

Mukuro raised an eyebrow. "You know, I should be used to you saying weird things by now."

Xellas laughed. "Am I that bad?"

"No," Mukuro relented, "you're worse."

"Oh my…" Eyeing the fatigued red-haired woman, Xellas' head was beginning to become overwhelmed with ideas to alleviate her boredom. All of them involved Mukuro in various states of undress.

"What are you smirking at?" Mukuro asked suspiciously.

"Thinking of things that would alleviate my boredom. Feeling better?"

Mukuro stood with a sigh. "Fairly. Don't you need to rest?"

Xellas smirked like the world had just fallen into a state of utter chaos. "Oh no. I can go for a long time." It may have come out lame, but she *was* bored.

Mukuro just rolled her eyes. “Might as well get back to work, if you’re bored.”

Xellas grinned suddenly, her eyes glinting. “I can think of plenty of other things that would solve that problem.”

To her credit, Mukuro didn’t blush. “We have a job to do, and I have an heir to save. Not exactly boring work. You’ll have plenty of time to deal with boredom afterward.”

Xellas moved closer, though not enough to invade Mukuro's personal space yet. "Is that a promise?"

This time Mukuro did blush slightly. She evaded the question. “Let’s get to work.”

Xellas chuckled and let it go. For now. "As you wish."

- Theatre -
[Sitting from left to right: Kuwabara, Koenma, Yuusuke, Hiei, Kurama, Zelgadis, Xellos, and Lina.]

Zelgadis: Are you *sure* you're okay?
Hiei: It's just a cut! I'm fine.
Zelgadis: It's just... not often I make that kind of mistake. [flushes slightly]
Hiei: [rolls his eyes] I made one too.
Lina: Can't blame either of you, given the interruption.
Kuwa: Stupid Karasu.
Xellos: [sighs] I suppose that means I missed...
Kurama: Not necessarily. You might have scored a glancing hit. It would explain the lull.
Xellos: In retrospect, I should've sent a larger pulse through.
Kuwabara: Don't worry about it. We got a break, anyway.
Yuusuke: And if you'd actually destroyed him, who knows what would've happened.
Xellos: It wouldn't have been a long wait.
Lina: [blinks] What do you mean?
Xellos: [smiles] Oh, nothing!
Lina: [suspiciously] You're holding something important back, Xellos.
Xellos: This occurs to you as new?
Zelgadis: His master is here.
Xellos: [looks rather irritated]
Lina: The Beastmaster?! Did she come to look for you?
Xellos: So I would assume.
Zelgadis: [frowns, softly] You okay?
Xellos: [expressionless] That was not public information, Zelgadis-san.
Zelgadis: [frowns at the honorific] You weren't going to tell them? Did you want everyone to keep worrying?
Xellos: [doesn't respond]
Zelgadis: [worried now] Xellos... I'm sorry. You didn't tell me it was private.
Xellos: [looks at him] Please assume that anything I tell you in private *is* private, Zelgadis.
Zelgadis: [gulps] A-alright. I will.

>Beyond the Face of Fear

Hiei: What, dementors?
Yuusuke: I thought dementors didn't have faces?
Kurama: They don't.
Lina: That's disturbing.
Karasu's voice: J.K Rowling has announced that two main characters are going to die in the next book.
Yuusuke: You're a Snarry fan, aren't you?
Karasu: [doesn't answer]
Yuusuke: I'll take that as a yes.
Kuwa: Should we start taking bets?
Yuusuke: Yeah. My money's on Snape and Harry.
Hiei: As the deaths, or as Karasu's secret OTP?
Yuusuke: The deaths. We could take bets on Karasu's OTP too if you want, though.
Kurama: On both, Harry and Voldemort. Karasu's a sick fuck and Rowling's been hinting at it since book four or earlier.
Lina: You guys really want Harry to die, don't you?
Yuusuke: I do.
Kurama: Whiny bitch!Harry has gotten really annoying, so I agree.
Hiei: Wasn't Rowling going on about how in 50 years she doesn't want someone to start writing Harry Potter again?
Kuwa: You're joking, right? They'd just write zombie!Harry.
Yuusuke: ... I think I read a fic like that once.
Kurama: Not surprising.
Hiei: [snickers] The Harry Potter fandom is even scarier than ours.
[The room shakes.]
Hiei: Oops.
Yuusuke: [snickers] It's true though. We don't have anything like Snape/squid or Dobby/spoon.
Kurama: We have others that, in my eyes, count as worse, though.
Hiei: [pets his hair]
Kurama: [holds him tightly]

>Chapter 1: With a Bang

Yuusuke: [sarcastically] What a telling title.
Kurama: [tightens his hold on Hiei]
Hiei: [kisses Kurama gently]
Kurama: [smiles weakly, loosens]
Hiei: [rubs his cheek] It'll be okay.
Kurama: [kisses him back] I know.
Zelgadis: [tentatively touches Xellos' hand]
Xellos: [smiles gently at him]
Zelgadis: [smiles, relaxes]

>Though from encircling bonds that held you fast
>your elusive form too readily slipped free,
>and though to my arms you are forever lost,
>you are a prisoner in my fantasy.
>Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, “Which Recounts How Fantasy Contents Itself With Honorable Love”

Kurama: [shudders]
Hiei: [hugs him]
Kurama: [holds him, whispers] I should've made sure he was dead...
Hiei: [shakes his head] You were injured and barely conscious. One of us should have checked.
Kurama: [sighs] All of you were injured, too...
Hiei: Point is, he looked dead at the time. It was a mistake we all made, not just you. So don't blame yourself.
Kurama: [hugs him again, whispers] If you weren't here... I don't know what I'd do.
Hiei: [same] You'd be strong until I found my way back to you.
Kurama: [shakes his head]
Hiei: [frowns, softly] Kurama, you're strong. I love you, and I know you love me, but you don't *need* me around to be strong...
Kurama: [hides face against Hiei's neck]
Hiei: [looks worried, kisses him]

>Kurama kneeled painfully in an awkward position, his arms thrown forward to support him. He dared not give in to his exhaustion and keel over, where he could lie on the stone floor and simply not think about anything, for then Juri would finish her count and he would lose.

Yuusuke: Huh. The tournament...
Kurama: [sarcastic] Gee, I wonder who I'm fighting...
Hiei: [pets his hair]
Lina: Er, I hate to ask, but what tournament?
Kuwa: The Ankoku Bujutsukai. We were "invited" to it a while back.
Yuusuke: Ha! More like, "Show up or we kill you anyway."
Lina: Uh huh...
Hiei: [softly] It's where we had the displeasure of meeting Karasu.
Lina and Zel: [wince]
Kurama: And where I thought I'd killed him.

>Before him, Karasu jerked and coughed as the blood-sucking plant drained his veins. Juri had turned to him and started to count again.
>The dull roar of the crowd and the meaningless congratulations that Yusuke and Kuwabara shouted at him mingled in Kurama’s head, dazing him. His vision swam, and he could not keep track of Juri’s count.

