Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Eve Of Storms ❯ Deep Feelings ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kurama stood by the kitchen window, staring out into the yards awed by the sheer feirocity of the storm. How quick it had been, how fierce it had been, tearing down trees, destroying, killing devouring everything unfourtunate enough to get in it's path. It had horrified the unsuspecting fox as it had all the others whom had expierienced it's wrath as it raged through the city. The fox had always been awed by Mother Nature and her destructive forces since he was a child, and this storm was no different. Rain had formed large puddles in the lawns, some backyards were not a series of puddles, but lakes with ducks and geese swimming on them. Kurama guessed the plants were dead, all except for the makaian plants that were planted that could easily be mistaken for a hydrangea or tulip.
The sky was a solemn shade of gray, the clouds moving slowly along as if they were slaves being forced to move every dreary day. Kurama recalled some things suring the storm that had kept his mind off of it. The whole city blaring with the sounds of car alarms, EMS vehicles zooming down the roads and highways, the sounds of frightened ningens as they hurried to thier cars already soaked by the sheets of stinging rain. The cracks when lightning shot through the sky, rumbles of thunder and the rain's rythmic pattering on the roof of the house. Youko paced the house in his fox form, his four paws tapping the ground ever-so lightly as if he walked on air when he pattered through the house, sticking his great nose wherever it would fit. Even if it created a severe mess all over the floor and Kurama had to clean up after Youko whom acted like he was harmlessly sitting around bored the whole time and the mess had made itself. Kurama laughed at the spirit fox's antics.
Kurama looked through the window out across the yards watching, waiting, for Hiei. He longed to be beheld by those beautiful crmson eyes, to once again drown in thier beauty, he wanted--needed--to have Hiei by his side tonight, had to express how he felt. Yet he was scared. He feared not the demon, he feared rejection. He loved Hiei, he felt a love towards the little half koorime that was unable to be put into words, all he knew was he had to tell the fire demon whether he accepted it or not. Kurama sighed heavily, although he knew it wasn't impossible, Hiei would never succumb to human feelings, he was too proud, too dignified to admit he loved a human. Damn you're pride Hiei. The fox sighed, it was no use worrying about something that couldn't be, yet he wondered how the demon felt about him..... Surely he wouldn't feel the same way? No, no he wouldn't, why would he fall to human feelings. Kurama had tried severeal times to secretly break through his strong mind barriers, but to no avail each time. Hiei had spent who knows how many years building those barriers, it wouldn't be easy to tear them down, but he felt deep inside he'd do it, and the fire demon knew he would, but then why wasn't he running like Kurama had expected? He was strange, but if he felt at all threatened or scared, he'd have fled by now wouldn't he?
Kurama smiled as he admitted it to himself, Hiei was too complex. The sound of booted footsteps upstairs drove Kurama form his train of thought and he smiled, Hiei was here. Youko perked up his ears then went back to romping around and sticking his nose in things. Soon growing ored, the fox rejoined Suuichi and kurama went upstairs to see the rain dampened fire demon sitting on his floor barechested, a sopping wet cloak, oots, and socks rest next to him. The fox's eyes slowly traveled up and down the fire demon's form unbeknownst to Hiei until he looked up and raised an eyebrow. How cute he looked when he did that.......
"Hold on." Kurama bade and went to get a towel and his only set of black clothes for the little demon.
Hiei looked around the room inspecting it with a hint of curiousity, mostly because he was bored and had nothing else better to do. A small desk was in one corner of the room, a computer sitting upon it where the fox sat to do his homework or talk online with Yusuke and Kuwabara late at night or over the summer when the ningen schools let out on vacation, another corner had a neatly arranged bookshelf pressed against it, the bed was against the same wall as the book stand. Dim sunlight filtered in from the two windows. Although it was afternoon, it looked like early evening had already set in. The red head soon reappeared with the clothes and set them down before leaving to give the demon some privacy alhough the half koorime couldn't help but wonder if he was actually reluctant to leave the room or if he was just imagining things.
A few minutes later, Hiei called Kurama back in and the fox sat down on the fluffy neatly made bed, his eyes running over the fire demon before him. Hiei followed his gaze and fought to keep back a blush as he saw where the fox's deep emerald pools lingered. Suddenly noticing himself that his eyes were a little more downcast then they should be, Kuram,a cleared his throat, happpy that his long red tresses hid the slight blush. Thunder rumbled again and the rain came down, pitter pattering on the house roof. Kurama stood and looked deep into Hiei's crimson eyes, the fire demon looking into Kurama's in return. Lightning flared, brightening the room quickly before fading it back into the dim light of the sunset.He egan to sweat, he had to say it, he know he did. but his throat felt dry, the words caught in his throat the rain pretty much matching his heart rate.
Hiei looked at Kurama, raising an eyebrow at the sweating kitsune. Now or never.
"Close your eyes." Looking at Kurama with a cautious glance, he shut his eyes. Kurama let out a deep breath. Kurama pulled the fire demon close to him and bent his head down towards Hiei's, his soft lips brushing against the fire demons, running over them softly. For a moment, Hiei didn't know what to do, a mix of fear, surprise, and need all sweeping over him as the fox cotinued to softly kiss him. For a moment, he was lost, unsure of what to do. Soon however, Hiei stepped back and looked at Kurama with confused eyes, the fox looked at him.
"Why did you do that?"
"I....I love you Hiei..."