Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kuwabara's Day #1 ❯ Jokes 4 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

******************** At doctor's office**************
Kuwabara: Guys, for the bizzilionth time, I are not sick!!!
Kurama: Kuwabara, its: I am not sick. And bizzilionth isn't a number.
Kuwabara: *mutters* Mr. Perfect.
Kurama: *vain* What was that?!
Kuwabara: Nuthin. *mutters* Girly man.
Kurama: *more vains* Grrrrrrrrrr!
Kuwabara: *laughs softly* This is kinda fun. *turns away from Kurama and mutters* Momma's boy.
Kurama: *even more vains* I'm gonna……….*doctors walks in*
Doctor: So, Kuwabara, that's your name, right?
Kuwabara: Actually, that's my last name, but you can call me that. *mutters* Kurama used improper English. It's going, not gonna. *chuckles*
Kurama is just about to punch Kuwabara, but can't since the doctor is in the room.
Kurama: *mutters* Shut up.
Doctor: How about I call you, sonny?
Kuwabara: Huh?
Doctor: Alright now sonny, you just tell me what's wrong.
Kuwabara: Well, let's see……*thinks* oh yes I have this slight headache. Do you have any medicine for it.
Doctor: Sure, why do you got a headache, sonny?
Kuwabara: Ummm, because I …….. *shrugs* I just do, but when you asked my why I think you mean how? Right?
Doctor: *sits down* Yah, that's what I meant.
Kuwabara: I got me headache from a bit of yelling me friends did. *smirks and looks at Kurama*
Kurama: It's not Me!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! It's My!!!!! Danmit, danmit, danmit!!! *pulls on hair*
Everyone but Kurama: *sweatdrops*
Yuske: Okay, I think our friend here had a little too much sugar today. I'll take him out side.
Both walk outside, and Kuwabara, Hiei, and Doctor hear random yelling from Kurama.
Kuwabara: How much for that medicine, doc?
Doctor: 10 bucks, and don't call me doc, sonny.
Kuwabara: *sweatdrops*
Hiei: Pay the man so we can leave. *mutters* I want to continue raiding your fridge.
Kuwabara: Just make sure there's somethin left for me and my sis' for breakfast tomorrow.
Hiei: Hnn. Baka.
Kuwabara pays the doctor and the gang goes back to his house. Kurama is still mad.
Kuwabara: Kurama, I said I was sorry a hundred times already.
Hiei: Hundred and one.
Yuske: I thought we counted 99?
Hiei: *sweatsdrops*
Kurama: Hnn. Baka.
Kuwabara: Just what I need, another Hiei.
Hiei: *vain*
Kuwabara: What do I have to do so you'll forgive me?
Kurama: *being sarcastic* Hang from your toes.
Kuwabara: Alright.
Gets a long, thick piece of string and ties it to his toes. Ties himself upside down and hangs for door.
Kuwabara: For how long?
Kurama and Yuske: Get down from there!!!
Hiei: *smirks and chuckles*
Kuwabara gets down and laughs at their expressions.
Kuwabara: What?! I've had a lot of free time recently. I guys got to do something when he's bored. *smiles*
Guys look guilty.
Yuske: Kuwabara, we've got something to tell you. *sighs* We haven't been taking you on are resent missions. We weren't really busy those days we were gone. It's just Koenma said you are too weak for these missions; and if we took you we would be putting your life on the line. *bites lip*
Kuwabara: It's alright. I already knew you guys were leaving me behind. I know you guys, except for Hiei, would do what's best for the team; so it's okay.
Yuske: So you knew all this time!!!
Kurama: And didn't get mad!!!????
Kuwabara: Yup. But, I got news of my own. I've been training myself and I'm getting stronger. But I still won't go with you guys. Hey, someone's got to make sure our turf doesn't get taken over by some low rank punks. *smiles and laughs*
Yuske, Hiei, and Kurama: Good.
Hiei: That's the main reason we came here, since they felt guilty about not telling you *points to Yuske and Kurama* *mutters* …and for free food.
Kuwabara: Alright, and thanks. Really I don't mind. I've had a lot more free time; and spending more time with my other friends.
Hiei: You have other friends?
Kuwabara: Yup, sure do. What?! You thought I didn't have friends till you showed up?
I've got three others; we've been buddies since Kindergarten. They have been wondering were I've been for awhile. I'll visit them tomorrow. Since you guys will probably have another mission.
Yuske: Are you sure your okay with this?
Kuwabara: Why wouldn't I be?
Kurama: It might make you feel left out; we don't want to hurt you.
Kuwabara: Nah, besides I'm going to a …….
Hiei: What?
Kuwabara: ROCK CONCERT!!!!
Everyone but Kuwabara: *anime fall*
End of Chapter
I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. Next Chapter is about Kuwabara's concert and little about the others' mission. ^_^ See yah next Chapter!