Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Love can be Hell ❯ Failure ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Sorry, nothing has changed… Nothing will until… until nothing…
Chapter 4: Failure
“I'm Kikyou Anyakinashi.” blurted out Kikyou randomly after another hour of silence. She waited patiently for an answer but Hiei didn't say a single word or do something that might let her know he heard her. Kikyou opened her mouth to tell him he was being rude when Hiei spoke first, “You already know my name.” Kikyou blinked and smiled, “Yeah but it's not properly introducing someone then…” Hiei stopped walked and turned his head sideways to look at her, “Hn. Hiei Jaganshi.” he said as his red gaze returned on the dirt road in front of him, after all she had proved herself a worthy opponent.
She had broken his weapon and her speed was faster than most demons, though not as fast as him but that was to be expected. Kikyou had also shown she had respect towards opponents and wouldn't simply attack from behind. Kikyou smiled and walked a little closer to him, that is five feet away, “What kind of demon are you?” she inquired curiously, she could feel something strange in him as if he wasn't really… complete. “Hn.” was his usual answer when he didn't feel like responding. Kikyou sweat dropped, “I didn't know there were `Hn' types of demons…” she slightly grinned.
Hiei rolled his eyes but said nothing, he had stopped walking next to a charming little spring with a really tiny water fall. The grass all around was as green as in the human world and the flowers were simply beautiful. Now, all of this could have been a romantic scene if it wasn't tainted by putrid horrible black blood. Hiei narrowed his eyes and his hand instinctively grabbed the handle of his katana before he remembered it was broken and useless. From the corner of his eyes he saw a shadow jump around them as another joined the first shadow, `We're being circled… but who's the target? Is it… me? Or—' but his thoughts were interrupted when three dozens of small darts were thrown at him.
Hisa had almost ran home and the effort was worth nothing, she was on time but it didn't save her the beating her dad used to greet her with. After managing to escape him with a bloody lip and at least a dozen of new bruises, Hisa limped upstairs and closed the door to her small room. `Why does he have to be like that?' she thought wiping the only tear that managed to get through her closed eyelids. She knew why, he was probably still angry at her for his loss, but didn't he think she missed her too? Even though he blamed Hisa for her death she never had anything to do with it.
`Even if I told him he wouldn't believe me... He's blinded by hatred.' she kept on thinking as she wiped the crimson, sweet tasting liquid out of her mouth. Sighing deeply, Hisa gently rubbed on her new bruises and hoped nobody would ask her why she was limping. She walked to her desk, imagining herself at school and she tried to walk normally only to bite her tongue to refrain herself from screaming. Her right leg was killing her, there was no way nobody would notice tomorrow. `I just hope he won't ask me more questions...' she thought back to the red headed boy who was the only one to take notice of her “back problem” so he called it.
`He's the only one smart enough to put the pieces together and find out...' Indeed he was starting to be a problem, she didn't know what had betrayed her. Usually students noticed but kept their mouth shut, sometimes one would slip the word to a teacher and that's when trouble really started. The evening went by much quicker than she expected, pretty soon her stomach was growling loudly but she didn't dare to risk going downstairs. Not until her dad was soundly asleep. Hisa finished her homework in a few minutes, surprised at how easy it was. `All I can do now is wait...' she sighed and limped back to her bed.
Lifting her head from the pillow, Hisa noticed it was one o'clock and usually her dad went to bed around midnight. Carefully pushing herself up, Hisa limped to the door and listened. Not a sound. Mentally sighing in relief she opened the door silently and limped downstairs, her leg aching madly. Once she was in the kitchen she let the lights off, she wouldn't want to take the chance of waking her dad up. As she put her hand on the handle, yesterday's events flashed back in her mind and she felt sick once again. Forcing some food down her throat, Hisa drank some water and tried to clear her head from the haunting images. She couldn't. How was she expected to? She was sure to be traumatized until she died.
Hiei easily dodged all the darts by blurring from tree to tree and he looked down to see the vampiress surrounded by a black shield. Hiei took this opportunity to kill the two demons attacking him and blur away before Kikyou could realize he was gone. “Where did he--?” she asked herself out loud, “... He didn't leave I hope.” she growled lowly. Hiei stopped running as he kept walking towards the edge of the forest at his normal pace, his piercing gaze glancing around now and then. Kikyou stomped her foot on the ground and refrained herself from punching down a tree, “Damn it!” she cursed through gritted teeth.
Kikyou knew she couldn't have possibly followed Hiei until he stopped somewhere, but she did manage to keep up with him for a day and a half. Now her last chance of fulfilling her job had vanished, along with her guarantee of staying alive. Sighing loudly and exasperatedly, Kikyou turned around and left the romantic clearing full of poisoned darts. Though she would never admit aloud to others or herself, she felt a little down he had left without saying anything. `What am I thinking... He's a job nothing more.' she repeated in her mind over and over to convince herself to forget about him.
She failed. Whatever she told herself she couldn't keep his red eyes out of her mind, they were too unique and... melancholic to forget about. She mumbled insults at herself for being foolish and she teleported back to her head quarters, preparing herself for the worse. “Where's his head?” came the low, sharp voice of her boss, “He... broke my weapons.” she started, deciding telling the truth in the first place can get you farther than just lying out flat. “So? Didn't he turn his back on you then?” the boss's eyes glaring at her angrily. Kikyou hesitated, then nodded, “Then why didn't you kill him? Or capture him!?” his voice grew louder with each word.
