Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 25

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.


Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Violence and some profanity


 Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.


Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter XXV


Kurama had an extra day before the last contest and he spent it trying to figure out a away to beat his half brother, Azumamaro. Both had the same father but different mothers. Kurama's mother was a silver kitsune from the silver tribe and Azumamaro's mother was a gold, and bother powers were different too. Azumamaro inherited his mother's power of fire and Kurama got their father's plant abilities. And defiantly not like Kimiko's ice powers. Fire destroys all.


The morning of his extra day he walked away from the encampment and laid in a meadow to think. How was he going to beat fire? Foxfire for that matter. Next to hottest flame in all the worlds. The hottest was dragon fire and nobody possessed that anymore. He could use his Salamander plant like he did with Kimiko but that wouldn't work. Azumamaro would just burn the plant. His ice plants? No, they would melt without touching him.


His thought somehow stopped with his half brother and went to a certain fire demon. Hiei. Somehow Kurama didn't like being away from the fire Koorime for too long. It made this jittery feeling in his stomach and a hurtful pain in his chest. Why is it that he was thinking if Hiei now instead of his next match? Was it because he missed the hermaphrodite? No, Kurama didn't miss anybody, even Kimiko when he left and they did everything together as kits. There were best friends, but now he was thinking about someone he bought without meaning to. Someone he'd known for about a year. What was wrong with him?


Maybe something happened to Hiei while he'd been gone. Maybe she'd been captured, or killed. Kurama hissed at the thought. If Hiei was killed, what would he do? He had gotten used to having the fire Koorime watching his back and with the child like face of hers she had a nose for trouble. Kurama snickered. Hiei would defiantly hurt him is she heard that last comment, but Kurama couldn't help noticing his friend's form. Tight compact bodies in both forms, powerful chest in male and small perfectly shaped breasts in female. And both forms had powerful legs, broader in male and slim in female. Kurama couldn't believe how both forms were so alike. It was uncanny. Most hermaphrodites had different colored hair or eyes but Hiei, that one stayed the same in both forms. Maybe it was because of her Koorime/fire demon heritage but Kurama wasn't sure.


A snap to his right make him jump, grabbed his Rose Whip, and snapped it in the direction he heard the sound in. a fox like yelp made him stop from slicing and dicing the intruder and Kimiko walked out of the bushes with Byakko behind her, rubbing her sour tail.


"Give a girl a warning next time, would you?" she said and looked down at her tail. "You got fur!"


"Gomen nasai," said Kurama putting the Rose Whip away. "I thought you were . . ."


"Azumamaro and the hanyous?" she finished. "Nah, like I'd get near them. Give me rabies or something."


They both laughed and Kimiko sat down next to her brother, Byakko lying between them. Kurama scratched the wolf behind the ears and Byakko's tail thumped on the ground. Kurama missed staying with his family. Through his other siblings were not there, he didn't mind. The others were always off somewhere.


"Have you figured out how to defeat him," asked Kimiko and Kurama shook his head. "He'll kill you."


"It's against the rules," said Kurama through he wasn't surprised by his sister's statement.


"Think he cares?" asked Kimiko and Kurama looked at the ground. A single rose blossom stood a few feet away, half drooping from not enough sun light in the shade of a nearby tree, and the cold autumn weather. Petals had already fallen from its stem but two remained, battling each other to stay in the small breeze.


"Otousama didn't make the rules for sibling rivalry," continued Kimiko. Kurama continued to listen to her, "but to see who the smartest and quickest thinking was. This Tribunal isn't won unless someone you can look up to can take care of the kitsune tribe stands. Someone who cares about the well being of the people, who the people listen to the most, and is the wisest in ruling the kitsune kingdom. Inari's name has been passed down for seven generations or more, starting with the first Inari who united the warring tribes and was passed down fro successor to successor to keep us united. It is not Azumamaro who deserves that title, it is you."


