Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Psychotic Weirdness ❯ Freaky Monkeys ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KM03: Hi, I'm back again! Hope you liked the story so far, and just to remind you, the bold is what one of my bestest friend in the world wrote.

-----Genkai's place: The next day-----

"Aaaaaah!!" Kimura screamed awake, waking up everyone in the temple, "Monkeys are trying to take over my brain!"

"Monkeys? Monkeys are cool," Rae said from beside her. She was either immune, deaf, or just plain used to Kimura screaming awake.

"I know, but these were those scary, cymbal monkeys," Kimura shuddered, "They won't stop smiling and hitting those cymbals. It's scary."

"Oooooh. Those monkeys. Freakyness," Rae said, "Where are we?"


"No duh, but where's Green? I miss him."

"You just woke up. How could you miss him already?"

"Actually, I was awake for an hour. I ran around the whole building and only saw a blue-haired girl that looked like Hiei with blue hair and a female body. Oh yeah, and an old hag."

"I'm not an old hag," A raspy voice said from the door.

The girls turned and shrieked.

"TOAD MONSTER!!" They screamed before clawing up the wall like cats.

"What?!" The 'toad monster' yelled, "I'm not a toad monster or an old hag! I'm Genkai, owner of this shrine."

Suddenly, the two girls popped down in front of her, scaring the out of her.

"This is a shrine?" Rae asked.

"Do they worship you?" Kimura inquired.

"Are you a god?"

"Will we be sacrificed?"

"Are you a toad god?"

"Are you gonna eat us?"

"Kill us?"

"Hurt us?"

"Torture us?"

"Maul us?"

"Bleed us?"

"Incapacitate us?"

"Do you know what that means, Kee-lee?"


"Probably not, liar."

"I do too know what it means! Do you?"


"Tell me."



"Because, I want you to tell me so I know whether or not you truly know what it means."

"You don't believe me?"




"You shouldn't be mean."


"Because its not nice."

"But I'm not nice. Besides, who wants to be nice?"


"I'm not 'People'. I'm Person."

"Well, Person, you shouldn't be so mean."

"But can I be weird?"

"Of course."


"Because..." The two girls rounded on the freaked out Genkai.

Simultaneously, they posed and said,"Weird is strange and strange is good."


"You didn't have to yell ya know," Kimura said, then looked around worried, "Hey, where's Rae?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"You don't understand, me without Rae is... is..."

"Spit it out!"

"Like a pen without ink," She said sadly.


"I'm no fun without Rae!" She cried.

She fell backwards and started kicking and screaming.

"Oh, great," Genkai said, rolling her eyes, "Hey, Yusuke, what do I do now?"

"Shut up grandma! They're not supposed to know we're here," Yusuke whispered from outside the door.

"Too late for that," Hiei stated.

Everyone looked in his direction and saw Kimura huggin him. She had a big smile and 'u' shaped eyes. They all went inside with their heads down in defeat. Hiei tried to pry Kimura off but that didn't work.

"Get off me," He commanded.

"Yes, oh great one!" She exclaimed, letting go of Hiei.

Then, she went and sulked in the nearest corner.

"What's up with her?" Kuwabara asked.

"That Rae girl went missing," Genkai answered.

"What?!" Kurama yelled, jumping to his feet, "She's on the loose? We have to find her!"

"Why so you can protest your lover for her?" The baka taunted.

"First of all, its profess not protest. Second, I don't lover her!" He yelled.

"So what are you so worried about?" Yusuke asked.

"She may be getting into trouble and she may be using her... do you hear that?"

"Rae's in trouble," Kimura said in an eerie tone.

---Outside near the forest---

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Rae screamed, running away from a gigantic bear demon, "AAAAAA-cough cough-AAAAAAA-choke-AAAH-gasp. Ok, I'm done."

Kimura and the others ran outside and watch as Rae ran in circles away from the bear demon.

"Hey Rae!" Kimura called.


"Why don't you spike him?"

"Oh yeah."





"Come on finish the word. You can do it."

"Agh. Just wait until I kill this demon."

"Like you could kill me," The demon growled.

"Of course I could."

Rae's eyes glowed dark green as she smirked darkly at the demon. Loos plants began to swirl all around her, going higher and higher.

"Plant Javelin of DEATH!!"

The plants swirled above her before they merged into a giant, pointy, thorny, green javelin. The javelin flew forward and pierced the demon, killing him instantly.

"Yay!" Rae cheered,"I killed the demon!"

"Yay! Rae killed the demon!" Kimura cried, happily.

"Surprisingly," Yusuke muttered.

"SHUTUP!" They yelled simultaneously.

"Now what do we do?" Rae asked, recovering from her anger.

"I know, lets explore!" Kimura exclaimed.


And that's what they did. Straight into the deep, dark forest.

"Great," Yusuke muttered.

"I'm not looking for them again," Kuwabara said.

"You didn't even look for them last time," Hiei snorted.

"You really should go find them," Yukina said, quietly.

"Of course, my lovely Yukina," Kuwabara ran off into the woods to try and find Rae and Kimura for his beautiful Yukina.

"Baka," Hiei mumbled. But, surprisingly, he wasn't the only one who said it. The all looked at Yukina in surprise.

"Well, he is," Yukina replied, "And shouldn't you be looking for those girls too?"


Hiei flickered off, soon followed by Kurama and Yusuke, in search of the yet again missing demon girls.


KM03: Ok I'm going to do a 7 chappie record.. I'm going to finish this story in less than an hour! BOOYA!!