Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmare ❯ Enter the Mysterious Kira ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

mukuro5: I don't want to!

Kurama: You have to. Do you want to be sued so you can't buy your Hunter X Hunter DVDs?

mukuro5: No.

Kurama: Okay then say it.

mukuro5: Okay! I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters of it, but I do own Kira!

Chapter 1: Enter the Mysterious Kira

“Hiei, come down here for breakfast!” Yukina yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Then she turned around to the table were everyone else was. “You can eat.”

Everyone but Kurama started eating. Yet again Yusuke and Kuwabara got into an eating contest. After a few minutes passed and there was still no sign of Hiei, Kurama went up the stairs to see what was going on. Even though it is very rare that Hiei ate breakfast he always came down and sat at the table or stood by the table.

Kurama knocked on the door and the response was a soft mumble. Kurama knocked again and the mumble came again. So Kurama opened the door and popped his head into the room. He looked around and saw Hiei still in bed. It was very odd for Hiei to be in bed this late so Kurama walked over to the bed. What he saw was a very pale and sweaty Hiei.

“Hiei?” Kurama said out of concern. Kurama put his hand on Hiei's shoulder to shake him but he immediately let go of the fire demon. “Oww!” Kurama yelped, holding his hands close to his chest. He then put the back of his hand on Hiei's forehead. Kurama took his hand off and cradled it. “He's burning up. Even for a fire demon,” Kurama thought.

“Hiei, wake up!” Kurama said loudly, but not to loud.

Hiei slowly opened his eyes and in a slur of words asked, “What are you doing here, Fox?”

“You have a fever. We need to get you to a hospital,” Kurama ordered.

Hiei slowly sat up. “And what? Say `This fire demon…has a…fever.' I don't…think that will…work,” Hiei said slowly so the words didn't slur together again.

“I guess you're right, but I have to do something,” Kurama demanded.

Hiei could barley sit up in his bed. Because of this, Kurama got even more concerned about his friend.

“Just go to sleep and I'll see what I can do,” Kurama ordered, laying Hiei back down.

“I'm fine!” Hiei growled before passing out.

Kurama nodded before running out of the room. He ran down the stairs and went straight outside causing the others to watching questioningly. Once he was outside, Kurama looked around at the beautiful green grass and colorful flowers surrounding the two-story white house. He then ran into the forest that surrounds the home.

“I have to find a plant that will help him,” Kurama thought desperately.

Mean while, Yukina went upstairs to check on Hiei since he never came down. She knocked on the door and heard a soft `what?'

“Hiei, are you alright? You never came down for breakfast. Are you hungry?” Yukina asked in a burst of concern.

“I'm fine,” Hiei said softly and slow.

Yukina nodded and walked back downstairs. Hiei got out of bed and walked to the window making sure to grab onto something so he didn't fall.

“I can barley walk! This is…” Hiei fell to the ground unconscious from the strain on his body.

Kurama ran into the middle of the forest and continued to run straight for a huge oak tree. He ran into the oak tree and appeared in a more dense and dark forest. When he reached this place he stopped and looked around. “Where is it! WHERE!” Kurama yelled out of worry and anger.

All the sudden a giggle came from the trees. Kurama narrowed his eyes and looked around.

“Who are you?” Kurama asked in a Hiei tone.

“You sure changed your tone from before. How did you do that neat trick where you ran out from a tree? That was cool,” a girl's voice said from the shadows.

“Come out,” Kurama ordered strictly.

A girl with short raven-black hair that came to her shoulders, blue eyes, and looked about 5'6” wearing a black outfit walked out of the trees. She was smiling and had her hand behind her back.

“Who are you?” Kurama asked again.

“My name is Kira. I'm a fox demon from the northern thieves' tribe. Now you, cutie,” Kira said, looking at Kurama with a smile.

“I'm Shuichi Minamino. What do you want?” Kurama asked in a lighter tone.

“Well…” Kira put her hands on her hips. “You're name is a human one but you're not human,” Kira stated with a smile.

“I know! Now what do you want?” Kurama asked, going back to a cold tone.

“To help a cutie like you,” Kira answered in a joking tone.

“I need no help. Now leave,” Kurama commanded, going back to searching for the plant.

“Whatever. I want to know if you know someone that goes by `The Cursed Child of the Glacial Village'?” Kira asked, folding her arms in front of her.

Kurama stopped and looked back at her. “How do you know him?” Kurama asked with surprise him his tone.

“You don't need to know that. Do you know where he is?” Kira asked in a professional tone.

“You may come with me when I go back. If you wish, that is,” Kurama said, going back to searching but keeping his guard up.

“Fine,” Kira said, leaning against a tree trunk with her arms crossed.

Kurama stopped again and turned to her with a surprised look on. “You…You will?” Kurama stuttered.

“Of course!” Kira answered, “ I came all this way. I could wait just a little longer. It's no big deal.”

Kurama just nodded, and went back to work. Back at the house Hiei was still out on the floor; his fever getting worse and worse as he lay there.

“It's̷ 0;so…hot,” Hiei muttered. “I feel so weak. It's never been this bad before,” Hiei said in his mind.


“It's not here! Not a trace!” Kurama yelled out of frustration back in the forest.

“What are you talking about?” Kira asked curiously.

Kurama turned to her and blurted out without thinking, “To cure a high fever.”

“That's easy. I thought it was something important,” Kira said with a sweet smile that showed her teeth.

Kurama grabbed her shoulders and started to shake her. “Where? Where can I find it?”

Kira saw the desperation in his eyes and knew his life or someone close to him life was endangered if he didn't find it. But what really caught her attention was the look that told her he would do anything to get it. So Kira pitied him and couldn't help but tell him. “I have some with me. I picked some for a friend,” Kira answered.

“Please! Please, I need some!” Kurama begged, letting go of her shoulders slowly.

Kira pulled out a purple looking, three leaf plant from her back pocket. She held it to her heart with both hands before starching out her arms to Kurama with the plant in her plams. Kurama looked at her and then down at the plant.

“Here. I can see whoever or whatever needs this is very dear to your heart,” Kira stated with another sweet smile.

Kurama took the plant and held it tight. “Yes…Yes, he is,” Kurama admitted almost to himself while looking at the plant.

Kira just gave another sweet smile that had warmth in it. She knew what it was like to be frightened for someone dear.

“Oh!” Kurama said, remembering what he came for.

He turned around on his heels and ran off towards a rather tall oak tree. Kira smiled only for a nanosecond before she realized he ran off without her. She immediately took off after him.

“Huh? HEY! Wait for me!” Kira yelled after him.