Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Now We're Even ❯ Now We're even ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Now We're Even
I Do Not Own Yu Yu Hakusho:
Shori sat on her bed, tears rolling down her cheeks as she thought about what had happened the morning before.
* “Shori, we have to talk.” Kurama said as she walked up to him the wind blowing the hair in to her eyes. “Sure, what's up?” She asked confused. “I don't think we should see each other anymore.” Kurama said quietly.
Shori stood Dumbstruck, “ B - But why?” She asked her words trembled, her voice bearly audible. “I just don't think this will work.” he said looking at something over her shoulder.
“ We can still be friends.?” Kurama said a gleam of Hope in his eyes. “ No we can't.” Shori growled as the tears fell from her eyes and walked away. “ Shori wait please come back.” He cried out to her. “ No way in Hell.” She yelled as she walked away.*
Shori fingered the knife in her hand.
Shori cried harder as she held the sharp blade of the knife to her wrist.
She sliced her wrists almost through the bone and watched as the blood and her life drained away. As the last drop of blood fell she whispered three words “ I Love you..”
Kurama ran up the stairs to Shori's apartment. Something is wrong he thought as he opened her door, To find Shori Lying on her bed dead blood dripping from her wrists. He ran to her corpse and squeezed it tightly. He heard a cold Familiar laugh come from behind him. He turned around to see Karasu wearing a twisted smile on his face. “ I guess I didn't need to kill her after all.” he said coldly. “Karasu you Bastard you will pay.” Kurama growled as Karasu turned to leave “You may want to rethink that, Kurama.. After all I always get what I want.” he said and left. Leaving Kurama clutching the dead body of His Love.
Three Days Later Kurama stood looking at the spot where his love had been buried,holding a rose in his hand, tears rolling down his face, the wind blew a little and the sky was grey a sign that a spring shower was going to occur, when he heard a familliar voice. "Now we're even, you killed me and ruined everything, so I thought I'd ruin your life." Karasu told him. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD'NT HURT HER IF I STAYED AWAY!" Kurama yelled. "But I did'nt hurt her, you did." Karasu said. " You just made a stupid choice, It's not like I could hurt her anyways I am Dead." Karasu said amused. " I killed her, I never had to break up with her he could'nt have hurt." Kurama muttered in realization. "Now we're even." Karasu said and Disapeared leaving Kurama alone in front of the grave of his only love. He layed the rose down and traced the letters on the tombstone. Shori Arkanoli September 23, 1989-April 13, 2005.