"You really believe I can defeat him?" asked Kurama. "He wields fire! Foxfire! What can I do against fox fire?"


"Inari-sama never showed you this," said Kimiko reaching in her pocket. "He didn't think you were ready. Now he has given you permission to use his golden rose from his personal garden."


She brought out a seed but it was different from the ones Kurama had. It was golden and shone brightly in the brightly light sun. Kurama could feel the spirit energy from it. It was so strong Kurama was hesitant to take it.


"Otousama gave this to me to give to you," continued Kimiko placing the seed on a rock. "Whether you use it is up to you. It takes a great deal of Spirit Energy to use the Golden Rose, and even I am not strong enough."


"And he thinks I am?" asked Kurama.


"He believes you are. Question is, do you?"


Kurama looked up from the seed and looked back to the rose bush, to the single rose. The two small petals were still battling to stay on the small stem. Was this his fate? To become the next ruler of the kitsunes? He had always liked the life he led, care free and no rules. But if he won, he would have to learn how manage the kingdom, and never see his friends again, never see Hiei again. Could he do that?


A strong wind blew across the meadow and a petal fell from the stem, leaving one standing.




The next day the arena was packed with kitsunes from all the tribes, segregated by their colors. They screamed out the competitors names for cheers or taunts. The gold and silver were in particular the loudest, each cheering for its own champion or taunting the other. Kimiko was the loudest of the silvers with Byakko beside her, cheering for her brother.


Inari stood up and immediately the arena fell silent as everyone looked up at the silver fox king. Beside him was the tribe leaders of each kitsune tribe, sitting on a chair beside him colored in the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green blue, purple, white, silver, grey, and black.; with Inari in the middle of them. Each, like Inari, was title after the color the represented and watched the battles without favoritism and melancholy.


"My people," said Inari. "Today, with this last round, my name shall be passed on by one who's that it true, whose spirit is independent of one's own needs, and whose wisdom and kindness does unmatched by all. today, two of my children have put aside blood kin and fight each other in a match that would decide the future of the kitsune race. The challengers are Azumamaro of the Zoku Kogane." When Inari called his name Azumamaro walked onto the ring, his gold armor glowed brightly in the sun. The gold, along with some of the other colors, cheered for the gold fox. "And Kurama of the Zoku Shippou." Kurama walked into the ring and the silver tribe, along with more then half the other tribes, cheered for the silver kitsune, but Kurama didn't hear them. He locked his gold eyes to the matching ones of his half brother. Here was the reason he came. To prove to his younger brother that eldest was smartest.


Kimiko whooped for her brother when he walked out.


"Go, Kurama-oniisan!" she yelled and Byakko gave a long loud howl that echoed through the stadium. Kurama stood right at Azumamaro as he half listened to Fujiko retell the rules.


"Okay, guys," she said. "The last match is Kurama versus Azumamaro! The rules are the same. You must be the last one standing in the ring after a ten second count. If you are down after the count you lose the match. If you are outside of the ring for more then ten seconds you lose the match. Any weapon and attack can be used but no killing is allowed. If one is harmed severely the match will have a time out for Healers to repair the damage. The referee, that's me, cannot be used as a shield, hostage, or blackmail throughout the match. This match has no time limit!


"Everybody ready?" The crowds roared ands he raised her hand. "Begin!" she yelled sweeping her hand in an arc and a bell rang. Immediately Azumamaro charged at Kurama, a fire ball in his hand. Kurama knew his half brother well. Azumamaro never relied on weapons of any sort, unlike Hiei, but his pure power to win a match. Kurama quickly dodged away from the fire attack and charged at Azumamaro. The fire fox threw fire balls at Kurama but the silver fox dodged them and tackled Azumamaro to the ground. The two rolled in the ring trying to dislodge the other.


"Wow," said Fujiko. "Our two fighters are duking it out like ningens in a bar fight! A fight of power has now become a fight of strength!"