“Be-cause! Listen to me!” she shouted to be heard, “I broke his weapon and he broke mine, he's faster, he's a great fighter. I'm no match for him! Not without any weapons!” it was her turn to be angry, her midnight blue eyes glaring daggers at the demon sitting in front of her. He sighed but smirked, “I figured you wouldn't succeed on your first try, didn't you get the help?” he raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. Kikyou blinked confusedly, “Help? You sent help. For me?” the words came out slowly as her anger rose, who did he think he was!? He chuckled bitterly, “There's no need to be offended. You should accept help in extreme cases. This, is an extreme case.”
Kikyou rolled her eyes, “I was following him! When he would stay somewhere I would have come back for new weapons and possibly help.” she spat the last word. Her boss laughed this time, “Do you really think he stops anywhere? When he has a destination in mind he gets there without stopping. You'd be dead on the third day.” he said amusedly. Kikyou snorted, “I did fine until now, until... those goons appeared and threw darts at him. That's when I lost him!” she was loosing her temper rather quickly, which wasn't a good thing. “Now listen.” he spoke lowly and dangerously, “Consider yourself lucky I won't kill you today. But tomorrow, the chase will start. Tomorrow, we will kill him. The first one to land a blow gets ten times the prime.”
Limping as slightly as she could manage without wincing, Hisa made her way to her last class. `Please let the day be over...' she thought desperately on the verge of tears. All day she had been tortured under the eyes of teachers and pupils. None had noticed, except for a few short glances and pity showing in their eyes for five seconds and it was forgotten, next subject please! Now she was about to faint in the hallway, students rushing to their next class without a glimpse at the lone figure leaning on the wall and not moving. Hisa bit her bottom lip and took a step, pain surging through her leg as she stopped walking.
Then out of the blue, the images of the body in the family room danced in front of her eyes, draining the blood from her face quickly. Hisa felt sick again, her free hand covered her mouth as she took deep breaths to force the bitter acid back down her throat. “Are you alright Hisa?” came a familiar voice tainted with a bit of concern, Hisa looked up into emerald eyes and her heart started racing. Of all people in the school, why did he have to be the one noticing her troubles? It was as if he was following her or paying special attention to her for some reason. Hisa tried to nod but she felt that if she moved her head, she would throw up.
“Hai... you should go to class. You're going to be late.” she whispered taking her hand off her mouth, her body trembling slightly as a cold sweat spread on her skin. Kurama eyed her carefully and turned around slowly, giving her one last glance and he stepped in the classroom when he heard a `thud' noise as the bell rang. Letting go of his bag, Kurama rushed back outside to see Hisa on her knees, her stuff spread out of her bag on the ground, one white hand gripping on the wall, it seemed the only thing refraining her from being flat on the floor. “Sir I'll take Hisa to the infirmary.” said Kurama as the teacher arrived.
The teacher glanced at Hisa and nodded quickly, “Very well Suichi. I will not mark you late.” he replied and closed the door behind him as the curious students tried to peek in the hallway. Kurama knelt in front of Hisa, who's hair was covering her face, “Can you stand?” he asked softly as he put her stuff back in her bag. Still unable to move her head for a reply or risk to throw up, Hisa whispered her answer instead, “Iie.” Kurama then gently grabbed Hisa under her arms and pulled her up, putting an arm securely around her back and under her left arm to make sure she wouldn't collapse on the way.
Hisa tensed somewhat, his arm was right on top of the nastiest bruises and cuts she had, she almost gasped when she realized her right side was touching him but her mind was too dizzy and confused to make anything out of it. “Can you walk?” he asked on that same soft and gentle voice, Hisa felt really off balance so she unconsciously leaned on Kurama for support and slowly she nodded. Kurama smiled and started walking towards the nurse's office, Hisa smugly following him as she tried to clear her head from the terrible images. Hisa winced and remembered she had to limp to not feel the pain.
Kurama noticed but said nothing at the moment, finally they reached the infirmary and Kurama guided Hisa to a bed as the nurse checked her temperature. “You've got a fever.” she said sternly and examined her arms closely, the nurse frowned slightly, “I think I'll call your parents.” she turned around to grab the phone. Meanwhile Kurama had the hand on the door and about to go back to class when he heard a gasp and a shifting noise on the bed, he turned around to see Hisa's white hand grabbing the nurse's arm. “Not my parents.” she whispered her eyes wide, the little remaining color disappearing from her face.
Kurama frowned but left the infirmary, pretending he didn't hear and went to class deep in thought, ignoring the questions from his neighbors such as “What happened?” “Where were you?”
Yes well... That's chapter 4... long than the rest but again I think the chapters are going to grow in length... ^^;; Anyway thank you very much for the reviews and... keep reviewing if you enjoy it. Criticism still accepted!
Stix: I'm trying to write a bit every day but now for some strange reason there's a lot more to do than at the beginning of summer so I'm still working on my overload… :P Thanks for reviewing! (for the second time as well...)
Payne N. Uranus: Lol new pen name? :P And about your idea I think I might use it… or… wait… I just had an idea before…. And it… kinda… vanished… oh boy… So yeah I'm trying to work on it a lot but since now I'm really busy compared to the beginning of summer… (sighs) Unfair… Thanks for the review!
KrysTheBloody: Lol yeah your last review was very random… :P And I'm trying to keep it equal (more or less) about Kikyou and Hisa, it seems unfair otherwise. =)