Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Judgement Day ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: In past chapters.

His face burned with shame. He was weak. Insufferably weak. They couldn't be prepared to take a risk with him anymore. He wasn't going to be a part of the team anymore. His teammates had shunned him. His friends had turned a cold shoulder to him. And then…what happened then? He had been in the forest. Why had he been in the forest? Who was there? He was hit with something cold and dark. Darkness overwhelmed him and he buckled. And then…a sense of relief and yearning. A thirst for revenge.

Alec bolted up from the blanket he was laying on. Sweat covered his forehead and upper lip. He looked around in confusion. Where was he? Ledon. On the outskirts of Ledon. Why had he awoken so abruptly? He couldn't remember. He could never remember his dreams. Nothing but feelings; shame, embarrassment, betrayal, hurt, relief, yearning and a sense to quell something he was not quite sure of.

Alec looked around. Two small shapes slept soundlessly in the dark surrounding the glowing embers of what used to be a fire. Alec cursed. He hadn't meant to fall asleep…but he had been exhausted...~Stop making excuses for yourself.~ ~I'm not making excuses.~ ~But you are. Don't you see? You made an excuse to go to that village. You made an excuse for bringing these two children along. Now you're making excuses about falling asleep. You know why you fall asleep. Don't pretend you don't.~ ~I don't know what you are talking about.~ ~Idiot! If you don't know the meaning of having these "dreams" as you call them, then your whole life is a meaningless excuse.~ ~But I don't know what these dreams mean! I can't even remember them.~ ~You're not trying hard enough! Try…think back. I cannot give you everything. I need this don't you see. I need this…~ Alec blinked as the thin tendrils of thought seeped away to a corner of his mind. I need this. Need what? What would I need? ~Not you…me.~ Alec gulped and stirred the fire.

"Are you okay Alec?"

"Huh? Oh- yeah, I'm fine." Alec acted as though he had been pulled away from another world. Eris had begun to regain her sight and was walking in between Alec and Nekko.

"Are you sure? You look pale and you haven't really talked all morning."

"Since when has he really talked?" Nekko muttered under his breath.

"I heard that you little runt!" Huh? Now where had that come from? Taking a deep breath, Alec continued, "I just want to get to Ledon, that's all."

"Okay. When will be there?"

"Eris, how many times a day are you going to ask that? It's starting to get annoying."

"It's okay, Nekko. She can ask all the questions she wants. Remember, don't be rude to girls and never under any circumstance hit them. Got that?" Nekko nodded. "As to your question, Eris, we will be arriving in Ledon shortly after noon. Okay?"


"Yay! We finally made it Ledon, we finally made it to Ledon, we finally made it to Ledon, we finally- umphh! Hey! What was that for!?"

"Shut up Eris! You're making us look stupid!"

"Nekko, I hate to break it to you but you make yourself look stupid." Nekko was about to retort when Alec cut in.

"Come on, follow me." Alec took their skinny wrists in his hands and pulled them into the crowd. Finally, after minutes of walking through the town they arrived at a clothing shop.

"Hey! What are we stopping here for?"

"What do you think? I'm getting you two new clothes."

"But we like the ones we have, thank you very much."

"Well, I don't. Now come on!" Alec jerked the two children through the door only to be greeted by a plump, bright woman. She was wearing a simple violet dress and had her brown hair pulled back in a horsetail. She had cheerful hazel eyes sparkled and her rosy cheeks grew dimples when she saw the two children.

"Took pity on another stray, did you Alec?"

"Not exactly. These two will be traveling with me. The girl's name is Eris and the boy is Nekko. I wish to see the fitted for two pairs of breeches each, two shirts, a cloak and boots. Also a pack for each please. And could you also make me another pair of breeches while you're at it?"

"Lost yours spares again then, have you? Well, what should I expect. You're too forgetful for your own good." Alec smiled and headed out the door.

"You'll be back, won't you Alec?" Nekko asked.

"He better be back. He hasn't paid me yet." Alec smiled again and nodded. Walking to another shop he thought ~I haven't smiled in a really long time.~ ~That's because you're going soft. These children were sent as a diversion to keep you from your real task.~ ~Oh- just shut up you!~ ~It will be your own downfall!~ The voice resided to it's corner. Walking into an inn a voice hailed him from the counter.

"Alec! Over here man, over here." Alec made his way over to an old man with salt and peppered hair. Crows feet decorated the skin around his periwinkle eyes, suggesting he laughed often. "Same as usual? Rations, medical kit, all the sorts?"

"Yes but please add two more to that."

"So, you've finally taken a companion have you?"

"No. They're just children. I have a feeling they might help me rather than hinder me. Anyway," Alec leaned in close to the old man, "have you had any news?"



"The Reikai Tantei have been here. They're asking for you."


A/N: Oh god…I know I'm asking for it. I don't update in forever and then I leave you in a (or at least what I hope is) a cliffhanger. Please don't kill me. I know I don't have a good excuse for neglecting you guys…I wrote again so I hope that will keep a few of you from tar and feathering me. Actually you guys should thank my sister for this. No- she didn't write it. But she infuriated me and whenever I blow my top I type. So why don't we all just give her a great big hug ( maybe if I'm lucky one of you will accidentally choke her while you're at it. I mean really…she did unspeakable things in front of my friends…things that I am even ashamed of and I am not ashamed of much…honestly…don't you just hate older siblings sometimes?) Anyway, I'll try to update Wednesday and next weekend to make it up to you guys. SORRY!

BIG AUTHOR'S NOTE: I will probably be changing the title of this fic…there are way too many fics out there with the title judgment day…I was that you guys should decide…what do you think?