Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Falling Tears ❯ Same place, same time ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Xephira Black: Hey every one! Xephira here.

Hiei: Hey don't forget about me!

Xephira: I won't, don't worry.*wink-wink* This is my first fan fic and I hope you like it.

Hiei: Of course they are going to like it. Cuz if they don't they are going to have a long talk with Kantana here. *pats kantana and smiles an evil chibi grin.*

Xephira: Ok, Hiei calm down, it's okay. Well this story is about a girl named Xephira *winks* and Hiei here. I was thinking about making it a self insertion, but I kept messing up. So if you want to put in your name just take out mine.

Disclaimer: Xephira does not own YYH or any of the characters. If she did I wouldn't be here and this whole thing would be in Japanese.

*clapping heard in background. Disclaimer bows and walks off stage*

Xephira: ahhh… thanks, I think.

Hiei: Hn. Stupid disclaimer. *takes out kantana and walks toward disclaimer*

Xephira: Anyway… now to the story.


Falling Tears

The tears you cry will fall forever

no matter how hard you try to stop them,

You won't be able, no one will

There will always be tears

no matter happy or sad,

they will always be…

forever and always


Ch. 1

Same place; same time

The moons were right above her as she waited. The stars twinkled as they looked down at her. She was sitting there, sill and waiting. For what, She didn't know, nr did she want to. She just knew that she had to wait there, some how she had felt him telling her to stay. So she did.

Machnie and Jebidie, the two moons, were full tonight. And as the time pasted they slowly glided over her head and started sinking as dawn sucked them down and pulled up the sun. She didn't think anything of it then, but when the moons were full, bad things happened out in the desert. The girl's name was Xephira. She looked as if she was 18 years of age, though she was only 15. She blamed it on her youkai father who murdered her human mother and forced her and her twin brother to run and live a life of horror, torture, and loneliness. They had been able to escape the horror and torture, but not the loneliness. Her twin brother, Airhpex, left to try and forget. She could never forget even if she tried.

She was short for her age, barley reaching 5 1/2 feet, and felt very uncomfortable when standing next to her brother who towered over her at 6' 2". She wore dark colors like dark green, blue, purple, but mostly black, for she was a dark mage. She always wore her black cloak with the hood covering her face. Her hair was naturally a brownish color with purple streaks/ smudges, and a little past her shoulders. Her face was beautiful, small perceptive green gold eyes, petite nose, pink lips. Though was ruined by two scars, one from the top left of her forehead down to the right cheekbone. The other from the top right of her forehead across to her left eyebrow.

She thought to herself, 'Why am I still waiting here? He still hasn't come, so why stay?' She was just about going to leave when she saw him approaching. He was also short, and had spiky, jet black hair that refused to obey gravity. Right in the middle of his hair was a white starburst. He had marvelous crimson red eyes which gleamed like fire when he was angry. At his hip was his trusty Kantana, his sword. He was wearing a black shirt and pants that whispered as he walked. One glance at his face and you got his message: 'Cross my path and suffer the consequences!' He was a moody guy. As Xephira watched him come closer she realized that he had approached her like this. Five years ago. She whispered, "Hiei…"


*~*~Flashback to five years ago~*~*

Xephira (five years younger) looked around. She saw a young looking man with spiky black hair and a white starburst, leaning against a wall. 'Wonder who he's waiting for.' She thought to herself still staring at him, he move his head in her direction. 'Oh, no… I think he say me! Yup, he's walking this way!'

"Hey you!" he called to her. She didn't move. "Yes, you!" He was getting impatient, and fast. "What's your name? You waiting for someone?" He seemed rude and in a hurry.

"Name's Xephira Black. Yes I am waiting for someone, but I have no clue as to who." She finished only giving out the information that was needed. You could never be to careful around there with all the assassins and bandits about.

"Ahhh…" He paused in thought. "Well, Xephira, name's Hiei, and I think that I'm the one your waiting for."

*~*~Back to the present~*~*

"Oh, Hiei, if only I could tell you how I feel about you." She whispered to herself.

"Hey Xeph! Where have you been lately?" He yelled to her. She waited till he was closer to answer.

"Lots of Places. You?" She asked right back.

"Same. It's been a long time, and I was wonder if you would ever return, Three years is a long time. Still when I asked, you waited. You still trust me after all this time?" He asked. She could tell by the look in those crimson eyes that he was being completely serious.

"Of course I still trust you, Hiei, why wouldn't I? We went through many things together for those two years. Trust isn't something that is won and lost like that. You have to work for it and work to take it away. But if you don't want me to trust you, just say so." She answered smiling. Hiei began just smirked. Soon Xephira broke out laughing.

After she calmed down again, Xephira decided that it was time she ask a question that had been bugging her for a while. "Uh… Hiei?" He looked up from fixing his boot which he had taken off to empty the sand from it. "I… well…" She began. "I was wondering that since I'm back and will be for a while, if … well…you want to be partners, ya know for like when you go on adventures." She asked nervously. Hiei's crimson eyes flickered a warning like a flame before it goes out and his face went very stern.

"I told you before but I'll tell you again. I work alone unless I have to work with someone. I'll ask you first if I need help. But that is rare. Otherwise don't help me. So get used to it." He answered with more than just a warning in his voice. "Now hurry and follow me." With that he got up and started to walk off. Xephira reluctantly followed suit.

*~*~ Chapter End~*~*

Xephira: So what do you think? Please Read and Review!

Hiei: Remember no flames. *Pats kantana and smiles evil grin*

Xephira: Calm, Hiei, calm. Anyway this is before Hiei has his Jagan. Kay? And if you're a little confused about the amount of years that me and Hiei were together before, I'll explain. Five years before the story takes place (When Xephira is 10) she meets Hiei. They spend 2 years together, then Xephira had to leave. You'll find out why later. *smile-wink* Three years later the story takes place. I hope that's clearer for you now.

Hiei: Enough explaining. Get on with the next chapter. Hn.

Xephira: Hold your horses Hiei it's not done. Well another thing I won't update until I have 10 reviews. See ya!