Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's Mistake; A time in the past ❯ Butterflies ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Betty: Sorry it took me so long in updating. It's all Odell's fault! She's been keeping me from my masterpiece!

Odell: ME!

Betty: Yes you!

Kurama: Here we go again

Betty: Oh I'm so sorry Kurama *does puppy dog face to Kurama*

Kurama: *exhales* you know I could never stay mad at you Betty

Betty: You better not...I mean yes what ever you say.

Jenice: I want a cookie

Odell: I want some tacos.

Jencine: I want to get laid

Everyone: O.O

Jencine: Betty doesn't own any of the Yu Yu Hakusho characters and I have to go now bye! *runs of as fast as she can*

Hiei: Baka...


Chapter 6: Butterflies

Ichiko Ran noticed the two voices and new who they belonged to. "So it's you two girls again. Are you here to make me laugh some more? By the way I kind of forgot your names, care to remind me?"

The two girls jumped out of the tree and landed gracefully. Though Odell was just starring with a confused look on her face and that's when... (Dun dun dun dun!)

"Aaaaah!" Odell screamed and Ichiko Ran jumped up looking behind her to see why she had screamed. "It's a butterfly! No! Someone help me!" A butterfly had landed on Odell's head and she didn't move for she was dead scared of it. Ichiko Ran and the twins' anime fall. When Ichiko Ran gets back up she fans Odell with a large leaf that she had found on the floor causing the butterfly to fly away. Odell quickly jumped on to Ichiko Ran scared to death. "Oh God! They're all around! They're out to get me! Someone save me!!!"

"Get the fuck off of me you little bitch!" Ichiko Ran grabs Odell by her wrist and slams her against the ground. "Next time that you touch my hair you will regret it very badly! I will hurt you so bad that you won't be feeling anything for the rest of your life! My hair is off limits to all!" Ichiko Ran lets go of Odell's wrist and keeps heading back to the cave ignoring everyone in her way. Well there wasn't anyone in her way because they just jumped out of her way. (She is such a scary person!)

"@.@ ill be alright...sometime..." poor Odell was on the floor laying there with swirls eyes while Jinshine and Jinice stared at her pondering.

"You think we should help her?" Jinshine asked

"I have no idea but since it's the good thing to do we might as well." with that they picked up Odell and follow Ichiko without her noticing.

Next person to fucking touch my hair is so fucking dead. Stupid mother fuckers, damn bitch. She is so lucky I didn't do anything else. So is Youko. I could have killed him. Him and his sexy self. Come to think of it I probably wouldn't have killed him. Sexy guys deserve a second chance. So do beautiful women like me. Ichiko Ran starts to laugh out loud a little over a whisper as she approaches the cave. As soon as she got there she sat on a rock and started to look up at the sky. Soon it would be night time and she would have to sleep in that cave. Wow, today was a very short day. I wonder what Hiei is doing? He's always so serious. He should get a girl and get laid already. I wonder who would make a good girlfriend for him. Hmm... How about one of hose twin girls? Nah, they too tall. I got it! Kim! She may be taller than him but only by a little bit. While Ichiko-Ran was lost in her thoughts Jinice and Jinshine got Odell in the cave and started to treat her scratches. Odell just whined a bit.

"It's not my fault that I am afraid of butterflies!" Odell whined.

"Well why are you scared of butterflies anyways?" Jinshine asked

"Yes do tell" Jinice insisted.

"Well it is a long story but what the heck, where not going anywhere anytime soon." Odell sat up and started to tell her story. (I'll get back to her later; let's get back to the MAIN character which is me! *gets hit with a cookie* ouch. Jenice: Hey that was my cookie! Gimmie! *tackles Betty* Betty: @.@ Jenice: on with the fic!)

~~~Meanwhile with Ichiko~~~

But will Kim like him at all? Does she like him at all? Ichiko Ran closed her eyes and started to think to herself of her past and her life and how Kim and Hiei would make a perfect couple. When Youko came up from behind the trees and just started to stare at Ichiko. (What the fuck was Youko doing behind the trees?)

(This is Youko thinking by the way) She looks peaceful. I wonder what she is thinking about. She is certainly not sleeping. Maybe I should ask her why she spared my life. Why she was so kind to me. Nah, I'll do it tomorrow! (Odell: Hey! that's my line! ;__;) I should be getting back to my hide out as well but I just can't leave her here. Can't leave that Pixie girl here either and it seems like she has friends with her. I'll go tomorrow morning. Well I have to tell Ichiko that I have to leave tomorrow morning. Can't just leave them without warning. I start of with asking her what she's thinking. Hey?! Why am I getting so nervous! It's only her! Ichiko-Ran! Well here goes...

Youko came out from behind the trees and sat next to Ichiko-ran. She didn't notice. Seemed like she was starting to doze of to sleep. "Hey, Ichiko..." Youko said a little over a whisper. She was asleep but that didn't stop Youko. He still thought that she was awake and was just lost in her thoughts. He started to lean in closer to her face to see if she was awake or sleeping. As soon as he got very close to her face Ichiko-Ran's eyes opened a little bit and then shot open.

"What the fuck!" Ichiko-Ran screamed not noticing that it was Youko and fell of the rock into the water. Once again she was wet.

