Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Foreign Exchange Torture ❯ Morning ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yo I am back and I get to write!!!! Well here is the answer to the review I got from fanfiction.net! I am not sure if Kels got a review from mediaminer.org! We don't own Yu Yu nor anything that happens not to be ours in this story!
Rae Kira- Thank you! I hope so! You are our first reviewer!!
Chapter 1
Niete looked amazed at her surroundings. She and Nija were walking down the main street which was full of shops with all sorts of odds and ends. She had never seen an area like this.
She had lived in a very small town with one grocery store that had a gas station. There was one school that served as an elementary, middle, and High school, each grade having only one or two teachers.
It had also had a large park, but the rest of the town had been houses and in all there had been about one hundred or so living there. They had to drive two hours to get to the closest city just to shop for clothes, but she had never gone with her mom. The only place other than her home town she had been was the airport.
As Nija led her down more streets, Niete saw that they were near a forest and soon they were right in front of it. There stood a house, two stories high and light blue in color.
Nija scowled at the house, but grabbed Niete's arm and dragged her inside the house. Nija looked around, still scowling. Seeing no one in the front room, she turned to Niete. "Look, here are my rules. You leave me the hell alone and maybe I won't pants you in front of the entire school. You, unfortunately, are sleeping in my room. Leave those stupid books in your bag. I don't want to find them anywhere near my stuff. GOT IT!!!"
Nija gave one last glare in her direction and walked out the front door, slamming it. Niete winced at the slam. She was pale. She hadn't expected an outburst from her. After all, Nija had been so nice at the airport.
Nija stormed into the forest, just waiting to get her hands on the fool who had talked Hiei into the whole foreign exchange program. And whose idea had it been to send that bookworm here in the first place? It just pissed her off! Now she was not only missing her boyfriend but the team was short of a member.
When she finally reached Genkai's temple, she ran up the steps and gave the biggest glare she could to everyone outside. Yusuke gulped. "I think I'll run." He whispered to Kuwabara.
Kuwabara looked back at Yusuke with the same comical fear that his face showed. "Me too." He said. But then they both burst into laughter.
Kurama gave a small smile at their antics and then showed concern for the way Nija was acting. "My guess is that you don't like the exchange student."
"You guessed right, asshole." Nija said in a rude voice.
Kurama waved his hands in front of him as if to ward Nija off. "WHOAAAH!!! What did I do to deserve that name?"
"It's a good opportunity Hiei. You should take it. Find out what the human world is like in a different place." Her mimic of Kurama's voice sounded much cruder and higher pitched than Kurama's would have been.
Kurama grimaced. "Oh. You were listening in on that conversation. I was hoping you weren't. I knew that if you did, you would blame me for him going on the trip."
"Well, I do!" Nija's expression was a mix of anger, frustration, and sorrow.
Tears were coming down her face and she turned away so the others wouldn't see them. It had been what he had really wanted so she had not voiced her dislike of the thought of him leaving. Yet she found herself wishing she had. She would much rather feel the warmth of Hiei's lips against hers, than have a conversation about books with that! that! bookworm.
What use could Niete be to the team? She was puny and weak and judging by how pale her skin was, she hadn't been outside for long periods of time in a couple of months. They couldn't operate without Hiei. At least she couldn't. She wanted the reassurance of him by her side to protect her in a fight. He was someone she could count on in any situation, whether in a fight or just as someone to go to when she was in need of advice. No one had understood her quite as he did and she didn't feel as anyone would. When he was around she felt like nothing could damper her mood but when he wasn't she felt pissed off at the world.
Kurama burst through her private thoughts by saying, "I hate to ask, but what is so bad about the exchange student?"
Nija went off on a rampage listing everything she hated about Niete. " and to top it all off she's bookworm!" She yelled the last phrase as if it was the worst thing someone could be, which in her mind, it was.
Genkai had been listening from the front door the entire time and was rubbing her chin in thought. "From what you said, I'd say you were judging her before you got to know her. You stereotype her as a bookworm because she reads a tiny bit and don't even take the chance to know her first. Why don't you spend some time with her and then form an opinion about her."
"Yeah, bring her around tomorrow." Kuwabara suggested.
"What," Yusuke asked, "looking for a new girlfriend?"
"NO!" Kuwabara yelled; outraged. "I have my sweet Yukina!"
Yusuke snickered. "I thought you were just going out with her just to piss Hiei off."
Kuwabara made a fist at him. "What does the shrimp have to do with this? He doesn't like her too, does he?"
Yusuke fell on the ground laughing. "YOU STILL DON'T KNOW!!!!"
Nija pulled out her pocket knife and held it to Yusuke's throat. "Just because Hiei isn't here, doesn't mean that you won't get killed for telling."
Yusuke gulped.
Byakko snuck a look at the stranger who was sitting on the top bunk of his bed. Hiei seemed a lot nicer than Byakko's siblings, but he was still afraid, and curious, about him.
The saying "curiosity killed the cat" was true in Byakko's case. He was always asking questions of people to the point of where they would like to smack him and constantly got into things he wasn't supposed to. But Byakko liked to know about everything and he couldn't help asking questions or touching things. When he got curious about something, he couldn't wait to find out everything and Hiei was no exception.
