Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Gang Banging the Toushin ❯ Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
WARNINGS – Sex and more sex, Foursome, Language – everything you’ve grown to expect from me ^_^

This will be a two shot with the really, really big lemon in the second part, but I think you’ll enjoy the lemon in Part I. Enjoy

I would also like to thank Ryukotsusei and BlueUtopiah for Beta’ing this fic. Thank you again. Your Mistress is very pleased. ^_^

Banging the Toushin

Part I

On shaky legs, Yusuke made his way to Kurama’s house, nervous about what he was going to do once he got there, but there was no other choice, no other option if he wanted to stop the pain, stop the dreams, and be normal again. Shit, who was he kidding? After tonight, nothing in his life would be normal again.

“Why does everything in my life always have to suck? Wasn’t it embarrassing enough getting killed not once, but twice? And now this? Stupid Mazoku blood, stupid Keiko, stupid pain in my ass, stupid, stupid, stupid!” Yusuke berated himself while wiping at the sweat dripping down from his chin. Despite the cool breeze the approaching evening offered, Yusuke’s skin was on fire, scorching him to the bone. The boy then wrapped his arms tightly around his stomach, hoping to still the painful cramping that was adding to his misery

The boy had been losing his mind over the past few weeks. All the young Toushin could think about during that time was cock: sucking cock, stroking cock, cocks up his ass, fucking, fucking, and more hard-pounding fucking. But the most disturbing thing had been the demonic stars of his lurid dreams – Kurama, Hiei and Jin.

Unable to get the perverted thoughts of fucking his demon friends out of his head and afraid of what he may do to those friends given his strength and power, Yusuke hid himself away in his small bedroom refusing to see anyone. However, his condition had worsened as his sinful thoughts had manifested into physical pain within his lower extremities. He found himself jacking off repeatedly, taking one cold shower after another, trying to relieve the excruciating ache threatening to implode his balls, splitting open his cock. That had given him some temporary relief but then his erection had refused to go down no matter how many times he had masturbated; he would ejaculate but had remained hard as a rock. It felt as if he had been in a constant state of orgasm, just on the cusp of release, but no relief would come, no completion. And to make his pain and confusion even worse, he had now been plagued with horrible cramping within his rectum. He had become so frightened with this new development that he had no choice but to call the one person whom he knew wouldn’t laugh at him and would more than likely know what was wrong.


‘Will my humiliation ever end?’ He had thought.

To Yusuke’s relief, not only did Kurama not laugh at him but he had the answers he had been seeking. It was simple really: Yusuke was in heat, demon heat. The fox then informed the distressed boy, as delicately as he could, that because he was Mazoku he would need more than one partner to satisfy his heat and aside from fucking to his heart’s content - which didn’t suck - he’d also need to be on the receiving end as well.

His life truly did suck.

Yusuke had been happy to learn that he wasn’t mentally sick and that this was natural for his species, but at the same time he had been terrified and confused about the remedy, and in fact still was. While his demon side roared with excitement, his human upbringing shuddered in fear and shame. Taking it up the ass in his dreams had been one thing, but in real life… Then another wave of pain had hit him while talking with the kitsune and Yusuke had given in. He bit his quivering bottom lip and then questioned the fox in a timid and shy whisper, “Would you, Hiei and maybe Jin be willing to help me?”

He had bolted his eyes shut, readying himself for the humiliating rejection when Kurama had answered him excitedly, “Yes, of course Yusuke. The three of us would be honored to help you.” Yusuke’s face-vaulted in shock, but he had been too horny and too far gone to think about it.

Arrangements were then made for all four demons to meet at Kurama’s town house the following evening.

As Yusuke approached the front door of Kurama’s home, he bit his lip and then raised a shaky finger to the doorbell.

“Here goes nothin’.”


With their cocks rock hard, Hiei, Kurama and Jin waited in the kitsune’s bedroom for their friend to arrive. They were all very anxious and thrilled to have been chosen by the sexy Toushin to help him out with his problem…a problem that should have been taken care of long ago. But given the fact that Yusuke was not brought up in Makai, he had been clueless and frightened over what was happening to him so he had hidden his suffering from his closest friends and allies.

But that was about change.

“He’s late,” Hiei remarked tersely with a scowl on his face, lounging on one of the chairs in Kurama’s bedroom, his right leg slung haphazardly over the arm rest. He was shirtless and bare-footed, wearing only his black pants which had become exceptionally tight around the crotch. His sexy corded muscles were rippling and flexing in anticipation. He’d wanted Yusuke for himself ever since the whole Sensui fight, and even more so after the Makai Tournament; unfortunately, the boy’s engagement to that human female had forced him to the sidelines and he could only wait, hoping that Keiko would get one of those human diseases and die before she reached old age. Of course, there were ways in which Hiei could help that along, but spending the rest of his existence in a Reikai prison wouldn’t get him closer to Yusuke. Luckily for him, fate had dropped the boy right in his lap, literally.

“Ah, don’ ya worry. He be here quicker than you can be sayin’ me name - Jin, the Wind Master,” the redheaded demon commented in an effort to reassure Hiei, while appraising the fire demon’s sexy body with hungry eyes.

