Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama and Hiei's side of the Story ❯ Kaline and Hiei's P.O.V. ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Millie: Dammnit. Another One?
Black: Yes. Remember? We made an agreement. You write one more chapter today and I will write you a lot before I go and I will buy you a lot when I'm in Florida.
Millie: Psh you think you can buy me?
Black: Yes I do because I can. *grins*
Millie: Dammnit you know me too well.
Black: Hn. Yes I do.
Hiei: *appears* Grrrr I thought you left already. *glares*
M/B: *glare at him*
Millie: Shutup Hiei. You know you are going to miss her.
Hiei: *face gets red* Hn.
Millie: Hm. Well have fun reading!! ^_^
Hiei's P.O.V.
Hn, I awoke the next morning with a pounding headache. I walked into my bathroom and opened the window cabinet. I pulled out a bottle of aspirin. The only thing I am glad these stupid humans have ever made. I popped open the top and ate one. I put the tope back on and placed in its original place with other things such as my razor, toothbrush etc. etc. I closed the door and looked up. There was a figure standing in my room, staring at me. It was a murky green demon with bloodshot eyes. I turned to it quickly retrieved my katana.
“Hn. Get the hell out of my room or die you son of a bitch.” I said in fighting stance. He just laughed at me. I arched my brow.
“Hiei I am not here to fight you. At least not now anyway. I came to give you a chance to reclaim you rightful place in the demon world.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I have come to make a deal with you Hiei.”
“Hn. And what would this deal be? You leave and I don't knock your head off?” I replied.
“No. Now Hiei put that thing away you will not be needing it.” I put the katana back in my sheath at my hip and sat in a chair that was placed in the corner of the room. I knew not to get too close to him. “Now, you want to be back in demon world am I right?” He asked me.
“Yes what does that have to do with anything?”
“Well I have a way to get you there.”
“And what is that?”
“If you get everybody to go to a certain place so that we can take their souls then my master might consider sparing you and get you to live with an honored name.”
“And what if I don't” I smirked at the look on his face.
“Then you will live an eternity in pain.”
“Hn. Let me go over this and get it straight. You want me to get the group together so that your master can succeed in capturing their souls. In return I might be spared and live with a name of honor?” I asked him, laughing in my mind.
“Well yes. I just said that don't you ever listen?”
“Oh I listened to you intently.” I sped up and cut him right down the middle. I walked out of my room when I saw Lyric running down the hallway with bandages in her hand.
“What's going on?” I asked.
“Kaline, she's hurt.” I ran even faster out to the living room and I saw Kaline on floor holding herself up on all fours. She was clutching her stomach. I looked closer and saw that was hacking up blood.
“What the fuck happened?” asked Lyric.
“I don't know she was sitting here eating some breakfast and all of a sudden she is yelling in pain and collapsing to the floor.” answered Yusuke.
“I say it was Lyrics cooking that did it.” said Kuwabara who was sitting on the couch just watching this event like it was a scene from a movie.
“SHUTUP KUWABAKA!!!!” yelled Lyric, Kaline and I in unison.
“Kaline, when did this start?” I asked her.
“Last-“ she winced in pain. “Last night.”
“This started last night and you didn't tell anybody?” asked Lyric. “Ugh stubborn as hell.”
“Shut up and make it fucking stop.” She said a cold voice.
“Hiei, pick her up and lay her on the couch for me.” Lyric said to me. I was hesitant to pick her up because of what had happened the night before but I did anyway. She was groaning in pain and I couldn't help but want to take the pain away from her even if I had to be the substitute.
“Hiei, lift up her shirt-“
“DO WHAT?!?!” I yelled.
“Calm down lover boy we only want to check out her stomach and see what's going on.” replied Lyric. I growled at her for calling me a lover boy but did what she told me anyway.
“Gaahhh Please make it stop. It feels like my ribs are being crushed.” Kaline screeched. We helped all we could but nothing seemed to work. Moments later she fell into unconsciousness.
