Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kuwabara's Day #1 ❯ Jokes 2 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho
Kuwabara: I'm glad this old place is still in one piece. This is one of the places I grew up in. I remember when I was Younger and came in here. A lot of people say it is bad to bring kids in a bar, it gives them a bad influence. There isn't anything wrong with a bar! I didn't learn anything bad, I just learned that it is normal when you grow up to drink, a lot, and people like to say words that really mean gross things, and That if you mistaken a beer for a root beer you'll just spend extra time “sugar high.”
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: Here's a song I learned in this bar.
I love beer. I love beer. I love beer.
Kuwabara: That's not a bad influence, that's just a tad inappropriate if you're at a funeral.
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: Yes I sang this song when I drank root beer pretending to be drunk to make fun of my sister, for 20 bucks. It was a bet, okay? Don't sue me for it.
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: People say that I am dumb. HAVE THEY EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THE SLIM POSSIBLITY OF BEIGN SUGAR HIGH! I mean really, what they expect when you drink 20 cans of coke! To be quiet, no to be crazy and dumb! That's what!
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: Is that all you people say? Do you ever even talk? Well, whatever you are not suppose to, see Kurama I know how to talk! I ain't dum! I are not be dum! I know how to spell dumb! D-U-M-M! I'm kidding; every one knows you spell dumb with a W!
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: But really people, I am not dumb…. Just misunderstood, A LOT!
You know this also reminds me of the fact that people always think of me as the one who will say the answer to 2+2 is 7. Well I am not. I would say 2+2 is fish, to be a smart ass but I do know what the answer is, it' like duh, 4. 4 dumb ass, 4. F-O-U-R!
See, I can spell and know my math!
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: I know you all have not noticed, but when I talk my teeth actually show.
Some of my buddies teeth hardly show, so how do you know that their teeth are not decayed or yellow! I know I have a goofy smile, but that's my trade mark! Who's Kuwabara…. The one with the goofy smile, OH that's right I remember now!
Yes, that's about right you either show your teeth or you don't.
Good thing I show my teeth, it took me a fortune to get them to look this way, super white!
Crowd: laughs
Kuwabara: I'm happy to see that someone listens to me, yes indeed, some one cares, about me, KUWABARA HAS FANS, AND THEY LISTEN! OH-MY-GOD!!!
Kuwabara: I made up this song, it goes like this:
I don't have big bug eyes,
I don't have super in-tel-li-gence,
I don't have soft long hair…..
But what I have is a great per-son-ality!!!
I have carrot hair
I love cats-
And as a matter-o-fact….
I forgot the rest. *scratches head*
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: Here's a song you can dedicate to that special some one:
I hate you!
You hate me!
Get out of my life!
You're like a flea!
Your nag and bite,
And bite and nag so…
I love you….
And get out of my life!
Get out of my life!
Get out of my llllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeee!
I love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: Yup, there's a good old love song for ya!
Kuwabara: One more thing before I have to leave for an important matter, and it is spelled: A-R-C-A-D-E!
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: I have to say, that my life is………..A PIECE OF SHIT!
Crowd: Laughs
Kuwabara: Thank you and GOOD NIGHT!!!