Jin was comfortably reclined on Kurama’s loveseat, his fingers clasped casually together behind his head. He was wearing his traditional white hakama with those barely-there white strips of cloth crisscrossing over his muscular chest. His legs were parted, giving room to a large erection not unlike the one he sported during his fight with Yusuke at the Dark Tournament.

Hiei and Kurama had been totally amused during Yusuke’s and Jin’s fight, as they and the rest of team Mashotsukai had been close enough to smell the redhead’s arousal. However, Jin’s team had ignored the obnoxious smell he had been emitting, well aware that the Wind Master was a walking hard-on, ready to fuck anything that didn’t look like road-kill. Yusuke, of course, had been oblivious to what was right in front of his eyes as he had never been in the habit of staring at guy’s crotches.

Despite the fact that Jin’s teammates had thought him a slut, Jin was quite discerning of whom he shared his bed with. Just because he frequently got a woody when looking at pretty boys didn’t mean he wanted to fuck all of them… just most of them. However, to Jin, this human boy wasn’t only pretty; he was also an enigma and more importantly, a breath of fresh of air. No one but Yusuke had ever matched the Wind Master’s playful outlook in battle. After their fight, Jin would have loved going a few more rounds with the boy under the sheets. Sadly though, Jin knew that the handsome and sexy human boy could never return his feelings; he was a demon after all, and a male demon at that. So after getting his ass kicked by this wet dream, Jin had decided that if he couldn’t fuck Yusuke then he would at least befriend him.

But never in his wildest imagination did Jin think he would get the chance to play with Yusuke…until now.

“I agree with Jin, Hiei,” Kurama stated calmly. “Considering the amount of discomfort Yusuke is in, I’m confident that he will arrive shortly.” The fox demon was shirtless and shoeless as well, leaning back against the wall with one leg crossed over the other, his arms folded across his chest. He was wearing his tightest black pants; the outline of his well-endowed hard-on stretching the material, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Kurama’s feelings for the boy had manifested even sooner than Hiei’s or Jin’s. The sacrifice Yusuke had been willing to make to save Kurama’s mother, coupled with the boy’s fierce loyalty, had broke through the spirit fox’s untrusting nature, leaving him with only one option: when the time was right, he would make the handsome and sexy Toushin his. He only needed to lay in wait for Keiko to disappear from Yusuke’s life; after all, she would not live forever and Kurama was nothing if not patient. Fortunately, that time had come sooner than he had expected, and he was more than ready to take advantage of the situation at hand, in true kitsune style.

“The detective was a fool for waiting so long. He should’ve come to us at the first sign of discomfort. Why didn’t he trust us, fox?!” snapped Hiei as he crushed an empty soda can he had just finished, tossing it into the wastebasket with more force than necessary, knocking the innocent container over. His anger over the unnecessary pain and turmoil Yusuke had put himself though had the fire demon confused and more than pissed off.

“He did not understand the changes that were taking place within his body, Hiei. Not to mention that the lurid sexual thoughts going on within his mind had terrified him. Yusuke had believed he was becoming a sexual deviant,” Kurama explained, sadness marring his beautiful features as he closed his eyes in contemplation of his own mistakes regarding the health of the boy. He couldn’t help but blame himself for Yusuke’s condition. The fox felt he had done his friend a grave disservice having not foreseen this problem arising. And even more disappointing to the fox was that he had not been more in tune with Yusuke’s withdrawn behavior or the cause of it. Kurama had been well aware of demon heats, yet he had never thought to discuss the possibility that this could happen with Yusuke. At least then the boy would have had a head’s up if and when the physical signs had begun to manifest themselves. Fortunately, for the handsome, dark haired teen, the kitsune had every intention of rectifying his blatant oversight.

“Da boy’s only been Mazoku fer three years, Hiei, jus a babe in da woods compared ta us,” Jin added thoughtfully while rearranging his stiff member to a more comfortable position as he thought of all the delicious and pleasurable ways he could educate the young Toushin.

“If he’d stayed in Makai where he belongs, I would have recognized the signs and taken care of him; instead, the fool comes back to Ningenkai for that human girl. She is worthless and undeserving of Yusuke’s attention. He’s a battle warrior, damn it, not a lapdog!” Hiei countered with an angry glare, contemplating different ways he could skewer Keiko with his katana. “He belongs with his own kind,” Hiei ranted under his breath.

“He’s arrived,” announced Kurama upon hearing the doorbell, cutting off Hiei’s angry grumbling. “Now remember to be gentle, he’s embarrassed and extremely nervous. We need to reassure and guide him through this process if we are to keep him,” Kurama added, glaring at Hiei specifically. “We’ve been given an opportunity to capture Yusuke’s heart far sooner than any of us could have hoped for, so no one frighten him away with over-zealousness.”

“Save your Youko glare for Keiko, the bitch who cares nothing for the pain Yusuke’s in,” Hiei spat back with venom, returning Kurama’s heated glare with one of his own. The fire demon very nearly came out of his chair to put his fist through the wall while picturing Keiko’s face on it. He really hated that girl.

“Calm yerself litt’l dragon. I’ll be bettin’ ya once he gets him a taste a dick, he won’t be chasin’ dat girl’s pussy no more,” laughed Jin, finding Hiei’s outbursts unwarranted, yet quite entertaining.