“Hiei, take her into her room and put her on her bed. She needs rest before we try and wake her up.” I did as Kurama told me and left with her in my arms. I didn't leave her side. I was afraid something might happen to her so I pulled up a chair and waited for her to wake up. Hn. Yes I said it I was afraid.
Kaline's P.O.V.
I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Last night I had poured my heart out to Hiei about my past and he didn't shun me like I thought he would have even though I helped put his soul in danger. I even got to hug him. I unfortunately hurt the feelings of Kurama but then I came to find that he was fooling himself and actually likes Lyric. I heard love but whatever. I changed into some jeans and a blue tank top with a dragon on it. I put on my slip on vans and ran downstairs for breakfast. I smelled pancakes and really wanted some. I wasn't sure if I could handle it though, my stomach had been hurting and giving me a run for my money all night.
“Hey Kay. Want some pancakes?” Ly asked me.
“Hn. Yeah I guess.”
“You guess?” She questioned.
“Yes. Gimme gimme gimme.” I said reaching for a plate. We both laughed and I woofed down the food. “Oh that was awesome. Who made it you or Kurama?”
“Me” answered Lyric with a big smile plastered on her face. I smiled back at her and looked down at my food. I had just acquired a massive head ache. It was so bad my vision blurred. I winced in pain.
“Kaline? Are you alright?” asked Kurama.
“I- ugh I have a huge headache. Do you have anything for it?”
“I'll go get you something.” answered Lyric. She quickly went off to get me some aspirin most likely. The pain that was in my stomach the night before had returned only it was ten times worse. I yelled in pain and collapsed to the floor clutching my stomach.
“Kay? What's wrong?” yelled Yusuke. All I could do was wince in pain and heartache as I saw visions of them all dieing in my head. One right after the other. First Hiei, then Lyric. After her it was Kurama, then Yusuke, then Kuwabara. Each dieing a slow, horrible death. Lyric walked in moments later with a bottle of Bayer. When she saw me she dropped the bottle to the floor and came running to me.
“Quick go get some bandages. She's bleeding.” called Kurama. Lyric immediately left, running as fast as she could.
“Kaline? You need to stay with me ok? Just listen to my voice ok? Kaline?” said Kurama, worried. I groaned in pain.
“Yeah, aaarg, I'm still with you.” I replied. Lyric ran back with Hiei. It was then that I started coughing. I looked down and saw blood all over the floor.
“Kaline!! What the fuck happened?” asked Lyric.
“I don't know she was sitting here eating some breakfast and all of a sudden she is yelling in pain and collapsing to the floor.” answered Yusuke.
“I say it was Lyrics cooking that did it.” said Kuwabara who was sitting on the couch. He was cowering in fear of what would happen.
“SHUTUP KUWABAKA!!!!” yelled Lyric, Hiei, and I in unison.
“Don't be such a fucking COWARD Kuwabara. They don't want you anyway.” I said in a cold voice. “They-arg- want blood. Even when they do get our souls they plan on torturing us until there is nothing left.”
“How do you know this?” asked Kurama.
“I can see it now. They're talking about it. They- Oh my god. “ I started to sob right there in the middle of the room.
“They what? KALINE!!!!!” yelled Hiei. “ Kaline stay with us.”
`Stay with me please!!! I need you here.' Hiei said to me in thought.
`I would never leave you Hiei. I will-arg think about you while I am out' At that my arm broke under me and I fell to my side.
`I will stay with you. Keep you safe. There is no need to cry.' thought Hiei. I was still crying. As we spoke in thought Lyric was clearing off the couch and making sure we had enough bandages.
“Hiei, pick her up and lay her on the couch for me.” demanded Lyric. He did as he was told. “Kaline when did this start?”
“Well-arg- It started last night.”
“WELL IS WASN'T THIS BAD THEN.” I yelled back through gritted teeth. I then had a sharp pain go through my head and I fell unconscious.
“Hiei lift up her shirt-“
“DO WHAT?!?!” Hiei yelled. “Hey I am not a pervert like those two dopes over there. I don't touch without permission.”
“Calm down lover boy. The pain is coming from her stomach so we need to check out what's going on.” His ruby red cheeks receded in color and he lifted up my shirt, making sure to stop at the appropriate place.
