Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Jump to the Window ❯ Jump to the Window ( Chapter 1 )

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Jump to the Window
by ika_11
Warning: This is a yaoi fic featuring Hiei and Kurama… if they look ooc, sorry for that but I do not really mean it…
Summary: It has been a week since Hiei went back to Ningenkai due to all the work he had at Makai. HxK, plus other surprise pairing. One-shot.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, but I sure do hope so… the original flow of the story belongs to G Lee (ginnie). Go checkout her fanfic, Turn the Key, featuring senru at ff.net. Again, the wonderful anime do not belong to me, it belongs to super genius Yoshihiro Togashi and the flow of the story belongs to one of the greatest writer here, Ginnie. Thanks again ginnie! I also write at ff.net hehe my name there is aibeauty,.. r & r!
Note: italics are words spoken
- - - Jump to the Window - - -
Hiei's POV
I walk up the stairs to the door of the Alaric castle. I have been living here for so long that I cannot remember when I first came and moved in. Pausing in front of the door to my room, I catch a whiff of freshly laundered linen hanging outside a nearby window. The tangy smell of spicy demon blood seeps out through the crack underneath the window. These are small things, such that ningens would not overlook if they were there. But it's little things like these that make demons smile.
I opened the window and gaze up at the usually reddish and cloudy sky. The misty breeze that accompanied the midday weather change penetrates my cloak, forcing my sweat-ridden body to shiver at the cold touch.
I sigh as I recall how my day went.
- Flashback -
Yet again, I fell bored during the meeting with the demon leaders - with Enki, Yomi, Mokuro, the three bald men and surprisingly, Yusuke was present...
Let us see... I was feeling quite sluggish during the patrol ride from Alaric, Gandara and Torin. I mean, you can do that separately with the meeting, but no, Enki wants to talk while rounding the three Kingdoms.
Enki practically tried to kill us at that. I swear, the way the course runs, and I might as well have died. Nearly made me wish I did not get the job.
In addition, if that was not bad enough... I had to be with the demon lords. Enki keeps on talking on talking. Sometimes he would stop and ask the others about their opinions. Then Mokuro would ask me. Hn. she should have asked the bald man that she likes and stop bothering me. Better ask Yusuke to set that two up.
Yomi is always smiling and nodding to Enki's word. Hn. HIS influence had really attached to Yomi. Luckily, they are just friends now, past lovers, just friends now, just friends. In fact, both of them had move on. Heard that Yomi is in love now with one of Enki's friend, the girl with the braids. What was her name again? They should stop flirting and go on with it.
“Yomi! You should talk to Natsumi and stop flirting around!” Yusuke said. The detective is actually voicing out my thoughts. Yusuke continued, “As soon as you see her, do what you did to get Kurama back then!” What the- - instantly, I was in front of Yusuke and Yomi and I gave them a glare.
Hie- Hiei! Iwasjustsettinganexample! RightYomi?” Yusuke said frantically. “Do not worry Hiei that was past. And I am really serious about Natsumi, so better ask Kurama if Yusuke's suggestion is ok.” Yomi said while smiling. I started to lighten my glare while Yomi continued, “But I am planning on a different move, you see for Kurama, I did a sexy mov-” I did not let him continue, I shove my sword in front of his face. “I was just explaining Hiei, right Yusuke?” Yomi turned to Yusuke for help “Hehehe Yeah right, Yomi just explained it!” Yusuke said. Then both of them ran through Enki's direction. Hn. Stupid demons lords.
- End of flashback -
Those two would have a bad day someday. I put on the linens at my bed and darted toward the nearest portal to Genkai's temple. I went inside the portal and came out at the back of the temple.
I first saw Genkai, by the pond, drinking tea and nod towards me. Botan and Koenma were snuggling at the hallway. Yukina, Keiko and Shizuru were under the tree… and the idiot Kuwabara was with them. The idiot turned his head to my direction. Yukina smiled at me and Keiko and Shizuru waved at me.
“Hey Shrimp!” Kuwabara yelled “What idiot?” I asked mockingly. Maybe Botan and Koenma felt the tension rising up so they asked me where Yusuke is. I darted my eyes to the opening portal and jump into the tree. “Hiei-san, we will be expecting the both of you tomorrow,” Yukina said. I looked at her questioningly, what about tomorrow? “It's just a lunch-out together Hiei!” Yusuke yelled. “Hn. Now I'm not sure if I'll go because you're there,” I respond plainly, and then I left. Before I was out of ear-shot, I heard Keiko screaming “Now what did you do to Hiei Yusuke?!” “Aw, come' on Keiko, I'm just really setting an example!” You deserve that detective.
