Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ Some More Explaining ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: *stares at computer screen confused* Man, Jo, help me come up with some stuff?

Jo: Why? You were the one who decided to put up explanations after all of the silly chapters.

Feith: Well, why don't you help me here? What can I explain?

Jo: Who knows? Who cares?

Feith: I care!

Jo: *reads last chapter* You know, Feith, you heal rather quickly for someone who was pounded to a bloody pulp by KeikoxYusuke fans.

Feith: Well, that has nothing to do with the story!

*Disclaimer is rolled in from Feith's last beating*

Disclaimer: Feith does not own YuYu Hakusho or any of its characters. She also doesn't own the concept of pickles despite the fact that she is eating one.

Feith: Do you want a pickle Disclaimer?

Disclaimer: *looks at Feith suspiciously* Y-Yes?

*Feith throws pickles at it*

Jo: Now I know how you healed so quickly. You used your super internet powers to make the disclaimer have all of your wounds.

Feith: Did not! I caused all of those wounds, not the stupid KeikoxYusuke fans!

*KeikoxYusuke fans glower at Feith in the corner*

Feith: I mean those wonderfully devoted KeikoxYusuke fans. Did I mention that all of you are absolutely marvelous guests?

*KeikoxYusuke fans continue to glower at Feith*

Feith: gulp!


Alright, when we last left our heroes, Hiro had just woken up Kuwabara with the most annoying song according to SeaMyth, "Good Mornin'". Due to the fact that this song is so annoying, I shall not post up its lyrics. If you wish to annoy someone with it, watch Singin' in the Rain. Okies, the adventure will begin shortly. First I have to figure out what to call SSHM without directly referring to her. Hmm, I know her AIM handle, her E-mail address, and her screenname on another website. How about Celeste? Okies, SSHM, you get to actually play a role in the story because you didn't like my original role for you. Though, of course, SSHM, I still get to control you! Muahahahahahahahah!


When Hiro woke up Kuwabara with "Good Mornin'", she woke up the whole group with (duh!) the exception of Hiei and Kurama, who were already awake and warned of such an occurrence (A/N: Well, actually, Hiei was out somewhere doing his own thing. Training, I think.). Kuwabara and Yusuke, being the two closest to Hiro, jumped about ten feet in the air from the sudden loud singing of an annoying song. Hiro laughed and asked, "Well, do you like your yolks runny or fully cooked?"

Surprised by this sudden questioning, Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at Hiro blankly. Hiro rolled her eyes and said, "I take it that you two never were morning people. I'm cooking eggs sunny-side-up; do you like your yolks runny or completely cooked?"

Yusuke replied, "I'll take them whichever way the majority votes."

Kuwabara answered, "Yeah, same here."

Hiro looked at them skeptically, and then shrugged, "Whatever floats your boat I guess. All the way cooked it is." She then started singing "Good Mornin'" again. For some odd reason, Hiro liked singing that song in the morning. Probably because it annoyed Kyoko to tears every time she heard such chipperness in the morning.

When everyone had finished their breakfast (A/N: Everyone likes to make Kurama cook. Actually, I did that too, but Hiro will probably end up doing half of the cooking whenever she's with Kurama, and all of the cooking when she isn't.), Hiro brought out the black wolf that wore the necklace that Sevra stole from Yoko. She gestured to the wolf and said, "This is Celeste, the quote unquote leader of the pack. Since there are five unbreakable glass thingamajiggers that we have to get rid of, I will be splitting up the group into two groups. One group will tackle the two in Ningenkai; the other one will tackle the two in Makai, and then we'll all meet in Reikai to take down the last one. Celeste will basically be the Ningenkai group's guide and I will be the guide for the group in Makai. Any questions?"

Kuwabara raised his hand and asked, "Yeah, what did you just say?"

Hiro sighed. She didn't really like it when people started acting like this whenever she was actually acting serious. Then she replied, "In general, you will be working with one other person plus Celeste to destroy or deactivate the unbreakable glass thingamajiggers in Ningenkai that are creating this bridge between the two worlds. Now, we've got one member of the Ningenkai team already chosen, so let's get at least one member for the Makai team chosen."

