Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama, Hiei, and the new demon. ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurama: She doesn't own YYH. If she did, it wouldn't be the way you've seen it on television. Kuwabara wouldn't exist, nor would Yusuke.

Nakira: Darn right fox boy! Anyway, I don't own anything from Yu Yu Hakusho. This includes: Hiei, Kurama, and Shishi.

Hiei: And the Dark Tournament.

Nakira: They gots copyrights on that too?

Kurama & Hiei: *Nods*

Nakira: Well then, I don't own it either. The only characters I own are Kiana and her *dead* family. But I don't own Shishi…which is kinda the only family she gots now…Well, I ain't never going to own YYH so…read the fanfic and enjoy.

Hiei: Well, at least your readers will know you're southern.

Nakira: Yup. And I have yet to go fishin like I wanted to. Someone gots to cut the weeds beside the fishin pond first. *looks at Hiei then at the tractor* Hiei, will you? Please?

Kurama: Yes, Hiei, I believe this would be interesting to see.

Nakira: *gets out her camera*

Hiei: *pulls out his sword and destroys the camera* You've got music to memorize and Band Camp to attend to. Fishing will come next summer before Band Camp arrives.

Kurama: "And one time at band camp…"

Nakira: Kurama, just because I play flute doesn't mean….wait…when did you watch American Pie? *drags Kurama into a nearby closet and Hiei is left alone.*

Hiei: Here's chapter 3…

Chapter Three

Kiana walked through the house trying to find Kurama but didn't see him. She only saw Hiei so she decided to ask him where Kurama went.

"Hiei, where's Kurama?" Kiana asked. Hiei didn't look at her, he only sighed and responded in as short of sentence as possible.

"He had something important to do." he said then he looked at her.

"Do…do you think that Shishi will be at the tournament?" she asked and his look softened a little.

"Hn…If I know Shishi then, yes he will be there." Hiei said then walked outside.

"I hope he is going to be there." she said and walked outside. She looked down at her sword and thought of Shishi. `I really hope he comes to the tournament. Then he can see just how well I can fight then maybe he'll let me go with him again. Besides, I don't think Hiei likes me…' Kiana thought. `Well, he might…Kurama said that he acted this way around everyone.' She swung her sword around and sat down.

"You're not quitting already are you?" Hiei asked and walked up beside her. He noticed that something was wrong but he didn't know what.

"No. I was just thinking about Shishi…and whether he would let me go with him if I see him at the tournament…" she said.

"Hn. Why wouldn't he?" Hiei asked.

"He doesn't think I'm strong enough to travel with him…that's kinda why I was with Cedrik…" Kiana explained.

"So he left you with some human because he thought you were weak?" he asked and she nodded. "That's pathetic. He should have trained you."

"He did…but only a little bit of basic stuff." she said. She stood up and put her sword away. Then she turned to him and smiled. "Well, what do you say we go get something to eat?"

"Fine. But then you resume your training." he said. She nodded and headed towards the house.

"You two need to rest for a little while. You both look tired." Kurama said. Hiei shook his head but Kiana nodded. "Well, it's dinnertime anyway. Come on." Hiei followed Kurama to the dining room and Kiana went to the bathroom.

`If Shishi says that I can't go with him this time I'll kill him. I'm strong enough to do that now…now that I have Hiei and Kurama to help me.' Kiana thought. She pulled up her sleeve and saw the scar that had been there all her life. She didn't know who gave her that scar but she knew that she was going to find out. She would ask Kurama after dinner.

"Kiana, are you alright?" Kurama asked and knocked on the door.

"Yeah, but I need to ask you something…" she said and opened the door.

"What is it?" he asked and walked into the bathroom with her. She pulled up her sleeve and showed him the scar on her arm.

"Do you know who gave this to me? Do you know who murdered my family in front of me…and didn't kill me as well?" she asked and he looked at her scar then at her. Tears streamed down her cheeks. He pulled her close and she cried. Hiei walked into the bathroom and saw Kurama and Kiana standing there.

"What's going on?" Hiei asked and Kurama shrugged. He would ask Hiei if he knew who killed Kiana's family after she went to sleep.

"Kiana's just a little upset right now." Kurama said. He looked down at Kiana. "Kiana, I want you to go eat. I've got to talk to Hiei. Okay?" Kiana nodded and went downstairs. "Come with me." Kurama told Hiei and they went outside.

"What is it fox?" Hiei asked.

"Do you know anything about that scar on Kiana's arm?" Kurama asked. Hiei shook his head.

"Should I know anything?" he asked.

"No…her entire family was murdered in front of her. And for some reason she was left with only a scar…" Kurama said. Hiei remembered attacking a family but he didn't remember attacking a child. Then he remembered what he had done that night.

"Kurama…I may…I have something very important to tell you…" Hiei said. Kurama stood patiently listening to him, waiting for whatever it was Hiei had to say.

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Nakira: And I'll leave it at that. I'm starting chapter 4 right now so it may be up later.

Hiei: Sure. Make me out to be the bad guy of the fic.

Kurama: *laughs* Don't worry Hiei. All will be well in the end.

Nakira: And as I'm told: Life goes on.

Hiei: But why not Kurama?

Nakira: Because he's just….well, Kurama. Youko Kurama could have taken your place you know…

Hiei: *shuts up*

Nakira: Read and Review!