The two foxes rolled out of the ring and Fujiko started the ten counts. Kurama was under the gold, trying to keep his brother's sharp nails from his neck.


"Just give up, Kurama," said Azumamaro. "I'm stronger. Surrender to me."


"Fuck you," spat Kurama through gritted teeth and bit Azumamaro in his arm. The gold fox screamed and tried to take his arm away but Kurama continued to bite till his fangs meet bone and a coppery taste floated in his mouth. He let go of Azumamaro and kicked the other off, scrambling to the ring as Fujiko got to the seventh count, the fire kitsune behind him.


"First blood," snickered Azumamaro. "I kill those who hurt me."


"I kill those who annoy me," growled Kurama.


"Oh, so sorry. I'll try to be a little less annoying!"


Azumamaro charged at Kurama with his fist raised and wrapped in hot flames.


"Foxfire Punch!" yelled Azumamaro. Kurama dodged the punch and rocks flew around them. Kurama jumped from rock to rock, forcing them harder down at his half brother. Azumamaro dodged them all and jumped to tackle Kurama, but the silver fox let gravity take over his body and he fell to the ground. Kurama reached in his hair and brought out his rose.


"Your Rose Whip?" laughed Azumamaro. "Think that'll work against a fire fox?"

Kurama didn't say anything and just growled at the fire fox. Azumamaro charged at Kurama again and the silver one stood where he was.


"I'll tear you apart with my bear claws!" yelled Azumamaro flexing his nails and raised his hand high.


"Not today you won't!" said Kurama and the ring filled with smoke. Azumamaro stopped in his tracks and stood in the middle of the smoke fill ring. Fujiko made her comment.


"The ring is completely filled with smoke," she said. "I can not see a thing! Can someone please tell me what's going on?"


Azumamaro was completely silent as he listened for a sound from his half brother. He didn't hear anything. Whatever was the silver fox doing? Where was he hiding? Bastard, he'd kill him.


"Rose Bow and Arrow!" yelled Kurama and Azumamaro felt something go through his side. He gasped at the pain and looked down to see a barbed arrow showing from under a joint where his armor meets the next piece.


"Play rough, do you?" growled Azumamaro incinerating the plant and gathered fox fire in his hands. "So shall I! Volcanic Explosion!"


Azumamaro threw the ball of fire at a thick cloud of fog and it set of a chain reaction throughout the ring. Fire rushed everywhere and spectators had to take cover in their seats to not get burned. Kimiko brought up a shield of ice to protect her and Byakko.


Kurama, unfortunately, wasn't so lucky. He took the full force of the explosion and was thrown from the ring, cracking into the wall of the side lines. Azumamaro laughed as Fujiko did the ten count. Smoke and rubble still covered where Kurama landed.


"Just give up, Kurama," he said. "You know I am more powerful then you."


"Nine!" yelled Fujiko. "Te . . .Huh?" Fujiko stopped midcount when the pile of rocks exploded and next second Kurama swung a punch at Azumamaro. The gold fox dodged and counter with a fire ball, sending Kurama half way across the ring.


"Face it, Kurama," said Azumamaro as Kurama struggled up. The blow of the other kitsune's Volcanic Explosion damaged him greatly and Kurama didn't know if he could stand up. "I'm better then you!"


"No," said Kurama reaching in his hair again. "I am." He brought out the seed of the Golden Rose and transformed it into a whip. This one was different then his. It was gold in color and the thorns were sharper then his was. Azumamaro bristled when he saw it.


"Father's rose!" he gasped. "How did you get it?!"


"A gift," coughed Kurama. He wasn't seriously hurt but he suspected a punctured lung. "From our dear sire."


"Give it!" yelled Azumamaro and charged at Kurama. The silver kitsune just glared at the gold and the other stopped dead in his tracks unable to move.


"I can't move!" he cried. "Why can't I move?"


