Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Naomi, the Black Kitsune ❯ Shop 'till ya drop ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Me no own Yu Yu Hakusho people. Just Naomi.
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--------She came back and said she was ready to go. So then Hiei, Kurama, and Naomi said their goodbyes to Shiori and left to go shopping.

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Chapter 3- Shop 'till ya drop!

-----authors POV-----

They had just entered the mall when Kurama asked, yet again, "Are you sure you don't want me to buy your things, Naomi?"
"Yes Kurama, I'm sure." Naomi sighed. She liked that he offered but, she wasn't about to let a MAN buy all her things. "Alright
then. I suppose we will meet each other by the fountain at 8 o'clock then." said Kurama. "Okay, sure." said Naomi. "You boys
have fun, and try not to pick up TOO many girls, alright?" she added teasingly. "Hn, stupid hanyou." said Hiei. "Now Hiei, don't
be jealous just 'cause I have a sense of humor and you don't." she said. "You may have a sense of humor, but your jokes are
stupid." Hiei spat. "Look who's talking, triclops. You wouldn't know a joke if it slapped you in the face!" she countered. Hiei was
just about to retort when Kurama butted in and said, "If your both done, I think we should start shopping." "Alright, fine, see you at
eight." said Naomi, glaring daggers at Hiei, who was doing the same. They split up, Hiei walked off with Kurama to get clothes,
and Naomi walked off to get school supplies.

--------------Naomi's POV--------------

I was walking to a store called ''Staples'' to get school supplies for both Hiei and I. The entire time I didn't really know what I was
doing. I had only told Kurama I could shop by myself to get away from that red eyed little pain in the ass. ' Maybe I should go ask
Kurama for help so I don't screw up.' I immediatly dismissed that thought, knowing that then Hiei would have another reason
to insult me. ' That stupid little fire demon. How dare he insult my sense of humor when he doesn't even have one. I hate him!'

' No you don't' said a voice in my head. This voice is what I had deemed my annoying side. It always seemed to pop up at the wrong time and
no matter how hard I tried to make it go away, it wouldn't, not until I changed my mind to whatever it wanted my mind changed to.

' Oh, yes I do. I hate him even more than I hate you.'

' There is nothing you hate worse than me. And because I am you I happen to know you don't hate him. Because if you did, you
would have killed him by now.'

' Okay so maybe I don't hate him. But I definitly don't like him.'

' That's what you think.'------

The arguement with myself continued throughout my shopping for supplies(which didn't go so well until one of the employees
decided to help before someone got hurt), and came to an end when I entered a store called
"Dillards" for some clothes. After about an hour of browsing I headed for the register. I took a shortcut by going through then
middle of the store, instead of following the path. I stopped suddenly by the Men's dressing room, at the funniest (in my
opinion) sight I have ever seen. It was so funny I couldn't help but hit the ground, clutching my sides, and laughing hysterically.

----------------------------end Naomi's POV-------------------------

--------------------------Hiei's POV---------------------

"No I'm not doing it." I said. "But Hiei, we need to know if it fits." Kurama said. "No way in hell am I going to model my clothing
for you or anyone else. NO WAY!" I snarled. "Oh come on Hiei, it'll be over before you know it." Kurama said, and then added
"AND, we'll be able to leave sooner." I thought for a moment at this. I didn't want to model the stupid clothes, but if it meant
leaving sooner.............. "Fine!" I snapped, "But we leave right after I'm done, got it!''. Kurama nodded his head and said, "Alright,
go change." I walked into the dressing room and begin to change. 'Damn human clothing!' I thought, struggling with the zipper on
the jeans. I walked out as soon as I was done and stood in front of Kurama. "Hmmmm. Looks ok, but, turn around. Slowly."
Kurama said. I figured it was no use trying to argue with him. It would just waste time and keep us here longer. I began to turn
around slowly, but not before giving Kurama a look of promised death. ' Hn, stupid fox. He just wants to do this for laughs.'
About in mid-turn I heard some one break out in hysterical laughter,making me stop in my tracks. ' That sounds like..........Oh please, no, not her!' And
sure enough, when I turned to look, there she was, Naomi, rolling around laughing, clutching her sides. I felt heat rise up
to my cheeks, but forced it back. "What are you laughing at bitch!" I growled. "Hello Naomi." Kurama said. Naomi
stood up a moment later, gasping for air. When her breathing returned to normal she said, "Ya know Hiei, you make
quite the model." She and Kurama both began laughing. " Stupid foxs." I growled. "Oh lighten up Hiei. Your so boring."
Naomi said. "What are you doing here any way wench?" I asked. "Well aren't you just the nicest person." she said sarcastically.
"I was here to buy clothes, obviously." she said holding up a bundle of garments, "Your not the only one who needed them."
"Well I suppose we should get going. It's almost eight." Kurama said, looking at his watch. "Naomi you did get the supplies didn't you?''
Kurama asked. "Yup sure did, they're right here." Naomi replied, pulling out a bag from under the bundle of clothes. "Alright, then, let's
go check out, shall we." Kurama said. "Ok then, but can we get some ice cream before we leave? It'll be my treat." she offered. "Alright then."
Kurama said, ignoring my protest. Kurama grabbed my clothes and we walked over to the register.

