Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ Hard Times ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I’m back and with kind of a short chapter .I’m bringing you all relief from my horrible cliffy though...Guess what, I won 4 trophies in my Karate Tournament! Well, on with the story!

ATTENTION READERS: I am in desperate need of characters! I need multiple fighters (some may die) and one character who is still a demon, but doesn’t fight. If you want your character in the story, please send me the following information in a review: name, description, personality, clothes, and powers/weapons. I have a lot of places to fill, so many of you will get your character written into the story. All new characters will come in during later chapters to give people time to submit.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho, you, Kaomi, or Tsunake.


You slowly opened your eyes. You had a constant ache in your head. Something moved beside you and you turned your head sharply, causing more pain.

You were looking into the deep, red pools of Hiei’s eyes.

“What happened?” you asked, sitting up.

“Your inner demon awoke and the memories were too much for you at once. I had to block them.” Hiei answered.

“Thank you. You said, carefully holding your head.

“Hn.” was all that he said, but you though you saw him blush. You started to try to get out of the bed you were in, but Hiei pushed you back down.

“You should get some rest. You’ve been through a lot.” he said and stepped out the door.


“What the hell did you do to her, Tsunake?!” Yusuke yelled. Tsunake didn’t answer and her face was deathly pale.

(I did this to her...I did this to her...) she thought. Inside she was yelling at herself for what she had done and she could barely hear the horrible things that Yusuke was yelling at her. (Oh god, what have I done..?)


There was a knock at the door and Kaomi quietly opened it, so it wouldn’t disturb _(your name)_’s rest. There was nobody there, but an envelope addressed to her lay on the ground. She opened it and stared at it, wide eyed.
–My dearest stepsister, Kaomi,

By the time you read this, I will be dead. Our village was attacked by a powerful demon. I will fight for our village, but I know that I am not his match. Stay strong, my stepsister, I will always watch over you. As long as I stand and fight, my death will not be in vain. Goodbye...

Your Stepbrother, Hideki–

Kaomi fought back the tears that were building in her eyes. She took a deep breath and took shaky steps outside to where she could hear Yusuke yelling. A pale Tsunake stood near him. Kaomi reached int her mind.

<What have I done? What have I done?> Her mind had completely frozen up and Yusuke wasn’t making it any better.

“Shat up you idiot! She had no idea that would happen to _(your name)_! Just leave her alone!” Kaomi yelled and ran out of the temple exit, leaving Yusuke speachless. She hurried down the stairs, the tears she had struggled to hold back now fell freely from her icy eyes. A warm rain slowly fell from the sky.

Yusuke ignored what Kaomi had said and opened his mouth for another insult to Tsunake, who was now less pale.

“Get off my damn back, Yusuke! Kaomi was right, none of this is my fault.” she said and took out her built-up anger and stress on a nearby tree by sinking her claws into it.

“That, felt good.” she said while trying to remove her claws from the tree, but they were stuck fast. “Oh shit, my claws are stuck!” she yelled, still struggling with the tree.

“Really, now?” Yusuke asked sarcastically, watching Tsunake as she struggled against the tree.

“I’ll help you!” Kuwabara said, creating his spirit sword. He sliced the claws off one of her hands and Tsunake stared at her hand, now bleeding.

Her shoulders began shaking violently and it seemed as though she was having a hard time holding back tears.

“It couldn’t have hurt that bad!” Kuwabara said. Kurama walked up and shot him an annoyed glare. He slowly, one by one, pulled Tsunake’s claws free from the tree on the remaining hand. She didn’t say anything, but she ran quickly to her room.

“What was that about?” Kuwabara said stupidly.


I told you this was a short chapter. There’s a little bit of romance in the next one though. I won’t be updating as often though because my computer caught a virus and my stepfather won’t let me on the internet until I find a way to get rid of it. I snuck this chapter online just for you, so make sure to send me your reviews. If you didn’t notice it earlier (Don’t know how you possibly could...) Read the announcement at the top of the page. Well, until next time, sayoonara!