Kurama: [grimaces]
Hiei: [kisses him] Just a memory, Kurama.
Kurama: One that I can't kill.
Hiei: [shushes him] I have memories I can't kill, too, Imp. You know that.
Kurama: [nods] I know
Hiei: Don't let them haunt you. Even in our situation.
Kurama: [looks down] I'll try.
Hiei: [kisses him] I'm here for you, Imp.
Kurama: [holds him close] Thank you.

>He did, however, know when she raised her arm as she declared “Ten!” He also saw Karasu stretch forth his tremulous hand and with a final burst of energy, yank the fanged tendrils from his chest. Several drops of blood sprayed out in an innocuous arc, as if they were pretending to be raindrops that had been lightly shaken off a lady’s parasol.

Kurama: [kisses Hiei deeply]
Hiei: [surprised, kisses him back]
Yuusuke: Er... Should they...?
Xellos: [has his eyes open]
Zelgadis: [tense] Bombs?
Xellos: [darkly serious] ... No.
Koenma: He might not be willing to risk it, if you did hit him last time...
Xellos: Hmm.
Hiei and Kurama: [continue to make out]

>Karasu’s narrow avoidance of death had no effect on Juri and Koto, who simultaneously proclaimed Kurama’s victory. Kurama, on the other hand, looked into those unbearable violet eyes and shuddered. Yusuke leapt into the ring and supported Kurama to the side, where he slid into a bloodied heap and thought no more.

Kurama: It wouldn't matter, would it? I'm the one who lost in reality.
Yuusuke: [grumbles something about stupid unfair judges who need to die]
Koenma: [sighs] I should've done something about the Black Black Club long before that...
Yuusuke: You couldn't have known something like that was going to happen.
Koenma: I knew enough about the stuff they were pulling. Tarukane was a member.
Yuusuke: [puts arm around him]
Kurama: And don't blame Juri. She was only doing her job.
Yuusuke: Not her, the other ones.
Kuwa: I felt bad for her and Koto being stuck in the ring. It was dangerous.
Yuusuke: Yeah... 'Least they don't have to do it anymore.

>Hiei was waiting for them with two frightened-looking paramedics, who immediately set to work binding Kurama’s wounds. Yusuke caught a muttered, “ . . .care of him,” from Hiei, who was glowering down at the two fearful youkai. He looked at Hiei curiously, but the fire demon did not look back as he leapt lightly into the arena.

Hiei: Bet I threatened them before Yuusuke came into hearing range.
Yuusuke: [Hiei] You have two choices. Die or take care of him.
Hiei: [snorts]
Kurama: [licks Hiei's neck]
Hiei: [gasps, kisses him]

>Kurama’s deathlike countenance foremost in his mind’s eye and staining his vision scarlet, Hiei approached Bui slowly. It was a wonder to him that the tiles beneath him did not bubble and melt at his footsteps, and that fountains of blood did not spurt from Bui’s eyes when he met his gaze with a murderous glare: so great was his fury.

Hiei: Joy. A melodramatic clone.
Yuusuke: Personally, I'm glad Hiei can't kill people with his mind.
Kuwa: Uh. Yeah.
Xellos: That makes me think of Firefly...
Hiei: It'd be *useful* right now.
Kurama: True.
Hiei: Surprised Yuusuke didn't think of Firefly. He's slipping.
Yuusuke: [sighs]
Zelgadis: Losing the number one fanboy status?
Yuusuke: [glares at Xellos]
Xellos: [grins cheekily]
Lina: [snickers]

>When Koto shouted, “Begin!” the brassy explosions of trumpeting fanfare was the accompaniment in Hiei’s ears.
>“I’m going to enjoy this,” he said. His gritted teeth belied his words.

Hiei: [frowns]
Yuusuke: Because that's his happy face.
Hiei: I don't like my clone's attitude.
Kurama: Oh?
Hiei: Yeah. If it gets much worse, I'm going to root for him to lose.
Kurama: [stifles a laugh, kisses Hiei's cheek]
Hiei: [relaxes against him]

>“He looks *furious*,” Kuwabara muttered in an awed voice from the sidelines.
>“You’ve always been good at grasping the obvious,” Yusuke retorted.

Kuwa: Oi!
Yuusuke: Yeah, it's not like he's Legolas or anything.
Hiei: [snorts] It'd be difficult to beat that level of idiocy.
Koenma: We never finished MSTing the script...
Yuusuke: We were getting bored anyway.
Koenma: Yeah.
Hiei: Besides, it's a shitty script. Not much could be said about it.
Kurama: Other than the same old jokes we make anyway.
Lina: Can't rehash it much.
Kuwa: Though it might bore Enma and get us out of MSTing.
Yuusuke: Yeah. It was fun while it lasted, but it got old ages ago for us.
Hiei: Like around the beginning of the first MST.
Koenma: I'm kind of glad I started doing it though.
Yuusuke: Why?
Koenma: [points at him]
Yuusuke: Ohh... Heh. [smiles bashfully]
Kurama: [kisses Hiei's neck] We have reason to be thankful, as well, I suppose.
Hiei: [smiles at Kurama]
Kurama: [kisses him softly on the lips]
Hiei: [melts against him]

>His private musings, however, rendered him deaf to Kuwabara’s outraged spluttering—Kuwabara had a point. Hiei usually entered battle with anticipation bordering on indecent glee, or with simple determination to finish the job. Rarely did he allow an emotion as disruptive as anger to affect his fighting. That wasn’t to say, Yusuke reflected, that anger always made Hiei a worse fighter; but it usually increased the degree of pain and humiliation his opponents suffered.

Kurama: Usually the latter. Only when he has a vendetta does he get gleeful.
Yuusuke: Yeah. Indecent glee makes him sound like... Well, like someone from Samurai Deeper Kyo, where everyone gets a hard on when they have a fight.
Hiei: [snorts] Anyway, here I wouldn't have a vendetta, even with Bui being on the same team as Karasu. I wouldn't take it out on him.
Kurama: It's not his style. [nuzzles Hiei's hair]
Hiei: [smiles] And what do you know about my style, Imp?
Kurama: [kisses the side of his mouth] It's honorable.
Hiei: [kisses him back]

>Yusuke cast a glance at Kurama, who was being carried away on a stretcher. He turned to Kuwabara as Hiei and Bui began their nimble dance around each other, the prelude to battle.
>“Stop me if I ever get mad at Kurama, because I don’t want Hiei to have my balls for breakfast.”

Hiei: The thought makes me want to vomit.
Yuusuke: Yeah. I want someone else licking my balls, thanks.
Hiei: Didn't want to know that, thanks.
Zelgadis: Actually, none of us did. [is blushing]
Xellos: [is trying to stifle laughter]
Kurama: [smirks] Need a distraction, Dragon?
Hiei: [smirks back] When do I not?
Kurama: [kisses him passionately]

>Kuwabara nodded fervently as Bui sank his axe into the spot where Hiei had stood seconds before, sending tremors through the earth. He and Yusuke both flinched when they heard Hiei’s next words.
>“Fight like you mean it,” Hiei sneered. Bui lifted his axe again.

