Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Flux ❯ Chapter Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By Rose Thorne

A Star Trek: Voyager/YYH crossover


Chapter 13
Kurama watched, concerned, as the doctor ran a tricorder over Hiei's unconscious form. Finally the doctor put the instument down and healed the Jaganshi's wounded forehead. Kurama watched for a moment before his patience ran out. "Is he okay?"

The doctor didn't even look up. "He's fine. He has a concussion, for one. The area around his Jagan is extremely sensitive. I'm guessing that he hit his forehead pretty hard. He's lucky that it didn't knock him out and immediately put him into shock, or worse."

Kurama sighed. They aren't going to leave us alone. They're going to keep attacking us until we're dead . . . "Is he okay otherwise?" "Worst case scenario: memory loss. It's doubtful, but his Jagan makes things quite different." The doctor held up a hypospray. "Hopefully, it's not the case, but we're about to find out." The hologram used the hypospray on Hiei, who immediately began to stir. Kurama gently layed his hand on Hiei's shoulder, speaking softly. "Hiei, are you okay?" His friend opened his eyes slightly, then moaned softly, his eyes clenching shut against the light. The fire demon nodded, then winced.

The doctor smiled gently, not seeming to care that Hiei couldn't see him. "Careful. You have a concussion, and probably one hell of a headache."

Hiei's eyebrows raised acknowledgement, then smoothed as he began to fall asleep. Kurama frowned. "Hiei, a concussion means that you can't sleep."

The doctor administered another hypospray. "That should ease your headache."

Hiei sat up slowly with Kurama's help and opened his eyes. It seemed to take a moment for his eyes to focus. Then he gingerly slid off the examination table, holding onto it to steady himself.

Kurama glanced at the doctor questioningly, then gently steered Hiei toward the door when the doctor nodded.

As they reached the door, it opened to reveal Captain Janeway. "Tuvok informed me that there was another attack. What happened?"

"Just the Meikai trying to pick us off again, Captain." Kurama sighed. "Bad timing, too. We were on out way to talk to you."

Janeway blinked. "Oh. What did you need?"

"We were thinking that maybe we should go on the offensive rather than having to constantly defend ourselves."

The captain smiled. "Anything to get those damned creatures off my ship."

Kurama nodded. "Well, Hiei was thinking that he could program a tricorder to pick up ki readings. Then we could go demon-hunting, but I don't know . . ."

Hiei frowned. "It'll give me something to do to keep me awake . . . We want to get started on it as soon as possible so the Meikai can't attack us anymore." The words were slightly slurred, and Janeway shot him a concerned look. The fire demon sighed as he caught the look, then tiredly massaged the bridge of his nose. "Concussion . . ."

Janeway nodded symathetically and walked to an equipment case. She returned momentarily with a tricorder. "There's your tricorder. Don't push yourself too hard. Good luck. When you finish it, report immediately and a security team will pick it up . . . In fact," she turned to Tuvok, "I want two armed security guards escorting them and posted outside their quarters at all times."

Tuvok nodded crisply. "I will handle it personally, Captain."

The captain smiled. "I'm due on the Bridge, so I'll escort you as far as the turbolift." The group left Sickbay and headed toward the turbolift.

None of them looked back to see the angry scowl on the doctor's face.

* * *

Kurama watched Hiei work with the tricorder, bored out of his mind. After over an hour, Hiei finally set the machine down and rubbed his forehead tiredly. "Done?"

Hiei shook his head. "Almost . . . I need a break . . ." He sighed. "I only have to imprint our ki signitures to its memory, then it's done . . ."

The redhead nodded, watching his friend with concern. "Did you want to teach me to play Kal Toh?"

The fire demon stared at him for a moment before realizing what he was talking about. "I guess. Neelix hasn't been back for it . . ." Kurama watched as Hiei set up the game. "Looks complicated."

"Hn." Hiei concentrated on what he was doing for a few minutes. "Kinda. Supposedly it's all logic. Neelix was complaining that Tuvok always wins because he's a Vulcan."

"What does that have anything to do with winning?" Kurama wondered aloud.

Hiei smirked. "Vulcans are supposed to be totally logical with no emotions. I think it's a load of bull, personally. Hell, people thought I was an emotionless, calculating bastard at one point. The only thing that made me that way was repression of emotions, and that's unhealthy." The fire demon frowned, his voice becoming serious. "If you ask me, the Vulcans are mass murderers waiting to happen . . ."

Kurama stared at him. "You read my psychology book! That time it went missing for a week--that was you?"

The fire demon raised an eyebrow. "It was interesting. I was looking through it one day when I was raiding your fridge." He sighed. "Certainly gave me some insight."

