Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Living a Dream ❯ One confusing day ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Good morning, De Graff and welcome to a new day! Today's forecast is…" Tori slammed her fist down on her radio to shut it up. Sitting up she rubbed her head, "Another of those stupid dreams…" she muttered. Looking over at her clock she gasped, "How the heck did it get that late already?!" She got up and started getting ready for school. She ran downstairs to find her mom making breakfast. "Mom! I don't have time for breakfast, I need to get to school now!" "Well, perhaps you should of gotten up so late." "I was planning on being late you know…" Tori mumbled. She grabbed her stuff and headed out to the car. Her mom followed her out and drove her to school. "Have a nice day sweetie!" "Aww, Mom, don't call me sweetie at school, you know how embarrassing that is!" Tori shut the car door and ran inside heading towards home room.

"Tori Barber?" "Here" said Tori entering the classroom. "Your late, Ms. Barber." "Sorry sir." "Take your seat." She headed to the back of the classroom to her usual seat to find it occupied by another kid. "Umm, excuse me, you're in my seat." The boy muttered something in another language before looking up at Tori. He was Japanese and had black hair that had been gelled back and brown eyes. "And I should care why?" he asked. "Whatever." She said, too tired to get in a fight over a stupid seat. She heard the boy talking in what you guessed was Japanese to another kid that had red hair and a face that didn't really make you think of him as the smartest kid in the world. At first it was all gibberish to her then it started making sense. ~Wait a minute, I can understand Japanese?~ Tori thought. ~That's just not possible…~ "Oh, Mr. Urameshi and Mr. Kuwabara, could you please introduce yourselves to the class and tell us where your from?" asked Mr. Halthen, your homeroom teacher. The two boys stood up the one that took your seat cleared his throat. "Umm, I'm Yusuke Urameshi and I come from Tokyo, Japan." He mumbled barely loud enough to here before slumping back down in his seat. "Oh, umm, I guess you guys can just call me Kuwabara, everyone does, and I'm from Tokyo as well." He said before sitting down. "Thank you boys, I do hope you enjoy your first day in De Graff." "Hopefully it'll be our last…" muttered Yusuke. Just then the bell rang and everyone headed to their next period. Tori sat down in her science class and looked around for her friends, before remembering that today was the field trip for their Ag class, so all her friends wouldn't be here.

The two new kids came in and sat beside Tori, much to her displeasure. "Great…" she mumbled. Normally she got along with new kids, but these two just didn't seem trustworthy to her. They seemed to be arguing over something before Yusuke turned to Tori rather reluctantly. "Your name, its Tori Barber, right?" "Yeah, and your point?" "Oh, nothing." He turned back to Kuwabara and continued talking. The rest of class continued without anything real exciting happen, and after a rather uneventful morning Tori headed to lunch. Sitting down with what her school attempted to call a chicken sandwich she was joined by her two least favorite people. "Hey we were uh, wondering if you could show us around town after school." Said Kuwabara, sitting next to her. "Show you around De Graff? This place has one traffic light in it and I don't think it even needs that." She snaps back. "Please, it would really help us out." "Fine, whatever." She mutters. "Heh, alright!" he said loudly.

When school ended Tori found Yusuke and Kuwabara leaning against a tree outside there were two other guys with them as well. One had black spiky hair, red eyes, and was rather short, while the other a long red hair and green eyes. When she looked at the one with red hair she felt as if she knew him from somewhere, but didn't know why. "Hey Tori, I hope you don't mind, our friends are coming with us on the tour. Umm, this is Hiei and this is Kurama." Said Yusuke pointing at the shorter boy first then the one she thought she knew. "Come on let's just get this over with." She said heading towards down town.

About half-way through her little tour Yusuke interrupts her. "You know, as fascinating as this all is, could we just get to the point. We all know that this is her." "What are you talking about?" Tori asked, but it seemed she was the only one confused. "Yes, I can sense the spirit energy from that demon-chick, Yulai, in her easily." Said Kuwabara. Tori froze, "What did you just say?" "About the spirit energy?" asked Kuwabara. "No, that name, where did you here that name from?" "Hn, you mean you've heard it before?" said Hiei. "Yeah but I don't know where." "That settles it, she's coming with us now." Said Yusuke grabbing Tori's arm. "Going where? And why should I?" "Because we think you have the soul of a fox demon in you and if you don't keep control over your powers you could end up destroying this little hole in the ground." said Hiei. "W-what?" "Explain later, right now, let's go." Said Yusuke. Suddenly a hole appeared underneath them and then they were in a rather large office with only one desk where a teenager with a binkie in his mouth was sitting. "What just happened, and where the hell am I?!"