Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ruler of Makai ❯ Heading Back With Trouble ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heading Back with Trouble
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1 week later in the park at midnight…
“Man, what's taking Kuwabara so long?!” Yusuke asked irritably.
“Hmm, when's that baka ever on time. I would say he would be late for his own funeral.” Hiei said in a bored tone.
At that moment Kuwabara and Shizuru had arrived, and he caught that last remark. “Hey, you better shut your trap, shorty! If you got something to say, say it to my face.” Kuwabara said while Yusuke and Kurama were holding him back.
Kurama sighed. He was tired of breaking up their childish bickering. “That's enough you two. At this rate we'll be here for a long time if you don't stop.” He was stressing the long part.
“Shizuru why were you and Kazuma late?” Yukina asked curiously.
Before Kuwabara could answer Shizuru did it for him. “Well, my baby brother forgot to ask someone to take care of his kitten. So we had to find someone at the last minute.” Shizuru said as she glared at a very nervous Kuwabara.
Yusuke laughed. “It figures that he would forget.”
“Man, shut up, Urameshi! You're one to talk. At least I don't forget about dates!” Kuwabara shot back.
“What you trying to say something? That's none of your business!” Yusuke sent back to Kuwabara.
“ENOUGH! If you're done talking, can we get on with our lives and go?” Genkai asked with impatience creeping into her voice.
“Yes, I believe we're ready. Hiei can you please open the portal, so we can depart?” asked Kurama.
“Hn” was all Hiei said.
Hiei opened the portal and passed through first to see if everything was clear. Then Yusuke, Kuwabara, and the girls went next. Kurama went last to watch the back of the group, but before he left he felt somebody or something watching him.
“Youko do you feel it?” he asked. “Yeah, it's seems that we're pretty popular with someone.” Youko said in a serious tone. “Then I suggest we get going and go alert the others.” Kurama added quickly.
He then leapt through the portal and crossed to the other side.
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After the group left…
“They're on the move Vixen, but I think the red-head suspects something.” Mist said in a hushed tone. She was carrying a device that allowed her to communicate back to the lair.
“It wouldn't matter if he suspects anything or not. In the end it won't matter the results will be the same. Report back to the lair. We still have planning to do for the entertainment at the ceremony. Don't worry about Yusuke I'll send out the boys to have a little `fun'. They'll give Yusuke's team a taste of what's to come.” Vixen said into the device.
“Alright then, I'm heading back now.” Mist answered as she disappeared into the night.
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In Makai…
After Kurama got out of the portal he went to go talk with Yusuke and Hiei. He then told them what had transpired in the human world. They decided to travel to Raizen's castle as soon as possible.
“Is there something wrong Hiei-san?” Yukina asked with worry in her voice.
Kuwabara heard this and got a little jealous. “I'll protect you Yukina. I won't let anything happen to you. Besides what can shorty here do?” Kuwabara asked in a loud haughty voice.
At this everyone's sweat dropped. Hiei rolled his eyes and pretended he didn't hear it. Hiei assumed his role at the head of the group.
They walked for what seemed to be like forever. During that time they talked and asked each other questions. One of the main questions was what did Keiko mean and where did she disappear to.
“I just can't believe Keiko would just get up and go like that without telling us why.” Yusuke said with an exasperated sigh.
Boton looked at him intently. “Maybe if you were nicer to her she wouldn't have left. I mean how could you have just said what you told us, and expect her to be okay with it.” She shouted while holding back her tears.
“I would suggest you lower your voice. I don't think we would want any unexpected company.” Hiei said in a stern voice, although he was still looking forward.
At that Boton shut her mouth and didn't say another word.
Genkai looked at the girls' sad faces. She knew that all of them missed her a lot, especially Yukina. Keiko bonded to all of them like a sister, and they all depended on each other when someone was having a problem. She knew what it felt like to lose someone like that.
“Boton, Yusuke is not to blame. I could even tell when she gave me the message that she wasn't even thinking about that.” Genkai said in a gentle tone.
“What could you tell about her that didn't seem right, Genkai?” Kurama asked when she was done.
“Oh, are we curious now, Shuichi?” Youko asked in a snide way. “When will you just drop this?I'm just trying to figure out what could have caused her to go.” Shuichisaid tiredly. “You're asking that so that youcan get a clue where she is and find her. Even I can see through this. Admit it,you like here, but you're toocowardly to admit it. I'm sure we can get her to feel the same way about us, too, ya know.” Youko stated.
At that point Kurama couldn't say anything. He knew Youko was right, and that he was worried about her. His train of thought was abruptly cut off when Genkai decided to answer his previous question.
“I don't know. It was hard, even for me, to tell what was going on in her head. To me she had a determined look on her face.” Genkai said.
“Considering the facts, if she does know about the kings she is a target for many demons, which mean she could be in danger.” Hiei told them.
Least to say everyone was shocked that Hiei actually spoke as if he cared. But then again everything was coming as a shock to them. They shook off their stupor and continued to walk.
“But, why wouldn't she tell us?” asked Yusuke.
Shizuru thought about it for awhile. “Maybe because you three,” as she pointed at Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei, “were always gone she didn't want to drag us into it.” Shizuru said.
“If that was true, wouldn't Koenma know?” Yukina asked.
Everybody looked at Boton. She then started to fidget under their intense gaze. “Koenma hasn't found any kind of disturbance since you guys left.” She said stuttering.
“That still doesn't change the fact that she could be in danger.” Yusuke said hotly.
At that no one could answer.
“I hope she is alright.” Yukina said in a soft voice that only demon ears could hear.
“I think you should start worrying about yourselves.” A voice said from the shadow.
As soon as they heard the voice everyone became alert. Yusuke and the others scanned their surroundings to find their “invisible” enemy. The guys and Genkai formed a circle around the girls to protect them.
“Show yourself you chicken!” Yusuke shouted.
“I don't think it's a good idea to taunt them, Yusuke.” Kurama said as his eyes continued to scan their surroundings.
“Youko do you sense anyone?” Shuichiasked. “Yeah, I can tell, but there's three of them not just one. By the smell of things one of them is a kitsune, though.” Youko replied with a growl. “Three? Alright then, it shouldn't be too bad.” Shuichi said. He then shifted his attention to the shadows.
At that moment three tall figures emerged from the shadows in front of them.
“I don't think it's appropriate for you to address your betters that way.” Replied the man cloaked in silver. The man dressed in black on his right chuckled and the man on the opposite side dressed red remained silent.
Hiei growled at them. “Who are you and what business do you have here?” he yelled.
The man in black replied, “Our business is to eliminate you!”
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