Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 20

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: R


Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the YuYu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 20

Kurama groaned as the sunlight hit his eyes ad he slowly opened them to find out where he was. All he saw was a rocky ceiling and some jagged rock formations seemed to fall toward him. He felt that he was laid on a piece of fabric to try and make him comfortable but he felt the rocky floor under him. His sharp, sensitive ears heard the occasional drip of water hitting a surface. He was in a cave, a very dark one in fact for he could hardly see his hand in front of his face. How long had he been out? How did he get here? Last thing he remembered was trying to help Kuronue out of the bamboo trap. At the thought of his old friend a sudden pain clutched at his chest and he reached dup to grip his chest, crumbling the fabric under his sharp nails.

Kurama closed his eyes and sudden flash of Kuronue's face appeared behind his eye lids. His best friend was dead. Why did it have to be him? He was the only caring person in the Makai that actually gave a damn about something other then who the next victim was. Kuronue didn't care about jewels and death, like all the other demons. He just cared if his friends were going to make it out of a heist in one piece and that everybody got a fair share. Out of all the demons that had to die, it didn't have to be him.

Kurama even remembered how they first meet. It was stupid. Kuronue was arrogant, stupid, and a total nutcase back then. Kurama gave a slight laugh. In fact, he hadn't changed much. He had still been a total nut case.


Kurama sat in his field as he watched the wind play with the flowers. Today was actually a pretty good day; he had caught a rabbit before some Makai dog did and found the guy who stole his purse last week. Believe him the youkai didn't live long. Now he had plans to relax and enjoy being with his flowers before he raided a potential salary.

Kurama's ears gave a slight flick at the sound of rustling in the brush. Someone was coming. Someone had the audacity to invade his territory! Seems they were either very brave or very stupid. Sending his thoughts toward his pets he ordered them to capture the demon who invaded his privacy. He wanted them to know who killed them.

He smiled when he heard a yell and walked toward the tree line to find a chimera with black hair and indigo eyes hanging from the vines of a particularly old spruce tree. A ridiculously old, ragged black hat had fallen from his head to land on the ground.

"What are you doing in my territory," asked Kurama glaring at the intruder.

"Oh, this is your territory?" said the chimera. "I heard that Youko Kurama lives around here. You wouldn't happen to know him, would you? I sure would like to meet him."

Kurama looked at the chimera like someone hit him with a stupid stick. This youkai didn't know who he was? Everyone knew what Youko Kurama look like at first sight. It was how he kept his reputation; kill a few demons but leave one or two alive to tell who killed them.

Kurama glared at the demon and walked toward him.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" he asked and the chimera shrugged.

"If I did I wouldn't ask." Kurama laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. This demon was sincere! He didn't even recognize Kurama.

"Hey? Hey! What's so funny?!" yelled the chimera as he swung from the vine, trying to get down. "Is it my face? My hat? Or me swinging from this tree? What's so funny?!"

"You are," laughed Kurama. "I'm Youko Kurama! Everyone knows who I am!"

The chimera looked at Kurama and gave a huge goofy grin. He held out his hand, a little awkward from being upside down, to Kurama.

"Hi," he said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kuronue. Kimera Kuronue"

Kurama looked at Kuronue then at the hand held out toward him. He shook it, grinning a little.

"Kurama," he said, just to be polite. After they shook hands Kuronue looked around.

"Ugh, can you let me down now?" he asked and Kurama laughed again.

*End Flashback*

Kurama looked dup when he heard a scuffling on the rocks and looked around as best as he could through the dark cave. It would help if he could see! Wait, he was a fox, of course he can see in the dark. He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again, immediately the dark brightened and he could see what was in front of him. A figure was walking toward him, but he couldn't make it out who it was for a small fire was too bright to see the person. A slight breeze blew in and he caught the sent of pine, ash, and sweat, and smiled. It was Hiei. He had been scared it was another demon to catch him unawares.

"Hiei, put that out, please," he said. "It's hurting my eyes."

Hiei grunted and put out the fire in her hand and waited till Kurama adjusted again for the dark before she put the wood she gathered into a tepee position and light it. The scuffling Kurama heard was a large Makai rat being dragged along the floor. Kurama guessed it was dinner.

"Hiei," he said and the fire demon looked up from skinning the animal, "Thank you, for saving me."

"Hn, just don't think the dept's repaid," she said looking back at the skinning. "It'll be repaid when I say it is."

"Wait, if you saved me, then why didn't you save Kuronue!" yelled Kurama. "You could have saved him!"

"He didn't want to be saved." Hiei skewered the animal on a stick and set it over the fire. Kurama glared angrily at the fire demon as she silently work.