Hiei: [softly, to Kurama] Am I really like that when I fight?
Kurama: Not really...
Yuusuke: [Kyo] You're going to lose. Wanna know why? I'm way prettier than you.
Xellos: [laughs]

>The two boys watching below braced themselves.
>“If you want to die,” Hiei spat, walking away from the fallen Bui, “kill yourself.” At that point, Bui was already ashamed he had asked Hiei to end his life.

Hiei: I was nicer about it, even if I essentially said that. It was a good battle.
Yuusuke: [Sanzo] If you're looking for a shortcut to god, you're welcome to join them.
Hiei: [snorts]
Xellos: [Hakkai] Yare yare. Everyone's so honest with themselves.
Yuusuke: [laughs]

>Hiei’s rage had been spent, but it had actually diminished his precision during the fight. So despite his humiliation and his injuries, Bui was still conscious enough to feel (rather than see) Karasu’s coolly appraising eyes upon him. As he lay there, he felt the weight of Karasu’s pending disappointment was more than he could bear.

Kurama: Karasu/Bui?
Yuusuke: That's... odd.
Hiei: Come off it. We've had two fics pairing me with Kuwabara. THAT's odd.
Kuwa: Yeah!
Koenma: At least you two agree on something.
Hiei: [shrugs] It happens occasionally.

>The word surged up his body in a powerful jolt, starting from his feet and flying up his spine as he jumped up towards Hiei. The force exploded at his fist to knock Hiei down on his face. By the sound of it, he had knocked several teeth out, and possibly broken Hiei’s nose. Bui lumbered forward, prepared to do anything to keep Hiei down for the next ten seconds.

Hiei: [winces]
Kurama: [holds Hiei tighter]
Xellos: Super glue?
Zelgadis: [snorts] You *would* think of something like that.
Yuusuke: I thought your teeth would grow back anyway, Hiei.
Hiei: Doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt like hell.

>“Oh my!” Koto screamed into her microphone. “It seems that Contestant Bui, who was down for nine seconds, got a second wind and has come from behind for an unexpected victory! What a twist! This match, like the one before, has given the audience the tension, and the drama, and the bloodshed it has been craving! Can I just say how incredible this all is!”
>She continued in that tiresome vein while Juri proceeded with the count. Bui would have rolled his eyes if he’d had the strength.
>“Eight . . . nine . . . ten!”

Hiei: Go figure.
Kurama: [kisses his neck again]
Hiei: [snuggles against him]

>The crowd went wild, but Bui paid them no mind. He turned towards Karasu, who was resting limply in Toguro’s arms as healers attended to his chest wounds. His arms and legs dangled freely, though his reclined head rested snugly in the crook of Toguro’s elbow. Somehow Bui knew that Karasu had told Toguro to hold him like that so that he’d be able to watch the match.

Yuusuke: Toguro Team orgies?
Kurama: Ick.
Hiei: Yuusuke, I recommend mental help.
Yuusuke: [sighs] Fine, fine. I just won't speak.
Hiei: [rolls his eyes] Not this again.
Koenma: [pets Yuusuke's hair]
Yuusuke: [leans against him]
Koenma: [softly] You okay?
Yuusuke: [same] Yeah, just... been in a strange mood lately.
Koenma: [same, kisses his cheek] It's okay, you know. Stop thinking you've done something wrong.
Yuusuke: [smiles slightly]

>Through the fine veil of his hair, which had reverted to black, Karasu’s eyes peered at Bui with contented approval. As Bui trudged back to his teammates, he let out a sigh. Only Karasu was able to identify it as an indication of relief and satisfaction instead of exhaustion, and he smiled.
>“Well done,” he whispered.

Kuwa: Only he *should* be dead.
Yuusuke: Fucking zombies.
Kurama: [shudders]
Hiei: [hugs him]
Xellos: I thought you liked zombies, Yuusuke-san.
Yuusuke: I hate the ones that talk though.
Xellos: [nods sagely] A Romero purist.
Yuusuke: Fuck yeah.
Hiei: The most zombies should be able to do is moan for brains. And even then it should be unintelligible.
Xellos: I liked 28 Days Later.
Yuusuke: Ohh, yeah. Now there's a zombie movie.
Hiei: [smirks]

>“Don’t talk,” Bui grunted. The effort it had cost Karasu to utter his brief congratulations had already caused fresh blood to stain the bandages wrapped tightly around his bare chest. The healers murmured indignantly and tipped some tonic down his throat. Karasu closed his eyes wearily, but the smile still played about his lips. Bui turned his face to the smile like a lizard basking in the sun. Karasu’s unmasked smiles were rare.

Hiei: Oh, good. Maybe he'll die anyway.
Xellos: [softly] Doubt it.
Hiei: Huh?
Xellos: Nothing!
Hiei: [glowers at him]
Zelgadis: He does that.
Lina: [nods] Best to ignore him.
Xellos: Yare, yare.
Zelgadis: [kisses his cheek quickly]
Xellos: [leans against him comfortably]
Zelgadis: [smiles]

>Hiei’s defeat (or Bui’s triumph) set the pattern for the rest of the tournament. Kuwabara lost to Toguro Ani, and all of Yusuke’s pigheadedness and righteous anger didn’t help him, either.

Yuusuke: Oi! That's not what happened! And I'm not pigheaded!
Kurama: I think I see where this is going... and I don't like it...
Hiei: Neither do I. [lays his head against Kurama's shoulder]
Kurama: [runs hand through Hiei's hair]
Hiei: [purrs softly]

>“What now?” Yusuke managed to ask through his mouthful of blood, panting on his hands and knees.
>At that moment, Kuwabara felt like he could have punched Yusuke for his transparent attempt at bravado. Apparently Toguro saw through Yusuke’s ruse as well, for he gazed down at Yusuke with an obscenely amused expression.

Yuusuke: [looks sick] I don't think I want to see where this is going.
Koenma: [holds him tighter] Neither do I.
Kuwa: Urameshi's always attempting bravado. Why hit him for it?
Hiei: Yeah, there are usually so many other reasons to hit him.
Yuusuke: [pouts]
Hiei: Stop pouting, Yuusuke. You look like a toddler when you do that.
Kuwa: Must get it from Koenma.
Yuusuke and Koenma: Hey!
Hiei: [winces] I didn't mean it like that.
Xellos: The fic is putting everyone in a bad mood. Perhaps we should just try to finish it as quickly as possible.
Kurama: Agreed.

>“It’s not over yet,” he said.
>Kuwabara watched despairingly as Yusuke’s shoulders sagged at Toguro’s words.
>“It’s over,” Hiei said flatly.
>Kuwabara wanted to punch him too.

