Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ How They Met ❯ Sixth Story: Can I Fall In Love? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
KS: Another one. Yeah!!!!! READ AND REVIEW!!!! Sorry if its short!!!! And stupid!!! ITS 1 IN THE MORNING FORGIVE ME!!!

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Sixth Story- ~*Can I Fall In Love?*~

"What are you reading?" Yoko asked, sitting down next to Kori.

"History of Makai," Kori replied, turning the page.


"Oh, yes. So very interesting," Kori snapped.

Yoko chuckled and put his head in her lap. She didn't push him off, she just moved her leg to the other side of him, and his head was now resting on her stomach. Yoko blinked up, confused, at her, but she didn't even notice, she was back to reading her book.

~*~Yoko's Mind~*~

"You know you like her, just tell her," one voice stated.

"You don't like her, you just want her. Her body," another came.

"No, I like her. She's different... She's-" Yoko started but the others inturrupted.

"Jesus Christ, just take her. Like you've taken all the other women," came that same voice, lets call him Devil.

"No, don't listen to him. You'll betray her trust and you've worked so hard just to gain it," the first voice, we'll call him Angel, stated.

"Who cares," Devil stated. "She's beautiful, she's firey, she'd be great in-"

"You are a pig," snapped Angel. "She is those things, but thats not what you need from her. You want a nice person, you cn have as a mate right? Then she's just that. Tell her what you think."

"Boy, are you are sappy, pathetic little-" started Devil

"Will you two shut up! You're driving me nuts," Yoko snarled. "I can't possible love her?" It was more of a question then a statement.

"You can always fall in love," Angel stated.

~*~Yoko's Mind~*~

Something was on him. Yoko jerked his head up as noticed the book laying open on his chest. He pushed the book off and rolled over to stare at her. She was sleeping, her chest rising slightly. He moved his hand through her hair, and watched as she let out a soft purr.

Yoko moved up so his face was burrowed in a bunch of Kori's hair and nuzzled her neck. "Can I fall in love with you, Kori?" Yoko asked her softly. "Is it even possible too?" He wrapped his arms around her the best he could and he felt her arms wrap around him.

And thats how they stayed for hours. Sleeping together. And Kori didn't even ask why he had been laying on her. In fact she seemed happy by it. Hey, maybe they did love each other.