Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Product of Nightmares ❯ Why? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It is, for once, not the middle of the night. *laughs*

Hiei - This chapter better not make me look like a baka.

It won't. It's from the fox's point of view. Anyway, I need to appreciate my reviewers now. ~*~ Note~*~ These are responses to reviews from fanfiction AND mediaminer. I don't feel like making to sets of authors notes.

Blkwidow77 - O_o I didn't know you LIKED fluff…

Zane Artemis - Unfortunately, you're not online so you won't get this before it's posted. *evil grin* I got back on maybe ten minutes after I got off. I still don't know what you like about fluff… *shakes head, laughing* DON'T SEND ANY CUDDLY LOOKING RABID BUNNY PICTURES!!! Please??

Rebekah - Here it is. Like the way you spelled you're name, by the way.

Ruby-dream - Glad you like! Your phrasing is weird, but I THINK I know what you meant… *laughs*

Iuveniachick - Glad you like the story. You'll see what happens. So will I, actually... I didn't plan anything after this chapter so I'm kinda wondering just like you…

Midnight Unicorn - I'm STUCK continuing it. I sent it to Zan and I think if I don't finish this one she'll kill me…. *laughs* But I'm definitely appreciate you asking.

AnimeShadow - *bows* Thank you my dear friend. Do you compliment everyone like that? O_O I don't think I write that well…

Mayara-Kakoshi - I'm working on it. *grins*

Last and certainly least…

Neko - *is laughing hysterically* I told you it was yaoi and I didn't care if you didn't like it, but did you listen? NOOO… Considering this is my first flame, I think that's pathetic. Couldn't you at least complain about my writing style instead of just telling me you're prejudice against gay relationships? I mean, come on. Be more original. If someone warns you about something you don't like and you read it and don't like it, why bother saying so? It was obviously anticipated. Give me a break. *puts review in memory book to laugh at always*

Ok, now that that's over. I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, which I think is obvious. This is fanfiction. Kurama may be OOC because I don't think I'm any good at writing him. I relate better with Hiei.

Hiei - Hn.

Anyway, this is yaoi. I already said that. And, again, nothing really happens. So far in this story, this goes for both chapters; there is one kiss from two points of view. Oh yeah, and if anyone else pulls a neko and tells me they hate yaoi, I don't give a damn. Already said that too. I'm thinking about making a wall of shame for this story if anyone else is stupid enough to tell me they have a problem with yaoi. I don't mind flames, but I told you this was yaoi in the summary. You shouldn't read it if you don't like it.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

I'm running through the forest, as fast as my legs would carry me and grinning from ear to ear. I swished my tail and slowed down, chuckling. The guards that had been chasing me would never catch up. I'm too fast, and too good at covering my trail. I toss the necklace I had stolen in the air and catch it again, hiding it in my long, silver hair.

There's a flash of light in the clearing I had been about to enter, so I quickly climb a tree and peer between the branches trying to detect the source. Ahh… It was a reflection off that sword. I think as I try to get a good look at the wielder. All I could see now was that he was short, not wearing a shirt, and had spiky black hair. I sit and watch the figure go through his exercises. He was graceful, amazingly so, and incredibly fast. He looked as if he was dancing.

He turns around, following the steps only he knows and my breath catches in my throat. "Perfect…" I breathe and stare in utter fascination, burning him into my mind. His hair has a snow white star-burst in the front that contrasted greatly with the black. He wears a white headband to match that had been covered by his hair in the back. He is well built; VERY well built, as if he has been training his body to perfection his entire life and has achieved it. What catches my attention most, though, are his eyes. They are the most perfect shade of crimson I have ever seen, and seem to change shades all the time; first going darker, then lighter again.

I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Someone's watching me… I open the eyes I hadn't even realized I'd had closed and I'm in my room. I frown slightly, unable to get the feeling to go away. I extend my awareness until I feel a familiar youki outside my window. It's amazing. First I have a dream about Hiei, and then he appears magically in the tree outside my window. I think sarcastically. I hope he's not hurt…

One way to find out… I rub my eyes and sit up. Blinking to clear my vision, I walk to the window and open it, peering into the shadows trying to detect movement. I wish he didn't always sit in the darkest shadows…

"Hiei, what are you doing here? It's-" I turn and look at the luminous alarm clock that's on my desk, "3:00 in the morning." I look back into the shadows trying to see him. I would feel so much more comfortable if I could see him, but not because he makes me uncomfortable. Quite the contrary, I feel safest when he's around. I know he'll guard my back no matter what, but I want to know if he's injured right now!