Kurama and Hiei took a deep shuddering breath, both silently hoping that Jin was correct.

Hearing the doorbell again, Kurama hurried downstairs to greet Yusuke. Opening the door he was met with a pair of frightened and unsure chocolate eyes, eyes radiating physical pain and an all-consuming need for help. Kurama quickly graced Yusuke with one of his gentle and understanding smiles, trying his best to reassure the boy that everything would be okay. Yet; behind his friendly facade, the sly fox was ogling the sexy boy with hungry intent. The boy’s distressed and vulnerable state, not to mention his sexy appearance had the fox utilizing all of his restraint and will power. If Yusuke could have seen what was going on inside of Kurama’s perverted head, the boy would have run away in fear.

Yusuke’s sleeveless, soft denim vest was unbuttoned, showing off his tanned, muscular and sweaty chest. Kurama could also clearly see the boy’s upper body rising and falling heavily, almost as if Yusuke had just run a marathon, causing the delicious looking sweat to shine with each deep breath he took. His jeans, that usually had fit him loosely, now fit him like a glove, hugging every curve with sinful tightness and showing off the rather large erection outlining the crotch of his pants. Kurama licks lips hungrily at the vision before him, anxious to sample the beautiful boy’s flesh.

“Hello, Yusuke. We were starting to worry,” Kurama gently admonished the boy while successfully holding back the obscene groan lodged in the back of his throat.

“Sorry, I was at stupid Keiko’s house. She called me a liar, Kurama, and a perverted freak. She didn’t even try to understand. She kicked me out,” the young Toushin mumbled morosely as his body trembled. He slowly stepped inside Kurama’s apartment where he buried his face in the kitsune’s bare chest, taking comfort in his friend’s warmth and hiding his humiliation, remembering what a bitch Keiko had been.

In was obvious to him that Keiko couldn’t believe what Yusuke had been trying to tell her. She’d found it repulsive and absurd that Yusuke could possibly be in some sort of demon heat, claiming he was in horrible pain and needed to fuck her and then take it up the ass by a bunch of guys. In her eyes it had just been a lame-ass excuse to act out his perversions on her and others, so she had adamantly refused his advances to take her virginity despite the obvious pain he was in. Even now he remembered how she had screamed at him to stay away from her, that she was saving herself for marriage and wasn’t going to give it away to some fag pervert who’s into fag orgies. She’d then screamed in his face that animals go into heat, not humans, and that he couldn’t use his demon blood as an excuse to act out his sick fantasies; she’d had enough of his lies. Her parting words had cut him to the bone. “I’m not stupid you perverted, lying freak. Now get out and don’t come back. I can’t believe I wasted three years waiting for you and for what, more of your bullshit!”

He had left with a heavy heart, saddened that Keiko thought him a liar. He had only wanted to be honest with her and include her in his first heat. They were to be married after all.

Obviously, the engagement was off.

Kurama wrapped his arms around Yusuke protectively, trying to wash away the memory of that bitch’s harsh words. ‘Hiei was correct. Keiko is unworthy of such an extraordinary young demon lord. Perhaps this will be the catalyst for them to part ways,’ he hoped.

“Keiko doesn’t understand demon nature, Yusuke, and never will. Her words mean nothing. What you’re feeling is natural and instinctual and nothing to be ashamed of. You’re among friends who care for you and are more than willing to help you through your time of need. Jin, Hiei and I have all been through this, so please set your mind at ease. You have nothing to fear,” Kurama offered reassuringly. “Now, come with me, Yusuke. Your friends are anxiously awaiting you,” the kitsune added, taking the boy by the hand and leading him to the bedroom.

“They’re really not gonna laugh at me? Especially Hiei?” questioned Yusuke, lagging a couple of steps behind the fox. Still quite unsure and apprehensive, Yusuke was darting his eyes around trying to find an escape route if need be. However, the warmth seeping from Kurama’s hand into his had strangely eased some of the boy’s fears.

“No, they’ll not laugh at you, Yusuke. As a matter of fact, they are quite anxious to help you,” Kurama chuckled with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he thought, ‘If you only new just how anxious we truly are, my friend.’


As Yusuke followed Kurama to his bedroom, the pain that was shooting through his body became unbearable. His blood ran hot through his veins, scorching his flesh from the inside out. He was close to doubling over from the tight cramping that assaulted his midsection, not to mention that his hard-on had continued leaking, spotting the front of his pants. He was totally humiliated, and to make matters even worse his symptoms now included an annoying clenching and unclenching of his rectal muscles and his asshole was all wet and squishy inside. That was something he didn’t understand at all; actually, he didn’t understand a lot of what was going on. Kurama had explained what a heat cycle was for demons, and many of the symptoms, but he had never mentioned that his asshole would be doing crazy shit. The only thing Yusuke understood was that a Mazoku’s first heat could only be sated by fucking and being fucked, which is why multiple partners were usually required. He stupidly thought that Keiko could have relieved some of the tension before he got to Kurama’s, allowing his fiancée - the woman he loved - to be his first, but that was not to be.

“It really hurts, Kurama,” whimpered Yusuke in agony, squeezing Kurama’s hand tighter before pressing himself closer to the fox’s side like a frightened child He felt like a lost puppy, a really, really horny lost puppy.

