Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kuwabara's Day #1 ❯ Jokes 3 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kuwabara had a lot of fun at the bar. He did expect to sing more, but decided not to.
Kuwabara: Yes, the arcade!!! ^_^ I'm going to beat all of Uramishes' high scores, or should I say low scores.*chuckles* Uramish sucks so bad at video games; he set the record for suckiest player. *laughs hard* I crack myself up. *wipes tear*
Kuwabara put a quarter in the machine and started to play the racing game.
Kuwabara: Come on!! Move it slow mo! Stupid Jack… .*sees little kid* ….butt.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! *puts in another quarter* I'm gonna kick your… *sees kid* butt.
*loses game, again* That's it, I'm going to a different machine! This one is broken or something, cause I never lose the first race!
******************************* 1 Hour later*************************
Kuwabara: Wahhhhhhhhhhhh, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I can't believe I lost every single game, da… *sees kid* ….dumb game! Should of brought more quarters. *pouts* *looks at watch* Holy shi… *sees kid* shoebar! My sis is gonna kill me!
************After going home****************
Kuwabara: Hey, were is she? *shrugs* Oh well, guess she's out partying.
***** 2 minutes later***********
I'm sooooooooo bored!!!
Eichich: (I can't spell) Mew!
Kuwabara: Eichich!!! *snuggles kitty* I wuv u!!!
Kuwabara's door opens, but he doesn't realize it.
Yuske: Eww. Get a room.
*Kuwabara is still snuggling kitty*
Kurama: I don't think he heard you.
Hiei: Baka.
Kuwabara: Good kitty, I know you love your daddy! *continues snuggling*
Hiei: *Eye twitches* BAKA!!!
Kurama: Are you okay, Hiei?
Yuske: I don't think so…. Kuwabara!!!
Kuwabara: Huh, what?! When did you get into my house?!
Yuske: *shakes head* What do you expect when you leave the door open.
Kuwabara: I could of sworn I locked it. Hmmm………
Kurama: You did, but Hiei picked it.
Kuwabara: Why would Hiei………. *sees Hiei in kitchen* Oh, so he wanted to raid my fridge.
Yuske: Afraid so. He already went through mine and Kurama's.
Kuwabara: Why would he want my “BAKA” food?
Hiei: Hnn. Kuwabaka. *smirk*
Kuwabara: I give up. * puts hand on forehead*
Yuske: You mean you aren't going to protest and argue, and yell?
Kuwabara: Yup. Why, is that strange? *removes his hand from forehead*
Yuske, Kurama, and Hiei: *look shocked* Oh my god!!!
Kuwabara: What?!
Kurama: *puts hand on Kuwabara's forehead* Are you feeling ill?
Kuwabara: No, I don't think so………….
Yuske: He must be sick! Quick, call a doctor!!
Kurama: *calls doctor* Hurry, I think he got hit in the head!
Hiei: ..….Once too many times. *eats more food*
I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. Next chapter will be about the doctor visit! ^_^ See Yah!