Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Radical Dreamers ❯ Something Stronger ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: The Goki vs. Yusuke fight scene and dialogue come straight from Yu Yu Hakusho manga number 3. Do not own!

Chapter 5: Something Stronger

Serith let out a laugh that settled into a dark grin. “I’m not quite what you’re looking for, boy.”

“What the . . .?” Yusuke reared back slightly in surprise, eyebrows rising. “Erev, what happened to your voice?”

‘If you dare touch my brother . . .’ Erev warned her mental companion angrily.

‘Your threat is an empty one, human,’ Serith responded. ‘The boy invited death when he chose to meddle in our affairs.’

“The girl is no longer here,” Serith explained to Yusuke. “This body belongs to me now. And who are you?”

Yusuke leveled a harsh glare on Serith, finally understanding the full weight of the situation. His sister was possessed. He didn’t know how and really didn’t care either. One thing was certain; he was going to get that guy out of Erev’s body even if he had to beat the crap out of her to do it.

“I’m Yusuke Urameshi,” he announced. “The Underworld detective, and all of you are under arrest.”

The other demons finally rejoined the conversation as Goki and Hiei commented on Yusuke’s title with disdain and skepticism.

“Strange.” Hiei added. “He emits no power to speak of.”

“And his defenses are pitiful. You could off this guy with one stroke,” Goki said.

“Okay, they’re not impressed,” Yusuke admitted. He looked back to Serith. “But I don’t care about them. I’m kicking your ass first.”

Serith laughed at him before turning around and beginning to walk away. “Sorry, not in the mood.”

“Get back here!” Yusuke bellowed, moving forward to chase his sister. Goki stepped up to block his path.

At the same time Kurama and Hiei also left the scene. Yusuke looked around at the now empty clearing, annoyed and frustrated. Not only had his sister slipped out of his grasp again, but most of his assignment was gone too.

“It won’t take all four of us to deal with you,” Goki said from in front of him. “They want to run off, fine, but I accept your challenge. If you want the loot, come and get it.”

“Dammit,” Yusuke scowled. He had a decision to make: fight Goki and get one of the guys Koenma was after out of the way, or try to follow Erev and save his sister. He was leaning toward the latter. He hadn’t wanted to sign up for the job of detective anyway. Precious seconds slipped by as Yusuke continued to stare Goki down.

The waiting demon pulled an odd colored ball from his pocket.

“How about a quick snack first,” Goki said.

Yusuke narrowed his eyes in thought, momentarily stalled from his intended course of action. ‘That must be the Rapacious Orb.’

“This is a very useful item,” Goki continued. “It sucks human souls from their bodies. I eat souls, but I always had to rip their bodies apart to get at them. That imparts an off flavor. And there was always the carcass to dispose of afterwards.”

Goki stuck two fingers into the orb and pulled out a wriggling will-o’-the-wisp: a person’s soul. Yusuke’s eyes widened.

“But with this orb, the soul comes out fresh and sweet. No muss, no fuss, and I can have as many as I want.”

“I bet I know where that soul came from,” Yusuke said, finally connecting the earlier collapse of a small child with Goki’s Dark Treasure.

Goki smirked. “Fresh today, you bet.” He placed the soul in his mouth and swallowed. “A child’s soul is best swallowed live. Heh. How it twitches and wriggles in my stomach.”

Yusuke decided in that instant to stay where he was and kick Goki’s ass. Erev may have been important to him, but she wasn’t going to die anytime soon. He wasn’t going to just let some little kid’s soul be eaten when he was right there to stop it.

“Spit that out!” The livid teenager rushed at Goki, sending a barrage of powerful uppercuts to the demon’s stomach. Yusuke finished with a hook to Goki’s jaw, effectively forcing him to spit the soul out and knocking the demon flat.

“Hmph. Some demon,” Yusuke said. He watched as the soul began to meander away toward its body. ‘The soul seems to be okay . . . .’

Yusuke suddenly felt a presence behind him and jumped back to see Goki standing nearly untouched.

“You’re pretty good for a human,” he said.

“And you talk pretty good for a demon. I know how hard I hit you. You should barely be able to stand up,” Yusuke retorted in complete confidence.

“That so?” Goki began to transform into his demon body, horns and claws growing as his skin hardened and muscles grew larger. Yusuke was impressed to say the least.

“Holy cheese on rye!!”

The much stronger Goki rushed at Yusuke, claws slashing against the boy’s chest and burying into a nearby tree.

“You’re quick on your feet too, ha ha ha,” Goki said crushing the trunk his hand was imbedded in.

‘Cripes!’ Yusuke thought eyeing the scrapes across his cheek and chest where Goki grazed by him. ‘He’s a full-blown monster! I’m screwed! I don’t stand a chance against a thing like that.’

‘Wait! I have the Spirit Gun.’ With that realization Yusuke began to try concentrating his energy. ‘I-it’s not glowing!’

Goki began to move toward him again. Yusuke swore as he remembered that he was only able to use the Spirit Gun once per day. He had already used his supply on Iwamoto earlier.

“The best way to enjoy a nice, fresh soul is to season it with pain and fear,” Goki said, grinning maliciously.

Yusuke blanched. ‘I am so dead!!’