I headed to a path I know so well that I can create a map of it blindfolded and in the dark. I halted at the tree just outside his bedroom. The windows are open widely while the curtains are draping over it. I am simply too tired. Sighing again in defeat, I struggle to jump to the window -- when the curtain swings open to my surprise.
There he stands, his lithe body clad in his uniform.
His soft emerald eyes, sometimes serene and tranquil, sometimes wild and restless -- look up at me in excitement, an inexplicable happiness lending them a warm glow. I loved those eyes, especially when it turned to gold ones.
I just remembered... It has been a week since I last came home to Kurama.
Moreover, he gives me a smile, so pure and innocent that it belies his seventeen years as a ningen.
I smile in return, which I only often show to him and Yukina, joy coursing through me in seeing the reaction that I stimulate in this beautiful creature in front of me. I take delight in the fact that this Kitsune also needs me for him to be happy.
"Hiei... you're home," he says.
Again, I wonder in his simplicity. Though few draw meaning from a simple statement such as that which he uttered, to me it has an entire world of significance. He may be all a ningen, but somewhere in him, he is still the passionate Youko.
He pulls me in and closes the window behind me. Without even waiting for me to remove my shoes, he reaches out and pulls me into a tight hug. With that one gesture, all my weariness and job-concerned anxieties disappear, and all's right in my world with MY Kurama.
Then come the sweetest words I have ever heard, so beautiful were they that they could have been mistaken not for me to hear: "I missed you."
Isn't it funny that after all the toil you go through, a simple display of affection just turns everything around?
No longer am I able to find a reason to be tired.
Gently, I disentangle myself from the comfort of his embrace, and he reluctantly drops his arms. I lean to give him a short, sweet kiss, before he turns to return to his study table.
He sat at his chair and I reach for him and pull him to my chest, burying my face in red locks and delighting in the mild rose scent of his shampoo.
I trail light, feathery kisses down behind his ear to the area between his neck and shoulders, before whispering, "I missed you too, my Kurama." Another radiant smile and a kiss is my reward.
Tomorrow, I will be heading back to Makai for another grueling work, and will most likely be coming home well into the night -- drenched in sweat with fatigue claiming every part of me.
Yet I know that when I do come home, Kurama will be there waiting for me at the window -- along with his beautiful smile and pale arms itching to pull me into a warm, "welcome home" hug.
All I have to do jump to the window.

Reviews will be very much appreciated. Thank you for reading, and thank you Ginnie!
Jump to the Window
by ika_11
Warning: This is a yaoi fic featuring Hiei and Kurama… if they look ooc, sorry for that but I do not really mean it…
Summary: It has been a week since Hiei went back to Ningenkai due to all the work he had at Makai. HxK, plus other surprise pairing. One-shot.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, but I sure do hope so… the original flow of the story belongs to G Lee (ginnie). Go checkout her fanfic, Turn the Key, featuring senru at ff.net. Again, the wonderful anime do not belong to me, it belongs to super genius Yoshihiro Togashi and the flow of the story belongs to one of the greatest writer here, Ginnie. Thanks again ginnie! I also write at ff.net hehe my name there is aibeauty,.. r & r!
Note: italics are words spoken
- - - Jump to the Window - - -
Hiei's POV
I walk up the stairs to the door of the Alaric castle. I have been living here for so long that I cannot remember when I first came and moved in. Pausing in front of the door to my room, I catch a whiff of freshly laundered linen hanging outside a nearby window. The tangy smell of spicy demon blood seeps out through the crack underneath the window. These are small things, such that ningens would not overlook if they were there. But it's little things like these that make demons smile.
I opened the window and gaze up at the usually reddish and cloudy sky. The misty breeze that accompanied the midday weather change penetrates my cloak, forcing my sweat-ridden body to shiver at the cold touch.
I sigh as I recall how my day went.
- Flashback -
Yet again, I fell bored during the meeting with the demon leaders - with Enki, Yomi, Mokuro, the three bald men and surprisingly, Yusuke was present...
Let us see... I was feeling quite sluggish during the patrol ride from Alaric, Gandara and Torin. I mean, you can do that separately with the meeting, but no, Enki wants to talk while rounding the three Kingdoms.
Enki practically tried to kill us at that. I swear, the way the course runs, and I might as well have died. Nearly made me wish I did not get the job.
In addition, if that was not bad enough... I had to be with the demon lords. Enki keeps on talking on talking. Sometimes he would stop and ask the others about their opinions. Then Mokuro would ask me. Hn. she should have asked the bald man that she likes and stop bothering me. Better ask Yusuke to set that two up.
Yomi is always smiling and nodding to Enki's word. Hn. HIS influence had really attached to Yomi. Luckily, they are just friends now, past lovers, just friends now, just friends. In fact, both of them had move on. Heard that Yomi is in love now with one of Enki's friend, the girl with the braids. What was her name again? They should stop flirting and go on with it.
