Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Sister, Kiru ❯ Riku Gone, Riku Found But Still Not Here ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kltp: sorry that took so long but I was traveling all winter break and I had writers block which scaringly enough, my dad helped me through.
K: That is scary
Kltp: Not to mention I had to break down what Yu Yu Hakusho was and it took forever since he never understood
P: Parents, they think they know everything but they don't
Kltp: Tell me about it. Anyway, I own nothing but my characters so please read on and review in the end to make me happy and fuel me to write another chapter! YAY!
Kiru woke up panting in the early hours of the morning after a frightful dream of Koharu. She sat up and waited until she caught her breath before she walked downstairs. She entered the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of sweet snow from the fridge. She sat at the table and ate in silence. Five minutes later she walked upstairs and paused at Riku's door to check in on her. She opened the door to find Riku's room a chaotic mess. The way that the screen of the window was ripped open showed the sign of forced entry. Kiru ran to Blaze's room next door and was glad to find her sleeping. Kiru rushed over and shook her awake. When her orange eyes were void of sleep Kiru silently led her to Riku's room. Blaze gasped at the sight of the room but Kiru quickly covered her mouth. “Get dressed in your most comfortable clothing and meet me in my room in ten minutes. Make sure you bring your weapons.” Blaze nodded and they disappeared in their rooms.
Kiru pulled on a red tank top that was held tight against her skin with black straps that went straight across her chest that started from her chest and to the edge of the shirt which stopped at her ribs and tight, low cut leather pants that end in the same fashion that started at her knees. She pulled on some boots and strapped her belt around her waist. Her belt contained two swords, darts, three daggers, and two whips. She out on black lipstick and pulled her hair into a ponytail and pulled on gloves that went to her wrist and put some straps on her arms. She then spend a minute with silver body pen and made a design on the side of her face, “My symbol that there will be death by my hand soon enough.” She muttered when she finished. She pulled some extra supplies, weapons, and clothes in a small bag and pulled it over her shoulder when a soft knock came to the door. “Open.” She said and Blaze stepped inside the room.
She wore a black top with one thin strap on her left shoulder and long black shorts. She too wore a weapon belt but hers held four daggers between a full length sword and a dagger. She also had a black pouch, a whip, and wore a bow and arrow on her back. They looked at each other before they hopped out of the window and raced in the direction Blaze led them in.
“Where are we going?” Kiru asked as they ran from tree to tree.
Blaze smirked and said, “A friend of Koharu. She will know where he is.” The were suddenly outside of a large temple like house. “Follow me.” Blaze said as she walked to the front door and knocked. A teenage girl around thirteen opened the door and her eyes opened wide. She began to run down the hall but Blaze snatched her arm. Kiru then noticed the girl had Sapphire hair that matched Koharu's. This girl was one of Koharu's offspring. “Now, Now, Kimitari. What who we do if your mother knew we were here?”
Kimitari stopped moving and sunk to the ground as Blaze walked past her followed by Kiru. Kiru would normally scold Blaze for scaring a child but right now she didn't care. She wanted Riku back. They ended up in a room with a woman about thirty with lavender hair and black eyes. She turned to Blaze with a hateful glare in her eyes, “What the hell do you want?” She spat at Blaze.
Blaze suddenly turned serious and stared coldly at the woman, “Hello to you too Kana. We are looking for Riku, have you seen her?”
“No, and even if I had I wouldn't tell you.” Kana stated with venom.
“Hold your tongue. The only reason you are alive instead of dead like the rest of them is because you were once Riku's friend. By the way, I have introduced you to Riku's true best friend and partner, Youka Kira?” Blaze said with a twinkle in her eye as Kana instantly shut up when Kiru's name was mentioned.
“Youka…Kira?” She asked and Kiru nodded.
“If you have any thoughts of self preservation than you better provide us with the information on Riku.” Kiru said in a cold voice. She was losing her patience.
“I don't know any information on Riku, I swear.” Kana said with fear evident in her eyes.
“Fine, but do not think this is the last of us.” Kiru said as she walked out of the room followed by Blaze.
They left the house and as soon as they were off the property Kana grasped her necklace. It was a gold chain with a sapphire gem, “Well, it appears your friends are quicker than I thought but no matter. They will be too late to save you. Your death with revive my beloved Koharu.” Inside the gem Riku sat with tears in her eyes as she had watched her friend and sister walk away. She swiftly shook her head and glared at the blue wall that encased her. `They will come back.' Riku thought and a small smile crossed her lips, “oh, yes. They will come back and you will join your beloved Koharu in the darkest pits of hell.'
