Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4:

Kurama's insides had frozen. He was doomed, no matter how he looked at it. On one hand, if someone found it, they would know his deepest secret, one that not even Hiei completely knew.

Sure, Hiei knew that Kurama liked a girl, but he didn't know he loved her. Not a clue at all.

Kurama laughed lightly. Love; not the same love he felt for his mother, a different kind. When he was near her, he desired to hold her close and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. He loved his mother, very much so, but just the way a child loved their parent. He had never felt like this before.

"Kurama?" Hiei finally asked.

"Huh?" Kurama jolted back to reality, leaving his fantasy world behind. He now sat on the cold floor of the hallway; school was over.

Kurama and Hiei's magnified voices echoed through the empty halls.

"I don't know much about having friends, much less liking some one, but I do think that you should talk to her."

"Why do you say that, Hiei?" Kurama asked, turning his eyes on the haughty, yet intuitive youkai.

"I grow bored of watching you stare into the oblivion," Hiei replied, a smirk on his face. "And your drooling, however amusing it is to watch you soaking your shirt, I wish you wouldn't do that.

"Oh, sorry," Kurama apologized, wiping his mouth with his hand, then wiping his hand on his pants.

"You like her that much, do you?" Hiei asked.

"Yeah, she's all I can think about anymore," Kurama said, staring off dreamily.

"I can tell; your grades are slipping," Hiei interrupted, reaching into his black binder.

Hiei handed Kurama a piece of paper, the number 71 was written at the top in red ink. This was Kurama's biology test, and he'd nearly failed it?! Biology was his best subject by far, owing to his ability with plants.

"You dropped it in the hallway," Hiei replied. "I thought you'd want it, since you may want to stare at the picture on the back."

Kurama turned the paper over. There, drawn in black ink, was a sketch of the girl. Her hair almost looked realistic, and her facial expression was true to her. Hiei noticed her mesmerizing eyes stared into his friend's eyes. Though they were only two-dimensional, they still seemed to have a life-like to them; almost too life-like in Hiei's opinion.

"If you ask me, I think something is wrong with her. I can't put my finger on it, but something's not quite right."

"Why do you say that?" Kurama asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Earlier, when I took my headband off, I felt a strange presence; something evil," Hiei explained. "That's why I left without fighting that girl."

Hiei was scared enough to leave a fight? Kurama wondered.

"And you believe that this girl is the one who gave you that feeling?" Kurama asked aloud.

"Maybe it wasn't her, but it had to have been someone standing near her for the feeling to be that strong."

"That's stupid Hiei," Kurama replied off-handish manner. "I seriously doubt that an evil being is lurking in the school."

"You never know," Hiei replied. "Evil has been found in more unlikely places than a high school."

"Perhaps so," Kurama replied calmly, "but I seriously doubt there is anything more evil than the cafeteria's tuna loaf surprise, at least in this school."

Hiei blanched at the though of anything containing the words `tuna' and `surprise'.

"I hate fish," he said, sticking out his tongue.

"I'm sure you do," Kurama replied. "Especially after that giant fish scared you when you at the amusement park when you were a kid."

Hiei blushed. "I wasn't scared, I just thought he was stupid and was going to kick his butt."

"Sure Hiei," Kurama replied, stifling a laugh.

"Never bring up that story again," Hiei said, closing his eyes. "Otherwise, I'll have to hurt you."

This was an empty threat; just like many of Hiei's others. Hiei, no matter how stubborn, could never hurt his friends without reasonable cause. The dreaded fish story from Hiei's childhood, no matter how embarrassing, wasn't a reason to fight Kurama.

Stupid fish, Hiei thought. He shuddered at the memory.

So ends another chapter of my story. I know it's a lot shorter than the others, but there wasn't too much to this one. The next chapter is sure to be exciting, suspenseful and equally funny! Is my story starting to get more interesting? I sure hope so. Enjoy!

Kawaii Youko, 14