Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 30

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.
Ryuusei no Solitude
By: Koritsune Dragonrider
Rating: PG
Warning: n/a
Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the YuYu Hakusho series.
Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!
Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara
Chapter XXX
She ran down the hallway faster then the guards could see her, knocking down anyone in her path. The house looked like a mansion but none she had seen in Makai. The walls were white and pictures of humans were on the walls in picture frames. Human guards were at every corner that she saw. Throughout the mansion she felt a faint familiar signature that made her heart and breathe skip a beat.
Opening a door at the far end of the hallway she stopped where she was at the sight of a familiar face.
“Yukina,” she gasped. The teal haired ice maiden looked up at her with a saddened face and hurt filled eyes. Eyes that looked like they had given up on hope.
“Hiei-ane,” she said softly. “Help me.”
“Yukina, where are you?” she asked.
“Help me,” she said again. Under the sleeves of her kimono she spotted burn marks on the teal haired girl's arms.
“Yukina,” she yelled before she blacked out.
Hiei turned her eyes away from the light that flashed through the door as it opened to the brightness of the torches outside. She gently, rolled away to a dark corner on the rough ground to hide from the light till her newly sensitive eyes got used to it, then looked up to see one of the guards steering down at her.
“After a month you're still sniveling on the floor, are you,” he said. She turned her head and looked at the wall.
“Can't say I blame you,” continued the guard. “It's all you're good for. You're food, for the day.” He threw down a small loaf of bread and a canteen down at her. Her ears echoed with the sound of the slam of the door. She crawled over to the food and started eating it. She didn't really taste the clumps of flour or the mold that grew on it. After a month of being locked in the cell after she refused Yomi her scraps and cuts had gotten worse. The guards and some servants found every opportunity they could to torment her and hurt her further. She never fought back which made the taunts got bigger, but she took it with a blank stare and stayed her ground.
After her imprisonment she never spoke a word to anyone. When guards come and question her on whether she was a spy for another lord or a rebel for assassination she doesn't answer, knowing that either answer would get her killed. She didn't react to any interrogation methods they had used, but she suspected they enjoyed her screaming more then the process of extracting information. Almost her entire body was covered in burns, cuts and bruises. She lost sight in one eye and hearing in one ear. None of her bones were broken, but her ankle has been badly sprained for the past two weeks and it hurt her to walk.
Her clothes were in no better shape. Her dancer outfit was replaced by rags and old moccasins for her feet. The clothes barely kept out the drafts from the late autumn air. She huddled in the darkest corner for most the day and night for warmth. Throughout her imprisonment she held no hope of escaping.
“Of course you won't escape,” said a voice. Hiei looked up to find teal hair and bright blue eyes looking angrily down at her. “You weren't even supposed to live.”
“Sanae?” she said softly, mouth hurting too much to speak.
“Of course it's me, stupid,” said the Koorime girl. “Who else would waste their time with scum like you? You're not even supposed to be here! You're a half-breed!”
“Seriously, what were the elders thinking,” said another voice and Hiei looked up to see Chisa. “They should have known what you were from the start. I mean your hair and eyes were a dead giveaway, but no. You were a girl, so they decided to keep you. What a joke.”
“Go away,” she said softly, holding her eyes against the rants of her former best friends.
“We'll never go away,” they said loudly. “We'll stay here till the day you die!”
“Mama!” she yelled and started crying, her tears turning into small black pearls. “Mama!”
“I'm here, musume,” said a comforting voice and Hiei looked up to see her mother sitting next to her. “I'll always be here.”
“I'm all alone, Mama,” she said cradling her head on her mother's lap. “I'm alone.”
“You're never alone, Hi-chan,” said her mother. “I'm always with you.”
“But I'll never get out,” said Hiei. “I'll never find Yukina and be together again. I've failed you, mother.”
“Oh, my little fire starter,” said Hina comfortingly. “You'll get out. You still have friends and they're looking for you. They haven't given up.”
“But they don't know where I am,” she said.
“They'll find you. That's all you need to think about.”
“They will?”
“Of course and look who came with me.”
Hiei looked up to find a face very familiar to her mothers but with eyes as blood red as her, but brighter and filled with happiness.
“Yukina,” she breathed. “You're here.”
“Of course I'm here, ane,” said the small Koorime. “I know you'll find me someday. You'll do fine.”
“I'm tired.”
“Go to sleep, little one,” said Hina. “We'll stay with you.”
Hiei nodded and fell to sleep.
Kanna quickly walked down the hallway and turned a corner, hoping no one saw her. Opening up a door she checked to see if anyone followed her and quickly went inside. The room was full with beds from corner to corner on both sides and another room in the back, separated by a curtain hung above the door.
“Koga? Meko?” she called softly pulling back the curtain. “Are you here?”
“Where else would we be?” asked Meko. “We could get caught.”
“It's for a friend,” said Koga. He had a bag in his hand and a picnic basket in the other.
“And how am I to hide those?” asked Kanna. “They won't let me in with those in my hands.”
“I'm the guard on duty when you drop them off,” said Meko. “Which starts in about five minutes so I better split.” And he hurried out the door.
“You guy's really thought this out didn't you,” asked Kanna.