“I know, my friend, but unfortunately you hid your problem. Had you come to me sooner I could have helped relieve some of the tension until Hiei and Jin had arrived. Yusuke, you’re a demon now and you must allow me to guide you through any changes your body may go through. Why you didn’t come to me sooner is a question I’ll have answered once you’re through this, alright?” Kurama answered softy with a reassuring smile as he pulled the young Toushin even closer to his side, well aware of how the boy was attempting to hide behind him.

“As long as you make it stop hurting I’ll agree to anything, I promise,” the boy whimpered again, feeling very small as he instinctually acquiesced to Kurama’s dominance, trusting that the older and wiser kitsune would indeed take care of him. The boy then took a deep breath in an effort to relax his body as much as he could.

“That’s a good Toushin,” Kurama chuckled, earning a glare from Yusuke. The fox was unfazed by the boy’s glare as Yusuke’s submissive demeanor did not go unnoticed. Even though the fox preened, puffing out his chest that the boy looked to him as the dominant, he was a bit confused. ‘I would think, as a Mazoku, that Yusuke would be more aggressive, taking the dominant role for himself, but he hasn’t. Perhaps his submissive behavior stems more from his fear of the unknown, rather than instinct. He is very young, after all.’ The fox was finding this new development quite a puzzle.

Kurama finally reached the bedroom with Yusuke in tow, pulling him inside to the center of the room. The boy stood still, his head hung low in shame and embarrassment, his breath coming in short pants. Slowly he raised his head and, upon looking at his friends, instinct took over and he released an uncontrollable deep guttural whine. It was a call that only a demon could hear and understand. It was a call of desperation.

His feelings of humiliation had just doubled.

At Yusuke’s desperate whine for help, Jin and Hiei shot up out of their seats ready to ease the boy’s pain; however, Kurama held up his hand, gesturing for them to stop. They did, remembering what the fox had said about going slow because of how frightened and embarrassed Yusuke was.

“Ahhhhh!” Yusuke cried out, doubling over as a wave of pain shot through his body, forcing him to his knees. “Kurama, make it stop! Hiei!?… Jin?! Someone do something, please!” he sobbed. His vision was unfocused, his eyes dilated, and his breaths were now no more than gasping pants. Being so close to three healthy male demons was too much for Yusuke, the pain was too great, and if someone didn’t do something soon he feared he would transform into his demon form and end up hurting his friends, raping them over and over.

“We will, Yusuke,” promised Hiei. He then voiced to Kurama, “He’s in too much pain, fox. He doesn’t need to be courted, he needs release!” Hiei stared the fox down, unmoving, daring him to challenge his words.

“Lil dragon be speakin’ da truth,” Jin chimed in, concern lacing his voice as well, doing his best not to jump in and take over himself. “Kurama, ya need ta fuckim quick. Once yer seed fills him an he comes, he be not in so much pain. Then we could be takin’ are time wit da boy. But now he be needin’ one of us ta fuckim.” As desperate as Jin was to fuck the boy, he had to calm Hiei down and get the fox’s ass in gear. Hiei was correct, in Jin’s opinion, Yusuke needed to be taken quickly, if only to take the edge off of the boy.

“His connection with you is strongest, Kurama. So take him, now!” growled Hiei, clenching his fists. Although he agreed with Jin, the fire apparition would have much preferred being the one to deflower the Toushin, but given the boy’s unfounded feelings of shame and embarrassment, he felt it best that Kurama handle him first. Of course later he would wipe the fox’s smug look of ‘I get to fuck him first’ right off his face

“It will be my pleasure,” Kurama agreed, his eyes turning gold; however, he remained in his human form. Even though Hiei, Jin and Kurama were all very well hung to begin with, Kurama didn’t think that Yusuke would be able to handle Youko’s cock just yet. The kitsune, in his true form, was huge even by demon standards; the boy needed to be stretched and tried before attempting to fuck him with such a large appendage.

With Yusuke on his knees and his arms wrapped tightly around his cramping groin, Kurama forced the boy’s shirt off of him and then gently pushed the Toushin forward, forcing Yusuke onto all fours. The kitsune then reached around Yusuke’s waist and unfastened his pants, then grabbing the back of his jeans he pulled them down to his thighs exposing a beautiful tanned ass which Kurama wasted no time in getting to know. His delicate and elegant long fingers began stroking the taut globes, caressing every inch of hot flesh as the Toushin groaned his appreciation.

“Would someone please be so kind as to retrieve the lube,” Kurama asked politely while spreading open the boy’s cheeks to get a better look at what he’d soon be sheathed in. The fox was bursting at the seams to bury his cock inside his secret desire and began purring at the very tight looking, pink pucker before him. With a twinkle in his eye and another lick to his already moist lips, the fox proceeded to stroke Yusuke’s now exposed asshole, skirting his fingers over the wrinkled entrance, forcing another obscene groan out of the distressed boy. The fox then bit his lip hard as he made a very interesting discovery.

As Jin went to retrieve the requested item, he began pulling his clothes off in record time, fumbling and tripping over his own feet while swearing like a drunken sailor. Hiei snickering and calling him a fool in the background only incited more swearing from the Wind Master.