~~~Back to Odell~~~

*Splash* The three girls herd a big splash and got up and out of the cave to see what had made the splash. As soon as they got out of the cave they saw a very angry Ichiko-ran getting up from the water.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you I just wanted to ask you a question." Youko said as he took a few step back. Ichiko Ran was giving him a really cold death glare. (Odell: Betty's death glares scare me. She real good with them and it's real rare when she has them. Betty: shut up already. Odell: *shuts up*)

"Look at what you did!" Ichiko-Ran said as she picked up a piece of her wet hair. "It took me a while to get my hair dry. You are so lucky that you're what you are and deserve to live or else I would have killed you..." with that she started to walk to the cave.

"That's what I wanted to ask you. Why you spared my life. What am I that you spared my life?" Youko asked also walking to the cave.

"I just can't say. If I do I'll loose my mysterious look." Ichiko-Ran answers in a mysterious voice. What the fuck was that? I'll loose my mysterious look? What mysterious look? Well no one knows much about me so that could be considered mysterious about me. Hey! Wait! Don't flatter yourself know... "Anyway I'm going to go to sleep know. I'm kind of tired anyways."

"Oh shit they're coming this way! Everyone back to what we were doing!" Odell said and they all went back into the cave and took their seats continuing their conversation as soon as Ichiko and Youko entered the cave. "So yeah, once again it's a long story but I'll tell you guys anyways." Odell said trying not to sound suspicious or anything but failed miserably. (Odell: You are just making me look bad in this fic and enjoying every bit of it in your own little sick way aren't you betty? betty:Buahahahaha!)

"Hey, when did you guys get here?" Ichiko Ran asked Odell, Jinice and Jinshine.

"We got here not so long ago" Jinice and Jinshine answered at the same time. Ichiko Ran just started to crack up. Then she went to a corner and just lay down.

"I'm going to sleep, if anything happens that is URGENT wake me up. If its not important don't. Or else you will regret It." with that Ichiko Ran slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Well alrighty then." Odell said

"Well I guess I'm going to go to sleep as well. I think we shall be safe her. No demons can really sense our ki." Youko then laid beside Ichiko Ran back to back and closed his eyes. Hey you never know if he's really asleep now do you?

"O...K... no more interruptions on with my story." Odell said about to say something after but just stood shut and then after a while said something. "Ok what story was I going to tell?"

"Why you dislike butterflies" the twins answered

"Oh Yeah alright. It all started when I was still a little baby Pixie. A cow had passed by and made a jingle ling noise. I was on a flower sleeping but I herd it. Then came mister bumble bee. He said 'Hey little old lady, this flower has pollen which I need to bring back to my hive and you are sleeping in the middle of me and my pollen'. So I got up and moved to pollen less flower and that was when the butterflies attacked! There were so many of them! Their buzzing and their extra eyes on their wings and their freaky patterns and the cow! Oh the cow! It was horrible! Horrible I say! HORRIBLE!" Odell just kept on getting more dramatic and louder as she continued her story.

"Hey shut the fuck up over there! Can't you see I'm trying to fucking sleep here?" Ichiko Ran was getting very irritated with all the noise that Odell was making while telling her story that she just had to sit up and tell them to shut up with a few cusses and a very mad voice. Boy did it work.

"*gulp* Yes mam!" Odell said not knowing what else to say. Ichiko Ran threw a rock at her that hit her right on the head for being sarcastic. "Anyways back to my story." when Odell was going to continue with her story the girls had fallen asleep. "Well I guess they were tired. I'll tell them the rest of the story tomorrow, in the meantime I SHALL PROTECT THIS SITE!" Odell change into her teeny weenie little itty bitty teeny tiny lil' pixie form and stated outside on top of the water. "How bout you go for a swim while you're watching the base Odell? Heck there's nothing wrong with that right?" Odell then started to float around on her back on top of the water. Then all of a sudden a fish jumped from the water and ate Odell in one bite.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" were Odell's final words. (Odell: Betty! I thought I was going to die a different way! Betty: You are but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't go threw hell first now does it?)

~~~~End of Chapter 6~~~~

Betty: Poor Odell, I think I'm putting her through too much hell.

Odell: Yes you are. Eaten by a fish? That's just wrong.

Jencine Jenice: but it was funny!*start laughing at Odell*

Odell: ;_______; that's not funny

Inuyasha: hey, I want fish...

Betty: Get your own!

Inuyasha: you don't have to be all pissy about it. Damn

Jencine: Hello Inu Yasha. What do you have planned for tonight? *winks at him*

Inuyasha: O.o

Hiei: Don't worry about it half breed, they are all like that. Especially that baka Onna over there *points at Odell*

Odell: Hiei! You remembered me! *tackles him*

Betty: O...K...

Shippo: Hey you guys! Please read and review so that Betty can go on with this fic or she will stop on this chapter.

Betty: Thank you Shippo here have a cookie *tosses a cookie to Shippo*

Shippo: Thanks! *catches cookie*

Jenice: COOKIE! *chases Shippo*

Shippo: Aaaaah! Somebody help me! *runs up a tree*

Jenice: You're so lucky I'm such a fat girl! I meant that in a good way. O.o Read and Review please.

Betty: Shippo already said that...