Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ghost Fighters ❯ An Unexpected Return ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7 : An Unexpected Return
“Freeze, slime-ball,” Peter yelled as the group scrambled out in their full attire and equipment.
“My, my. Aren't we full of insults today?” Shiryou faced them calmly. “No matter. I've been called worse.”
“Drop the small talk. We're here to take back our friend and turn you to dust,” Yusuke yelled.
“I don't think so. Not while you're busy with them.”
Shiryou waved his hand and the remaining ghosts in the warehouse merged, materializing into four ghosts. Each of them was wearing ancient armors that looked like they came from Genghis Khan's time and holding solid-looking swords.
“Pah,” Peter sneered. “You must be joking. Only four of them?”
“Oh, they're not for you,” Shiryou assured. “They're for the Reikai detectives. You Ghostbusters have a much bigger problem.”
Suddenly the earth shook, causing debris to fall from the roof and sprinkling them with dust. The ground trembled again for the second time. The Ghostbusters looked at each other.
“What was that?” Winston asked nervously as the strange earthquake went on.
“Godzilla maybe?” Peter joked.
“No, it sounds like…” Ray gulped while the ground rumbled again.
“It can't be…” Winston exclaimed, realizing what it was.
“But it is!!” Egon yelled as the warehouse's roof crumbled. “Look out.”
Diving to the ground, everyone except Shiryou covered their heads as some of the wood-beams crashed to the floor. After a while, there was nothing but silence and the occasional falling of debris. Shaking themselves off, they fell into a shocked hush as they looked up. A humongous white hand had lifted the roof from the building and was crumbling it between its fingers. As they slowly raised their heads, they saw the face they thought they would never see again; other than in commercials. The sickening smiling face of the Marshmallow Boy.
“Oh… my… God,” Winston said slowly as the other hand reached for them.
“My feelings exactly,” Egon agreed, gulping.
“Let the game begin,” Shiryou smirked as the ghosts charged at them.
Hiei felt uneasy as he perched on the branch of the tree near the firehouse. He had been sitting there for the past two hours, waiting for Kurama and the rest to come back from whatever mission they went to. It never took them this long before. A few seconds passed and there were no traces of the shadow atop the branch except for a few falling leaves and displaced air.
Janine was fiddling away with her typewriter, acting as the perfect secretary as usual. Yawning, she closed her eyes and stretched, releasing her numb bones from their cramped position. Opening them again, she nearly tumbled off her chair when she saw a short boy standing in front of her desk, wearing a scowl.
:That's weird. He wasn't there a minute ago. Maybe I need new glasses.: Janine thought.
“Hello there, little boy. Are you lost?” she purred, smiling.
Hiei scowled more at her. “No, and I'm no little boy. I need to find the Ghostbusters.”
“Oh, I'm sorry but they're out on a mission,” Janine said politely, realizing her mistake. “If you would leave your name and number, sir…”
“You're trying my patience, woman,” Hiei growled, feeling more uneasy by the second. “I need to find them.”
“Well, if you're going to be so rude, you might as well…..” she broke off as Hiei held his sword at her throat. “Havethispapertheywerereadingbeforetheyleft,” she frantically continued at top speed.
He grabbed the paper and scanned through it. “What does this mean?” he snapped.
“I… I dunno. They left about four hours ago and I heard the new guy, Kurama, mentioning something about a ghost-spirit kidnapping Koenma, the other new Ghostbuster. They didn't mention where they were going,” she panicked, her eyes squeezed shut. A whisper of air blew past her face and she cautiously opened her eyes to find herself alone again.
“REIGAN!!” Yusuke yelled as the ghost-warrior came charging at him with its katana. Yusuke smirked as his shot aimed straight for the head.
“N.. nani?” Yusuke froze as his shot went straight through the warrior, who kept charging as though nothing had happened. His mind blank with shock, he hardly noticed Koenma pushing him out of the blade's way. However, the katana still managed to slash him in the arm.
“My Reigan didn't even scratch him,” he gasped, watching as the ghost floated above them.
“Baka! Have you forgotten what I've said before? They're Bourei, warrior spirits, one of Shiryou's best creations. Your powers are useless against them. You can't hurt them but they can sure hurt you. Why do you think we need the Ghostbusters' help?”
Another Bourei joined the first one and together, they charged towards their victims. At the last second, the two Reikai-tantei split up, missing the blades by inches. Koenma ran towards the Ecto-1 and snagged an extra proton pack while dodging the Bourei.
The Reikai-tantei spread out around the warehouse, each occupied with a Bourei. Koenma and Yusuke had decided to pair up as they blasted vainly at the twin ghosts.
On the other side of the warehouse, Kurama was holding his ground, firing his gun while his beloved plants shield him from harm. Kuwabara was engaged in a sword battle with a Bourei. However, after realizing that his Reiken has no effect on it, he resorted to his proton gun. But it wasn't that easy. Everytime they blasted at their enemies, the ghosts simply faded into thin air and appeared again in another spot.
A proton ray suddenly blasted the reaching hand, snapping the Ghostbusters from their trance.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Peter yelled. “We've defeated him before. We can do it again. Blast him!!”
Four proton rays shot out from their respective guns, striking right at the intended target. The Marshmallow Boy wailed in pain as he snatched his hand back.
“Hah. Take that, you mushy mash of mush. That will teach you not to… what the…?” Peter broke off.
The Marshmallow Boy had stopped wailing and was actually smirking down at them. Except for a trail of smoke from the palm, there was no other visible damage.
“Hahaha!” The Ghostbusters switched their focus to the floating man a few feet away. “Foolish mortals. Do you really think you can beat my creation that easily? The old Marshmallow Boy you once destroyed was weak, brought to life by a mere insect. Mine is, how you say, a more improved model, don't you think?”
“We're in trouble,” Ray whispered.
“Big trouble,” Winston agreed as the hand scooped them up.
Zooming across the city, Hiei pondered over the riddle until he felt like someone was hitting his head with a sledgehammer. He gave a frustrated yell and abandoned the damn riddle. Kneeling on a branch of a tall oak tree, he opened his third eye.
:This is what I should have used in the first place,: he yelled at himself angrily.
A couple of minutes passed and the Jagan finally closed. Something was blocking the Reikai-tantei's ki but he did pick up a mysterious huge white giant near an abandoned warehouse. He flitted towards its direction, feeling suspicious but at the same time, certain that Kurama was there.
Kurama was growing weak. Every plant he had called forth was slashed to pieces in seconds and his powers were failing. With only a few minor scratches, he was by far the luckiest of the gang.
Catching sight of the Bourei, he aimed his gun between the plants and fired. As usual, the warrior-ghost faded away. His eyes darted right and left, waiting for it to appear. Suddenly, a blade sliced through the plants in front of him, almost slashing his face. Caught by surprise, he had no time to call up more plants to protect him. The katana swung again and knocked the gun from Kurama's hand, cutting his right palm. Swooping down, the ghost snatched up his proton pack and flung it away.
Gasping with pain, he dropped to the floor, holding his injured hand with the other. Without their master's concentration, the remaining plants withered away. His powers were exhausted and he didn't even have enough strength to stand. The Bourei smirked as it watched its victim cower in fear. Slowly, it lifted its katana, relishing in its victory as Kurama watched it in fear.