Kurama shot him a confused look. "Insight into what?"

Hiei looked away. "Me." The fox stared at him in shock. "It gave me a lot of insight . . . Basically made me realize some things that I hadn't wanted to see."

"Really?" Kurama watched his friend. He himself had been psychoanalyzing Hiei while he had read certain chapters. It was frightening how Hiei had seemed to fit some of the more self-destructive problems.

"Yeah . . . It was at that point that I realized what I was doing to myself. I was killing myself from the inside out. It . . . scared me." Hiei sighed. "And I knew that I had to do something or I would end up killing myself. That book also tipped me off to what you were trying to do. I had been totally rejecting it, but I knew that if something didn't give . . . So I let you help me. I let you be my friend . . ."

"You knew what I was doing . . .?" Hiei nodded, closing his eyes. "Yeah . . . You can be really obvious sometimes. I'm glad you did it though. Without you, I probably would have just given up. I'd be dead by now if it wasn't for you." The fire demon opened his eyes halfway. "Thank you." The eyes slid shut again.

Kurama stared at his friend in shock. Hiei's openness was refreshing and relieving. "You're welcome, tomodati." He frowned as Hiei didn't respond at all. "Hiei?" No response. Kurama rose and shook his friend gently. The Jaganshi didn't even stir. The fox shook Hiei more vigorously. "Hiei, you need to wake up!" The fire demon didn't respond, and Kurama lifted him into his arms and grabbed the tricorder from the table, then stepped out the door.

Tuvok glanced at him from his post outside Kurama and Hiei's quarters. "You have completed the data compilation?"

"No. Hiei fell asleep and he won't wake up. He's not supposed to sleep with his concussion. We need to get him to Sickbay." Tuvok nodded shortly and he and the other security guard flanked Kurama to the turbolift. Kurama carefully shifted Hiei in his arms, noting with concern that Hiei's skin was cool to the touch and very pallid. The fox nearly dropped his burden when the Jaganshi opened his eyes. "Hiei! Are you okay?"

The fire demon was hyperventilating. "Can't . . . breathe . . . Help . . ."

"We're on our way to Sickbay, Hiei. Hold on." He looked into his friend's panicked eyes, trying to offer reassurance. Hiei's eyes closed as he began to shake uncontrollably, seizure-like. "Hiei!"The turbolift door opened and Kurama raced toward Sickbay, still flanked by his escorts.

The doctor looked up as they entered Sickbay, then hurried over and gestured for Kurama to set Hiei down on an examining table. "What happened?"

The fox obeyed the unspoken order, holding Hiei as he writhed on the table. "He fell asleep and wouldn't wake up! I was bringing him here because he wasn't supposed to fall asleep, and he started going into these seizures!" "Why wasn't he supposed to sleep?"

Kurama stared at the doctor. "He has a concussion. You told me he had to stay awake, then gave him some medication to get rid of his headache."

The doctor frowned, his brow creasing with concern. "I didn't even know he had a concussion! What are you talking about?!"

"You didn't treat him??" The doctor nodded and Kurama's eyes widened. "Oh, gods . . . A Meikai shapeshifter! What the hell did he give to Hiei?!"

The doctor frowned. "I don't know, but we're going to find out."

Yes, I am evil. Most of you are probably screaming at the computer right now. I was going to have the next chapter typed up, but I need to do some research on drug overdoses first. I don't want to be inaccurate. I haven't had a chance to research that yet because the server I keep my website on pissed me off so I'm moving it. Hopefully I'll have it done soon. Ah, yes. Newbies to the series, finally. Now that Cartoon Network got their butts in gear. Though the dubs suck, of course. *hugs her pre-FUNimation fansubs close* Grrrrar! Anyways, a lot of people have been wondering what certain words mean, so I get the fun job of doing definitions. Yay. If I could get online right now, I'd find the notes on the definitions that I sent to my mum through e-mail (my luck, I don't have them anymore anyways). She didn't like it much anyways. "What's all this about demons and different worlds?" "Why did you have to make them gay?" Parents . . . Anyhoo, I'll set y'all up with Bara-chan's Dictionary--something you need to translate most of my fics. You'll also get my comlimentary commentary throughout. Just to warn you, I have limitted knowledge of Japanese. It's not like I speak it very well or much at all. I haven't even taken a Japanese class. What I know is self-taught. Now to go through my chapters and see what's up.

