Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Randomness ❯ Curiosity Killed the Cat, Satisfaction Brought it Back ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't know what I'm on… But what ever it is… I want more of it!!! This is just some randomness that I'm going to post, just so you guys laugh…o0; don't ask where it all came from… someone slipped something into my drink!!!! Oh, all the peoples I name off, are either from an anime, or are my own OCS, kk? AND MY CHINCHILLA SMELLS LIKE MELONS! *yum*

Chapter1.Curiosity killed the cat; Satisfaction brought it back


Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara, Flame Fox, Arctic Fox, Neko, Tano, Botan, Keiko, Koenma, Tiger Lilly, White Tiger, Ice Dragon, and Yukina, were all sitting in Genkai's living room watching TV, or playing cards, or just staring out into space… When Neko shouted "IM BORED!!" And Arctic replied "Nice to meet you bored, no go shove a shoe up your ass…" Neko glared at her, then huffed and went back to playing cards with Yusuke and Kuwabara. Flame was looking out the window, she too… was bored. "How bout we play some games?" She asked, her voice calm and even. "Like what kind of games Flame?" Came Yukina's reply. "Well, what does everyone else want to play?" she asked, a bit curious as to what the others wanted to do. Kurama smiled "I wouldn't mind going for a swim, or just hanging around outside…" Hiei nodded his agreement to Kurama's proposal. "Well, I say we should play a game, like… water tag… or Normal tag!" Yusuke said, a big smile on his face. "Oh, what a vast amount of choices you have left us Yusuke, so many to choose from!" Came White Tiger's bitter reply. "Maybe… we could… I donno… train?" Came Tiger Lilly's nervous opinion. "Know what Lilly? I think that's the stupidest thing you've said all day!" White Tiger, once again putting down one of her fellow fighters. "White Be nice to her! She's your younger sister for the lord's sake!" Came Ice Dragon's demanding voice, she and Hiei were sitting in the love seat together, even though they would rather be 10 feet apart from each other. "Shut up you damn ice lizard!" Came White Tiger's mean reply. "How dare you! You're just an over grown street cat!" Was Ice Dragon's heated remark. "Children… settle yourselves, we don't need the whole house frozen, now do we?" Tano replied calmly, sipping from a glass cup. "No…" came the two at the same time… "I KNOW!!LETS GO OUT AND WRESTLE!!" Botan said… very perky like… "Wrestling say I!" Flame said from the window "I!" "I!" "I!" "I!" "I!" "I!" "I!" "I!" "I!" "I!" 10 voices chorused. Yusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara, Flame Fox, Arctic Fox, Neko, Botan, Koenma, Tiger Lilly, and White Tiger had said I, While Hiei, Tano, Keiko, Ice Dragon, and Yukina, hadn't said anything. "I would rather kill myself then wrestle like some animal…" Came Hiei's reason as to why he wasn't going to participate. "I agree with Hiei…" That was Tano. "Umm… That's alright… I have to clean anyway…" Was Yukina's timid answer. Keiko and Ice Dragon volunteered to help her. "Well, I guess its just us then, TO THE OUTSIDE!!" Was Yusuke's reply to what the others said… Poor Yusuke, he was trampled by 9 sets of feet… "Ouchie…" Was the only thing Yusuke said after…




White Tiger and Tiger Lilly were going at it, rolling around on the ground… "GO FOR THE SHIRT, THE SHIRT!!" Yusuke was yelling "WAY TO GO WHITE TIGER!!!" That was Botan… "KICK HER ASS LILLY!!" That was Neko… He had a HUGE crush on Lilly for a long time, only Himself and Flame knew this of course. White clawed at Lilly's shirt, and soon she was topless, and White was soon topless as well… All male company fainted on the spot… The only word uttered from Kurama's lips were… "Boobies?" Arctic fell over laughing, she couldn't breath right, it was so damn funny!! And White Tiger and Lilly were STILL going at it, they were going for each others throats!! Flame soon got the two siblings to settle down, and get their shirts back on, the males woke up a few moments after… "What…happened?" Kuwabara asked stupidly(Hey, I like him, but you have to admit… he's a little dumb), scratching the back of his head. "You passed out when you saw too much cleavage…" Was Flame's simple but honest answer… Kurama turned four shades of red, almost as red as his hair… though the Youko inside him was dancing around inside his head. "Kurama and Neko, your turn to fight!!" Flame broke the uneasy silence. "Then it will be me and Arctic" Arctic smirked "I am so ganna kick your ass!" Flame gave her a `are you serious' look "Little sister, I'm ganna shove my foot so far up your ass, your ganna have to cough it up" "OHHHHHHHH!" Yusuke and Kuwabara were acting like this was a Springer show or something "Excuse me? Sis, its YOU who is going to be coughing up something, and its ganna be diamonds after I shove coal up your ass for being such a BITCH!" "You are such a slut! Down disrespect me in such a manner!" "I'm a slut? Well then, you must be the number one whore!" "Yeah! And your Boyfriends my best Customer!" "YOU BITCH!!" Arctic tackled flame, and soon the girls were growling and hissing at each other, biting and clawing, clothes being ripped, all the males started to chant "SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER!!" Eventually, Flame hit Arctic on the head, making her black out, she then dragged her little sister to the temple, and threw her carelessly into the living room, not really caring where she landed… though, she did run and get a camera, when she found out she had landed on Hiei "SMILE HIEI!!" Hiei looked up from trying to get the fox girl off, and glared as Flame took a picture, then blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the spots. "Ahh… Black mail is so nice…… Hey...wait… what are you ganna do with that Butcher Knife Hiei?... Meow?" "Know what they say… Curiosity killed the cat!" He lunged at her with the large knife, a shriek like that of a cat was heard.





Oooooookay… no more sugar for Rachel… like I said… random for the soul… and the saying "Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back' me and my friend made up, its… suppose to be a sexual reference. Got another one, `There's no Virgin in perversion.' Lol perversion is to save something, lol, well, like it says, there is no virgin in that word o0; lol. Another sexual joke, tis alright.