“Anything to help a friend,” said Koga. Kanna smiled at him and gave his rough cheek a quick kiss.
“Arigato, Koga-kun,” she said. Grabbing both items they hurried out of the room and towards the dungeons. Hurrying past the guards they made it to the dungeon door where Meko was waiting for them patiently.
“Guys, I can only get you guys ten to fifteen minutes,” he said unlocking the door. “Any longer and I'll be sent to the whipping stand.”
Both cringed at the mention of the stand and hurried inside. It was easy to find which cell was the one they were looking for it was in the far back. Yomi only sent servants to be punished there so the fear would sink into them for life. Even Kanna had been in there more then once. And it was an event she wished to forget.
“You ready,” asked Koga and Kanna nodded. Koga opened the door.
Hiei cringed away from the bright light that came from the suddenly opened door and crawled further into her corner. Two times in one day? They usually visited her once a week to throw food and water on her. Now she'd have to listen to more sneers from the guards this time.
“Hiei,” exclaimed a voice and she opened her eyes.
“Mama? Yukina??” she said in a harsh whisper. The lacks of proper meals had left her throat rough and soar. Even speaking those two words left her in a coughing fit before she could stop it.
“Easy, little one,” said Koga and reached into his leather bag. “Here drink this. It should help your throat.”
“She must be see things,” said Kanna. “Easy there, fire sister. It's us, Kanna and Koga.”
“Here drink this,” said Koga. “It'll make you feel better.”
Hiei immediately took the small cup from the rhino demon and drank it down in one great gulp. She immediately regretted it when she coughed again and this time spat a lump of mucus into the other corner. Her throat felt better after that.
“Wow, can you hawk a loogy,” said Kanna.
“Makai healing herbs have a great effect on most minor illnesses,” said Koga. “Let's see to those cuts.”
“They're not that bad,” said Hiei, her voice coming out stronger then when she first spoke to them.
“Still, let's see them,” said Koga and Kanna helped him lift up the small ragged dress to see to her wounds. Hiei managed to suppress a blush at someone looking at her, but not the yelp when he poked a wound to see how sensitive it was.
“This is bad,” he said.
“How bad,” asked Kanna. Ever since they took Hiei away she had been worried about her friend and whether she would eve survive the evenings. Winter was coming and the cells in the dungeons were the coldest places in the castle. Very few people were able to survive the winter in their cells.
“Well, the cuts are more severe then I realized but I should be able to fix them up,” said Koga. “Kanna, why don't you give some food to Hiei while you're at it?”
“All right.” Kanna gave Hiei the food as Koga mended the multiple wounds on Hiei's body. He took tremendous care to her lower regions but Hiei didn't feel a thing due to the alcohol that she had consumed. When Koga was done they gave a quick good bye and left as quickly as they came.
“It's worse then you said, isn't it,” asked Kanna as soon as they made it to Meko's post.
“How is she?” he asked when they walked through.
“Not good,” said Koga. “She's suffering from depleted energy. Without it she won't be able to keep herself warm. She's have hallucinations and of course malnourished. But that's not the worst of it.”
“What could be worse?” said Kanna in a harsh whisper.
“She has pneumonia,” said Koga and looked back into the cell room. “She won't survive next week's blizzard.”
Kanna groaned and sank into Meko's abandoned chair as the cat demon fiddled with his tail nervously.
“What can we do,” he asked hopefully.
“Nothing, with the medicines I have here,” said Koga. “She needs a real healer, and fast.”
Shizuru walked down the hall, guards and servants avoiding her. Word got around quickly over the few weeks that she had been in Hajime's caravan. She had became one of the few good slavers in the business, easily catching a cat demon and a Toushin. Now she could find what she was looking for without anyone looking over her shoulder.
She heard indistinct talking coming down a hallway and slowly get louder. She quickly hides behind a pillar as two apparitions appear from the hallway. Waiting for them to leave she nearly hit her head when a familiar name came up.
“But if we don't soon, Hiei will die,” said a woman's voice.
“Well there's nothing I can do here,” said a rough male voice.
“I can't just stand by and watch my friend die,” the girl half yelled, careful to not draw attention to them.
“Maybe not,” said a voice and both looked over at the pillar and Shizuru walked into view.
“Who are you,” asked Kanna.
“She's the new slaver in Hajime's caravan,” said Koga. “Shizuru.”
“Right, but I'm here for something more then slaves,” Shizuru said. “I'm actually looking for a friend of mine.”
“Wait, I remember Hiei telling me about a cat demon named Shizuru and her brother Kuwabara,” said Kanna. “Said he was a real idiot.”
Shizuru gave a small chuckle. “That's Hiei,” she said. “Our group has been looking for her for months.”
“So you're here to rescue her,” asked Kanna.
“Hai, with your help,” said Shizuru. “That is if you will.”
“We will, on one condition,” said Koga.
“What is that?” asked Shizuru.
“You take me, Koga, and another friend with you,” said Kanna. Shizuru scratched her head and looked hurriedly around nervously.
“I'm going to have to check up on that,” she said. “But I'll let you know when my boss makes a decision.”
“Fair enough,” said Kanna and both she and Koga walked away.
“Damn,” cursed Shizuru. “Now what am I going to tell Kurama?!”