Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Proud Goodbye ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
HEYLO!!! Third fic, but this is a poem fic. I thought this up while I was sleeping and had to write it down. Yes, I was sleeping in the middle of the day. I need a life.It's a little funny. It's from someones point of view, GUESS WHO!! And if you can't, Its okay, becuase everyone gets there dense moments. I hope you like it!!

So keen and strong and stupid and weak
I see the weakness and eyes so meek
The mask is thick and he can't see
Just how much he means to me
I'm proud and cruel and humble and kind
His power grows, surpasses mine
The boy I love and help mature
Does love me back, in that I'm sure
The nitwit I could call my son
And be that proud when I am done
And so I'm not afraid to die
It's peaceful in the twilight sky
I'll give my life and my great power
From death I do not cringe and cower
I'll whisper words that burn and freeze
And ease his wretched sobs and plea's
I move now into oblivion
And the sky will churn and bleed with crimson
So remember all the things you know
And in my memory, learn and grow
Good bye and if you wish me back
I sware, nitwit, I'll ring your neck

Well, if you didn't get it, it was from Genkai's POV. I thought it would be fun to write one about her. Besides, I can'tdeny the intuition of a dream! It was kinda what I thought she was thinking when she died, As she floated up into oblivion, then was wrenched back down to earth. Of course, there is that whole botan thing. Oh well, just Review please!!!