After releasing his bottom lip from his teeth, Kurama, with a leering grin, mused out loud, “How fortuitous for us,” as he eyed the tiny opening predatorily, thinking of his good fortune and reminding himself to thank Yusuke for being so accommodating, albeit unknowingly.

“What is it, fox?” asked Hiei curiously, removing his own pants and damning himself to hell for wearing so many fucking belts. Finally, with a harsh yank, Hiei had freed himself from the constricting material, and when he then returned his attention back onto the fox, the little demon narrowed his eyes. The fox appeared to be daydreaming. Hiei, now thoroughly irritated at not receiving a timely answer, shouted, “Fox!”

“Jin, please disregard my request for lubricant. It appears that Mazoku self-lubricate,” the kitsune answered, deepening his already wicked grin, completely ignoring Hiei’s outburst. He then rubbed his two fingers over the slick outer rim again, testing the tightness when suddenly Yusuke pushed back impaling himself on the two digits, whining in satisfaction. The boy began riding the fingers madly, moaning and groaning in pleasure as the digits easily slid in and out of his body. This bold move led Kurama to another discovery.

“He is already dilated and ready for penetration,” the fox informed his friends, raising one eyebrow in surprise, holding back the intense motivation to simply plow through Yusuke’s black, dripping hole. This newest development had the fox salivating at all the possibilities.

Kurama’s added discovery shocked the other demons as well. While it was not uncommon for some species of male demons to self-lubricate, it was extremely rare that one could dilate their sphincter muscle. Kurama wasn’t aware of this ability since not much was known about the Mazoku breed; most of what he knew was just general information on demon heats. This put a whole new light on the situation: during his heat, Yusuke could only be satisfied by being taken: he could fuck, and it would feel good, but it wouldn’t relieve his pain. In other words, Keiko would have been of no use.

Mazoku were bottoms.

Kurama quickly added a third and forth finger and was amazed yet again at how eagerly Yusuke’s ass opened up to swallow the digits. Yusuke groaned, unaffected by the stretching as he pushed back harder and faster, trying desperately to impale himself on Kurama’s hand, wishing the fox would just shove his fist up there.

Using his free hand, Kurama undid the front of his pants, releasing his throbbing, thick, ten-inch erection, and in a split second he had removed his fingers from Yusuke’s ass and had replaced them with his cock.

Yusuke cried in outrage when the long fingers that were causing such a comforting friction against his quivering inner walls were removed, but then growled in satisfaction when something much larger pushed past his clenching opening, filling him completely. The cramping he had felt for the last several weeks slightly subsided, giving the boy a glimmer of relief, but he needed more of that hot velvet rod inside of him. He needed it to move faster, harder, and deeper.

So much deeper.

Snapping his head to the side and over his shoulder, the half crazed Toushin glared ferally at the fox, and growled, “Fuck me, Kurama. Fuck me fast. Move your hips!” while slamming himself on and off the fox’s cock. Digging his nails into the carpet, Yusuke tried desperately to retain some of his sanity, but the teen could feel all of his sense of reasoning slipping away and he had no idea how to stop it.

Jin and Hiei were just as amazed as Kurama at how easily and without pain Yusuke took the fox’s shaft. It was truly a sight to behold.

“He was born to be filled,” commented Hiei in a rough, lust-laden whisper. Unable to tear his eyes from Kurama’s cock pounding Yusuke, Hiei began stroking his weeping shaft, counting off the minutes until he could feel and taste what Kurama was enjoying for himself.

“Hai,” Jin responded almost trance-like. “But don’t ya mistake ‘im of bein’ a submissive,” he warned. Jin not only had his cock in one hand, but he was squeezing, pulling and molding his balls like a block of play dough with his other.

“I realize that, Jin. Have no fear,” Kurama responded breathlessly, digging his fingers into Yusuke’s hips, trying to keep up with the Toushin’s fucking. Kurama wasn’t sure just who was fucking who here, but what he did know was that Yusuke had the hottest ass he had ever experienced. The fox bolted his shut, concentrating on fucking Yusuke harder and faster, or at least trying to keep up with him.

“No shit, wind man,” was Hiei’s surly reply, stroking his cock faster, his red ruby eyes still glued to Yusuke and Kurama’s dick throbbing coupling.

Kurama answered Yusuke’s wanton plea and began thrusting into the boy as fast and as hard as he could, throwing his head back and growling as Yusuke’s inner muscles grabbed his cock, squeezing it so hard that Kurama had to use quite a bit of strength to pull his dick free in order to push back in. Never had the kitsune’s cock been taken hostage and controlled by an asshole possessed. That was the only way Kurama could describe the sensation; the boy’s hole was devouring his shaft with suctioning spasms, pulling him in deeper and deeper. The spirit fox had been a superior lover, taking charge and rewarding his prey with the most erotic and sensual experience of their lives, giving them something to brag about while at the same time, bolstering his reputation in the process. However, what Yusuke’s ass was doing to him now made the fox feel, for the first time, inferior.

‘The Mazoku are indeed a most remarkable breed,’ thought the impressed fox before pulling out off the hot sheath.