"I know you're there. You might as well answer; I can stand here all night." I add. I want to meet his eyes. Maybe then I can get him to answer. Not that it'll work.

He has got to be the most stubborn person I know. That's one of the things I like about him. Of course, I definitely like the way he looks, but I can't see him right now. He's hiding, as usual. I have been hoping that maybe he would thaw some and perhaps talk after he got more comfortable around me, but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. He's my best friend and I'm in love with him, but he still won't tell me why he's sitting in the tree outside my window. He is the most perfect being I have ever met… And He doesn't even trust me.

"Hiei?" I ask as I try to mask my concern, though I can tell my mask is failing miserably. I feel like I'm going to cry. If he's hurt and he won't tell me because that would be `admitting weakness' I'll slit his throat. Then I'd heal it again, but that's beside the point.


I blink and my eyes lock on his approximate location. I can't see him, but at least I know where he is now… Wait, he answered?

"Why are you here?" I ask kindly. I don't want him to think I don't want him here; I just want to make sure he's not hurt.

"Why?" He answers my question with a question.

I blink, slightly confused. Hiei has a way of asking the vaguest questions at the oddest moment. This time I think it's a pretty straight forward what he wants, but I remember once when Hiei, Yusuke and I were walking in the park talking about a mission and he asked `why?' and wanted to know why ningen's liked balloons. For all I know he might have come here to find out `why?' they make cakes and celebrate birthdays, and he actually just answered me.

I stare at the moon and answer the most obvious question and hope that's what he meant. "Why do I ask? Because you were training and I haven't sensed you around for awhile. Usually when you come here after training you're injured." I hope that's what he wanted to know…


I feel a slight frown spread over my face and I wonder what exactly he meant. I wish he would answer in words sometimes. Wait, no I don't… Then he wouldn't be Hiei anymore… Besides, it makes things more interesting if I have to guess what he means. God, I'm in deep…

"Will you answer my question now? You're obviously not injured. I answered yours. Unless there's a different `why' that you meant. In that case, be more specific." I hope he'll answer me. At least he's not hurt, but now I'm curious. If he doesn't need something, why is he here? Why would he come in the middle of the night and sit outside my window if he's not hurt? His questions are rubbing off on me.

As the silence stretches on it hurts. I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like by not answering me he's showing just how little he trusts me, and it hurts; badly. I let an ironic little smile show on my face before speaking again.

"Sometimes I wonder if you don't answer me because you don't want to or you can't. Or maybe that you don't trust me with the answer. Perhaps you find holding a conversation with me so bad as to hope to bore me away with unresponsiveness." I hope that doesn't sound as melodramatic as I think it did…

Suddenly there's a gust of wind and a black blur and Hiei's standing beside me in my room with a blank look on his face. I blink and try to hide my surprise.

"Hiei?" I haven't the slightest idea why he just decided to show himself. This seems incredibly un-Hiei-like.

He takes a quick step forward looking straight in my eyes then he kisses me and steps back again. Wait, he kissed me??!

"Go with the second." He says in a monotone, but I can see a slight smile on his face I doubt even he knows is there. All I can do is stare as his eyes widen almost imperceptibly and the slightest blush crosses his features before he flits out my window and into the distance.

I stare out the window at the spot where he disappeared from my vision. I can't seem to do anything else. I stand there for a long time, until the sun touches the horizon, before I can even move again. A smile spreads across my face and my hand touches my lips.

"He kissed me…" I whisper and start to laugh. I can't help it. I've never been this happy in my life! I swear if I jumped out the window right now I'd fly. I spin in a circle, not bothering to hush my laughter and come to a rest with my elbows sitting on the window sill, a hand still to my lips. I finally stop laughing and stand there, smiling like an idiot and watch the sunrise, one phrase going through my head again, and again.

He kissed me…He kissed me…

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*makes a face* I REALLY don't think I'm any good at writing Kurama… Oh well, you wanted a second chapter, here it is.

Hiei - Even if it's terrible.

*nods* For once I agree with him. I suck at writing Kurama.

Ok, that's it. Thanks for reading, please review!!