"To know the answer," said Kurama, "check your arm."


Azumamaro glanced down at the arm Kurama had bitten him earlier. Vines and leaves wrapped around it and moved around to eat at his skin.


"The Death Plant?" breathed Azumamaro. "But how . . ."


"The answer is simple. I stuck the seed between my teeth before the match started. I originally planned to use this." He holds up the rose. "But I do not need the help of Father to beat the likes of you. I just need to use it to wait till it developed fully."


"But Killing's against the rules!" yelled Azumamaro.


"Do not worry. I just put in enough to put you in a coma for a while. Farewell, dear brother."


No one said a word as Azumamaro collapsed on the ring floor and Fujiko did the ten count. On the last count the ending bell rang.


"And the winner is Kurama, of the Zoku Shippou!"


The crowd screeched and the silver tribe flooded onto the arena floor, Kimiko and Byakko in the lead. The parted as Kurama walked to the dais where Inari and the tribe leaders sat.


"Youko Kurama, son of my blood and of the Zoku Shippou. You have won the right of being heir to the thrown I've held for over a thousand years. You have fought brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews to come here. And now the greatest challenge is what I'm about to ask you. Do you accept the position of Inari when I die?"


Kurama stared at his father as the whole stadium went quiet to hear his answer. Can he be Inari? Can he take care of the people he left so long ago? Leave his friends, his life he had lead for over four hundred years? Leave Hiei?


Kurama felt another pain in his chest when he thought about the fire Koorime. Hiei would be furious with him if he accepted. The little Jaganshi would search all the Makai for him till he was found. And Kurama would miss her.


But, on the other hand, if he didn't accept Azumamaro would the leadership. Could he put his people through his half brothers malice and terrine? Was he really that cold hearted?


"The path that has been set out for you has two crossroads," said Niiro.


"To accept or not is your choice," said Orenji.


"We do not blame you for turning it down," said Kiiro.


"But we wish for you to accept," said Midoriiro.


"One road leads to a free life, without ruler and without responsibility," said Aoi.


"The other road leads to ruler and responsibility," said Muraski


"The choice is yours to make," said Shiroi.


"Fate is what we make it," said Gurei


"Youko Kurama of the Silver Tribe," said Shippou.


"Do you accept the responsibility of being the Ianri?" asked Kagone


"I do," said Kurama and the silvers cheered. "With Kimiko as my Head Regnet."

Everyone stopped cheering and looked dumbfounded at Kurama. The silver fox turned back to his father.


"I need to know the other side of this world," he said. "How they go through their daily lives. And to do that I will need to live the life I lead before coming here, with my sister taking care of matters in my stead."


Inari nodded and raised his hands.


"Pay head to you future king!" he said. "He ahs spoken words I would have not said. He plans ahead for the future to come, and for that he is the wisest then years now. May the first Inari bless him on his quest for knowledge and wisdom. All hail Kurama!"


"Kurama! Kurama! Kurama!" chanted the silvers. Soon every color joined in and yelled the name of their future king. Kurama held out the Golden Rose to Inari.


"I have no need for this," he said. "I am independent of you, and of myself. I believe I am strong enough to use it but I wish not to, for it would mean counting on you more then myself."


"The Golden Rose would have obeyed you, Kurama," said Inari. "You are strong enough to wield it, in heart and in spirit. It was not to be used unless a time of great need, for it is mearly a symbol of my office in the kitsune race. It is yours now, and will come to you when you are needed here again." The Golden Rose transformed back into a seed to be placed back into Inari's hand.


"Go now, my son," said Inari, "and learn where fate takes you."


Kurama nodded and walked down the dias, his sister Kimiko helping him and the kitsunes cheering his name.




- The tribe leaders names were in order of the rainbow and color; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, grey, black, silver, and gold.


Sorry to take so long on the update but like I said, fight scenes are not my forte. I hope it was good enough to keep all of you guys there happy!