Immediately after pulling out, Kurama pushed Yusuke’s upper body flush with the floor and then deftly removed his pant along with the Toushin’s. He then laid his chest against that muscled back, and while still pinning Yusuke’s wrists to the floor, Kurama spread the Toushin’s legs apart with his own before sliding back home into that tight tunnel. Driving his hips into the body beneath him with brute force, Kurama humped Yusuke hard and fast while laving the boy’s neck and shoulders with harsh bites and licks. Yusuke felt no pain from the fox gnawing on his flesh; he welcomed it, needed it, and wanted more of it. The boy grunted each time his body was shoved into the ground yet he still managed to push back against the fox even harder. Eventually, Yusuke’s strength had overwhelmed the kitsune, controlling the thrusts once again.

If Kurama weren’t so aroused and hadn’t needed to concentrate so hard just keeping up with the Toushin, he would have found the situation amusing, but it was not amusing. Yusuke was being driven by unbridled lust; a lust that might cause damage to the boy if not sated. And although Kurama wasn’t absolutely sure about that, he would take no chances with Yusuke’s health.

To Kurama’s shock, Yusuke had managed to push his body back against the fox’s, putting him once again on all fours where he rode the fox desperately.

“Kurama, deeper, deeper, deeper!” the boy whimpered in-between choking sobs. Any form of rationality had left the building, leaving Yusuke a mindless, writhing, wanton lump of hot, sweaty flesh.

The fox growled in frustration as he realized that he couldn’t satisfy the boy in this position or this form. He needed Youko to take over.

Hiei and Jin could only look on with their jaws hanging open at the amount of hard fucking this virgin was able to take while still crying out for more.

“I must make him release before he can calm down enough for us,” grunted Kurama as he continued pounding his thick meat into the possessed ass of his friend. “I’ll need you two to hold him down after I flip him onto his back. It’s the only way I can fuck him harder and deeper,” instructed the fox.

“Hai,” Jin and Hiei answered in unison. They were just as anxious for Yusuke to find his first big orgasm in the hopes that his body would cool down enough for them to really touch and make love to the Toushin. Taking turns just fucking Yusuke with no foreplay was not what they wanted, but if that’s what Yusuke needed right now they would do it; hopefully though, Kurama could appease the boy’s lust and it wouldn’t come to that.

In one single motion, Kurama had abruptly pulled out and flipped the boy over. Yusuke wailed and growled his displeasure, reaching up in an attempt to grab the fox and force him inside his body once again. Hiei and Jin had quickly grabbed Yusuke’s arms, pinning him down while at the same time Kurama had grabbed his ankles, pushing the boy’s legs back and apart, raising his ass higher.

Struggling against his friends, Yusuke growled, snarling at them to let him go so he could ride his fox again, but found he couldn’t move. His mind reeled in frustration with a blinding desire to be filled. His cock was dripping like a leaky faucet, hot pre-cum pooling on his chest and scorching his skin while his entrance was clenching and unclenching, leaking its own clear substance. Suddenly, he felt his nails stretching into long claws while his hair grew, piling itself into a mountain of black waves surrounding his head like a dark halo As his eyes turned red, Yusuke’s tribal tattoos began appearing across his flesh as his eyeteeth were replaced by very long and sharp fangs. Yusuke had taken his full demon form.

Hiei and Jin gulped nervously at the transformation while still maintaining their hold on the demon lord. They looked towards Kurama for instructions, unsure of what to do next.

“FUCK….ME….NOW….FOX!” Yusuke growled with such ferocity that Hiei and Jin gasped in shock, thinking they were all fucked now, literally. Not that that was a bad thing, but the fear of not being able to walk for the next year was not something they were looking forward to.

Kurama maintained his calm demeanor at Yusuke’s change, and then, with a dark and deep whisper, he ordered, “Hiei, Jin, each of you take a leg and hold it back. Keep his ass in the air until I’ve seated myself fully within his body.” As Kurama spoke his instructions, a pulsing light of energy surrounded the kitsune, transforming him into Youko. Yusuke ceased his struggling at the first sight of the gorgeous spirit fox, but it was not so much Youko’s beauty that silenced the Toushin as it was the size of his cock. Just the thought of that humongous appendage stretching his walls had unconsciously calmed the boy.

Youko’s cock was at least fourteen inches long and the thick girth was probably three and a half to four inches in diameter. It was a monster even by demon standards that very few demons could actually accommodate its entire mass. Even Hiei, who had shared Kurama’s bed on and off for years, had never been able to ride Kurama’s demon cock; the fire apparition’s stature was too small and it would have painfully torn him apart. He was, however, used to Kurama’s human size of ten inches.

“Well, low and behold. Tis sure a fine big dick ya got there, fox. You be puttin’ me twelve inches ta shame, that ya are,” Jin complemented, licking his chops in appreciation of such a fine specimen of the male anatomy. “I may be wantin’ ta sample dat me self.” His pointed ears were twitching a happy jig at the thought of getting a piece of the fox.

“If you think you can handle it, Jin, I’ll be happy to accommodate you later. But first, I need to take care of our demon lord,” Youko snickered evilly while piercing the Toushin’s glazed-over red eyes with his smoldering golden orbs. The fox however still managed to preen at the admiration his cock was receiving, and rightly so.