Hiei: I'd want to punch my clone, too. Captain Obvious.
Yuusuke: It could be worse. Someone could've mentioned a fat lady.
Hiei: Huh?
Yuusuke: You know. "It's not over until the fat lady sings."
Hiei: Oh.

>The soft murmur of worried voices woke Kurama. Why couldn’t they let him sleep? Groaning at the disturbance, he half-opened his eyes.
>As soon as he did, Kuwabara was on him. “Kurama! How are you feeling?” He seemed unduly concerned.

Kuwa: I'd hardly call it "unduly," given that he was practically blasted to death by Karasu.
Hiei: [sucks on Kurama's neck]
Kurama: [caresses his back]

>“Fine,” he mumbled, and he realized that he was telling the truth.
>Shaking his head, he saw that he lay in the hospital wing. When he moved, however, sudden pains throbbed throughout his body. It seemed that the wounds Karasu had inflicted would not allow themselves to be healed easily. Yusuke, Hiei, and Kuwabara sat by him, all looking the worse for wear, but whole.

Hiei: [murmurs] Oh, definitely *fine*...
Kurama: [kisses him deeply] You, too.
Hiei: [shifts]
Kurama: [gasps, kisses him again]
Hiei: [chuckles]

>“What time is it? What happened?” he asked, sitting up.
>“You’ve been here nearly seven hours,” said Hiei, whose face had been repaired.

Hiei: I must've worn you out, Imp.
Kurama: [grins] Sounds fun.
Hiei: [leers] It can be arranged.
Kurama: Then by all means.
Hiei: [brushes Kurama's hair back, kisses his neck]
Kurama: [sticks hands underneath Hiei's shirt]
Hiei: [nips his chin, kisses him]

>Kurama’s eyes widened. “The tournament! Is it over?”
>Hiei nodded. Yusuke would not meet his eyes.
>Both of Kurama’s hands turned clammy, and he clutched at the bedspread in sudden fear. “Tell me we didn’t . . .”

Yuusuke: Yeah, yeah. Alternate reality, we lost. Give it a rest, fic.
Lina: [Kurama] ... leave the water running.
Kuwa: [snickers] That makes me think of Home Alone.
Yuusuke: [snorts]
Xellos: Terrible movie.
Yuusuke: No arguement here.

>No one said a word.
>“We didn’t – *lose*?”
>Yusuke finally spoke. “I’m sorry, Kurama.”

Kurama: My clone is dense.
Yuusuke: He's had a tough day.
Kurama: No excuse.
Hiei: Clones are always dense, Imp. That and overly optimistic and melodramatic.
Kurama: [sighs] I know.
Hiei: [kisses him]
Kurama: [deepens kiss]
Kuwa: [softly] At least Karasu is leaving them alone.

>He stared at Yusuke, disbelieving his ears.
>“Yusuke lost to Toguro, and of course you never expected a victory from him,” said Hiei quietly, indicating Kuwabara.

Kuwa: Oi!
Lina: He could've won...
Kuwa: I *did* win!
Yuusuke: Shit. Stupid fic's making us look bad.
Kurama: [softly] I didn't manage to kill him in reality either... So I look just as bad in reality.
Hiei: [runs hand through his hair] Kurama, stop beating yourself up about it. There's nothing that can be done now.
Kurama: [smiles weakly] I know, but I still feel pathetic.
Hiei: You're anything but. That day, you did your best. That's all anyone can ask of you.
Kurama: [kisses him, doesn't respond]

>“Speak for yourself,” growled Kuwabara.
>“You’re the only one who won a match,” said Yusuke, looking directly at Kurama.
>“Then–,” Kurama stammered, still trying to grasp the implications. “What’s going to happen?”

Yuusuke: [grumbles] Whatever the winners want.
Kurama: [shakily] No.
Hiei: [growls softly]
Kurama: [clings to Hiei] I don't want to read this...
Hiei: [worriedly holds him close] I know, Imp. Neither do I. Just hang in there, okay?
Kurama: [breathes deeply, calms] I'm okay. I'll be okay.
Hiei: [kisses him gently]

>“Toguro killed his older brother, so we don’t have to worry about his wish. Long story.” Yusuke smiled ironically, and he held up a tired hand to stop Kurama from asking. “And I doubt Bui will have anything more to do with us. He’s free from Toguro now, and that’s all he ever wanted.”
>That leaves Toguro. And . . . Karasu.” Kurama’s stomach lurched.

Kurama: [shudders slightly]
Hiei: [rubs his back calmingly]
Xellos: [mildly] Missing quotation mark.
Lina: [softly] You're just taking over all their jobs, aren't you?
Xellos: [same] Yes, well, they're rather busy at the moment.
Lina: [same] Yeah...

>“Right.” Yusuke paused. “Toguro’s wish is to offer me a second chance.”
>“But there’s a catch, of course,” Hiei sneered.

Yuusuke: [snarky] When isn't there?
Zelgadis: There's always a catch. For example, every time Lina-
Xellos: [covers his mouth]
Lina: Every time Lina what?
Xellos: [still holding Zel's mouth] Nothing, Lina-san! Don't worry about it!
Zelgadis: Mmm mmph.
Xellos: Yes, dear.
Lina: [glares at them]

>“It’s fucking rigged,” Kuwabara growled.
>“He wants to fight me again,” Yusuke said, ignoring the other two. “If I win, he’ll kill himself. If I lose, my entire team dies.”

Koenma: [tightens his hold on Yuusuke]
Yuusuke: [squeaks] K-chan, I need to breathe...
Koenma: [blinks] Sorry.
Yuusuke: [smiles, kisses his cheek] S'okay. [nuzzles him playfully]
Koenma: [kisses him deeply]

>“But you’re injured!” Kurama protested.
>He let go of the bedspread as his hands curled into fists. Hiei and Kuwabara merely gave him “I told you so” looks. Yusuke appeared positively resigned to his fate.
>“Koenma will take care of the girls. They’ll get back to Ningenkai safely,” he said in a colorless tone. Kurama wanted to shake him.

Koenma: [flinches]
Xellos: [cheerfully] He'll cry himself to sleep for the rest of eternity, too.
Zel: You're morbid today, Xel.
Xellos: [beams] When am I not?
Zel: [rolls eyes] Rarely.
Xellos: But you like me that way, yeah?
Zel: [smiles, softly] You might want to tone it down a bit for the moment. The others...
Xellos: [mock pouts] Are you ashamed of me?
Zel: Hardly. But this isn't a good time to be morbid.
Xellos: [embarrassed smile] Ah, yes, you're probably right.
Zel: [smiles]

> “Is that all you can say? Don’t you care?” he demanded. “If Genkai were here—,” he began. Invoking Genkai was a low blow, and he knew it.
>“If Baa-san were here, she’d send me to him saying ‘good riddance.’” Yusuke’s eyes were unexpectedly bright. “I failed her. And all of you.”

