Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hate ❯ pain ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

FF: well, no reviews. What a shame. No I have to kill Kuwabaka.
H: I don't see the problem
W: the problem is, hiei, now you can't kill him
H: now I see it *pouts*
FF: Hiei, you can help if you want
H: yeah! I mean, “hn!”
W: where is Yusuke?
Y: over here
FF+W: where?
H: hn
Y: here *head pops up from behind couch and by cage*
FF: come on Hiei. Time to go and destroy Kuwabaka
H: hn *smirks evilly while pulls out katana*
W+Y/Disclaimer: Poor Kuwabaka. Oh well. Foxy owns notin' but Shadow. Read and review!
*group hears Kuwabaka screaming. Screaming is growing softer and softer*
The sun had set 5 hours ago and Shadow was still outside training. She hadn't eaten anything all day except for that little bit that she ate when she got home (it consisted of a green apple and a few green grapes). She decided that she would go in as soon as she finished the round she was in the middle of. She was bored already because she had no one to fight against.
“I wish I had someone to fight,” she said out loud to herself. Suddenly, there was a rustle in the trees behind her. Shadow immediately spun around. She stared at the trees, “Who's there?” she called, “Show yourself!”
The mystery person jumped out of the tree. She couldn't tell who it was until they stepped into the light. It was Kurama. There was somebody with him. Shadow guessed that he was about 4' 11” without his hair and about 5'2” with the hair. “Sorry to bother you Shadow, but I heard a noise and came to check it out. It turned out to be you,” he said innocently, lying horribly, “What are you doing anyway?” He tried to act dumb, but was doing a very bad job at it.
“What does it look like I'm doing?” she asked sassily.
“Fighting air” Kurama answered truthfully.
“Shut-up BAKA!” she shouted, “Who's the midget?”
At the word “midget” the person charged, pulling out his Katana while doing so.
She was ready for him and almost immediately knocked away his sword, breaking it in two pieces as she did so, “you still have some training to do, but you could get better. Goodbye Kurama,” she said as she walked away. “Goodbye,” she turned around and looked directly at the short one, “MIDGET!” She turned around and walked into her house. Kurama and the short one left.
The next day at school, Shadow found out that the small one's name was Hiei. She still preferred to call him “MIDGET” though, she likes to provoke people, it gives her strength sometimes, but mostly, she just likes to tick people off. After school she went home and meditated. She ate nothing because she lost track of time and fell asleep around 1 or 2, maybe 3 am in the morning. The next day she was late for school. Her alarm clock never went off and she almost slept through the whole school day. She woke up with just enough time to get dressed, forge a note from her `parent (herself, of course [she used her mom's name though])' explaining why she missed the classes that she missed, and run to school (she was able to go through the trees since there was no one around to see her). Of course she got to school in just enough time to not be late for her last class of the day: Astronomy; her favorite one. She ran to the office before class and got a `Re-Admit' which was excused. Kurama was outside her door waiting for her. “Why are you late for school?!” he asked, “School started 5 hours ago!”
“Chill!” she answered, “It's none of your business!” She pushed by him and took her seat. They were all assigned projects. The project was to do a report on any planet, moon, or the asteroid belt. Shadow chose Pluto because it was the coldest planet and the farthest away from everything else. It was due on the day before Christmas break. That was 2 months away.
Y+W: Kuwabaka is still being tortured by them! Please review!