"Who the fuck are you to decide if someone lives or dies!" he yelled. "Kuronue was alive when we left him! We could have still saved him!"

"He said it himself!" yelled Hiei. "He didn't want to be saved. If he did, he would have done it himself."

Kurama growled and was silent as the meat cooked and Hiei cleaned her katana. She was right, much as he hate to admit it. But how can someone so much younger then he know so much? Hell, he didn't even know where she came from, just that she was a mercenary, one of the best, started her career in that bar in the other side of Makai. Yes, he remembered her. Spiteful wench she was. But he knew nothing about her past. Well, couldn't hurt to ask.

"Hey, Hiei," said Kurama laying on his side and watched as the flames danced. "Where you come from? You're always so cold toward people. Like some Koorime Ice Maiden. Why?"

Hiei cringed at the mention of the Koorime and Kurama looked up worriedly at his friend. What happened between her and the Koorimes? Bad run in? Stole one of their tear gems?

The thought sent Kurama back to when he bought Hiei from the slavers. Kurama didn't have a way to pay for her and she gave him a pure black pearl like gem. It was a hiruiseki stone, he just knew it. But where did Hiei get it. Hiei said she made it, but how?

"Hiei, you don't like the Koorime much. Why?"

"Hate'em," she said in a gruff voice cutting a slice of the rat off and threw it toward Kurama. Kurama caught it and started chewing on the rat jerky.

"Why?" he asked again.

"Many reasons," she said eating her own piece of jerky. "Chased me off. Killed my mother. Separated me from my sister."

"You have a sister?" he asked. "What's her name?"

"Yukina, my twin" she said. Why was she talking to him? She hated men. They were defile! They were murderous! But somehow, she couldn't bring herself to hate Kurama, or his friends. She knows that they'll stab her in the back someday, but somehow she can't turn them down. Why?

"What she look like?" asked Kurama.

"She has teal hair, tied in a ponytail with a red hair ribbon, and red eyes like mine. She wears a blue kimono. She's a sweet girl, never harmed anybody. She doesn't like to fight."

As Hiei was describing her sister, Kurama had a flash of memory from a few months past came into his mind. A young Koorime girl taking care of him while he had been hurt. Her kindness and her teal colored hair dubbed her the name, for him, . . .

"Blue Bonnet," said Kurama silently. Hiei looked up at him with a surprised face. "I met her. She healed me when I was hurt. You're part Koorime?"

"You've seen her?" Hiei was immediately on her feet and grabbed Kurama's tunic. "Where? When? Was she hurt?"

"I was the one hurt, baka hiyoukai!" yelled Kurama. "And she was fine. I saw her a few months ago towards Pine's End. No good now. She's probably long gone."

Hiei let go of Kurama and sat down on the floor next to the kitsune. Well, at lease she knew Yukina was alive a few weeks ago. But she was still alive know. She couldn't explain it, but she felt there was a kind of connection between her sister and her. Like that saying "blood thicker then water" or some shit. Hopefully she'll find Yukina soon.

"You're a Koorime," repeated Kurama and Hiei nodded.

"Yeah, but they kicked me out."


"Well, look at me!" Hiei looked straight at Kurama and glared at the silver fox. "They only reason they kept me for so long was they were hoping that I had ice powers like them! But I don't! I'm a freak! I don't belong anywhere!"

"You belong here," said Kurama placing a hand on Hiei's shoulder. "There are others just like you."

"Where?" scuffed Hiei stabbing the ground with a stick. "I see no other Forbidden Childs here. There are no other Koorime fire demons high breeds. I'm the only one."

"How about Yusuke? You think he's the only one of his kind?"

"What about Yusuke? He's a demon, pure and simple."

"Actually, he's half demon. His mother was a human. When he found out his demon heritage, he wanted to embrace it and ran away from Ningenkai. He came here."

Hiei looked at Kurama with a shocked/surprised look. Yusuke was only half demon? Well, it explained how he can be so caring.

"Is that why you were so cold towards people," asked Kurama nudging Hiei playfully. "Because you're Koorime? Hell, I don't care if you're Koorime or a Warg. You're my friend, and I won't abandon you."

"Really?" asked Hiei and Kurama nodded.

"Really, really."


-Kimera=Chimera (I figured it would be a good last name for him, since that was what he was.)

Shorter then last time, but I got a sort of writer's block on this chapter. Hope you like it anyway!

Thankies to . . .





Raging Pheonix

jus Kita



Dark Raven Hiei's girl

The Chaotic Ones


black fire angel