Yuusuke: Unexpected? Of course I'd be upset if I fucked up and doomed all of you.
Kuwa: Maybe the author has a hard time imagining you crying?
Kurama: Yeah, but the perspective is my clone. I'd expect that Yuusuke would be upset. He has pride, after all.
Yuusuke: "They carry things like pride and fear..."
Xellos: Shadow Skill.
Yuusuke: [smirks] Elle reminds you of Lina, doesn't she?
Xellos: [grins] They're pretty much the same, yes.
Lina: [glares] That better be a good thing.
Both: It is.
Lina: [threateningly] Good.
Both: [look decidedly nervous]

> “You haven’t told him the worst of it yet, Yusuke,” Hiei said coldly.
>Kuwabara fired up at this. “You little bastard,” he said. “I don’t know what your fucking problem is, but a rock has more sensitivity than you’re showing right now!”
>“We don’t have much time left for sensitivity,” Hiei retorted.

Kurama: [irritated] I really hate this fic.
Hiei: Same here. I'm capable of *some* feeling, you know.
Kurama: I just don't like the implication of running out of time.
Hiei: [pets his hair]
Kuwa: Besides, beating around the bush isn't exactly the nicest way to break bad news.
Kurama: [makes a face] That's how you know it's really bad.
Hiei: [kisses him] It's just a fic, Imp.
Kurama: [sighs] I know I'm taking it too personally again. I can't help it.
Hiei: I know, but it's just not worth getting upset over. This is just another one of Karasu's pathetic attempts to get to us.
Kurama: You're right. I'm just in no mood to mst it...
Hiei: I know, but it'll be over soon. We can take a nice, long shower afterward?
Kurama: [smiles and kisses his nose] That sounds wonderful.
Hiei: [nibbles Kurama's lip]
Kurama: [giggles]

>“Shut up, both of you,” Yusuke said without feeling. He looked straight at Kurama. It was difficult to know how much courage it took to say his next words while meeting Kurama’s eyes. “Karasu asked for you as his prize. You’ll live even if I lose. I don’t think he’s going to kill you.”

Kurama: [flinches]
Hiei: [kisses him]
[While they're distracted, a metal arm extends from the ceiling and grabs Hiei around the waist.]
Kurama: Hiei!
Xellos: [opens his eyes]
Kurama: [holds onto Hiei as the arm starts to pull him toward an opening in the ceiling]
Yuusuke: Shit! [raises his reigan]
Lina: Fireball! [sends the ball of fire into the ceiling]
Hiei: [is yanked from Kurama's hold and disappears into the opening]
Kurama: [falls to the floor] No! Please, no!
Yuusuke: [rushes to his side]
Zel: [looks around frantically] Where's Xellos?
Lina: Shit! Of all the times for him to disappear!
Koenma: That might be a good thing at the moment, if he was able to follow Hiei through the barrier.
Lina: If it didn't close on him. [covers her mouth and stares wide-eyed at Zel]
Zel: [meets her eyes squarely] He's not dead. I'd feel it.
Lina: [nods]
Kurama: [pale, shaky] Then he'll save Hiei. Karasu won't get him.
Yuusuke: [has an arm around Kurama and nods firmly] He will. Xellos wouldn't miss a chance to kick Karasu's ass.
Kuwa: He'll find a way to get us out of here, too.
Zel: And the Greater Beast is here too. If Xellos made it through the shield, I'm sure she'll find him.
Kurama: [stands shakily]
Yuusuke: [helps him to his seat] Let's get the rest of this MST over with, then.
Lina: [sighs] If we must.
Zel: [sits by Kurama] Karasu may try again, so we should be vigilant.
Yuusuke: [nods and sits close on Kurama's other side]

>“Oh please no,” Kurama said before he could stop himself. “No.”
>The prospect of being Karasu’s prize for the rest of his life was too terrible to consider. It was the first time Kuwabara had ever looked at him with pity in his eyes. Yusuke looked away, and Kurama saw that the dams on his tears had finally broken. He turned to Hiei, feeling like a drowning man grasping for a life preserver.

Kurama: [shivers slightly] I'd kill myself first.
Yuusuke: [pats his shoulder]
Kurama: No hope of rescue, either. I'd definitely make sure I was dead.
Everyone else: [wince]
Kuwa: We wouldn't die so easily.
Yuusuke: Of course not.
Koenma: Nor would we allow you to be taken so easily.
Kurama: [angrily] None of us was able to stop Hiei from being taken.
Lina: [winces sympathetically] It wasn't your fault.
Kurama: [monotone] I let go.
Lina: I still blame myself for what Phibrizo did to Gourry, but it's not healthy. There's nothing you could've done differently.
Kurama: [blinks slowly] What Phibrizo did...?
Lina: [nods] Little bastard took Gourry right in front of me, and all I could do was call his name. It was when I began to realize how much the big dope meant to me. Later, Gourry was brainwashed into fighting against us and, not content with that, Phibrizo pretended to kill him in order to get me to use a spell that could destroy the world. I know *exactly* how you feel.
Kurama: [pained] But if I hadn't let go, at least he wouldn't be alone...
Zel: He's not alone. Xellos is with him, and I guarantee two people are harder to rescue than one.
Yuusuke: You didn't *let* go, Kurama. Don't do that to yourself. You can get through this. Hiei said you're strong, right? Do you want to prove him wrong?
Kurama: [doesn't answer]
Koenma: If anyone is at fault, it's my father. It's *mine*.
Yuusuke: [scowls] It's *Karasu's* fault. No one else's.
Kurama: [nods] It's Karasu's fault. [closes his eyes] Gods, I hate this.
Yuusuke: [puts his arm back around him]
Kurama: [weakly joking] Save it for your boyfriend.
Yuusuke: [laughs shakily] What? I'm too macho to be supportive?
Kurama: [laughs shakily as well]

>In a rare display of support, Hiei reached forward and squeezed his hand. Kurama was stunned. Hiei never submitted to touch from others, let alone initiated it.
>“Karasu doesn’t know what a dangerous wish he’s made,” Hiei said.

Lina: [vehemently] No. No, he doesn't.
Yuusuke: 'I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away.'
Kuwa: That your new motto?
Yuusuke: [snorts]
Koenma: [puts his pacifier back in his mouth] Yuusuke doesn't hide from anything.
Yuusuke: [smiles] No, I normally run into it head first.
Kurama: [innocently] Like that frog?
Yuusuke: Ugh. Don't remind me!
Lina: [giggles] So, would you like a helmet or some wipes for Christmas?
Kuwa: Both would probably be a safe bet.
Yuusuke: [whines] Everybody's against meeee...
Kurama: [smiles a little]

>Were his words a promise? Kurama searched his face wonderingly and realized that all hope was not lost. He smiled painfully at Hiei, but it was a smile nonetheless, and Hiei tucked it carefully into a steel-plated compartment of his heart.