Hiei was motionless, his head tilted forward and his hair was covering his face. Byakko stumbled up the bars that served as steps to the top bunk and poked Hiei's shoulder. When Hiei didn't respond, he grabbed one of Hiei's spikes and tried to pull it closer so he could see it better.
A hand wrapped around his wrist tightly. Byakko looked surprised at the owner of the hair. "Drop the hair, now." A highly pissed off, yet surprisingly calm Hiei said. "My girlfriend likes my hair the way it is and personally, I think it unwise to anger her."
Byakko dropped the hair and tried to get his wrist away from Hiei. "Let go!" he whined.
"If I let go while you're still pulling, you'll fall off the bunk and most likely end up with a broken limb." Hiei said logically with a smirk.
Byakko stopped pulling and Hiei let go of his wrist. He stared at Hiei as if expecting him to yell but all he did was lean his back against the wall and say "It's not nice to wake someone when they are behind in sleep."
Byakko bowed his head sheepishly and replied in a quiet voice, "I'm sorry."
Hiei gave his standard "Hn" and then let his hair cover his face again.
Byakko scrambled down the bars as his sister entered the room. Keiko didn't look happy and Byakko guessed that she had found out about the spilled nail polish from the night before. He ran past her to find his mother so he could hide behind her.
"BO!" Keiko yelled. "YOU BRAT!!!"
Hiei opened one eye and sighed. He was never going to get a decent nap around here. As soon as Keiko left the room, he lifted the window and hopped into the tree right outside like he had done at home. Leaning against the trunk on the highest branch he closed his eyes and thought of home. "This is more like it." he said; talking to himself.
There was a big difference here though. There was no Nija to sneak into the trees with him. They had sat in the trees at home, her leaning into him, just enjoying each others presence. Hiei would not see her for six more months. The longest amount of time he had been away from her was when she had somehow gotten the chicken pox and her mom had shooed him out of the house for a week and a half. He couldn't see how he was going to enjoy this. It had seemed pleasurable at first but home sickness was not something he had thought of when he had agreed to take part in this.
He sighed and leaned his head back. "I need sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better."
Having gone to bed very early the night before to catch up on sleep, Niete woke up at dawn the next morning. She saw Nija in her own bed.
Niete had not gotten a chance to look at Nija's room much, so she was startled to see that the wall was a baby pink. Nija didn't quite seem a pink person, but of course what did Niete know? She barely knew her.
Niete grabbed her clothes, her glasses, and her comb and found the bathroom. After her shower she went back to Nija's room and picked out a book from her suitcase. Sucked into the book, she didn't notice when Nija woke and started getting ready until she hit her. It wasn't a hard slap that she would have expected by the way she had been hostile to Niete yesterday. It was almost playful. "You're coming with me today." Nija said. " I have something to show you."
Niete put the book down reluctantly and asked, "What?"
Nija gave her a smile almost too small to see. "You'll see"
A yell woke Hiei. Byakko was waving at Hiei to come in. Hiei jumped from the tree and into the bedroom. Byakko stared at him open mouthed. "Wow." He said quietly. "How did you do that?"
Hiei shrugged, not exactly in the mood to talk, and walked down the stairs. He smelled something good. Walking into the kitchen, he saw Suzaku and Keiko eating pancakes and their mother standing at the stove. When she saw him, she handed him a plate stacked high and he sat down feeling really strange.
Suzaku gave him a large glare and Keiko ignored him all together. Hiei gave a glare to Suzaku before starting on his stack of pancakes. Before he had brought the fork to his mouth something jumped at him, knocking the wind out of him.
From on top of him, Byakko was grinning. "Got you!" he said happily to Hiei. Hiei simply grunted a “hn” and reached behind him and pulled Bo off oh him and placed him in an empty chair before sitting down. Both Keiko and Suzaku raised an eyebrow to the strangers lack of anger at Bo's behavior. Usually by now one of them would have turned and yelled at him or given him a hearty cuff to the head.
Hiei ignored his new family's looks and started to eat. When he was finished he calmly got up from his seat, placed his dishes in the sink, and walked outside like he had been doing this all his life.
Once outside, Hiei took a small pocketknife out of his pocket. Nothing fancy, just something he'd grabbed out of Suzaku's room on his way to breakfast. Hiei walked a fair way from the house carefully avoiding other people as he went. He soon found himself wandering around the more heavily forested are of the park. Walking through the woods he stopped and looked around him for a while. Not finding what he was looking for he continued on stopping occasionally and looking around. Soon he stopped again. This time he leaned over and picked up a thick stick that came about to his shoulder in height. Swinging it around a few times he stopped. Hiei quickly jumped up into the closet tree and whipped out the pocketknife and began to carve the stick into a nice sized katana for himself.
Several hours later Hiei came out of the tree with a wooden practie katana and a dull blade to return to Suzaku. Hiei took his new katana and slipped it into his belt where his sheath for his real katana had resided the day before. With his katana in place Hiei turned and headed back to his new temporary home.
Let us know what you think. Reviews are VERY MUCH appreciated and without them we can't continue on with the story. If anyone has any ideas for a torture to either character than let us know. Maybe we can include it.