Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ A Serious Chapter ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Alright, we've got another chappie. Yay! Stupid spellchecker doesn't recognize the word yay.

Jo: Well, if you weren't such a horrible speller…

Feith: Take that back, Jo! I rarely ever misspell words!

Jo: Riiiight, and tell me again why you rarely ever make it to the actual competition of a spelling bee?

Feith: Shut up, Jo! I barely miss it, so you have no right to talk!

Kuwabara: Hah! Feith has never made it to a spelling bee competition!

Feith: Shut up, Kuwabara and read this piece of paper.

Kuwabara: *reads piece of paper* Due to a sudden change in ownership, Feith now owns YuYu Hakusho.

*KeikoxYusuke fans continue to glower at Feith*

Feith: *snatches piece of paper from Kuwabara's hand and adds something to it*

Kuwabara: Umm, Due to a sudden change in ownership, YuYu Hakusho now belongs to the KeikoxYusuke fans, not to FeithCaios.


I'm still trying to escape the KeikoxYusuke fans. Bribery isn't working, so do any of you have any ideas? Never mind, last time on Real Life Applications of the Bunny Hop, we met Celeste and we decided who the teammates were. Why did I do this? I have absolutely no clue. Additionally, Kurama explained to Hiro about Yoko, just in case Yoko ever has to come out. Now, the story must go on!


When all of the groups were organized (that horrible word, Ahhhh! The pain of organization!), Hiro, Kurama, and Mr. Grumpykins (*Hiei glares at Feith*)… er, Hiei set out on the path leading away from the Vale of Wolves. (BTW: While in the Vale of Wolves, Celeste healed Hiro and gave her a huge lecture.) They traveled in silence except when Hiro started singing random songs like "Make `Em Laugh" and "I Could've Danced All Night" (Sorry, I've been watching way too many musicals) until they got to a fork in the road. There, Hiei grunted and said sarcastically, "All right, guide, which way to we go?"

Hiro fingered her knife (Hahahah, I've decided to name it the Knife of Prophesy!) and looked in both directions before she sighed and replied, "That way," while pointing to the left.

Kurama seemed shocked by the choice of path. Little did Hiro know that they were heading straight for Yoko's favorite town. While they were wlking in that direction, Hiro stopped suddenly. In Celeste's voice, Hiro said, "Why did you leave me with two idiots, Mistress?"

Hiro replied in her normal voice, "Well, I can't change anything that's already been decided, have you found one of the unbreakable glass thingamajiggers?"

"No, but I did discover that one of them still hasn't figured out that you are indeed female. Additionally, I suggest you go with some sort of disguise because we have already been attacked by someone who was paid to kill you."

"Alright, alright, Celeste, I'll see what I can do." Then Hiro noticed Hiei and Kurama staring at her. Pulling out a hand mirror, Hiro covered her face with it and explained, "Although I do have all of the powers of Sevra, I still haven't gotten the hang of talking telepathically without speaking when talking to Celeste. She does have a rather dominate personality." When she pulled the mirror out from in front of her face, Hiro had short, brown hair and hazel eyes. Kurama gaped at her. He didn't know that she could do a little bit of shapeshifting. Glancing at Kurama's surprised expression, Hiro sighed and said, "Sevra learned a bit of the basic type of shapeshifting from you. Now, we should probably get moving."

~Short Break~

Feith: Welcome to another edition of Short Break. Today's subject shall be… I didn't think of one.

Hiei: What type of subject is that?

Feith: I don't know. It's just a random one.

Hiei: I'm picking the subject.

Feith: *tackles Hiei* Oh, no you're not. It would be all about bloodshed and death and icky stuff like that.

Hiei: *gets up* And, may I ask what's wrong with that?

Feith: Nothing, but I believe that we should provide slightly more intellectual topics like who's hotter Yoko or Shuichi?

Hiei: That's intellectual?

Feith: For a girl, it is.

Hiei: Hah, you just insulted yourself.

Feith: No, I didn't only a guy would think that discussing the hotness of guys is not intellectual. There are many factors that you have to consider when deciding how hot a guy is. For example, you have to take into consideration their personality. Based on personality, Shuichi is hotter than Yoko because he's a gentleman. Yoko is not as perverted as Yusuke, but he does have that side to him.

Hiei: *steals headphones from Jo and listens to them*

Feith: But then again you have to take into consideration actual looks, then Yoko would win because… *rambles on about factors of Hotness of guys*

Hiei: *ignores Feith*

Jo: Umm, now back to the story. *hits Feith on the head with a really big mallet*

~End of Short Break~
~With Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Celeste~

After Hiei, Kurama, and Hiro took off, Celeste opened a portal to Ningenkai and dragged Yusuke and Kuwabara through it. After traveling for a while Yusuke and Kuwabara got into an argument about something that Celeste deemed meaningless. While they were arguing, another mysterious attacker attacked (A/N: We're going to call him AMA for short, `kay?). Luckily for Celeste, AMA wasn't that bright. That's an understatement; AMA could've given Kuwabara a run for his money in the stupidity factor. He blindly shouted, "Give me the Mistress of Wolves and no one shall get hurt. I've got orders to kill her and anyone who tries to protect her."

Kuwabara, being the slow-minded person that he is, replied, "We don't have any lady with us, but we do have this female wolf."

AMA was confused by this statement. He asked, "Did you ever have a lady with you?"

"No, but we did once cross dress a guy that seemed to be like a lady."

Celeste laughed at this statement realizing that Kuwabara refused to admit that a girl could come anywhere close to acting like a guy. Yusuke simply performed his spirit gun attack and got rid of AMA. Celeste growled, "You two go figure out lunch and I'll contact Hiro."

Well, you know how it goes from there. After Celeste finished her conversation with Hiro, she turned to Yusuke and Kuwabara and growled, "If anyone asks, I'm your pet dog and not a wolf. Has all of that sunk into your puny little minds?"

Yusuke and Kuwabara mumbled, "Yes, ma'am."

~With the Ultimate Villain~

In the darkness, a tall, slender lady with green hair and brown eyes smirked. Scratching the head of a dark gray wolf with blue eyes, she whispered, "Soon the prophesy shall be fulfilled. The end of the Mistress of Wolves draws near. Soon, my dear friend, you shall get your mate and your life back. Soon…"

The wolf simply growled its impatience. Then the lady laughed, "Sevra, why so impatient? You know as well as I do that we must test this ningen that happens to have your powers." Again, the wolf growled, but this time with a slight whine.

"What if he falls in love with her? Well, then we'll have to make sure that she never returns his feelings, but now is not the time, Sevra, not when we do not know whether she can love or not." Growling, the wolf licked its jaws.

"Break her heart? Perhaps that would do, but again, now is not the time to mess with emotions or minds."


Feith: Man was that a really short chappie. Maybe I'm losing my touch in writing.

Jo: Then I get to take over the fics! Muahahahahahahahah!

Feith: No, actually, if I lose my touch, then you get to delete the fics.

Hiei: Then we no longer get tortured by these awful creatures that call themselves fanfic authors. Yeah, I think that you're losing your touch.

Feith: Need I remind you that without me, you have to go to either SSHM or SeaMyth.

Hiei: *hangs head* *mumbles* no, you don't have to remind me.

Feith: Okies, now review and I'll consider updating sometime soon. Otherwise, you'll just have to suffer. Also, I would like to thank CandyKrazy and SeaMyth and Minerva for reviewing. SSHM, I suggest that you review sometime soon. I know that you read it; I just don't have any proof and that is what I want.