“Please,” Yusuke growled in a much more deep voice. “Fill me.” Yusuke’s instincts were screaming to throw this God like creature on the ground and ride his huge cock until his ass split open, but he couldn’t move, he was pinned. However, somewhere in the back of the Toushin’s brain he was relieved, fully aware that it was most likely the only thing stopping him from hurting his friends.

Without a word, Youko slid his bent knees to either side of Yusuke’s ass, and then grasping the base of his thick, huge cock with one hand and spreading Yusuke’s asshole open even wider with the fingers of his other hand, he guided his shaft towards the boy’s dripping hole. As soon as the massive head touched Yusuke’s skin the boy growled long and deep, never taking his eyes off of Kurama.

Youko Kurama pressed forward cautiously, curious to see how well Yusuke could handle him despite the fact that the Toushin was self-lubricated and naturally dilated and stretched.

The young demon lord’s body offered no resistance as his rectum opened and stretched like a rubber band for Kurama’s shaft. The sensation of being spread to the limit washed away all cramping the boy had felt, replacing it with a kind of satisfied euphoria. The deeper that monstrous shaft penetrated him, the more Yusuke felt at peace. A warm inner shiver comforted the boy’s horny lust, lulling it to a manageable level where he could finally feel his own cock pulsing, slowly building towards a release that would actually feel complete. But he still needed more; just the stretching alone wasn’t enough.

Kurama’s twin golden suns rolled back into his head as Yusuke’s body pulled him in. Slowly, the fox pushed deeper, amazed that Yusuke showed no outward signs of pain. Any lover he had taken in the past as Youko needed to be tediously stretched for long periods of time before he could even attempt to fuck them and even then, after all that preparation, only a few could actually accommodate his size, forcing him to hold back. He had been many horrible things in his long life, but he had never been a rapist, refusing to ever harm a rutting partner or lover.

But Yusuke…

Kurama could fuck Yusuke to his heart’s content and not worry about hurting him. This was an incredible opportunity.

Once fully seated, Kurama took back possession of Yusuke’s ankles, holding them bent and splayed apart. Pulling almost all the way out, he looked deep into the Toushin’s eyes. And after receiving an overwhelming look of approval from those glowing red orbs, the fox snapped his hips and began fucking the boy hard, fast and deep.

Yusuke growled, whined, purred, and screamed as Kurama thrust into him without mercy; tossing his head from side to side, arching his back in an attempt to get closer to Youko while pleading with Jin and Hiei to let him go, but with no luck. The Toushin could only scream out his pleasure over and over as his prostate was pummeled again and again with Kurama’s thick, long cock.

Yusuke’s growls, screams and whimpers were breaking all their hearts. He was so close, but found it difficult to actually fall over the edge with no one having a free hand to stroke the boy’s cock. Jin and Hiei were too occupied with holding down Yusuke’s arms since the Toushin was exceptionally strong and they didn’t want him to injure Kurama with his long, deadly sharp claws.

However, while Kurama fucked the boy with all of his demon speed and strength, Hiei got an idea.

“Jin, hold both his arms and don’t let go, sit on him if you have to,” the fire demon ordered in a tone that left no room for argument. Hiei had had enough; Jin was more than capable of restraining Yusuke which left Hiei free to help bring the Toushin over that precipice. At the same time, however, the fire demon would get what he wanted, and that was Yusuke. If Jin wanted to sit by and simply watch, fine, but Hiei was going to get himself a piece of the handsome Toushin. Hiei had wanted Yusuke for too long and was not going to wait any longer.

Jin pulled both of Yusuke’s wrists above his head and then used his legs to help hold the boy down. ‘Well, damn, da litt’l dragon be gett’n himself a piece while I be sit’n back a fuckin spectator,’ the Wind Master sulked. He couldn’t even beat himself off with both hands busy holding down Yusuke. Jin was feeling a little left out and pissed that he hadn’t thought of that himself.

The fire apparition had had enough of waiting. His cock had been hard since before Yusuke arrived and it would wait no longer; he would have the boy now, ensuring his release and quickening Yusuke’s. Hiei grabbed the lube Jin had dropped, squeezing enough out to coat his fingers. Sitting with his knees spread and folded beneath him, Hiei slid two fingers inside his own ass, quickly stretching himself enough so he wouldn’t be torn from the Toushin’s thick cock. Once he was satisfied, the fire demon swung a leg over Yusuke’s stomach and, straddling the Toushin with his back to Youko Kurama; he reached behind himself, grabbed the boy’s dripping dick and carefully guided it to his small puckered opening. Hiei hissed in pain as the bulbous head breached his ring of muscle, but with determination he slowly impaled himself on Yusuke’s hard, thick and steaming eleven inches of steel ecstasy. Youko quickly latched his hot mouth onto Hiei’s neck, suckling the soft flesh, trying to distract Hiei from the pain of Yusuke’s cock piercing the little fire demon .

Yusuke gasped, taking a huge, deep breath of air as Hiei’s tiny body encased his yearning demon length. His dreams of cock were slowly turning into a reality. With Kurama’s ridiculously thick fourteen inch cock tearing into his ass, filling him like no other could ever do, and his own cock engulfed in a scorching vise-like heat, he was in heaven. However, one piece of the dream was missing, and through his muddled mind he sought to rectify that.