Yuusuke: That reminds me of a doujinshi I read once...
Kurama: We don't want to hear about your porn collection, Yuusuke.
Kuwa: Yeah. Knowing you read Fake is too much information.
Yuusuke: Yeah, but you'll never catch me with Gravitation.
Kuwa: Why not?
Yuusuke: Wasn't crazy about it. Now, Sukisyo, that's different.
Kurama: The Gravitation anime had good music.
Yuusuke: Yeah, I'll give it that.
Lina: If we delve into Yuusuke's doujinshi collection, we'll never get out of here.
Yuusuke: You're too right. Onward!

>A nurse came by and shooed them away from Kurama’s side, saying, “Visiting hours are over for today.”
>“Bye, Kurama,” Yusuke said, offering his hand to Kurama.
>“Kick Toguro’s ass,” Kurama said, making Yusuke laugh a little at his uncharacteristic use of profanity.

Kurama: Uncharacteristic, my ass.
Yuusuke: Yeah, you curse a lot more than people give you credit for.
Kurama: I curse when it's appropriate.
Lina: That kind of situation is pretty appropriate.
Kurama: Exactly.
Koenma: So's this one, but you haven't cursed much.
Kurama: [sourly] Yet.

>“Kurama,” grunted Kuwabara, shaking his hand as well. “If you see Yukina . . .”
>“I’ll tell her you were thinking of her,” Kurama said quickly. To his credit, Hiei didn’t say anything. Kuwabara smiled weakly.
>“Thanks.” He turned to follow Yusuke, who had already started out the door.
>Kurama’s heart didn’t break as he realized he’d probably never see them again, but it palpitated dangerously. Hiei was the last to leave.

Kurama: [himself] To hell with the nurses, let's fuck.
Yuusuke: [smiles a little] Yeah, that's more in character for you guys.
Kurama: Besides, I'm sure if we tried hard enough, we could screw each other to death. Better than what this fic has in store.
Yuusuke: [winces]
Kurama: Oh, come on. If you and Koenma were doomed with no possible escape, isn't that the best way to go?
Yuusuke: I guess... If we'd exhausted every other idea...
Kurama: I'm not suicidal, Yuusuke. Whatever happens... [voice cracks] Whatever happens, I'll figure out what to do...

>“Hiei,” Kurama said desperately, wanting to cling to him.
>“Do you trust me?” Hiei asked impassively.

Kurama: [huskily] With everything I am.
Yuusuke: [smiles]
Lina: Zel? You've been really quiet...
Zel: [shakes his head] Just worried.
Lina: [softly] About Xellos?
Zel: [nods slowly] If I concentrate, I can feel him through the barrier. He's... moving. That's all I can describe it as.
Lina: [nods] He's fine. I'd bet he's already got Hiei and is meeting up with the Greater Beast now.
Zel: [shrugs, softly] I don't know... Logically, I know how powerful Xellos is. If he managed to get through those barriers, he wouldn't lose. His pride wouldn't allow anything except total victory, against something he sees as a lesser demon.
Lina: [frowns] But...?
Zel: [still softly] Those kekkai are tricky. And... he hasn't fully recovered from when he ran into it before. [glares] He didn't want me to know, so he hid it.
Lina: [frowns deeper] But you can feel him moving around out there. If he's moving, he's okay, right?
Zel: [nods] Yeah... I don't know. I could just be worrying too much. [shrugs]
Lina: [nods] Everything will work out.

>“Well . . . yes,” Kurama said, taken aback.
>“Then don’t do anything stupid while you’re in his clutches, and remember that the feeling is mutual.”

Kurama: [closes his eyes tightly, swallows hard]
Lina: [softy] It's going to be okay, Kurama.
Kurama: I just can't... stop feeling that I should have protected him. He keeps getting hurt because of *me*.
Lina: You can't think about what you could have done or else you'll stop moving forward, and Hiei wouldn't want that.
Kurama: [takes a sharp breath] Please don't talk like he's dead.
Lina: [winces] I didn't mean it like that.
Kurama: Just don't. Please.
Zel: [covers Lina's mouth before she can say more] This isn't the time for one of your pep-talks, as useful as they usually are.
Kurama: [bends, puts his face in his hands] I know she's trying to help, but nothing anyone says will stop me from blaming myself. Lina still blames herself for the incident with Gourry, and if Hiei... [he can't finish the sentence]
Yuusuke: Okay. Just remember we're here for you.
Kurama: [dryly] It's hard to forget. All of you keep talking.
Yuusuke: [laughs uncomfortably]

>Kurama blinked as he watched Hiei walk away. The Jaganshi was full of surprises today.

Kurama: [softly, pained] He always is...
Yuusuke: [hugs him with one arm] He's a survivor too.
Kurama: I know... I just can't stop thinking about the worst. Imagining it...
Yuusuke: Don't. Focus on your anger. If you have to imagine something, imagine kicking the scarecrow's ass.
Kurama: [nods, but still looks troubled]

>The nurse who had driven his teammates away then asked whether he’d like a sleeping pill.
>“Yes,” Kurama said instantly, too exhausted physically and emotionally to relish the prospect of agonizing in bed the whole night. He wanted several well-deserved hours of sweet oblivion.
>She gave it to him with a glass of water, which he swallowed quickly. He closed his eyes and thought no more.

Kurama: My clone is a selfish bastard. If your friends are going to die, you don't spend your time sleeping.
Yuusuke: [winces guiltily]
Koenma: [frowns] Yuu-chan?
Yuusuke: [softly] Remember at the start of the tournament when all I did was sleep? I slept right through Kuwabara's, Hiei's, and Kurama's fights...
Kurama: It wasn't a big deal. We weren't losing, were we?
Yuusuke: Well, no...
Kuwa: And you were kinda aware of what was going on. You kept talking in your sleep, cheering us on.
Yuusuke: I guess.
Kurama: It's not like you did it on purpose, like the clone, anyway.
Yuusuke: Yeah, Genkai just wore me out...
Koenma: So don't beat yourself up over it, Yuu-chan.
Yuusuke: [smiles a little]
Koenma: [kisses him]

>When he wakened, he was lying on a bed in an unfamiliar hotel room. He started to sweat as his suspicions raised their noses and sniffed the wind. A voice from the doorway confirmed his fears.
>“You’ve woken in time for dinner.”

Kurama: [angrily] I'm only interested if flash-fried crow is on the menu.
Yuusuke: Ditto.
Koenma: His suspicions had noses?
Kuwa: They're bloodhounds?
Zel: I'm sure Hiei will be happy to provide us with flash-fried crow, if there's any not burnt into ashes when he's finished.
Lina: [her tummy grumbles]
Zel: [stares]
Lina: [blushes] You keep talking about food!
Zel: [rolls his eyes]
Kurama: [smiles slightly]

>Kurama wished he could blind his eyes to the hateful sight of Karasu smiling at him. The crow youkai was apparently on the road to recovery.
>“But you’ve just missed your friends’ execution.”
>Yusuke . . . and Kuwabara . . . and Hiei.

