Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Fatherhood ❯ A Forbidden Daughter ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One: A Forbidden Daughter
Koenma called three members of the Tantei into his office in the early hours of the morning. He had been given a startling report that needed immediate attention of the gentlest kind. George showed the three members into Koenma's office, where the prince was looking the paper over.
“What is your problem toddler!? Don't you know what freakin' time it is?!” Yusuke said angrily. Koenma nodded, well aware that it was about four in the morning. Yusuke had managed to at least put on his jeans and a t-shirt before Botan had dragged him out of bed. Koenma looked at the detective.
“Only you three will participate on this next mission.” Koenma said. He looked at Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Hiei with a determination to keep Kurama out of the mission.
“Why?” Kuwabara said as he stifled a yawn. Even Hiei had to admit this was unlike the toddler. Koenma generally relied on Kurama to keep everything even and to make sure no one killed any one innocent. Not that Hiei cared.
“Because this is a personal matter.” Koenma spoke softly; hoping that no on in the office was awake yet. George yawned, still in his leopard slippers. Yusuke grumbled.
“I don't want to run YOUR errands!” He said. Koenma sighed.
“No. This is personal for Kurama. For YOUKO KURAMA.” Koenma repeated, more serious this time. Hiei felt his interest peaked at the mention of the Famous Makai Thief. There were always rumors of what the fox had gotten himself into back when he was reining Thief King; but the rumors were quickly put to rest when the ones who spoke out went missing. Hiei had always assumed that Kurama had someone take care of the people who threatened to reveal information.
“So I'm out of bed before the sun, to take care of the fox's dirty laundry?” Yusuke asked. Koenma nodded. He grabbed his remote control and pointed at the large screen behind his desk. The three boys looked up at the screen as a picture of a girl flashed on the screen. Yusuke looked the picture up and down and decided he liked it. Kuwabara stood asleep on his feet, not even bothering to see the picture. Hiei felt his gut tell him something was wrong. Something was very wrong with this picture.
“Boys; meet Youko's daughter.”
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The girl ran through the woods quickly, holding on to the only thing that would bring her salvation. The blood on her hands dried and caked as she pushed herself over branches and fallen trees. Her tears dropped on the ground and she didn't bother trying to stop them from falling. She kept running, knowing that if she stopped; the Makai guards would sense her and stop her from crossing the border. Her body sped up and slipped silently between the trees and bushes. When she reached the Makai gate, she leaped toward the wall and pulled herself over. Half her battle was done. The object in her hand was warm and slippery from the blood that was on it. She decided to sneak a peak, and found that it was perfectly unharmed otherwise. More tears spilled out of her sky blue colored eyes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FLASH BACK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Mom! We have to go! People are coming! Please! Let's go!” The girl cried out as her mother was bent over, picking up wild herbs. The mother's straight black hair fell over her face as she stared at the ground. Her black tails flickered back and forth happily as she hummed.
“We are okay for this second, relax Kai.” The woman said. She looked up at the girl and smiled. Kai looked at her mother nervously. She hated to be out in the middle of no where. Plenty of hunters could come and collect them and deliver them to slave traders. Kai had seen many of her clan-mates disappear when hunters set traps. It was a fear of hers to become prey to such demons. The anxious feeling welled up in her chest and made Kai's heart beat faster.
“I can't take it anymore! I'm leaving!” Kai said. Her mother looked up at her as Kai went to turn around and put her foot down. Her mother jumped at her and pushed her out of the way. Kai felt her body hit the ground and heard a sharp snap and a crunch. She looked up at her mother and realized that her mother had thrown herself in Kai's way so Kai wouldn't step in a trap.
“Ohhh… Kai…I told you to wait…” Her mother groaned. Kai shook with fear as she saw her mother's blood drip onto the forest floor from the giant claw trap that she was stuck in. Kai crawled back over to her mother and looked at the wound. It was deep, and it had sliced open a few veins.
“Mom, hold still!” Kai said. Her mother shook her head as her kitsune ears picked up noises around the forest. She knew that it was going to be a waste of time.
“Kai, go.” Her mother demanded. Kai looked at her mother stupefied. There wasn't any way that Kai was going to leave her mother. There were hunters around, and Kai could help.
“I can do it! I can!” Kai held her hands over her mom's leg. Her mother put her hands on top of Kai's.
“You aren't strong enough to pull off this trap, and neither am I Kai. I'm sorry.” Kai's mother whispered to her in the surrounding forest. Kai could feel the tears dripping down her cheeks already.
“No! Do not ask me to leave you! I have no where to go! PLEASE!” Kai demanded. She would take the chance she would be imprisoned. She would take any chance. Her mother needed her. Kai would help. Kai could do something.
“Kai, take this,” Her mother pulled a silver locket from under her shirt. Kai looked at the locket with reverie. Her mother never took that locket off. Kai held it in her hands. It was warm, and it was covered with her mother's blood now.
“Go to the Ningenkai; find Youko Kurama. Go to him. Tell him Mai sent you. You need to leave now.” Mai said to her daughter. Kai shook her head. She could hear the hunters coming closer; she could smell the gun powder. They were going to shoot her mother! She could feel it in her veins.
“Mom! No! I can't leave you! You'll die! Mom, they'll KILL YOU!!” Kai cried. Her mother smiled feebly at her. Her daughter's silver hair fell over her shoulders. It was Mai's constant reminder of her once lover. Mai pushed her daughter backwards and Kai reluctantly stood up.
“I love you. I always have, I always will. That locket is proof. You'll be in good hands with Youko. He'll be good to you.” Mai promised her daughter. Kai nodded, letting the tears fall from her eyes.
“I love you mom… I'll always remember you!!” Kai said as she started to run. Her body picked up its natural speed and grace as she danced through the unknown territory in the Makai forests. She was yards away when she heard the gunshot; but that was all there was. She knew that her mother was dead; and it would forever be her fault.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END FLASH BACK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kai kept running, even after the Makai border had sounded an alarm. She would find Youko Kurama, who ever he was. She would find him and do exactly what her mother asked. He would know what to do.
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Yusuke collected his jaw off the floor as he looked again at the picture of the girl on the screen. He couldn't quite call her a girl; she was more of a fantastical female kitsune, with pin straight silver locks and gentle sky blue eyes. Her frame was tiny, and her face childish. Yusuke tried to picture Kurama fathering this child. The ears, tail, and hair were an instant give away.
“He had a kid?!” Kuwabara said, now obviously awake. Hiei even couldn't believe his own ears. Had the Prince of the Spirit World honestly just said that his fighting partner had fathered a child when he was still an infamous thief of the Makai?
“Yes! He did! And she is on her way to see him right now!! You need to intercept her and bring her to ME!” Koenma said angrily. There was no way he could let the two kitsunes meet. It was impossible! It would only mean disaster for the Tantei, and Koenma needed his Tantei to be in top working order.
“Why!? That is his kid!” Yusuke demanded to know why. If it was so important that they keep a father and daughter from meeting; Yusuke decided he wanted a damn good reason.
“She'll ruin the TANTEI!!” Koenma flailed at Yusuke, trying to beat him. Yusuke flicked the toddler away and sighed.
“Alright, fine! We'll go!” Yusuke said. He and the other three Tantei members rushed out of the Reikai Ruler's office quickly, headed back to the Ningenkai.
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