Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Note: I do not own any characters associated with Yu Yu Hakusho. Thank you!

Chapter 1:

Down the noisy halls Kurama walked, humming quietly to himself. Yusuke and the others would surely arrive shortly. They would come running, acting completely immature and childish, like always. Life in the human world no longer thrilled Kurama, in fact, it bored him.

Always the same thing; dull classes, stupid students rushing past him, and an endless pile of school work. What's the point of it all? he asked himself.

Seldom did he feel this way, so melancholy and empty. Something was missing in his life, but what?

"Hey Kurama!" came Yusuke's voice from behind. His voice was full of excitement.

Kurama halted, though he did not turn around. He did not wish for the others to see his somber face.

Just as it seemed Kurama could not be any more depressed, his heart sank lower. How could he face his friends? They would notice something wrong with him, wouldn't they?

"Hey, where have you been?" Yusuke asked, clapping his hand on the taller boy's shoulder.

"Around," Kurama replied, masking his sadness. "Where have you been?"

Yusuke began to speak, but Kurama was no longer listening. Something more interesting had caught his eye.

A girl, a human girl had captured his attention. She stood, surrounded by a group of girls; the same group of girls who usually would be chasing him!

Her bushy brown hair was tied back, her bangs hanging loosely in her face. Oh, a face so fair, Kurama thought. Indeed, she was beautiful. Her almond shaped eyes, green of course, were bright and cheery. And best of all, was her smile; kind yet alluring.

Kurama's throat became choked up, his hands clammy. His eyes had a glassy look to them, unfocused and distant.

"HELLO!?" Yusuke shouted, trying to regain Kurama's attention.

Only once Yusuke had slapped Kurama across his face did he return to reality.

"WHAT?!" he shouted, irate.

Yusuke backed off; he knew not to push Kurama too far. "Nothing," he replied, holding his hands up.

"Then why did you slap me?" Kurama asked, still fuming.

Before Yusuke could answer, Kuwabara interjected. "You were drooling," he said bluntly.

"I was not drooling," Kurama argued calmly.

"It sure looked like you were to me. Got your eye on a girl?" Kuwabara asked, a dim-witted smiled on his face.

"Well, that's truly none of your business, now isn't it?" Kurama replied blandly.

"So, it is a girl!" Kuwabara exclaimed childishly. "Who is it?"

"As I said before," Kurama replied firmly, "it's really none of your business."

Unfortunately, Kuwabara, as dumb as he is, didn't pick up on his queue to shut up. Instead, he stood next to Kurama, his eyes scanning every girl who crossed their path.

"Is it her?"


"Is it her?"


For several minutes Kuwabara pointed out each and every girl who walked by, asking if she was the girl Kurama was staring at. Kurama began to grow tired of this.

"Will you just knock it off?" he asked, becoming annoyed.

"Only if you'll tell me who it is!" Kuwabara answered, feeling as if he had out-witted Kurama.

"All right, it's the one over there," Kurama replied, turning around.

"Where? Which girl?" Kuwabara asked stupidly.

"I already told you," Kurama said smugly. "The one over there."

Feeling satified, Kurama began walking towards his locker. In no time, his mind had begun to drift. I wonder what her name is, Kurama thought to himself.

"Kurama?" came Hiei's voice.

Jolting back to reality, Kurama turned to his friend.

"Yes?" he asked.

"What was that big oaf talking about back there?" Hiei asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Nothing," Kurama replied, blushing furiously.

"Because I could have sworn that I did see you drooling," he said with a smirk. "Who was she?"

"If you must know," Kurama replied, "I don't even know her name."

"Well, what did she look like?"

"An angel," Kurama replied, a dreamy look in his eyes.

Thus began Kurama's infatuation with a ningen girl, his so called "tenshi".

Another chapter has been added! Be sure to read it as well!

Kawaii Youko ^_^