Kurama: In that situation, killing yourself is a better plan.
Yuusuke: [pets]
Kurama: Don't.

>“Karasu doesn’t know what a dangerous wish he’s made.”
>“Do you trust me?”

Kurama: [a tear rolls down his cheek]
Yuusuke: [simmers quietly, angry and frustrated]
Zel: Fuck this. [stands and goes to the door]
Lina: What are you doing?
Zel: Well, we can't blast out, so... [cracks open a panel and begins fiddling with wires]
Lina: You're going to electrocute yourself.
Zel: Honestly, I don't care.
Yuusuke: He probably won't electrocute himself, since he's basically made of stone. He's automatically grounded.
Zel: [gets shocked and goes flying across the room]
Lina: [dryly] You were saying?
Yuusuke: [hurries over to Zel, who's smoking slightly, but sitting up] I've been wrong before.
Kuwa: Most of the time, he means.
Zel: [coughs smoke] I'm okay. Formed a pact with Xellos, remember?
Yuusuke: [frowns] Still...
Kurama: Don't bother. Even if we got out of here, we're still stuck on the base. There's no way to get off even if we wanted to...
Zel: [glares] That wasn't the point. [goes back to the door]
Lina: [sighs] Stubborn idiot... We didn't want fried chimera on the menu.
Zel: [ignores her]
Kurama: I'm serious, Zelgadis. Hiei wouldn't want someone to hurt themselves on his account. It's just a fic, and we have to trust that Hiei can take care of himself or that Xellos will help him get out of it.
Zel: [looks at him doubtfully]
Lina: Oh geez. [grabs his arm and brings him back to the couch] You're such a drama queen sometimes...
Kurama: [looks at him] But thank you.
Zel: [flushes slightly]

>A brief wave of nausea swept over Kurama. When he had successfully contained his urge to retch, he blinked at the strange prickling feeling in his eyes. The last time he had wept was when he’d thought Shiori was about to die.
>“No dinner for you, then,” Karasu said, watching Kurama closely. He left, locking the door behind him.

Kurama: The selfish clone doesn't deserve dinner after sleeping through that.
Zel: He acts surprised to be crying.
Yuusuke: [Trowa] Are these... my tears?
Kurama: [mutters] Stupid, selfish, unfeeling clone.

>If Kurama hadn’t been choked with his hatred and fury, he might have noticed that Karasu had effectively left him alone to mourn in private, which, under other circumstances, would normally be considered decent and sensitive.

Lina: Oh, no it didn't.
Kurama: [enraged] Yes, I'm sure he's quite sensitive and cuddly when he's not *trying to kill the people I love*!
Yuusuke: Thanks for the pointless aside, story.
Zel: [keeps looking at the door]
Lina: Do it and I'm tying you to this couch.
Zel: [glares]

>He was left alone with his grief in the darkness, but he was unable to give vent to it satisfactorily. For one thing, it would have meant an irrevocable acceptance of what had happened. For another, grieving was far too passive. He’d much rather get even—scratch that, he wanted revenge in excess. But he didn’t have the strength to think about that now.

Kurama: Revenge sounds wonderful.
Yuusuke: Dish best served cold, my ass.
Kurama: Piping hot, right away. So they know exactly why.
Yuusuke: Yup.

>Instead, Kurama dissociated himself from the circumstances by shutting down completely.

Kurama: You already slept through your friends' deaths, you idiot clone!
Zel: Tch. Useless clone.

>It had been a long day.

Yuusuke: Duh.
Lina: [mutters] Longer for us.
Kurama: It's over. Let's go.


Xellos hurried out of the barrier just as it closed, and it took him a moment to orient. By that time, Hiei was nearly through another barrier. He had been dragged into a pod, which had then been jettisoned. From the way he was sagging against the glass and the odd mist that was being emitted from the pod, it wasn’t vacuum-safe. Karasu clearly meant to have Hiei subdued before bringing him on board. Xellos threw himself after the fire demon, but was forced to stop short as the barrier shut against him.

Xellos cursed. Karasu had successfully captured Hiei, and Xellos wasn’t yet strong enough to disable the barrier to rescue him on his own. The only hope was to find the Beastmaster and hope that the crow didn’t kill Hiei before a rescue could be mounted. He marked the area and went to find Xellas.


Hiei jerked conscious as cold water splashed over him. He winced as his sharp, shocked intake of breath hurt his lungs and opened his eyes to see a very solid Karasu standing in front of him holding a bucket. Hiei was naked, hanging from the ceiling by his arms, which were bound together.

Karasu smirked. “The Bastard awakes.”

“Go to hell,” Hiei croaked painfully. Exposure to vacuum had clearly damaged his lungs, if not more. He tried to use his youki to set himself loose, but found it blocked. He was warded somehow.

“Tsk, tsk. You’re bleeding all over my floor,” Karasu chided, punched him in the diaphragm.

Hiei doubled over as best he could in his suspended position, gasping for breath as Karasu laughed. Looking down, he realized that Karasu had actually cut a ward into his skin and was nearly ill.

Karasu grabbed his chin and forced it up, bringing his face close. “I intend to find out what Kurama finds so interesting about you.”

His legs weren’t bound, and Hiei kicked out, catching the crow in the groin. He watched with satisfaction as Karasu slid to the floor and then tugged at his bindings, trying to get his arms loose. That was when the explosions began.


Mukuro had just finished disabling another false barrier when she noticed an elated look pass over her companion’s face. “Xellas?”

The woman smiled—an actual smile, for once. “Xellos has gotten free. He’s headed this way.”

Mukuro allowed herself a relieved smile. Finally they were getting a break.

Xellos turned out to be a young man with shoulder-length purple hair. Unlike Xellas, he had a very serious expression on his face.

“Something has happened,” the Greater Beast guessed, turning serious as well.

Xellos nodded, clutching his staff angrily. “The Crow has Hiei. We need to get him before the others.”

Mukuro started, heart in her throat. “Hiei?”

“My hands will spill blood today,” Xellas vowed and they were off.


Hiei was in agony. He had more broken bones than he had probably ever had in his life, and it was becoming more difficult to move at all, let alone struggle against Karasu. He had managed to put up a fight, even tied up and warded, and the crow had the bruises to show for it.

He had gotten the worse end of the deal, though, and he wasn’t really sure how he was going to get out of this one. In truth, Hiei no longer cared what happened to him, as long as Kurama was safe. The only thing that kept him fighting was the knowledge that Karasu would go after Kurama next, and the longer it took him to finish Hiei off, the more likely it was that they would be rescued before that could happen.

Another of Karasu’s bombs exploded near his head, and he momentarily lost consciousness. When he came to, Karasu had twisted a fist full of his hair and was smirking at him. While he was close enough to hit, the crow had injured Hiei’s legs with bombs after his first trick, and the fire demon couldn’t move them enough to strike out anymore.

