Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Child Found ❯ Lst Child found ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I do not own the creations of yu-yu hakusho, they all belong to the big shots over in Japan who had the wonderful intelligence to create them. However, I do own little Rico, the song he sang, and the mommy.(Hee-hee). Now shall we proceed?

"MMMOOOOOMMMMMMIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!MOMIEEEE!" The sound had been going on for quite a while and it was starting to get to the point where Hiei couldn't sleep anymore. "What kind of creature would make this sound?" he asked to himself as he sped toward the silence. "Aw who cares, after I'm through, it won't be able know what it is." finally he stopped, standing on the top of a branch. He looked down to see a little child. "A ningen, in this part of the forest, at night? Where are his parents?" Questioned Hiei. He noticed that his katana was in his hand and he put it away surprisingly. Normally he wouldn't have even had a second thought, but the sight of this boy screaming all alone, on his own, made him think of... himself. He shook his head trying to get the thought out of his head. The child stopped crying and started sniffling, trying to hold back his tears. "Let them go boy, you shouldn't hide emotions. Only if you were me." muttered Hiei. As if hearing him the little boy had two little streams of tears going down his eyes. He didn't cry loudly, but just let the tears come. This interested Hiei and he wanted to go down for a better look. He jumped down and silently landed in a patch. He stared at the boy and was amazed. The boys hair was short and black spiked up at the top though, much like his own, his skin was light and pale, but that only made his familiar looking green eyes show up brighter. Staring into the eyes he found himself walking toward the boy quietly. Then carelessly he stepped on a twig. The boy looked up. "Who are you?" he asked quietly. "Hiei." Hiei muttered. "I'm Rico." he said wiping away his tears, glad that he had found someone. "What are you doing out here?" Hiei asked, surprised at his own curiosity. The little boy looked up. "I'm looking for my mother, we were out playing and got separated." he said, just thinking of his mother made the tears well into his eyes once more. "Don't cry. I'll help you find your mother." Hiei said, trying to find any way to keep the child, Rico, from crying again. "Okay." the little child said, smiling brightly now. Hiei was amazed at how much the little child looked so familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Take my hand and I'll take you to the more traveled area. From there they might have a search party out for you." Hiei said. Rico grabbed Hiei's hand. The smoothness of the skin made him realize. "Kurama!" he said in surprise. "Who's that?" Rico asked, looking up at him. "Well, you look like a friend of mine named Kurama." Hiei said. The boy nodded content with his answer, and then started singing a song to himself. Hiei was listening and finally, once again, curiosity took over him. "What's that song you're singing?" he asked. "It's a song my momma taught me. I can teach you to." he said. Hiei nodded in agreement.
"Okay, repeat after me. In the morning as the sun rises."
"In the . . . . ."
They practiced and soon Hiei had the song down quite well."Yeah you got it." so they continued walking along the road singing the little song.
Soon "Hiei caught sight of the open road. "Look we made it out. Now do you see your mother anywhere?" Hiei asked. Rico glanced around and shook his head. "No she's not here." once more tears welled up, but this time they weren't held back. He sob lightly, the fact he couldn't find his mother. Hiei didn't know what to do. He patted him on the head. "It's okay." he said trying to comfort Rico. Then Rico wrapped his arms around hiei. Hiei bent down and hugged Rico. "It's okay, let it out." so they stayed there, for how long they knew not, but once Rico had stopped crying, they both felt a bit better. Rico having gotten all his stress out and Hiei for having been able to help him after all.
"Rico? Rico, is that you?" Hiei and the child looked up, a woman of about twenty nine saw them and came running. Rico saw her too and started to smile. "MOMMY! I found you." they embraced each other and hugged. "Honey how did you get back here?"she said as she stared at him. he turned and pointed. "Hiei brought me back." the lady walked towards him. He stayed were he was but was ready to run off at a moments notice. "Hiei. Thank you so much for saving my child and bringing him to safety." she said. "Hn." he said starring past her and at the little boy who was walking up to them. Then she hugged him. he tensed at that. "Thank you so much *Sniff*! My little Rico is all I have. His father died only a year ago and since we're all each other has had. *Sniff*." she pulled back. "Oh , let me pay you back some how." she said. He shook his head. "No." he turned and began to walk towards the forest. "At least let me give you a ride home!" she called after him, but he disappeared before she knew it.


It was later the next night when Hiei was lying next to his kitsune. "So what have you been doing?" Kurama asked as they cuddled. "Well, the strangest thing happened." "Oh really, tell me?" prompted the fox. "Well I found a child who had the strangest eyes, yet they were so beautiful, it was like looking into your eyes actually." he said. "and what did you do to him?" Kurama asked getting quite curious. "I took him out of the forest and we sang." Hiei answered. He turned to face his lover. "You seem a bit curious tonight. What's going on in that fox mind?" the little demon asked. "Nothing. I'm just a bit surprised. So since you learned a new song. Will you sing it to me?" Kurama asked. He leaned over and gave his little demon a kiss as a bribe. "Okay.
In the morning as the sun rises,
I open my eyes to great surprises.
For in life there are many great things to see,
all the beauty hanging around me.
For even in the gray clouds,
there always seems to be
a silent little peacefulness
hanging around me."
*^*^*^*^* The end. *^*^*^*^*

YEAH! My first fan-fic! I hope you like it. I wrote this after listening to a song off the radio, don't ask how the song inspired me. I guess one thing just led to another. Well Hiei and Kurama and all those wonderful people belong to the yu-yu-hakusho, but Rico and the mommy I can say are mine. Well until I write again, Adios bean burritos!