Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ forbidden tears ❯ off to makai ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

***********************************Last time"Yukina.... Will you marry me?"
        " WHAT!!!"Hiei shouted while he was being straddled to the ground.

        "Hiei! Get control over yourself!" Kurama choked out as he was elbowed in right in the stomach.
        "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" Hiei shouted as he got one arm free to unsheathe his katana.
        "HIEI DON'T!" Kurama and Everyone else who new Yukina as his sister yelled in unison.
        "Hey shorty what's your problem!" Kuwabara yelled as Hiei got his other arm free to charge at him.
        Hiei started to run at him with full force and speed. Kuwabara was trying to form his spirit sword, but knew he wouldn't be fast enough 'No I'm going to die without even knowing Yukina's answer' he mentally cried to himself. As Hiei's sword flew to Kuwabara's chest Yukina stepped in front of Kuwabara knowing Hiei wouldn't hurt her.
        "Please stop Hiei I love him!" Yukina sobbed while Hiei stopped dead in his tracks.
        Everyone tackled Hiei to the ground as soon as he stopped.
        "Uhh...don't worry Yukina we'll take care of him" Kurama said while everyone got off of Hiei and started dragging a him out the door.
        "LET ME GO! THAT BAKA IS GOING TO DIE!!!" Hiei shouted while he tried once again to escape from Kurama, and Yusuke's tight grasp.
        "We have to get Hiei off of this realm. Yusuke nodded and stared to go towards spirit world. ***********************************back at what's left of the party
        Kuwabara sat stunned at what Hiei tried to do and what Yukina said, he was absolutely stunned.
        "Hey every body what just happened?" Kuwabara asked.
        "Hiei just needs some time to think, Kuwabara." Botan replied
        "Think about what?"
        "Oh no." Botan said so nobody could hear. She had totally forgotten that Kuwabara didn't know that Yukina was Hiei's sister.
        "Yukina why don't you come with me you look very stressed and upset." Keiko cut in.
        "Yes I suppose, but what happened?"
        "I'll tell you when we get to my house" Keiko said as she Yukina and Suzuru left Kuwagbara's house for Keiko's.
        As the girls left Kuwabara, Botan , and Koenma were all that were there stuck to tell Kuwabara the truth.'Oh no' Botan scolded herself 'what if Keiko and Suzuru tell Yukina, Hiei is her brother, Hiei will definitely kill me' ****************************************In the spirit world
        Hiei had given up struggling and complied with being dragged 'why had she said that?' he thought to himself.
        "Finally were here" Yusuke said.
        Both Kurama and Yusuke let Hiei go.
        "What the hell was all that for!?" Hiei yelled at the two.
        "Hiei you almost killed Kuwabara." Kurama said calmly.
        "He deserved it!"
        "No Hiei your wrong, look we won't lecture you on what to do we'll just give you time to think here." Yusuke said
        "And just to make sure you don't try and kill Kuwabara I'll do this" Kurama said as a blue light encircled Hiei.
        "What the hell did you do?" Hiei said obviously furious.
        "It's a spell that won't allow you to enter the ningenkai, so you can't kill Kuwabara, oh yes it also has a barrier so if you even have the intention of killing some one the barrier won't let you near the person, farewell see you in a couple of weeks Hiei." Kurama said and with that Yusuke and Kurama left Hiei to his thoughts.

Oooooooooohhhh!!!I love cliffhangers, but it won't stay that way for long. Will Yukina find out Hiei's secret? What will Botan and Koenma tell Kuwabara.Hiei's not allowed in ningenkai.What will Yukina's answer be to Kuwabara's question find out in my next chapter!