Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ Hiro is a Girl?! O.o ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Hello once again, I have come to-

Jo: Annoy the hell out of the reader with stupid stories.

Feith: *sigh* Jo, I'm thinking about trading you for either Hiei or Kurama.

Jo: You've already got both of them as friends.

Feith: I'll deal with you later. I would like to thank WhatsShakinBacon for being my first reviewer.

Jo: And I would like to comment that the only reason Feith has a nice writing style is `cuz I'm her partner.

Feith: Yes, that's true. We both agreed that if it's going to be published on paper then it's Jo's domain, but on the internet it's my domain. I come up with the ideas and Jo writes them down. That's how it works.

Kurama: Are you two fighting again?

Feith: No, do the disclaimer

Kurama: Neither Feith nor Jo own YYH or any of its characters. If Feith owned it, Kuwabara and Gouki would've never appeared and it wouldn't exist if Jo owned it.

~Last time~

Thusly, he figured that it didn't matter whether or not he did it himself; he was going to be revealed anyways why not do it now? So, he jumped up onto the table and pulled his cap off revealing long black hair and yellow eyes. And… breasts?


"Okay," said Yusuke, "How did the sudden gender change occur?"

Hiro just glared at him and replied shortly, "I am the Mistress of Wolves (Feith: Come on, you had to have seen that one coming.), so I suggest you pay proper respect towards me."

"And what if we don't want to?" asked Hiei (Feith: Yeah! Hiei's first line.).

"Then I advise you to run away as fast as you can because all wolves everywhere will hunt you down as fast as they can," retorted Hiro.

Kuwabara, being the unintelligent person that he is (Feith: Sorry Kuwabara fans, but that's my opinion, this is my story, so I get to present people in whatever manner I wish.), said, "You do realize that Hiro is a boy's name don't you?"

"Yes, I realize that Hiro is a boy's name, and you do not need to be so mean about it," explained Hiro.

"Kurama, Hiro is one of your friends; did you ever suspect that he was a she?" asked Yusuke.

"No, I just knew it from the beginning when Kyoko started talking about her little sister when the only sibling that she has is Hiro," replied Kurama slightly upset over the fact that Hiro revealed herself.

"That and Shuuichi has seen me without my baseball cap on," Hiro continued to explain.

Botan shuffled her feet, looked down at the ground underneath her, and said quietly, "I knew that Hiro was the Mistress of Wolves when I first saw her."

"How did you know?!" exclaimed Yusuke still trying to recover from the shock of seeing a boy transform into a girl.

Hiro simply looked at the reaper and asked, "Yes, I have never met you, so how did you know?"

"You mean that you weren't born the Mistress of Wolves?" asked Botan in reply.

"No, I received these powers sometime around my fifth birthday!" snapped Hiro.

Botan just muttered, "Look, let's just get going and get rid of the tunnel between Makai and Ningenkai."

Hiro smiled sweetly, "Okay."


Feith: And another one bites the dust. The next chapter will explain the title of this story. Don't worry Hiei FGs, romance will come soon enough, I just have to get in a few laughs first.

Jo: Beware run for you lives! The next chapter shall contain much silliness!