As Kiru walked something about Kana agitated her to no end. Kana had worn a blue kimono with a white sash and a blue necklace. Kiru stopped suddenly which caused Blaze to run into her. `That necklace, Of Course!' Kiru shouted in her head, “Blaze, Follow me. I might know where Riku is!” Blaze nodded and the two disappeared into the trees as black and some red blurs. They landed in Kiru's room within a few minutes and Kiru began to sketch the pendant that had hung from Kana's neck. “It looks so familiar. Let's ask Kurama.” Blaze nodded and practically flew downstairs and halted in front of a pacing Kurama. He was just about to yell at Kiru about how worried he was when she thrusted the paper into his face. “This is a gem I am trying to identify but I can't seem to remember. Can you recognize it?” Kurama looked at the paper of a minute before he nodded and walked to the door.
“I have a book at my house that can help us. Let's go.” They nodded and Blaze, Kiru, and even Hiei followed him out of the house and to his house. They were there in about ten minutes and Kurama led them upstairs into his room where he searched in his bookshelf. He selected a book and pulled it out to reveal another shelf that was hidden behind it and selected a black book that has seen better days. He slipped it under his arm and replaced the other book. When he straighten he looked over at Kiru and Blaze and said, “This book here will be able to help us find information on the necklace but I will only let you look at it if afterwards you tell me where you were this morning and why the gem matters so much. Understood?” When Blaze and Kiru nodded he handed them the book and they began flipping through it fast. Soon they stopped and everyone could see the picture of the necklace that matched the one on the paper that Kiru had drawn.
“The Sapphire of Itkigoshi. Is has the power to store a soul and to be able to bring back the dead. For the spell to bring back the dead, a soul and body of a family member and of the one that is being revived is necessary. That's where Riku is!” Kiru shouted as she slammed the book shut and hopped up, ready to find her partner but was halted by Kurama.
“You said you would explain.” Kurama said as he stood in front of the door and Hiei in front of the window.
“When Blaze and I left this morning we went to search for Riku, who has gone missing. We found her room in complete chaos. We went to a woman named Kana's place and we asked her if she had seen Riku but she did not say anything. I remember seeing her wearing that necklace.” Kiru said indicating the necklace from the book.
“Kana? Kana Himoto?” Kurama asked.
“Yes, why?” Blaze inquired.
“Kana Himoto is an demon priestess. She was known mostly by her painful exorcisms and her experiments with the dead.” Hiei said from behind them.
“Well I sure in hell not going to leave Riku with that bitch more than necessary!” Kiru shouted as she ran for the door as Hiei jumped out the window to stop and calm her down. When he arrived on the ground he saw a black blur with some silver and he knew instantly that it was Kiru. He ran after her and left Kurama and Blaze to follow their trail.
Kiru was outraged. She had Riku right in her line of vision and she had left her with that bitch that was going to use her to revive her worst enemy. Kiru mental hit herself over and over again.
*^* I am so stupid!*^* she shouted in her head.
^ I think we have established that you were a complete and total baka. Now let's get down to business. What are your plans about when you get there?^
*^* I was thinking something on the lines of going in and ripping out her vocal cords, tearing out her eyes, then slitting her throat.*^* Kiru responded truthfully. Kira was actually stunned into silence.
^ Who are you and what have you done with Kiru?^
*^* You're right, I'm not Kiru.*^*
^Than who are you?^
*^* I'm Kira*^* and that was the only warning that Kira got before she was the one running to Kana's temple/home. Kira just smirked and thought ^ I guess I will follow the plans.^ She ran hard to Kana's house and when she arrived she opened the front door quietly and slipped inside, staying in the shadows. Little did she know she was followed by Hiei. They crept in the shadows and into a room they sensed Kana in. They arrived in a room that had little light and saw that it was filtered through the ceiling in a small hole. Kana sat in the middle of the room with Riku's body lying on the floor in front of her, eyes closed. Next to her was a blue jar that had a ghost white object floating around in it and Kira recognized it as a soul and not just anybody's soul, but Koharu's soul. Kira's eyes narrowed and she was about to confront Kana right then and there but a hand clamped over her mouth and held her back. Kira was surprised for a second but relaxed when she looked up into comforting crimson eyes.
*~* Wait for the precise moment to attack.*~* Hiei said in her mind and she nodded to show she understood. He removed her hand and watched as Kana prepared Riku for the ritual.
“At the stroke of noon you, little wind demon, will be out of my hair and my beloved hawk, Koharu will return to me!” Kana said in sing song voice that showed her glee. Kira winced as she tried to control her temper and temptation to go and beat the shit out of the girl that was trying to hurt her partner and best friend. One thing remained in her mind that made everything easier to do. Riku needed to be saved and unless they were able to get the necklace and her body away from Kana, they needed to wait until the precise moment.
They waited a few minutes until the sun fully filtered through the hole in the ceiling. Noon was here. Kana smiled and began to chant. ^Now!^ Kira shouted to Hiei mentally as she and Hiei lunged forward to free Riku and to make sure that Koharu never returned.
Kltp: Chapter 16 done and I am so happy! I have never written this many chapters for anything ever and I am so happy I stuck with it. And it's all thanks to YOU!!! Thank you my reviewers and visitors and I ask you kindly to review! Thanks!