Takenaka - I don't know if BAKAmation decided to keep all the names decent--I'm boycotting that version of the series (mostly because I don't have Cartoon Network at the moment). This is Yuusuke and Kuwabara's principal of sorts. I think he was actually referred to as a councellor or something. That's the dude that Yuusuke pulled the fake ear trick on. In the manga, it was actually a fake doll of him, and he was smoking, not eating the tic-tac thingie, but oh, well. Yeah, I own the manga too. All of it. E-bay is a very nice place, pyo. I'm so broke . . .

ne - Basically means "huh" or "true." Like you ask a question like "Kawaii, ne?" and it translates as "Cute, huh?"

Jagan - Hiei's third eye. Loosely translated, it means "evil eye." There are quite a few stories surrounding the nature of the Jagan, ranging from it being a separate entity to it having changed Hiei's ki signiture. Read doujinshi for more info on some of that.

ki - I mentioned it above, and I'm sure that FUNimation didn't translate it right anyway. Ki is like life-force. It is what powers beings. Yuusuke and Kuwabara use reiki, which is spiritual power. Hiei uses youki, which is demonic power. Kurama, being that interesting Youko-Ningen half-breed, uses both, as I understand it. I could be wrong though.

Youko - the kind of demon that Kurama is. I don't know if that's specifically kitsune (fox), or if there are other types of demons that are referred to as youko.

Ningen - the Japanese word for human. It's a lot of fun hearing Hiei say "Baka ningen" every few episodes, referring to Kuwabara usually. Baka meaning "stupid" or "idiot." Of course, Hiei's Japanese voice was really much better than anything FUNimation could ever dream of, so there you go. Can you tell I'm anti-FUNimation yet? I'm just mad because they decided to lie about keeping the original, untranslated music on CN--I watched the first episode. "Nice uniform" was supposed to be "So they are white," "they" being underwear. But on with the terms . . . Besides, I bet Hiei isn't nearly as cute as in the original. He's such a deep charaand intricate character.

kokoryuha - Ah . . . This is a nice spoiler. Maybe not, if you people have seen "Poltergeist Report," which is thankfully not done by FUNimation and has decent voice-actors. The kokoryuha Hiei's black dragon wave. It's actually spelled a ton of different ways. I chose this spelling because "koko" means black (thank you Memoirs of a Geisha) and "ryu" means dragon. That probably makes "ha" mean wave. This is Hiei's most powerful ki move. I believe he gets it in episode . . . 52? Maybe 53? Well, sometime during the last round of the Dark Combat Tournament (I don't remember the Japanese name for that). It's after Genkai . . . Well . . . I won't give THAT much away. Confused the heck out of me for a while. I haven't watched it in a while. I know what I'm doing Tuesday . . .

Reikai - the Spirit World. I love the name. I don't know why. It just rolls of the tongue. Reikai. Not the Spirit World.

Ningenkai - the Human World. Kai means world, obviously. Meaning that Makai is demon world and gekai or meikai is netherworld. The Japanese dictionary said it was "gekai," but if you watch the subbed version of Poltergeist Report, it's "meikai." Oh well. *shrugs*

Nani - what. Honest, it means "what". I confuse a great many people because I always say it instead of what. Not a good thing at the job.

youkai - demon

kekkai - ah, the fun of these. Basically a ki-generated shield. Read Armageddon: World's End. They're used in there. That's at the YYH Fanfiction Bookstore. Shonen ai implications, of course, but aren't those the best?

hai - Japanese for yes.

Shimatta - doubles as shit and shut. Watch Fushigi Yuugi to get that joke.

sanjiyan - Ah, some of the wonderful terms you can pick up from fics. This I got from "Shadows and Lies," which is a very old, non-yaoi, very good fic. I don't even remember who wrote it or if it even exists online anymore. The term was used once in the entire fic. It means "three-eyed demon," from what I've been told. I've used it to refer to Hiei for three years, and I've actually seen it used in more recent fics. *innocent look*

Reikai Tantei - Spirit World Detectives. FUNimation calls them the Ghosthunters. They're also referred to as the Urameshi team. I hate how FUNimation managed to mispronounce Urameshi.

oniisan - older brother. 'niisan actually means older brother, but oniisan means honored older brother.

-san, -chan - endearments. -san usually is said to someone you respect as an equal. -chan is for a child, usually. -sama is for someone of authority, usually. It gets a bit confusing and everyone has a different definition for them.

onegai - please

Tousan - dad. Otousan is for Father.

Okaasan - Mother, 'kaasan for mom.

Jaganshi - wielder of the Jagan

K'so - shortened version of kuso, which means damn.

Inari - the Fox God. Totally made up in fanfiction, as I recall.

Aa - yeah

tomodati - friend. Otomodati means best friend or some such.