Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Indecisive ❯ Indecisive ( One-Shot )

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“Yusuke, where should we sit?”
“I dunno _(y/n)___ you choose.”“Why me? I chose to sit last night. It’s your turn.”“Nuh uh, __(y/n)___.”“Yuh huh. Choose!” You huffed as you placed your hands on Yusuke’s back. He laughed at your attempts to push him forward. With a built like him, tall, with broad shoulders, enticing muscles, of course your small petite frame was no match for him. But how you wished that you were a match for him to push him to a table. Just one thing that you hate when you go out to buffet dinner restaurants with Yusuke and his friends. He always seems to make you choose a table. But lately, you dreaded the idea of making a decision. Perhaps it was because of the finals that were coming up, or the presentation at school that your group had done minimal work on. Either way, you weren’t going to stand for it. You proceeded to punch Yusuke’s back.

“Yusuke! Please just choose a table!” You pleaded, hearing your stomach grumble and wanting to put your jacket down on a chair so then you can go get your plate full of food. Another thing you hate doing is holding a jacket while trying to grab dinner. Knowing your clumsiness, you would be able to hold onto the jacket and not onto the tray of food. Oh no. You learned it the hard way. That’s why you wanted Yusuke to hold your plate at least. But he wouldn’t have any of it. You frowned as you stared of the back of your boyfriend.
Yusuke turned his head to look over at you with a cocky grin on his face. “No.” He simply said, leaning his head down so his forehead was resting with yours. You blushed at the contact. “Why not?” You whispered. “Because, I won’t give in. And I won’t choose a table.” Yusuke responded, just as reassured as before. He stood up and looked over to see Kurama holding a tray of food. “Yo! Kurama! Choose a table!” Yusuke shouted over to Kurama. Kurama sighed and pointed to a large table so you, Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama, Botan, Hiei, and Yukina can all sit at. Your mouth dropped open as Yusuke turned over to look at you and grinned.
“I win. Told you I wouldn’t pick a table.” He answered with a smirk on his face. You huffed indignantly as you placed your jacket down on your chair next to Yusuke’s. You didn’t dare to speak to him nicely. “No. You cheated. You didn’t win.” You emphasized while poking his chest when he sat down. He only could chuckle at your ridiculousness. “Babe, come here.” He said with a grin, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to him. You made an indignant noise in the back of your throat before squirming out of his hands and made your way to the buffet bar, grabbing your food angrily.
Sure, it wasn’t a big deal to him. But you were a girl. You already had to make so many choices in one day. What should I wear since today is Saturday and no uniforms on Saturday? How should I have my hair? Down or up? What should I have for breakfast? Should I do my homework when I get back from dinner? There were many questions in a young woman’s mind that race through every single day. And just because those boys who have only one or two (maybe three) thoughts running through their mind (Food, Sex, Video Games) doesn’t mean that the girls do too. You sighed as you made your way to the pastry station to grab yourself a pick-me-up brownie. That would make your day better. You smiled at the person behind the counter. “Can I have the M&M brownie please?” You asked the lady. She smiled back and nodded. “Make that two.” You heard from behind you, as two arms wrapped around your waist comfortably.
You made a small noise in the back of your throat. The lady raised an eyebrow at the two of you as she handed you your small plate with the brownie on it. “I’m sorry that I made you mad.” Yusuke said softly, resting his head on your shoulder. You smiled at that and also took his plate too. You patted his head gently. “I know you are. I just have a lot of decisions right now lately, and I would rather not choose another thing for a while.” You tried to explain to Yusuke. Yusuke chuckled and moved away, taking his plate with him. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and walked you back to your seat with the rest of the gang. “I know.” He said with a smile as he watched you sat down with a gentle grin on his face. You were just too cute when you got frustrated with him. You smiled as you started to eat your macaroni and cheese happily listening to your friends chatter and laugh loudly at jokes that Kazuma made. Yusuke grinned as he leaned over and kissed your neck gently from the side. “By the way,” He breathed into your ear. “You chose me to choose a table. Therefore, you chose the table. I win.”
You really hate your indecisiveness.