Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Miracles Happen! ❯ Magical Moments ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ch.16 Magical Moments

It was 6:00pm now and Hiei was waiting for Thy, Keiko, Nikkia, Botan, Yukina and Shizuru to come home from shopping. He sat on a tree and finally saw them in the distance. Thy seemed really pretty, she wore a new blue dress(yes its almost graduation already, 4 months have past since the encounter with Hiei) her hair tied up in an elegant bun with a tiara and dangling chandalier earrings. He jumped down from the tree in front of her, he had a wonderful surprise waiting just for her. "Thy, could you come with me for a while?" "Sure." She left the other girls and went deep into the forest where she had trained with him before. There in the clearing stood the most beautiful sight. Two glowing horses, one black, the other white with wings were purring lightly. The black was male and white was female. (its the same ones as seen in 'Fantasia'). Thy gasped then ran up to pet the white horse. "The white one is Helen and the black is Paris," Hiei smiled. "What beautiful names for such beautiful creatures." "Nothing is as lovely as you though." Thy smiled,"c'mon." She jumped on Helen and already flew into the sky. Hiei smiled then took off on Paris, nothing seemed even better for Thy in her entire life, flying on a horse in a starry night by Hiei. The wind tickled her hair as she laughed. Hiei felt truly happy also, he chuckled softly as the two landed. "That was fun!" She said. Both of them sat on a tree branch looking at the moon. The horses down below, nuzzling each other. "I have something for you, Thy." He took out two rings, crystal clear ones. He slowly placed it on her finger and the other on his own. "Its so pretty. This seems so much like a fairytale. Its too good to be true, it is a dream right?" "No, its a dream come true," Hiei smiled and so did Thy. He slowly took the clip off her hair letting the beautiful black curtain of hair fall down to her waist. He also took the tiara off too and she looked like an angel. He kissed her soft lips and the kiss became more intense as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer and she could feel his hard chest against her breasts. After about 5 minutes they pulled away, gasping. "Well I had fun tonight," Thy smiled as Hiei smirked. "Lets go back now. I'm so tired," she yawned. They went back into the house and into their rooms. Both staring at the diamond rings on their marraige fingers. "Im engaged," Thy whispered.