“Oh shit.” said Lyric under her breath. She looked down at my exposed stomach and saw another message. It said `I will hurt every single member of this team if you do not do the following. All of you, yes even Kuwabara and Yusuke, must go to the shrine at the farthest center of the land. Then I will explain what I have in store for your putrid souls. If you do not come to me within the time then it is war and I will negotiate no more.'
“I don't think there is anything we can do for her now. Hiei, please take her up to her room. She needs rest after all she's been through.” suggested Kurama. He did as he was told and laid me in the middle of my bed. He pulled up a chair beside me and eventually fell asleep.
My/Kaline's Dream
I was younger, about 10 or 11. I wore tattered jeans and a dirty old crimson shirt. My hair was shorter than usual, about shoulder length. My black hair had natural blood red streaks in it and was pulled back into a pony tail. I watched as my father and mother walked up the stairs from the dungeon. I was sitting in the kitchen. I broke out in a cold sweat, fearing that he saw the little girl that was my sister, Lyric, being hidden in one of the cells. To my surprise he didn't speak one word of it and came to join me. I knew this wouldn't end well. He never wanted to just sit in the same room with me without some sort of fight.
“What the hell are you eating? Do you really think you need it?” He said to me taking my food for himself.
“I-I was just hungry. I haven't eaten all day.”
“DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!!!! I FEED YOU ENOUGH….WHAT? ARE YOU SAYING THAT I AM A BAD FATHER? I THOUGHT I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN TO DISRESPECT ME.” He kept yelling and ranting about how I was lucky he didn't kill me when he had the chance.
“FATHER!!!” I lost it.
“YES!!! Yes I do. You have disrespected me and my loving mother you fucking hypocrite. I can't stand this anymore. I'm leaving.” I started to walk out the door when he grabbed me tightly by the arm.
“And where are you going to go? Who is going to want you?....Do you really think you should leave your precious little sister here with me?” My eyes widened and he slapped me in the face. “My other wife might have been blessed with death but I think I will keep you to torture. What do you want me to do with your mother first? Burn her? Snap her arm like a twig? Something a little more harsh what do you think? Cause whatever you suggest is what you will do to her and then I will take that pathetic little girl out there and you will do me the honor of killing her. NO HUMANS REMEMBER!!!!” He yelled.
“Please. No don't.” He beat me repetitively. “STOP!!!” I ran out to the dungeon and grabbed up Lyric and ran out the back door.
“COME BACK HERE YOU VERMIN!!! I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET. YOU BETTER GET BACK HERE.” He yelled and chased after me. I ran to the nearest building and laid her on the doorstep. I rang the doorbell and ran back to the house. If I didn't go back he would've killed her and my mother.
End Dream
I awoke with a gasp and started to cry some more. I saw Hiei sitting there. He was awake now and began to rub my back in comfort.
“Kaline, are you alright?” He asked.
“Hiei, I just had the most horrible dream of my past. I just left her in the hands of people I didn't even know. I mean they could've been worse and I just left her.” He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest. We eventually fell asleep.
I woke up to see Hiei was still asleep and he was still holding me in his grasp. I got up and went the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and washed my tear stained face. I was brushing my hair in the room, making sure not to disturb Hiei's rest, when all of a sudden there was a sharp pain in my head and a piercing noise. I saw Hiei laying on the ground unconscious with a katana piercing through his chest. I was standing over him, my hand grasping the handle. I had an evil grin spread across my face. I was like I was under a spell of some kind. He was dead and the worst part of it was I had done it. I killed the one I loved. He hadn't known it yet but I did and I still do love him. I then saw myself collapse to the floor one more time and start to cry like I had done so many times before. The vision disappeared in my mind and I turned to see Hiei still consumed in a peaceful slumber.
Millie: Oooooooooooooh. Juicy.
Black: FINALLY!!! *runs up to me and steals Millie's ice cream that she just fixed for herself.*
Millie: -_- Have you been waiting for me to get some this whole time?
Blck: ^_^ Yup. Now I'm set to read. *goes to read story*
M/K: -_- Well R&R everybody.