Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Heaven or Hell ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

In this story Reikai is Heaven and Makai is Hell, Kurama is hikari no tenchi of Reikai and Hiei is a kuro no tenchi of Makai. When the two met they form a love so forbidden it could cost them their lives.

Title: Heaven or Hell

Author: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG (rating may change)

Disclaimers: Does it look like I own them?

Warnings: AU (I love AU's) Yaoi (I love yaois!) KH (Kurama and Hiei 4-ever!)

Chapter III

Kurama shot toward the second marker and disappeared through some wisps of clouds. He was losing! All to a new contestant he had never met before! They were currently waist to neck, Kurama being the latter. He flapped his wings faster and gained speed. He needed something to give him and extra push, but what can use?

"You can't beat me!" yelled the angel beside him. "I'm the best sky racer on the west side of the Styx!"

"You shouldn't get overconfident!" yelled back Kurama. "It'll be your loss!" and Kurama spread his wings and caught an updraft to sail high over the race and folded his wings to dive in front of the racer. The angel tumbled for a minute before he looked to see Kurama ahead of him; the red head angel had opened his wings at just the right time and gained the lead. Kurama flapped hi wings twice before turning sharply at the turn marker and flew to the finish line. He crossed it and looked at his opponent with a smile. The brown red hair angel smiled too and held out his hand.

"Great race, Prince Kurama," he said.

"Just Kurama," said the red haired prince, shaking his hand. "I don't like formalities."

"Yeah, they can be a pain at time. I'm Kazuma Kuwabara, but my friends call me Kuwabara."

"Nice to meet you, Kuwabara."

"Kurama," yelled Youko flying up to his younger brother, "we have no time for making friends." And Youko flew off.

"This is festival, brother!" Kurama yelled after him. "We don't have to do anything formally! He just wants to keep me busy."

"I know the feeling. I have an elder sister that like tortures me any second she gets. But, hey, at least they're not the dark angels."

"Did they find that missing angel yet?"

"Hai, and with his wings torn off!" they both shivered. Having to lose one's wings was scary to an angel. It showed their purity and strength. The greatest angel known yet was Kurama's father, Koenma the Golden, who got his gold wings after the Siege War three thousand years ago.

"I felt so chilled I thought I would die freezing," said Kuwabara. "That's horrible. To lose one's wings."

"He'll be reborn again in the Ningenkai, like all angels do when it's time for them to move on."

"Yeah, but it's still horrible."

"Agreed. Would you like to see the fair with me?"


They flew to the ground and between the stalls that floated a few feet off the ground. Kurama bought them some sweets and happily ate them while floating around, talking about what happened to the unfortunate angel.

"He was just scouting the border from what I heard," said Kuwabara. "When he didn't sign in they immediately knew what happened."

"It's horrid. They really are monsters."

"Yeah, and when I get a hold of one I'm going to rip its head right off!"

"Kuwabara, we're peaceful people. We don't hurt people unless there is no other choice."

"Hurt is the only way those . . . those* things* know! That is how they live! And that poor soldier is the proof of it!"

"You're right, Kuwabara, but you may be wrong. Like there is wrongdoers in Ningenkai their may be righteous people in Makai."

"Next you'll say there are evildoers in Reikai."


"Kurama-sama," said a messenger and bowed respectively to Kurama. "You're father wishes to see you."

"Hai. Gomen Kuwabara, but I have to see my father."

"Of course," said Kuwabara and flew away. Kurama followed the messenger to where Koenma was talking to a man with long black hair and purple eyes. He wore a long black trench coat.

"Ah, son," said Koenma, "this is Karasu, son of Baron Toguro of the east Styx province. Karasu, my son Kurama."

"Pleased to meet you," said Kurama and bowed to Karasu. When he looked back up at the raven haired angel he froze. Those intense velvet eyes seemed to look right at through him. A shiver ran down his spine and tingled through his silver wings. This man scared him.

"The pleasure is all mine," said Karasu and a second shiver visited Kurama's back. Something wasn't right about this angel.

"Karasu has come to give us some very good news, son," said Koenma smiling.

"And . . . And what would that be, Father?" asked Kurama tearing his eyes away from Karasu to look at his golden winged father.

"Toguro has sent Karasu to be your betrothed as was agreed three thousand years ago when he joined me to fight in the Siege War."

"You . . . You mean I'm going to marry him!" yelled Kurama pointing at Karasu.

"I'm sure we will get used to each other before the ceremony," said Karasu sweetly taking Kurama's hand. It took all of Kurama's will to not show how grossed out he was with this stranger touching him with those clammy hands.

"When is the ceremony?' Kurama asked his father.

"Next month."

"What?!" Kurama yanked his hand from Karasu and glared angrily at Koenma. "I'm supposed to be married to a complete stranger in a month?! I don't know him and I don't want to know him!"

"Kurama, if you don't go through with this then Toguro will send open war on us!" Koenma whispered harshly at his son.

"Then let it! I don't want to marry him! I refuse to marry him!" And Kurama spread his wings allowing an updraft to carry him away, ignoring his father's yells after him. She shot through the festival, not caring that he was upsetting people and their wares.

"Kurama, where are you going?" yelled Youko as Kurama flew past his brother and into the woods. He flew above and into the woods for hours till he felt his wing connect with a tree trunk and breaks. His lost thought before passing out was the hot, stifling air and a black shape over him.


Hope you liked that chapter. As you can see I don't like Karasu and I just about died writing this chapter. But I hope you like!