“Yomi! You should talk to Natsumi and stop flirting around!” Yusuke said. The detective is actually voicing out my thoughts. Yusuke continued, “As soon as you see her, do what you did to get Kurama back then!” What the- - instantly, I was in front of Yusuke and Yomi and I gave them a glare.
Hie- Hiei! Iwasjustsettinganexample! RightYomi?” Yusuke said frantically. “Do not worry Hiei that was past. And I am really serious about Natsumi, so better ask Kurama if Yusuke's suggestion is ok.” Yomi said while smiling. I started to lighten my glare while Yomi continued, “But I am planning on a different move, you see for Kurama, I did a sexy mov-” I did not let him continue, I shove my sword in front of his face. “I was just explaining Hiei, right Yusuke?” Yomi turned to Yusuke for help “Hehehe Yeah right, Yomi just explained it!” Yusuke said. Then both of them ran through Enki's direction. Hn. Stupid demons lords.
- End of flashback -
Those two would have a bad day someday. I put on the linens at my bed and darted toward the nearest portal to Genkai's temple. I went inside the portal and came out at the back of the temple.
I first saw Genkai, by the pond, drinking tea and nod towards me. Botan and Koenma were snuggling at the hallway. Yukina, Keiko and Shizuru were under the tree… and the idiot Kuwabara was with them. The idiot turned his head to my direction. Yukina smiled at me and Keiko and Shizuru waved at me.
“Hey Shrimp!” Kuwabara yelled “What idiot?” I asked mockingly. Maybe Botan and Koenma felt the tension rising up so they asked me where Yusuke is. I darted my eyes to the opening portal and jump into the tree. “Hiei-san, we will be expecting the both of you tomorrow,” Yukina said. I looked at her questioningly, what about tomorrow? “It's just a lunch-out together Hiei!” Yusuke yelled. “Hn. Now I'm not sure if I'll go because you're there,” I respond plainly, and then I left. Before I was out of ear-shot, I heard Keiko screaming “Now what did you do to Hiei Yusuke?!” “Aw, come' on Keiko, I'm just really setting an example!” You deserve that detective.
I headed to a path I know so well that I can create a map of it blindfolded and in the dark. I halted at the tree just outside his bedroom. The windows are open widely while the curtains are draping over it. I am simply too tired. Sighing again in defeat, I struggle to jump to the window -- when the curtain swings open to my surprise.
There he stands, his lithe body clad in his uniform.
His soft emerald eyes, sometimes serene and tranquil, sometimes wild and restless -- look up at me in excitement, an inexplicable happiness lending them a warm glow. I loved those eyes, especially when it turned to gold ones.
I just remembered... It has been a week since I last came home to Kurama.
Moreover, he gives me a smile, so pure and innocent that it belies his seventeen years as a ningen.
I smile in return, which I only often show to him and Yukina, joy coursing through me in seeing the reaction that I stimulate in this beautiful creature in front of me. I take delight in the fact that this Kitsune also needs me for him to be happy.
"Hiei... you're home," he says.
Again, I wonder in his simplicity. Though few draw meaning from a simple statement such as that which he uttered, to me it has an entire world of significance. He may be all a ningen, but somewhere in him, he is still the passionate Youko.
He pulls me in and closes the window behind me. Without even waiting for me to remove my shoes, he reaches out and pulls me into a tight hug. With that one gesture, all my weariness and job-concerned anxieties disappear, and all's right in my world with MY Kurama.
Then come the sweetest words I have ever heard, so beautiful were they that they could have been mistaken not for me to hear: "I missed you."
Isn't it funny that after all the toil you go through, a simple display of affection just turns everything around?
No longer am I able to find a reason to be tired.
Gently, I disentangle myself from the comfort of his embrace, and he reluctantly drops his arms. I lean to give him a short, sweet kiss, before he turns to return to his study table.
He sat at his chair and I reach for him and pull him to my chest, burying my face in red locks and delighting in the mild rose scent of his shampoo.
I trail light, feathery kisses down behind his ear to the area between his neck and shoulders, before whispering, "I missed you too, my Kurama." Another radiant smile and a kiss is my reward.
Tomorrow, I will be heading back to Makai for another grueling work, and will most likely be coming home well into the night -- drenched in sweat with fatigue claiming every part of me.
Yet I know that when I do come home, Kurama will be there waiting for me at the window -- along with his beautiful smile and pale arms itching to pull me into a warm, "welcome home" hug.
All I have to do jump to the window.

Reviews will be very much appreciated. Thank you for reading, and thank you Ginnie!