Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Makai's Gang ❯ Another Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Makai's Gang


Disclaimer: I don't own Yuu Yuu Hakusho, but I do own this plot, Anya, Jakano, and Kita.


Chapter 1 - Another Mission

Baby Koenma sat in his office, stamping away vigorously; sweat drops building in number on his temples. He had numerous stacks of papers around, all waiting for the stamp of approval or disapproval. All it said to Koenma was: all-nighter.


Koenma only stopped stamping when George came running into his office. "Koenma sir! Koenma sir!"


Koenma slammed his stamper down irritably, a vein throbbing on his forehead. "What is it, oni?" he asked through clenched teeth.


"Read this sir!" George handed a paper to Koenma who snatched it harshly from his hands and quickly scanned over it.


"What!?" he yelled at the top of his lungs.



Yuusuke Urameshi let out a huge yawn as he stretched and jumped off his perch on top of the school. He flung open the door just to come face to face with an angry Keiko. A sweat drop slid down his face as he grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Hey Keiko! Nice day, huh?" he said innocently.


"Yuusuke!" she yelled, stamping her foot. "We had mid-terms today, remember!? You promised you'd study and take them!"


<i>So that you would stop nagging me…</i> he thought. "And I was going to take them! But I got so tired… I didn't get much sleep last night. Would you really want me to take a huge test on a few hours of sleep?" he asked, feeling he had this in the bag.


Keiko tapped her foot impatiently, a skeptical look etched into her face. "Now really? Do you really think I'm going to believe <i>that</i>!?"


Yuusuke just stared at her for a few moments, blinking. Then he replied with, "… Yes."


"Oooooh! Yuusuke!" She yelled aggravated.


"I see you're in a bad mood… So I'll catch ya later!" He grinned and took a running start, jumping off the roof and landing nimbly on his feet, only to be bashed in the head as soon as he hit the ground.


"Ow! What the hell!?" he exclaimed as he turned around, holding the back of the head where he had been hit. Now he was face to face with Kuwabara. Yuusuke's face fell. "Oh… great…"


"You skipped." He said, glaring.


"Oh no, not you too!" Yuusuke threw his hands up in the air. "Geez!"


"But that's not why I stopped you. Kurama came by and said that Koenma needed to see us. We're to meet him in that old play ground near here now."


Yuusuke's eyes became slits and he glared at nothing in particular. "Wonderful. The cherry on top for my day."


"Are we gonna go or what?" Kuwabara asked.


Yuusuke raised an eyebrow. "Do you actually want to go on another dumb mission?"


"Not really…" Kuwabara trailed off.


Yuusuke just shrugged and shoved his hands in the pockets of his green jumpsuit. "All right, let's go." He turned his back to Kuwabara and started off for the meeting place.


They arrived in no time at all to find Kurama, a teenage Koenma, Botan, and an aggravated Hiei waiting for them.


"Are we late for the party?" Yuusuke asked with a grin.


"Funny, Yuusuke, very funny." Koenma said sarcastically. "This is important."


Yuusuke looked around at the swings, see-saws, and merry-go-rounds, then back at Koenma. "Absolute perfect place to give important news."


The vein popped back out on Koenma's forehead and he narrowed his eyes. "You really should be a stand-up comedian, Yuusuke."


"Can you get to the point?" Kuwabara asked. "I'm missing a chance to watch my sister cook."


"I'm afraid you'll have to miss it, Kuwabara." Koenma said. "I've gotten a report that a demon gang has formed in the Makai and their goal is to completely dominate the planet."


"Nothing new."


"Shut up, Yuusuke." Botan said.


"Anyways," Koenma said loudly, looking at a pissed off Yuusuke. "I need you to go break up their gang before they get too much power. It shouldn't take you too long. They're only lower B-class and high C-class demons."


"All right. And how are we supposed to get into the Makai?"


"Koenma made a small gap in the barrier, so you'll be able to get through." Botan piped up. "Do you have your communicator and other items?"


"Uhh… no." Yuusuke said blankly.


Botan picked up a bag that looked oddly similar to one Yuusuke owns, and threw it at him. He caught it and looked at her questionately. "Good thing I went by I got them, then!"


"Right…" Yuusuke said then it hit him. "Hey! You went through my stuff!"


"We don't have time for this, Yuusuke." Kurama said for the first time.


"He's right." Koenma said. "You'd better go."


"I'll lead you to the barrier's gap, and then I have to get back to work." Botan said.


"What? You're not gonna trail us this time?" Kuwabara asked.


"No." Botan said. "Unlike you, I do have another job to do." She said and smiled. "Let's get going!"


Yuusuke groaned. "Fine." <i>Damnit… I was counting on some good sleep…</i>
