Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ Guests? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
OMG! I am soo happy! I haven’t gotten any bad reviews, writers block is cowering in a corner, I get to go on a cruise, and I’ve got another chapter for you all! We’ll you’re not here for my mindless rambling, so on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho, you, or Tsunake (she’s a real person, I just tell her what to do!)



You were in a small house. It was completely destroyed on the inside. A girl with waist-length, blue hair and ice-blue eyes opened the door. Her clothes were stained with spots of fresh blood.

“Come on out! You’re missing all the fun!” she grinned.

“I was just checking to see if there was anyone hiding in here.” you replied and started to follow her out the door. (Why did I say that? In fact, I’m not even moving myself. But who is?) You stepped outside to see a large village, engulfed in flames. The bodies of hundreds of dead demons lay on the ground in every direction. You could feel ‘yourself’ smile as two very young demons fled from a far house. Then, you watched in horror and a strange satisfaction as you and the girl, slaughtered the two children mercilessly.


You woke up, completely mad at yourself for dreaming of such things, in the cell. Tsunake was till asleep, the same scowl plastered across her face. You tore your eyes away from her when you heard footsteps coming your way, it was Koenma.

“Good news.” He said while taking out your cell’s key. “Your inner demon is dormant, so you didn’t break our laws. But there’s some bad news.”

“What is it?” you asked, sitting up to face him.

“Even though your inner demon is dormant, it could awaken at any moment. You’ll have to train and stay with the team so you can stay under control when that happens.”

“How is that bad news?” you said while drooling over the thought of living under the same roof as Hiei.

He shrugged while opening the cell door and he muttered, “Eye of the beholder.” He led you down the hall and into your destiny.

~With Tsunake~

She woke up in the cell, _(your name)_ was gone. (Lucky girl.) Someone cleared their throat behind her. She turned to see that it was Botan.

“Lord Koenma is ready to assign you your punishment.” Botan said. Tsunake just scowled as two ogres grabbed her by the arms and dragged her into Koenma’s office.

He leaned forward and said, “Tsunake, we aren’t sure how to punish you and we can’t keep you locked up in the cell. We are going to leave you under the watch of the team at Genkai’s temple. They’re the only ones that will be able to handle you.”

Tsunake grew completely furious. She slammed her hands down on his desk and yelled, “Damn you, Koenma!” Botan gave a small gasp at hearing these words. Tsunake had heard her and turned around, flipping Botan off with both of her middle fingers. “Bingo!” she yelled at Botan’s horrified face.

~With You~

You panted slightly as you walked up the hundreds of steps to Genkai’s temple. You had never been so excited in your life. You were going to train with the team, and that meant that Hiei would have to spend some time with you! While you thought of this, you didn’t even notice that you had arrived at the temple.

Yusuke led you inside and showed you around. You met Genkai, who seemed very pleased to be having you stay there.

“It’s so good to have another girl around!” said Keiko, who stood next to a smiling Yukina. “So how did you end up in trouble with the Spirit World?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.” you answered. (I don’t want then to think that I’m psycho right after I just met them.) Keiko just shrugged and happily took your hand.

“Let me show you your room!” she grinned, leading you down a hallway. “That’s your room.” she said, pointing to a door. “Yukina is to your left and Kuwabara is to your right. I’m sharing a room with Botan across the hall, next to Yusuke and Kurama. Genkai has her own room in another part of the temple. Oh, and Hiei I think, sleeps in a tree outside.” pointing to each room as she explained. You nodded to show that you understood. She smiled and said, “Well, I’ll leave you here to get settled.” and she left.

You walked through the sliding door of your room. The room was made of wood and its color wasn’t changed. You grinned, relieved that it wasn’t pink or something. You spotted your bag lying on the bed. (They must have grabbed it for me at the airport.)

You place your belongings around the room, to give it a personal touch. You stepped in the center of the room, looking around to admire your work, when you heard a commotion coming from the front room. You went to see what was happening. Yusuke was yelling something about babysitting to Botan.

“Isn’t Kuwabara enough!”

“Yeah!” Kuwabara agreed. “Hey...Wait!”

(Is he talking about me?) You thought, peeking around the corner.

You spotted Tsunake behind Botan, scowling.

“What’s going on?” you asked, stepping into the room.

Kurama turned towards you and said, “We’ve been assigned to keep a watch on her and make sure that she doesn’t cause trouble. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to share a room with her.”

You shrugged. Tsunake didn’t seem so bad.. She seemed pretty nice in the cell, when she wasn’t trying to kill you. Yusuke and Kuwabara broke into a fistfight on the floor. Kurama and Botan desperately tried to break them apart. A knock at the door sounded. You were probably the only one that heard it. You went to the front door and opened it.

It was the blue-haired girl from your dream. Except she was much taller, maybe 5' 3".

“Why the hell are you here? What the hell did you do? Why the hell didn’t you invite me? And what the hell is that?” she said, pointing to Tsunake.

Tsunake became infuriated and her claws and fangs grew as she began chasing the girl around the room. The girl, who seemed nothing if not eager to get into more trouble, ran up to Hiei, who was sitting by the window.

“Hi!” she said, poking him hard in the middle of his headband.

“Oh god, his Jagan eye!” you said involuntarily.

“Ow, you bitch!” Hiei yelled and jumped up. He, as well as Tsunake, were chasing the girl. She saw how fast Hiei was and finally started to get scared. She ran as fast as she could, giving an ear-splitting shriek.

Suddenly, an enormous boom sounded and the room was filled with blinding light. As soon as you could see again, your mouth dropped open. Hiei sat on the floor, charred, with his eye twitching. Tiny blue sparks were jumping across the spikes in his hair. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared.

“Was that lightning?” the girl asked, looking at a wide hole in the ceiling. She took her gaze off of the hole and she spotted you. She ran over to you and caught you in a bone-crushing hug.

“_(your name)_, I’m so glad to see you among the living again!” she smiled.

“Um...” you said as the air was slowly squeezed out of your lungs. “Who are you?”

She looked at you with a confused expression. “Don’t you remember me? I’m Kaomi.”


I’m all done for today and I hoped that you all liked it. Don’t forget! Review, Review, Review plz! LYL! Sayoonara!