Hiei hn'ed and turned away. Kurama looked rather intrigued. To tell the truth, he was actually hoping that he would be one of the people that Hiro chose for the Makai team. Hiro thought for a moment or two and continued, "…And I believe that that person should probably be Mr. Grumpykins, since he seems most familiar with the whole layout of Makai. Now, we have to decide on compatibility of the members of the group. Egotist, you get to choose the other member of your team. Same goes for you, Mr. Grumpykins."

Hiei turned and gestured to Kurama, "I choose the fox for the other member."

Kuwabara glared at Hiei and said, "Well, that leaves me with Urameshi, you little runt. That means that I've got all of the power of this team on my side."

Hiei hn'ed and retorted, "I take it then that you didn't quite realize what Hiro meant when she described the items that we're supposed to destroy. They're made of unbreakable glass, thus meaning that you need some sort of intelligence in order to break them down."

Kurama took Hiro aside whispering in her ear, "There's something that I need to explain to you, Hiro."

Hiro jokingly complained, "Aww, and it was just starting to get good too," but she followed him.

When they got to a small clearing near the river, Kurama sighed and said, "Okay, you know when you said that Sevra could never compare to Yoko Kurama at thievery and I blushed? Well, I blushed because you complimented me."

Hiro gaped at him (A/N: Like this o.O) and asked, "How could I have complimented you? You're Shuichi Minamino, my best friend in school, not Yoko Kurama."

Kurama sighed again, "Okay, I see there is no way to convince you without doing this."

~Flashbacks in Kurama's POV~

~When Hiro inadvertently complimented Kurama~

(A/N: These are all arguments inside Kurama's head $words$ means Kurama %bladity% means Yoko)

%Please let me out. I could probably get her to like you%

$No, you'll only freak her out even more than she probably already is$

%Gee, she seems really freaked out right now. Seriously, she must be freaked out if she's holding a conversation with Kuwabara%

$That doesn't matter, she'll probably still be freaked out by the fact that her best friend in school is actually the greatest thief in all three worlds$

~When Hiro wore the dress~

%Now, you have to let me out%

$No, I still keep to my reasons the last time you asked$


$Alright, Yoko, I'm letting you out$

%Yay! Now, I get to tell her all of the wonderful thoughts that you have of her%

$Not to do that, but to convince her that you are me$

~Third Person POV~

A yellow energy seemed to cloud Kurama. When it dissipated, Yoko Kurama stood before Hiro. Hiro continued to gape (A/N: Now it's like this O.O); she slowly stuttered, "Umm, okay, stuck up, I believe you. You're Yoko Kurama, but I kinda heard that he wanted his mate to be Sevra, and no one else."

Yoko looked at her and smiled a smile that any other girl would've fainted at. Unfortunately for Yoko, Hiro never thought of people in that manner, so she just smiled back, still in shock. Yoko was confused by this reaction. It was the type of reaction that he got from Sevra when she first saw that smile. Well, actually, Sevra just glared at him. He then said, "I'll have regress back to Shuichi, but are you by any chance the reincarnation of Sevra?"

"Not that I know of, but then again, I used to believe that Yoko Kurama died about five years before Sevra. Now, I've found out that he is my best friend from school."

Yoko wanted to sweep her up in his arms, but Shuichi wanted control again. He willingly let it up; Hiro had given him something to think about. When Shuichi was finally back in control, Hiro commented, "I bet Yoko probably has slightly more dangerous fangirls then you do, stuck up."

"So, you're not freaked out?"

"No, just a little shocked is all."


Feith: Hah! I have found something to explain. Kurama explaining Yoko to Hiro.

Jo: So, you're going to turn it into a KuramaxHiro fic?

Feith: I just don't know. Part of me wants to make it a HieixHiro fic, but another part of me wants her to be with Kurama. Until then, she will probably develop feelings for them both. >.< I'm confusing myself. *runs off to go unconfused herself*

Jo: Good, stay that way. Additionally, for those of you who think that it would be funnier if Yusuke and Kuwabara wandered around with them. SSHM will probably annoy Hiro with complaints about having to put up with two idiots and one of them a weakling.

Kuwabara: See, Yusuke she called you a weakling.

Jo: Actually, I was referring to you.

Hiei: Hn, review, or she shall not update. Also, SSHM, review too. You can't get away with just reading it and commenting on it over the phone or through E-mail.