Kurama and Hiei were moaning and groaning even louder than Yusuke as they rode the boy both inside and out when all of a sudden Yusuke, using a burst of energy through his fists, pulled his wrists free of Jin’s hold. He then grabbed the Wind Master’s thighs, forcing the muscular demon into a straddling position over the Toushin’s head, facing Hiei where he began licking and sucking on Jin’s balls.

“Fuck my mouth, Jin!” mumbled Yusuke around the soft sac, keeping a tight hold on the one-horned wind demon’s upper thighs. “Stuff that big cock down my throat,” he continued mumbling.

“Ya don need ta tell me twice, Yusuke. Here it comes,” Jin answered with a beaming smile before pointing his cock down towards Yusuke’s lips.

The inexperienced Toushin greedily inhaled Jin’s twelve inch cock, swallowing it whole without even gagging.

“Fuck, boy, ya got yerself a talented mouth there ya do,” groaned Jin, pulling back and then plunging inside that wet throat again, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. ‘How can he be so good at cock suckin’ when he be a virgin,’ he wondered while thrusting deeper and deeper into Yusuke’s eager throat. ‘Ah fuck, who cares about the why as long he keeps up da suckin.’

Yusuke sucked hard, swallowing the large shaft with relish, allowing Jin to fuck his mouth fast and hard while Hiei rode him and Kurama fucked him. His perverted dreams had finally come to fruition as he felt his release reaching the surface. Every fiber of Yusuke’s body sang a song of utter bliss as his mind swooned from the pleasure that was easing his pain little by little. He had unknowingly waited too long to be fucked and now that he had such a large and experienced cock up his ass, and a tight and hot ass squeezing his dick, the majority of his cramping and pain had all but dissipated. Yusuke did realize however that even after this release his heat would remain, but he also realized that the rest of his heat would be far more manageable as long as his friends where here with him.

Yusuke’s cock pulsed, his ass clenched, and his throat hummed as a fierce sizzling wave of liquid heat flooded his veins, warming his bones, speeding up his demon heart. His thighs ached and his toes curled in anxious anticipation. As Yusuke’s balls shrank and his stomach tightened, the Toushin’s blood-red eyes hazed over as tears spilled from the corners of his orbs.

Jin moaned mewling out his pleasure each time Yusuke’s throat massaged and then sucked his cock with the expertise of a sleazy whore. And if that wasn’t enough to get the wind-master off, he had the added pleasure of Hiei nipping and kissing his lips with his sharp, fire demon fangs as his scorching tongue played with his. Hiei’s mouth was on fire, scorching the wind master’s, forcing Jin to deepen their kiss as their release approached rapidly.

Hiei’s groaning came out in short vulgar grunts inside Jin’s mouth as he slammed his ass repeatedly on Yusuke’s hard member while jacking his own nine inches off in time to his wanton thrusts.

Youko Kurama was emitting vicious and guttural growls and snarls as he took his pleasure fully on the boy. For the first time in his Youko form he could fuck someone without worry of injuring them. It was an experience that he would not soon forget. As he continued thrusting into Yusuke as deep and as hard as he could, he continued lavishing Hiei’s neck and shoulders with his fangs, tongue and lips, savoring the flavor of his little fire demon’s flesh It had been quite a long time since he had sampled Hiei’s flesh and was enjoying the taste.

All four demons were standing at the edge of a precipice, ready to take that final leap into the abyss of orgasm; however, the three older demons were purposely holding back until their new lover found his completion. They didn’t have long to wait as Yusuke pulled Jin deep into his gullet, swallowing and growling around the throbbing shaft. He then arched his spine as his clenching his inner walls gripped the fox’s cock so tight that it made Youko’s golden eyes tear up as the Toushin came hard.

Yusuke’s muffled scream was quickly followed by his demon seed spewing out of his body; stream after stream of burning hot liquid pelted Hiei’s prostate, the overflow of cum spilling out of his ass and down Yusuke’s hips.

“Fuck, Yusuke!” Hiei bellowed, shooting his cum across Yusuke’s and Jin’s chests, his free hand clawing into Jin’s shoulder for support as his other hand continued jerking his cock for every last drop of cum.

“That be the one, Yusuke!” Jin cried out, spilling himself down Yusuke’s throat, reaching over Hiei’s side to clutch Youko’s arm for support as Hiei would have collapsed under Jin’s weight.

“You’re mine!” proclaimed Youko Kurama, no longer able to hold back as Yusuke’s rectum clamped down on him, pulling his orgasm from his body. The kitsune came hard, coating Yusuke’s insides with his thick and creamy essence while continuing to pump, massaging his seed into Yusuke’s quivering inner muscles.

Jin removed his soft cock from Yusuke’s mouth and then moved to sit beside him. Even though Yusuke was still as hard as a rock, Hiei lifted himself off of the boy, moving to the other side and then lying on his back. Kurama reluctantly pulled his deflated shaft from the incredible heat he was just in while lowering Yusuke’s legs to the ground. He had returned to his human form and those beautiful emerald eyes couldn’t stop staring at Yusuke. The boy was an incredible fuck, the best he’d ever had. Kurama was exhausted.

Yusuke lay in an almost euphoric coma yet his cock was still pointing north, anxiously awaiting for more. Although the intense pain from his heat had all but disappeared, the boy was still horny as hell. He just felt calmer about it.