------------------end Hiei's POV---------------------

-----------------authors POV-------------------

Kurama sighed as they walked away from the ice cream shop. Hiei and Naomi were yet again at each others throats. 'Don't those two ever stop fighting?'
he thought. As they continued walking, the arguement got worse. As a matter of fact, Hiei and Naomi were so caught up in their fight that they
didn't even notice the large hole in the sidewalk. Then it happened. Hiei tripped on the hole and fell into Naomi, knocking them both to the ground.
Naomi had landed on her back and Hiei had landed on top of her, his lips accidently colliding with hers, and his right hand ending up on her breast. They
sat like that with their eyes wide with shock for a moment until.........*SMACK* "PERVERT!!!!" Naomi screamed, slapping Hiei with such a force that
he toppled off of her. She got up, grabbed her things, and walked off leaving a shocked Kurama and dazed Hiei.
----------30 minutes later---------------Hiei and Kurama entered the apartment, Kurama was still smiling from all the laughing he did at Hiei after his shock wore
off. The look on his face was just too funny. 'Poor Hiei, he was so confused.' Kurama thought. Hiei on the other hand was still very confused, though
he didn't let it show. He replayed the earlier event over and over as he walked up to Kurama's room. Meanwhile Kurama had
walked into the kitchen, told his mother they were back and asked her if Naomi was there. '' Yes dear she's here. Did somthing happen, because she seemed mad."
Shiori asked. "Oh she and Hiei just got into a fight." was his reply. "Oh." Shiori said. "You had a call while you were gone. From someone named Yusuke." she added.
"Ok, thank you mother." Kurama said and headed for his room.

-----------end authors POV----------

----------------Naomi's POV------------

I layed in bed, thinking about what happend earlier. I had replayed the scene in my mind over and over since it happened. The fall. The ''kiss''. His hand, and how
close we were. It all played through my mind. I didn't deny that I liked it all, because I knew I did. The fact that my heart fluttered at the memory of the incident proved
it. But why. Why did I like it. Why did it have to be Hiei, the one who got on my nerves. Why couldn't it be someone who I got along with. WHY!!! These thoughts plauged
me for a while until I began to fall asleep. ' Well I liked it and that's all that matters to me.' I thought right before I fell asleep.

------------------end Naomi's POV---------------

-------------------Authors POV---------------

Kurama walked into his room to find Hiei sitting in the darkest corner of his room, very deep in thought. ' I bet I know what he's thinking about' Kurama thought as the
memory of Hiei and Naomi's accident came to mind.
Kurama made his way over to the telephone and dialed Yusuke's number. "Hello?" came Yusuke's voice. "Hello Yusuke. Did you call earlier?'' Kurama asked.
"Ya I did. How's Hiei and Naomi doing?" Yusuke asked. " In truth. There's hardly a moment of peace when they're together." Kurama said. Yusuke laughed and said
"Boy do I feel sorry for you." ''Yusuke get off the damn phone!" said a voice in the backround. "Gotta go. See ya later" said Yusuke. "Bye" said Kurama and he
hung up the phone. " I hope your not gonna sit there all night, you'll need your rest.'' Kurama told Hiei. "Hn.'' was all Hiei said. Kurama sighed and headed for the bathroom
so he could take a shower.---------30 minutes later---------- Kurama walked out of the bathroom in his red silk boxers turned off the lights and climbed into bed. "You should go
to bed, you'll need your sleep." Kurama said to Hiei, taking him out of his thoughts. "Hn." Hiei said, but walked over to the makeshift bed Shiori made for him and layed down.
"Goodnight Hiei." said Kurama. ''Hn." was his only reponse. Hiei rolled over and closed his eyes. His mind was riddled with thoughts and memories for at least an hour
before he finally fell asleep.

-------------end authors POV-------------------

-----------------Hiei's POV--------------------

*************Hiei's Dream*************

Hiei kissed the girl beneath him deeply. She moaned and wrapped her legs around him as he thrust himself into her. He pulled out only to thrust into her again and again,
going deeper and faster with each thrust. She cried his name over and over as she neared climax, making him thrust even faster, deeper, and harder than before. Finally
with one last thrust he spilled his seed into and cried out her name, "NAOMI!!!"----

*************End Dream**********

Hiei awoke with a start. His heart was racing and he was covered in sweat. He groaned as he noticed a certain stickiness in between his legs.' Damn it. Now
I need a bath.' he thought. He got up and walked over to the bathroom. 'Or maybe a cold shower would work' he thought, with the memory of the dream still in mind.

********** Well what do ya think. I think I coulda done better but I kinda have a small case of writers block, so this'll just have to do.
Now if you'll excuse me, I think that I too need a cold shower. Don't forget to review.