“Now we’ll see what Kurama finds so alluring about you,” Karasu purred, running a clawed finger down Hiei’s cheek and leaving a line of blood. Hiei spit in his face.

Karasu’s blow broke his jaw, but he smiled through the pain. “It wouldn’t help you. Kurama will always be disgusted by you.”

“All I require is his body,” Karasu sneered, grabbing Hiei’s chin and twisting it painfully. “I intend to break his mind, using you.” He moved behind the fire demon, and Hiei could hear him opening his pants.

The fire demon twisted as Karasu grabbed his hips, struggling though he knew he couldn’t stop him. The crow dug his nails in, holding him immobile, and Hiei could feel his penis at his rear. He stiffened, clenching his body against the attack as Karasu began to force his way in.

A console beeped and Karasu moved away. “Saved, for the moment. They’ve finished the MST.” The tall youkai moved around to face him with a terrible smile, and Hiei struggled to quell his shaking. “Shall we say hello?”


They had arrived back at their quarters. Yuusuke and Lina made Kurama sit down, while Zelgadis got him a glass of water to help him calm down.

“You don’t have to fuss over me,” Kurama murmured, taking a sip.

“We can’t help it,” Lina said. “We’re worried.”

A screen turned on in front of them suddenly, showing a naked, battered Hiei hanging by his arms. He appeared to be conscious, but was averting his face and looked humiliated. A ward was cut into his skin on his chest and stomach. The glass dropped from Kurama’s hand and shattered on the floor. His hand shook as he reached out and touched the screen.

Karasu moved into the screen, keeping Hiei visible behind him. “Hello, my pets.”

Yuusuke glanced at Kurama, only to find that his features were filled with rage and his eyes had turned gold. He pulled Koenma back slightly as their friend changed into his youko form. “I will kill you,” Kurama hissed. “And I will find a way to destroy your soul.” Lina and Zelgadis backed off slightly, surprised.

Karasu only smirked at him. “It won’t fix what I plan on doing to him.” Kurama snarled. “I may leave him alive; I haven’t yet decided. But that little bit about having children? I’m afraid it won’t be possible.”

Kurama froze. “What?”

Karasu leaned closer to the screen, his voice silky. “You see, my dear Kurama, I don’t believe that a creature as hideous as that,” he gestured behind him, “should be allowed to procreate—especially with someone as fine as yourself.”

Yuusuke’s eyes widened slightly as Xellos appeared behind Hiei. He glanced at Zelgadis, whose eyes were also wide. They had to keep Karasu distracted while Xellos pulled off the rescue.

Kurama seemed to be thinking the same thing. “That doesn’t make him less attractive to me. There’s always adoption.” As he spoke, Xellos pulled out a knife and began to cut Hiei down.

Karasu looked slightly irritated. “You seem to think that’s the extent of the damage I intend to inflict. I intend to first find out what about him intrigues you so much, but then there will be no need for certain parts.”

Behind him, Xellos finished and lowered Hiei gently to the ground, pulling out Zelgadis’ cloak and wrapping it around him before lifting him gently again and disappearing.

The youko looked ill, and Karasu smiled and continued. “I was about to fuck him when you finished MSTing, and now I think it would be quite entertaining to break him in front of you.”

Kuwabara stepped forward, looking angry and disgusted. “You’ll never get the chance, asshole.”

Karasu laughed. “And how do you intend to stop me, ningen? With that pathetic sword of yours?” His face turned serious. “You will be forced to watch this, and then I will send him back to you, damaged.”

Lina couldn’t help herself. “Yeah, sounds great. But before you do that, you should look behind you.”

The crow looked and glowered at them. “The priest.” He snapped his fingers. “You forget that my bombs have quite a range.”

Mukuro appeared behind Karasu, accompanied by a chimera-type creature that looked like it came out of a child’s nightmare. Lina gasped. She had seen this in a book once. “The Greater Beast!”

Karasu turned and there were several ineffective explosions before Xellas pounced and ripped his throat out with her teeth. Karasu’s body crashed against the screen, and the image was replaced by static.


Xellos had been with Mukuro and Xellas when the bomb went off. It wasn’t a fatal one, but was designed with a specific target in mind. As Xellas reverted to the Greater Beast and she and Mukuro went off to destroy Karasu, Xellos raced back to the Ningenkai.

The girls were outside the temple drinking tea when he arrived, and Yukina immediately dropped her cup and raced over when she saw Hiei, followed quickly by Botan. “Oniisan!”

Botan gasped. “What happened?”

Xellos hesitated. “Karasu got him.” He set Hiei on the grass, figuring he’d be happier outside for the first time in months.

As Yukina began to heal him, Hiei grabbed her hand weakly and moved it over his belly, where the bomb had gone off. Yukina paled. “Oh, Hiei… I’ll fix it. I promise, I will.” She wiped a small tear from his face, and he passed out. “Botan, please help me.”

The other two girls hovered around helplessly until Genkai took charge. “Shizuru, go heat up some water. Keiko, there are bandages and salve in the bathroom. Please get them.” She waited until they were gone and then bent to check the wards. “I’ll need to add another character to disable the ward, and then they can be healed.”

Xellos silently handed her the dagger he had used to cut Hiei down. She nodded and got to work, relieved that Hiei was unconscious.

Ten minutes later, Yukina and Botan had healed him as much as they were able, the ward was disabled, and Hiei was beginning to resemble a mummy with the amount of bandages they had to use for the wounds that weren’t yet healed. Xellos was about to carry him into the temple when the others appeared on the lawn.

Kurama, still in youko form, hurried over and took Hiei, carrying him into the temple himself. Koenma followed him, trailed by the others. The youko set Hiei on a futon, and looked up at Yukina. “Can you heal him?”

“Botan and I healed him as much as we can. We’re out of ki right now.” Her voice was strained by worry and frustration. “I… Kurama-san, he might not be able to bear children anymore. I healed as much as I could, but the bomb…” She started to cry.

Kurama closed his eyes, gently taking her hands in his. “He’s alive. Right now, that’s what matters to me.” She nodded.

Koenma frowned. He couldn’t watch and do nothing, not when his friends were in pain. He stepped forward and knelt, placing his hands over Hiei. The fuukuman glowed gold, and the energy poured from his hands into Hiei’s body.

When it was over, he smiled tiredly at Kurama. “He should be completely healed now.”

Kurama stared at him, and his hair slowly bled out into its normal red as he reverted to his human self. “Thank you.”

Koenma nodded. “It’s the least I can do.” He glanced at Yuusuke and whispered. “I don’t think I can get up on my own.”

The teen grinned and pulled him to his feet. “Let’s go home.”


Note: There will be another short chapter, but we don’t think any of them will agree to MST again, so that’s probably going to be it. Rose is moving to California in about a week and a half, so if it’s not out by then it might be a little while.