Erev had never remembered working as hard as she did fighting against Serith for control of her own body. She was ecstatic when she saw Yusuke. He was alive and he was there to save her. Erev had been sure of it.

The situation changed, however, when Serith chose to leave instead of fight. And it sounded to Erev as they were walking off that Goki was going to be keeping her brother’s hands full. He wouldn’t be able to help her.

But seeing Yusuke had given her newfound hope. If her brother could return from the dead then she should be able to overcome a demonic spirit with no problem. With that encouragement, she began to fight against Serith once more.

It was a strange battle. There was no action to it and anyone looking from the outside would only see a young girl with a horrible migraine, sweating and holding her head in pain. Internally, however, a great deal was happening.

The two inhabitant’s minds pressed against each other, trying to force one into submission of the other. The fight was also a tug of war contest, both trying to pull the body’s responses under their control.

The dominant mind shifted several times. When one would win the other would pull that spirit back under. The silent battle raged until Erev finally arose as the victor.

Serith continued to try pulling her back, his attacks coming in the form of a pounding headache. But Erev pushed him away every time, having finally found the strength and reason to overcome her possessor.

Wearied but not overwhelmed Erev turned back to the clearing with only the thought of reuniting with her brother pushing her forward. She trudged along slowly until a sense of dread began to urge her forward faster. Erev realized all at once that her brother, strong as he may be against street punks, might stand no chance against a demon of Goki’s caliber. And she knew Goki wouldn’t hesitate to kill Yusuke, as slowly and painfully as the demon possibly could.

Pushing Serith’s advances away again, Erev broke into a sprint. The rest of the distance between her and her brother soon disappeared and Erev was dismayed that her assumptions were proven right.

She came upon the two combatants at the tail end of the battle, easily scoping out the situation. Yusuke was bent over double, having just received a strong blow to his stomach. The untouched and cocky Goki meandered over to her brother.

“Oops,” he mocked. “That was a bit rough. I forget how fragile humans are.”

Yusuke coughed painfully and finally fell over as the remainder of his strength left him.

“I’d like to see you suffer for a while. A bit of fun for me, a lot of pain for you, then you die,” Goki continued.

“Yusuke!” Erev jumped into action, rushing into the fray. She saw recognition flash through her brother’s fading vision. Goki noticed her too, turning toward her in confusion.

“What the hell?” he began as Erev leapt at him. She shoved her hands against his throat and something odd happened.

Erev wasn’t sure what she was doing, she didn’t really have a plan. She already knew that Goki was at least three times her size and that she wouldn’t be able to overpower him, but knowing that Yusuke was in danger pushed all logic out of her mind. She acted without thinking and was rewarded for her action.

Moments after her fingers touched Goki’s skin it exploded with a bang, engulfing his head and shoulders in smoking flames. Erev jumped away quickly in shock, her hands smeared with blood.

She wasn’t sure what had happened or whose fault the explosion was. Erev had a feeling that it was her, but she couldn’t find any reason for it. She definitely hadn’t tried to make Goki’s head explode. One thing was certain, Goki died from that attack, whatever it was.

“I-I killed him,” she mumbled, dazed and confused. She hadn’t meant to, hadn’t even wished it on him. But it had happened, and she was responsible. Erev couldn’t even blame it on Serith this time. She had actually murdered someone. The full weight of it began to settle on her shoulders.

‘I didn’t mean to,’ she thought. ‘I just wanted to help Yusuke . . . .’

Serith pushed against her mind, taking advantage of her lull in concentration. Erev returned to the real world as her control slipped. She regained her bearings, pushing Serith back and rushing to her brother’s side. She knelt next to him

Yusuke was okay, just unconscious. Feeling that the danger had passed, Erev began to grow fatigued. Her battles with Serith and the odd explosion both seemed to have taken a lot out of her.

“Oh dear,” a female voice called Erev from her thoughts. She whipped around to see a young woman with long bright blue hair and pink eyes walking toward her.

“Who are you?” Erev asked, standing in preparation of another fight.

“Oh! I’m Botan, Guide to the River Styx and Yusuke’s assistant. You must be Erev,” she said excitedly. She didn’t seem concerned that her associate was passed out on the floor. “You two look so much alike it would be hard not to know you’re related!”

Erev blinked heavily. She didn’t really care anymore, she was too tired. She could feel Serith waiting in the back of her mind, ready to pounce once she was tired enough.

“Why don’t you help Yusuke, then?” Erev said as she sat down.

Botan nodded, retrieving the Rapacious Orb from Goki’s dead body before picking Yusuke up, carrying him on her shoulder.

“Well, aren’t you coming?” Botan asked as she waited for Erev to stand.

“You go on ahead, I’ll catch up later,” Erev said. “And move quickly. It won’t be safe for you to be nearby.”

“Okay,” Botan said, unsure. She flicked her wrist and an oar appeared. Botan laid Yusuke in her lap and floated off on the small piece of wood.

Erev stayed awake as long as she could. Her strength waned and she finally gave in. Serith gained control without much of a fight and Erev once again saw the world through his eyes. But she didn’t care. She had won one battle, so there was hope that she would win again. And her brother was safe so Erev didn’t feel she had anything to complain about. She knew it was only a matter of time before she saw him again.

Erev fell asleep peacefully for the first time in several weeks.